Re: [Debconf-team] DC15 - Sprints during DebCamp (and DebConf)

2015-01-19 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hello dc-team, I take off my Chairs hat now, please read the following lines as my own PoV. On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 04:23:00PM +0100, Margarita Manterola wrote: > > On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 3:39 PM, Andreas Tille wrote: > > >> This is not a silver bullet to avoid people coming to DebCamp on > >

Re: [Debconf-team] DC15 - Sprints during DebCamp (and DebConf)

2015-01-19 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 01:20:22PM -0500, Tiago Bortoletto Vaz wrote: > On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 07:15:27PM +0100, Margarita Manterola wrote: > > Hi, > > > > > The point is: what about those who have a non-sprint plan? > > > Will they be considered by boursaries team? > > > > The bursaries team wi

[Debconf-team] Question to the Montreal team: facilities, security and food

2015-01-27 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi Montreal team, I visited the building yesterday to re-check the space being proposed. There was an event going on and I figured out that the rooms 202 and 203 (MadeleineParent+LevBukhman) can be joined. The combined room would be able to handle 150 people, which is a good thing for us. So IMH

Re: [Debconf-team] Question to the Montreal team: facilities, security and food

2015-01-27 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi Pollo, On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 01:14:18PM -0500, Louis-Philippe Véronneau wrote: > > Do you mean without hacklabs during Debconf, or these 3 rooms + the hacklabs > during Debconf? > > If you meant the latter, this means we would not have to rent the Club Lounge > and Room B-30. From the pri

Re: [Debconf-team] Food [Re: Registration questions]

2015-02-06 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
On Thu, Feb 05, 2015 at 01:13:00PM -0500, micah anderson wrote: > > So, yes, I think the framing problem is important here, but the real > problem is that the negotiations with food providers should be > approached from a different perspective. Asking them to provide gluten > friendly, ovo-lacto v

Re: [Debconf-team] DC16 Decision Meeting - Second take

2015-02-12 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 08:03:59AM +0200, Stefano Rivera wrote: > A status update from the Cape Town bid: > Thanks Stefano! Montreal team, could you also highlight the progress you made after the first meeting? Thanks! Tassia. ___ Debconf-team mailing

Re: [Debconf-team] DebCamp and DebConf dates

2015-02-14 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi, On Sun, Feb 08, 2015 at 03:42:40PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote: > > The hostel doesn't need to prepare, and I doubt there is much that > we need to set up that could get in the way of sprints. But then > again, five days is enough for sprints, too. Maybe it would be best > for orga to arrive

Re: [Debconf-team] DC15: CFP - Opening of registrations - Call for sprints

2015-02-14 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi, On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 07:21:20PM +0100, Margarita Manterola wrote: > > 3) The call for sprints > > As far as I understand it, the call for sprints can be already sent > out, even if registrations are closed (or not announced), as it says > that people should create a wiki and mail -discuss

[Debconf-team] Orga team updates

2015-02-20 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi everybody, It is time to make official some updates for the Content and global team. Ana has left her Content team lead position and is now an advisor of that team. Thanks Ana for all your work, and for being still around ;-) The new Content lead is René Mayorga, who has been the shadow so fa

Re: [Debconf-team] Food [Re: Registration questions]

2015-02-27 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi Brian and Martin, and team, On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 02:27:06PM +, Martín Ferrari wrote: > On 25/02/15 14:53, Brian Gupta wrote: > [...] > > > P.S. - I am little frustrated that it seems from the overall trend in > > the conversation, that the choices of those that choose to include > > mea

Re: [Debconf-team] Draft of the "Call for Proposals"

2015-03-06 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi, On Wed, Mar 04, 2015 at 10:43:27PM +0100, Michael Banck wrote: > Hi, > > below are my own opinions, I am not speaking for the content team as a > whole. > > On Tue, Mar 03, 2015 at 03:21:02PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote: > > Four bits of feedback: > > > > First, are we sure we want to invi

Re: [Debconf-team] Suggestions for improving our IRC meetings

2015-03-06 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi! Thanks Marga for following up. On Tue, Mar 03, 2015 at 12:51:42PM +0100, Giacomo Catenazzi wrote: > On 03.03.2015 11:46, Margarita Manterola wrote: > > For future meetings I plan to: > > > > 1) When there seems to be agreement on something but it's not 100% clear do: > > > > marga suggests:

[Debconf-team] CfP: last chance to review

2015-03-11 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi dc-team, Just a short notice that we have considered all comments so far, even if we didn't reply each message independently. We will have the first batch of accepted talks in May, and it is clear now in the CfP. Other suggestions regarding duration of events and video coverage were also incor

Re: [Debconf-team] Draft of the "Call for Proposals"

2015-03-12 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi, On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 07:47:32PM +0100, David Bremner wrote: > > A first round of talks accepted by April 15th would be help the > bursaries process. It's not a blocker if we don't have that data, but it > would be nice. > Just to be clear, we will definitely coordinate our evaluation proc

Re: [Debconf-team] Updating volunteering/teams pages

2015-03-15 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi, On 2015-03-15 04:45, martin f krafft wrote: following Jack's e-mail about volunteering for the website team, I noticed that referred to the "old" teams structure and I updated it. Please have a look and make any additional changes, as you see req

Re: [Debconf-team] Please review and approve budget

2015-03-15 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hello Martin, On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 11:13:59PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote: > Dear chairs, > > following tonight's meeting, I've committed the latest budget > proposal. I would *really* appreciate if you could review and > approve this within the next 10 days and recommend to Lucas to do > the

Re: [Debconf-team] Helping the budget get approved

2015-03-23 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi, On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 10:44:37AM +0100, Lucas Nussbaum wrote: > > At this point, I think that the question I am (as DPL) being asked, is > whether we all can go forward given the current status and those > projections, and deal with the possible fallouts together (which means > that, if som

Re: [Debconf-team] Schedule proposals and decision for the next meeting

2015-03-30 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi, I won't be able to attend the meeting tomorrow, so here are my 2 cents. On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 11:48:17PM +0200, Margarita Manterola wrote: > Hi, > > On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 11:00 PM, Giacomo Catenazzi wrote: > >> - Reduced lunch and dinner times to 90 minutes, which is more that enough >

Re: [Debconf-team] Plan to organise a one-day workshop pre-DebConf

2015-07-15 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi Martin, On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 06:21:18PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote: > Folks, > > Michael Meskes and I organised a workshop in February where we > discussed with businesses about the role of Debian and OSS in the > context of cloud services and spying etc.. This was well received > and we'

[Debconf-team] DebConf Orga Sprints @DebCamp

2015-07-23 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hello dc-team, I assume that most of you are aware that we have 2 proposals for DC orga sprint, and apparently both of them are going to happen. We, as DebConf Chairs, we'll attend and support both initiatives, but we do have some words to say about each of one of them. Documentation sprint, pro

[Debconf-team] On-site orgateam meetings

2015-08-11 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi team, Are we having regular meetings on-site? When and where is it? Tassia. ___ Debconf-team mailing list

Re: [Debconf-team] On-site orgateam meetings

2015-08-11 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
On 2015-08-11 05:34, Michael Banck wrote: I think 10 AM is a good time, marga suggested the "mini Stonehenge" outside the "Heidelberg (tief)" hacklab, towards the zoo. As the weather should be good still tomorrow, that sounds good to me. We can figure out a future place. We could also have e

Re: [Debconf-team] Fourth Speyer bus?

2015-08-14 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi madduck, On 2015-08-14 03:27, martin f krafft wrote: The question we have to answer today, as the option expires, is whether we want to add another bus. It seems reasonable, you have our ok. Tassia, on behalf of the DC Chairs. ___ Debconf-team m

[Debconf-team] Meeting location change

2015-08-16 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi team, Due to the weather conditions, let's move our meeting to Amsterdan? 19h as usual. IRC was already notified. See you there! Tassia. ___ Debconf-team mailing list

[Debconf-team] DebConf17 early proposals

2015-08-17 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Dear Debian contributor, Are you interested in hosting DebConf17 in your country? Do you have some other fellow locals to back your proposal? The DebConf team would like to help you make your idea become concrete! There will be a session at 18:30 on Friday, in room "Heidelberg", where early bid p

[Debconf-team] Patch to DebConf orgateam structure

2015-08-27 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hello team, I was hesitating to send this message because people might be on vacations, but I think we have a lot of active heads around here, so we can start the discussion now, and let people comment as they come back. After the orga sprint and other conversations during DC15 we (the Chairs) ha

Re: [Debconf-team] [Protest] Changes should come from within the team and not from above

2015-08-28 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 11:01:33PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote: > > On IRC, you said earlier today that "there is a very strong opinion > that coordination did not work during this year". Can you please > elaborate? What did not work, and who voiced this "very strong > opinion?" > What did not w

Re: [Debconf-team] DC15 wrap-up blog post

2015-08-28 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 11:23:46PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote: > > We've started a draft for the wrap-up blog post to be published this > weekend at If you have > a minute, please help make it awesome. > I'm sorry I can't help with the wording right now

Re: [Debconf-team] Patch to DebConf orgateam structure

2015-08-30 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi Michael, On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 04:14:24PM +0200, Michael Banck wrote: > > What I am missing (or maybe overlooked) are the rationales for those. > I.e. was this discussed somewhere other than at the orga sprint (which I > unfortunately missed due to a dayjob conflict) and between the chairs >

Re: [Debconf-team] On the facilities team

2015-08-30 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi Martin, On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 01:38:15PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote: > > I think the facilities team is a dead-end, and my sentiment is > amplified by the fact that said team never came to exist. Even if Facilities team is largely composed by local people, we expected that some experience

Re: [Debconf-team] Patch to DebConf orgateam structure

2015-08-30 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi Jergas, On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 03:05:55PM -0400, Jergas Apwith wrote: > > Since I find both positions valid and valuable, I propose some sort of > synthesis. Maybe a subgroup of the unified global/local team. Also, a clear > policy/roadmap for new or local volunteers to join the organization,

Re: [Debconf-team] Patch to DebConf orgateam structure

2015-08-30 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi Bernelle, On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 11:19:17AM +0200, Bernelle Verster wrote: > > There was talk about merging the dc-team and dc16-team mailing lists, > but I think now that we should keep the dc16 list for the per-task > discussions, and as the 'global' component take special care to keep > th

[Debconf-team] Summary of discussion on the wiki

2015-08-30 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hello team, I've just created a "Discussion" session in our wiki to collect the main points brought to the table from each one of you so that we can easily keep track of where the discussion is going. I had to summarize long messages, keeping only

Re: [Debconf-team] Scheduling DC16 meetings

2015-09-16 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi Eric, On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 08:27:58AM -0400, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote: > > On Wednesday, September 16, 2015, Tassia Camoes Araujo > > wrote: > > Hi Eric, > > On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 10:24:06AM -0400, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote: > > > We c

Re: [Debconf-team] Scheduling DC16 meetings

2015-09-17 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi Eric, On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 10:24:06AM -0400, Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote: > > We could have a meeting tomorrow, but attendance is often low when a > meeting is announced on such short notice. I would suggest trying to > settle on a schedule today, then set and announce the next meeting for

Re: [Debconf-team] On the "local team"

2015-09-23 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Sorry for the top posting, but since I agree with most of what has been said, I think it is pointless to comment the full message. Do you think that the Chairs have any issue about the existance of local team? This is not true. For DC16, the local team of Cape Town made the *choice* of working wit

Re: [Debconf-team] Fixing the Debconf Delagation

2015-09-30 Thread Tassia Camoes Araujo
Hi Bernelle and team, On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 12:21:24PM +0200, Bernelle Verster wrote: > Hi > > TLDR: > * "You can set direction in Debian not by telling people what to do > but by changing what is easy in the project" > * "If there is one thing, it's getting people to talk to each other > and f