Hi Montreal team,

I visited the building yesterday to re-check the space being proposed.
There was an event going on and I figured out that the rooms 202 and 203 
(MadeleineParent+LevBukhman) can be joined. The combined room would be able to 
handle 150 people, which is a good thing for us. So IMHO, we should aim for the 
ballrom + rooms Madeleine+LevBuck for the whole DebConf period. As it is 
currently stated, I think we'll have a great overflows during DC sessions.

Could someone provide total prices according to this configuration? (I'm sorry 
to not do it myself, I'm in class right now)

Would this change affect the security quotation?

Also, do you have any quotes for catering?

I wonder if any of the SSMU caterers would be able to handle the whole 
conference alone, so I'd suggest approching the 3 of them.
And sure, Midnight Kitchen could be approached for vegan food, but only closer 
to the coference, since the collective members might not be the same by 2016.

Last thing... any news from the mcgill network admins?

Thanks for all your work!

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