Re: [Debconf-team] incongruences in penta

2009-04-28 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> Some people have registered as Independent, AFAIK this means you are > asking for sponsored food and bed, but they have selected "i will pay for > my food". Guess this option was quite mistakable. The way I understood it was, that one should ask for food sponsorship only, if this is really nee

Re: [Debconf-team] Let's assemble the final report! [action requested]

2010-02-08 Thread Judit Foglszinger
wine-h10ger.txt: > TODO: ADD LINK TO CC-BY_SA3.0 licence Added link to CC-BY, according to the surrounding text this is the license. Picture of the wine: Picture of wine prices:

Re: [Debconf-team] Nametags design

2010-07-22 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> > * do we want to include the spoken languages? in the samples I've > > included them, but I wonder if it has any practical use. > > * same question for the "Orga/Attendee/..." field > > I would omit both of those. I would also omit email adress. ___ De

Re: [Debconf-team] Nametags design

2010-07-23 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> Isn't the email address the only useful unique identifier we have for > people? Isn't the nickname? ___ Debconf-team mailing list

Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf10-localteam] please review (signing up for volunteering to help with talks)

2010-07-28 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> We should also probably make "10 minutes left", "5 minutes left", and "1 > minute left" signs for each room. that way, the talkmeister has > something concrete to hold up to show the speaker without audible > interruptions. > > Could someone take charge of making 3 sets of those signs? Just prin

Re: [Debconf-team] Locating rooms for Debconf

2010-07-29 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> Interschool Lab, where I present early on Sunday, is mostly a mystery, > although I can see the location within about a city block. Is it in > Schapiro? Schapiro, 7th floor. ___ Debconf-team mailing list http://lists.debc

[Debconf-team] Arrival one day earlier?

2011-04-12 Thread Judit Foglszinger
When the original dates where announced (DebCamp: 25th - 31st July 2011, DebConf: 1st - 7th August 2011), there was a suggestion to arrive one day earlier (24th July for DebCamp, and 31st July for DebConf). Is this still valid with the new dates? (would be 16./23. July) _

Re: [Debconf-team] Arrival one day earlier?

2011-04-12 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> Yes, you're free to arrive/leave one day earlier/later. Great :) If leaving at August 1st is also ok, penta needs another update. >> Do we really intend to sponsor people for that night? > I dont think so. (Except volunteers _maybe_.) Aren't volunteers those, who aren't sponsored for debcamp at

Re: [Debconf-team] Booting t-shirt organization

2011-04-14 Thread Judit Foglszinger
It would be cool, if the T-Shirts from Bosnia would be as large as those from Mexico :) ___ Debconf-team mailing list

Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-video] change of video licence

2011-07-17 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> Might be a good idea. However, I feel I need to ask: Why not simply move > to cc-by-sa and 'forget' about the debconf-video license? Or are the two > incompatible? Guess, no one is really able to tell you, unless he's a lawyer. This is exactly the problem with cc licenses. They pretend to be easi

Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf-video] change of video licence

2011-07-17 Thread Judit Foglszinger
The debconf-video license is a modifed MIT license, more exactly: The word "software" ist replaced by the word "work". So it can be regarded as nearly the same thing, and not as a strange homebrewn license.

Re: [Debconf-team] Cheese and Wine party location

2011-07-20 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> Adnan talked to the hotel people (the manager of Mr. Brown cafe) and > we were told we can use it for the Wine and Cheese party. > Do we have to wait, until Mr. Black/Brown closes or how is this supposed to be? ___ Debconf-team mailing list Debconf-te

Re: [Debconf-team] What is Debian Day vs DebConf vs DebCamp.

2011-10-17 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> Quite different audiences and models of participation. This separation > is important: we don't *want* DebConf attendees to think that "Debian > Day" is intended for their consumption. Does this technically mean, that arrival day for debconf is not the last day of debcamp but debianday instead

Re: [Debconf-team] [Debconf12-localteam] Web buttons for DebConf12

2012-03-07 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> I'll try to make a simplified version of the logo with less colors. The > problem is also that the bird itself is very colorful. :) Just saw the new proposal and it's really beautiful. Just one suggestion: Couldn't the bird get it's eye back, so it can watch, what's going on? Maybe just punch it

Re: [Debconf-team] Data processing scripts

2012-06-08 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> i.e. there are quite a few people who have chosen unsponsored Basic but > also chosen DebConf accommodation. > > From my point of view that doesn't make sense, and those people should > be either Professional or Corporate. At Debconf10 there was an unsponsored category. Unlike professional,

Re: [Debconf-team] Publish the list of people who prefer not being photographed or filmed?

2012-07-03 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> Actually, the reverse might be the most practical solution to the problem > at hand: require people who don't want to be pictured to carry a red > T-shirt, a sticker on their name tag or whatever visible to photographers. There are people, that willingly decided to upload their picture to penta,

Re: [Debconf-team] Whiteboard

2012-07-03 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> Did we solve this problem? Back @myhouse some stains remover Guess, we did, at least there are two bottles with blue liquid at the whiteboard. ___ Debconf-team mailing list

Re: [Debconf-team] noisy hacklab x quiet hacklab

2012-07-07 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> I've not > been to the hacklab2 yet, so I don't know which one should be more suitable > for silence/noise. Any thoughts? As hacklab 1 is full of coffee and pollito crowing and hacklab 2 is quite unfit for collaborate work (small tables), I suggest hacklab 2 to be the silent one. __

Re: [Debconf-team] DC13 sponsoring brochure, sponsorship levels

2012-07-27 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> Both in DC11 and DC12 we *did* have > platinum sponsors - only they were not truly accountable as such, as > they either gave us services and not money (Srpska and Nicaragua > government) or huge discounts in the fees (UCA). Maybe that means this > is the "government level"? At least it doesn't

Re: [Debconf-team] DC13 sponsoring brochure, sponsorship levels

2012-07-28 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> > The additional benefit is not much more than a > > "Thank you, you are a nice guy". > > That is not correct, sorry, PLATINUM gets: > > Benefits from gold, and also: > > + Name and description of sponsor in all press releases relating to > the conference > + Logo on banner behind talk

Re: [Debconf-team] Cancellation policy

2012-08-03 Thread Judit Foglszinger
Why not a much simpler (and less scary) policy like: "Refunds are not available regularly, but expections can be given by $whoever" This tells "we will decide, if your reasons are reasonable for us" without using ugly lawyer wording. If someone really needs a harsh refusal text for his travel in

Re: [Debconf-team] DC13 Venue constraints

2012-08-13 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> (2) Suitability of the venue: We did quite some evaluation of different > possible venues. The only way a DebConf in a city seemd possible was > with "bunker" (Zivilschutanlage) style accomodation [2]. The local > team's opinion on this is that we would rather not organize DebConf >

Re: [Debconf-team] DC13 Venue constraints

2012-08-13 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> Have you looked at the picture? And maybe at all the others we collected > here: > >pictures/bunkers/ >From the photos, the bunkers look almost the same as le camp, just with significantly less vertical space. And the u

Re: [Debconf-team] DC13 Venue constraints

2012-08-13 Thread Judit Foglszinger
After this very detailed description, I really hope, we won't need them ;) ___ Debconf-team mailing list

Re: [Debconf-team] calendar clash

2013-03-11 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> I also pointed this out to the FrOSCon organisers, and while the > initial reason was “too late” they might in fact change the date. Don't know if the clash is the reason for it, but the date is changed to August 24/25 ___ Debconf-team mailing list De

Re: [Debconf-team] Payment options?

2013-06-20 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> I had a very bad experience when doing money transfer from Germany to > Swiss for my Nomad Swiss knife: The banks have taken extra 25 Euro for > the about 30 Euro knife. When I ordered my knife, I got the following instructions: > Most banks are capable of performing so-called > SEPA-transac

Re: [Debconf-team] Proposed DC14 schedule within: Re: DebConf14 Dates And Upcoming Decisions

2013-10-02 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> - but DCamp has gone for so long that it is taken as an almost necessary > part of DC at this point, and therefore, we need to see if we really > want to get rid of it. As someone who attended the last four Debcamps, Debcamp is where Debconf constitutes itself. This is not meant as purely setu

Re: [Debconf-team] Call for Day Trip Preparation Help

2014-08-26 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> > I'll need about 5-6 volunteers to meet me at 6:45am Wednesday morning > > at Ondine's loading dock to collect everything in carts, transfer the > > meals to the coolers and then return the carts to Ondine. > > > > REPLY AWAY. > > Count me in, of course. Me also. ___

Re: [Debconf-team] Call for Day Trip Preparation Help

2014-08-26 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> > REPLY AWAY. > > Count me in, of course. Me too. ___ Debconf-team mailing list

Re: [Debconf-team] Call for Day Trip Preparation Help

2014-08-26 Thread Judit Foglszinger
Taking a penalty card for redundancy and wrongly suspecting the spam filter. ___ Debconf-team mailing list

Re: [Debconf-team] Subsidised bar prices

2014-09-04 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> At DC13, where a drink was to cost 4 CHF (~$4.50), there was an > outcry among the participants, resulting in the subsidy of drinks at > the bar by the organisers. Before the subsidy (and also after), the bar was providing free ice tea (and tap water) for self service, so nobody got excluded. Of

[Debconf-team] Volunteer from Germany

2009-01-19 Thread Judit Foglszinger
Hi, I'd like to volunteer for debconf9, although I cannot speak any Spanish, just German and English. If this language issue isn't a problem, I'd be happy to help in the second week, and if it's possible to stay until July 31, I could help with cleanup, too. Judit

Re: [Debconf-team] Volunteer from Germany

2009-01-20 Thread Judit Foglszinger
> Out of curiosity allow me the question: why? :) I attend debconf as a Debianuser and non-developer, and in this way I can participate in the conference beside of just being there :-) > If you can, it would be great > if you could become involved even earlier. At the moment, I don't really