l as those which don't belong at this
conference at all. Does this answer your question?
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
ponsorship to hear them.
Sounds reasonable to me. FWIW, I couldn't mark the talks as official in penta
either; Joerg ended up doing it after I told him which to do it to.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
figure it out
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
should be free for all, even people without sponsored food if we can afford it,
in the interest of maximiing attendance.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
o avoid the
problem to my en_US-trained ear. I don't think it's redundant to have both
components since it provides a definition of what DebConf9 means. YMMV.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 11:37:55PM -0400, Richard Darst wrote:
> Organizers: [...]
> (I need a shirt)
There, fixed that for you. The probability that you don't get an organizer
shirt isn't even just zero, it's negative. You Deserve It.(tm)
- Jimmy Kaplo
team to make communication in all directions
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
ou to stay in #debconf-team to make
communication in all directions easier.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
(Yes, this is totally with my Debian/DebConf hat on, not my SPI hat.)
Debconf-team mailing list
Conf lists.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
lobal team:
Feel free to come or add agenda items, but obviously no requirement.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
ted yet". Do
> you all think this is a good idea?
> If so, I'll need the payment information to do this.
I think that falls more under "money tracking" than "budget", and I already
have most of the payment info. I'll take care of this.
- Jimmy Kapl
On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 11:06:45AM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Possibly a proper wording would be "pre-scheduled/scheduled on
> site"... Although that's also not precisely true.
How about "prioritised / best-effort"? (s/ised/ized/ next year, or use
us too (a
> sleeping cat for sleeping at MT, some food to indicate "eats at MT")
How are we indicating "sleeping at FdS"? I vote for a sleeping dog, if it's
desired to differentiate from "sleeping at MT".
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
make a profit on the €100 price? Sounds like that's
sufficient as is without needing to charge €105. It also removes the
disincentive to buy food tickets and join in the group eating+chatting, since
DebConf actually makes rather than loses money per ticket.
- Jimmy Kaplowi
guard has the key
if you do not. Please do not cost Debian or DebConf money by leaving our
non-gratis products unattended for people to think they are gratis.
Note: I am handling the money box separately.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
is all.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
ty to move dates earlier or later
if we use Wien.) Overall, it's quite good news.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
- Forwarded message from Richard Darst -
From: Richard Darst
To: DebConf10-Localteam List
Subject: [Debconf10-localteam] Results of meeting with CU Housing
Date: Tue,
tly more
sense, except for your vacation plans of course, as previously discussed.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
pping it in an extra layer of HTTP-level
security, plus SSL/TLS of course. For now it's on a server of mine; it may move
to debconf.org infrastructure later.
Let me know if you want access, and specify read-only or read-write. Michael
Schultheiss, Joerg Jaspert, and I currently have acce
elevant that some lodging lacks air conditioning, though
fans plus open windows will likely be an effective substitute
- conflicts with European vacations
- works badly for Sledge's vacation :(
Thoughts? My vote is b), though both have compelling aspects to t
ilding in option b) [not the same building], while option b)
also has closer buldings. If you want more precise distances, I've asked
Richard to use his superior google maps-fu to make a pretty picture of the
relevant locations.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Regarding air conditioning, apparently they are going to provide window units
for lodgings that don't normally have them, so ignore that bit. The venue
buildings will also be at a suitable temperature.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
hot periods right before or after cold periods. The
humidity is really the subjectively bigger change. It feels different enough
for me to have mentioned weather as a factor, but personally I don't think my
preference for the June weather outweighs all the other advantages I see in the
Forwarding James's mail to you all; DebConf's mail server rejected it. James,
your HELO should be a fully qualified hostname. :)
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
- Forwarded message from James Vasile -
From: James Vasile
To: Jimmy Kaplowitz
Cc: debconf-team@lists.d
Hi all,
On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 12:23:25PM -0400, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote:
> a) June 12th-27th (including setup, debcamp, debconf, departure/cleanup)
> b) July 24th-August 8th (including setup, debcamp, debconf, departure/cleanup)
After a flurry of responses via email and IRC, it seem
email with
a Doodle poll link to schedule a global team meeting for next week.
And so it begins again... let's make a great DebConf! :)
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
t to the local team that I'm encouraging local
team members to attend too; some global team meetings will have less stuff with
local-specific relevance, but all of you are welcome to help with any part of
the conference.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
& deadlines
* Next meeting
Enough of this meeting is relevant to the local team that I'm encouraging local
team members to attend too; some global team meetings will have less stuff with
local-specific relevance, but all of you are welcome to help with any part of
the conference.
- Jimmy Kap
See you then!
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
o read the log and/or summary. I need to check with
one perennial sponsor before finalizing the levels (see October log for
details) but I think it can be ready soon enough to discuss this meeting. If
this turns out not to be true, we can always skip it.
- Jim
This is a reminder about today's meeting in just under 3 hours. Please come!
On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 02:30:56PM -0500, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote:
> Three things:
> * DebConf global team meetings were agreed to happen every third Wednesday of
> the month at 21 UTC, which this mon
**Potential sponsor brochure (traditionally "sponsor pack")
* Brief discussion item
** Frank's visa stuff: state department list of attendees.
* Main discussion items
** Registration timeline
** CfP timeline
*** Getting new people to review talks (MrBeige)
See you there!
er bid teams! This is friendly competition, not war! :)
Good luck everyone, and see you on the 20th!
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
least try to sort out two proposals (i.e. come to an
> conclusion), but it's not the end of the world if we fail that. We
> should however (at minimum) identify which issues each proposal need
> to clarify and do better for the final decision.
Agreed on both the primar
Hi Holger,
On Thu, Jan 07, 2010 at 11:37:00AM +0100, Holger Levsen wrote:
> On Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2010, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote:
> > We need to move toward a decision in the next couple of months. Given the
> > lack of a single bid that everyone can agree is clearly the best, we
One more thing on the list of things to do to prepare:
On Wed, Jan 06, 2010 at 11:15:48PM -0500, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote:
> To prepare for the decision meeting, bid teams should:
> 1) Make sure they have a complete wiki page at
> http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/ that ans
, not municipal subway/bus.
* Remove bank info from the form - we haven't been using these fields lately
anyway, and it's less relevant for a US conference.
* Hide availability tab which we don't use
* Hide description tab; we might later modify this into a "speaker bio
iefrank if present, otherwise Hydroxide)
o Penta hackability progress (Ganneff or Hydroxide)
* Main discussion items
o Registration proposal (see debconf-team mailing list)
o CfP proposal (to be written and sent to debconf-team list)
See you there!
- Jimmy Ka
Quoting the entire previous message because I got the bosnia and germany bid
team mailing list addresses wrong. (they're .net, not .org.) Bosnia and
Germany bid teams, please read below. :) Anyone planning to do a reply-all,
use this message instead of the original one.
- Jimmy Kaplowi
ixed (no explicit requirements)
That sounds weird in English, but it led me to change it to "No dietary
restrictions", which sounds fine. Thanks for the inspiration!
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
ybe I am just not uset
> to the kind of language one uses when takling to sponsors :)
Both terms sound fine to me.
Thanks for your thoughts!
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
hread since it involves attorney-client privilege.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
leads, debconf-team svn access, etc.
We are beginning to investigate catering options, but are still in the
initial exploratory stage with this.
Next meeting: February 3, 21:00-22:00 UTC, #debconf-team. A separate
reminder will be sent.
Thanks for your inter
s codebase include the video changes from dc9?
As I understand it, yes it does include them, though I'm not informed enough
about the video controller to judge. Git and gitweb are publicly readable
for any interested video team members. :)
> On Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2010, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote
o Session chairs proposal (MrBeige)
* Next meeting (four weeks later? is there a reason to do sooner?)
See you on Wednesday!
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
time in the agenda for questions about those updates. That's the part that
took the bulk of the time during the January meeting, not the dc10 status
updates. (Well, that and dc9 stuff, but should be quicker this time due to
your and Anto's emails.) Admittedly this would have been more
- Forwarded message from Pablo Duboue -
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2010 12:21:53 -0500
Subject: sponsorship report
From: Pablo Duboue
To: ji...@debian.org
Hey Jimmy,
As it is uncertain I'll have good connectivity for today's global
meeting, here's what I would like to say:
* you and I met and n
egistration/CfP via email+blog some time
between the end of today's meeting and when I go to sleep tonight-NYC-time.
Questions welcome via email or IRC.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
Next meeting
* After-meeting: free form discussion with new localteam members and
past organizers, about any plans we have so far.
See you on Wednesday!
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
- Forwarded message from micah -
From: micah
To: debconf10-localt...@lists.debconf.org
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2010 23:51:51 -0500
Subject: [Debconf10-localteam] Debconf local team meeting minutes!
Hi everyone! Thanks for coming to the local team meeting tonight, I felt
like it was a very pr
have all relevant info. Finally,
please add to your wiki page a summary of what you think the weaknesses of
your own bid are, as well as the strengths of the other bids.
See you on Saturday!
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing
and have all relevant info. Finally,
please add to your wiki page a summary of what you think the weaknesses of
your own bid are, as well as the strengths of the other bids.
See you tomorrow!
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
nobody does it before I get to work in 10-20 minutes, I will
(with a separate subject line from this thread).
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
Hi global team,
The meeting below happened in person on Saturday. Notes were collected via
whiteboard. If you want more information about anything below, just ask.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
- Forwarded message from Clint Adams -
From: Clint Adams
To: DebConf10-Localteam List
done soon, that isn't in progress
+ Fundraising efforts for governmental sources
* Next meeting
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
a copy of your mail to dc-a once I receive it, remove the
headers specific to that delivery like Date and List-* and Received, update the
To: header to d-d-a, sign with my key (but still you in the From: line), and
send there for you. (I've done this kind of clean-up-a-list-mail-for-resending
, but
I'm planning to send a registration reminder some time between now and the end
of the weekend. Feel free to advise me how to get that more successfully to
press channels than my attempt from Fbruary.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
* registration numbers check
* Any other business
* Next meeting
(I'm also hoping to add an item to synchronize the local team's idea of how
talks are going to be selected with the global team, though that's contingent
upon getting the local talks team people to attend
time, and a Java track is planned, so there's some seemingly good
synergy there, although I am not on the commitee that reviews talks and am not
speaking for them.
Thank you for thinking of us, and for improving Tomcat in Debian. I hope to see
you and your coworkers there!
- Jimmy
idea above
sounds good in any case! :)
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
vor of having the retreat roughly a week or two later,
and beginning step (3) immediately at the end of the retreat, with promptness
especially important the closer to May 20 that step (2) occurs.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing
e a
first pass of sponsorship decisions for every request; it was intended to be a
final decision for only the requests which can obviously be resolved one way or
other. This was a local team idea that the global team went along with, fwiw,
not originally a global team idea. Even if the date had been
ebconf with a refreshed version of Joerg's instructions. It might be
best to do this after you've finished corraling talks team interest from both
local and non-local people, so that this process doesn't have to happen many
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
d to worry
about Linux Magazine's post-conference ad. :-)
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
27;t matter? I decided to employ the precautionary principle here.
Sufficient details were provided during the global team meeting that I think we
can consider it as already announced to debconf-team, though probably not yet
to most attendees (except as relevant
YC time, #debconf-team
local team: next meeting in roughly 3 weeks from today; doodle poll will be
made with deadline of a week from today; recipients of the aforementioned user
group outreach / volunteer wrangling email will be welcome to attend
Jonah says that there are hundreds of people in the a
it's about getting publicity for their organization to an audience that might
care about them, instead of giving back to Debian per se. Both types are useful
sources of funding.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
to be dependent on getting the schedule
ready, and/or some other export option from the admin UI.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
t currently point anywhere. We are of course free to fix
that when we have somewhere for it to point. (Could even just redirect to a
page on the DC10 website.)
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
the DebConf10
website (a simple debconf-data svn commit of some relevant xhtml chunk) and
then ask DebConf admin people to update the redirect. (It's possible that only
Joerg knows how to do that, but that shouldn't really affect how to contact
ing else said in this thread is quite useful to consider. I will give
other substantive thoughts when not typing from a NYC subway train. :) (And
after sleep.)
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
task instead of split
between different duties. Apologies if I summarised anyone's view incorrectly.
What does everyone else think? Please respond soon; I would like an email to go
out before end of evening tomorrow (June 1st) NYC time, and am happy to put in
effort toward tha
> > and Clint Adams were asserting that I was engaging in magical thinking and
> > unreasonably faithful in things
> I do think you are engaging in magical thinking and I'm looking forward to
> you using some of that magic to get the money rolling in :-) :-)
I am just ext
or 6 pages of Google results. I can give his name off-list if
you care.)
This is not to say we shouldn't ask for the brief explanation as I described,
or even that we shouldn't apply it if it becomes financially necessary, but
only that your/Ana's criteria are too narrow.
- Jimmy Ka
worthwile reason to be at the conference is probably way higher than
most other conferences, even aside from our financial situation.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
will be at least Good Enough™, whether or not it's optimal, and you're hearing
that from a chronic perfectionist. :)
- Jimmy kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
on sample, nor if anyone has ever used that data for anything. This isn't
quite the same thing as you're proposing, but for speakers or topics that have
been in prior debconf events it might still help.
I don't think your exact idea exists now, but I might be overlooking something.
exactly those
with a penta ranking score of 33 or lower, which from memory is stored in the
event_rating table.
Thanks for following this through to completion!
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
nting's db
by hand.)
I hope the global team meeting goes well, and I look forward to reading the
summary when it is emailed to this mailing list.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
ing printed ASAP.
As of Sunday's local team meeting, I've been tasked with following up on the
t-shirts, including with Gaby. If you could have her contact me, I'll take it
from there. Thanks! It'll probably be cheapest to use her services again for
DC10, though for completeness we
odging, etc). Please send this to me
(preferably GPG-signed) by midnight NYC time on Saturday.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
find. :) Some
notes and to-do lists from that meeting are on the whiteboard; Clint emailed
the link to -localteam.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
ich we can then compare to the budget and see if
we can approve them all or need to deny some for financial reasons.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
bek.com.mx link, which color do you
think goes well with our logo in the form of a T-shirt?
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
fear being really able to cook up a
> decent cheese party with the strict US import regulations for diaries.
It's actually not as strict as you fear, even if it does rule out some cheeses
(young unpasteurized raw cheeses). Let's talk through the deta
h break every day, and days will end at
> 6:30 or 7:30 instead of 5:30 or 6:30
Change made.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 02:05:47PM +, Clint Adams wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 01:33:22PM -0400, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote:
> > ** QUESTION: ** ASIDE from color (about which see below), which of these do
> > you
> > think is best?
> The design on the ringer
m expected to be involved, but let me know of any issues soon so that we can
work around them.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
y food I have is some cookies", they aborted that
and just sent me on my way. It all took only 2 minutes or so and was amusingly
noncomprehensive given what people think happens after you check "yes".
So, yeah, keep the rules in mind, don't lie, but
posal session at DC9.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing list
r that's two votes for canario and two for purple, not counting my
opinions. One of the purple votes was for the video team. Are you ok with
canario for the regular and purple for the v-t?
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing
7;s confusing terminology to Spanish speakers) and got
bitten by the bug that prevents it from being unset, but a few people who did
mean to set it were glad we followed up and explained their needs.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Debconf-team mailing
On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 05:51:38PM +0200, Ana Guerrero wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 11:31:06AM -0400, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote:
> > Some of them had set it by
> > mistake (apparently it's confusing terminology to Spanish speakers) and got
> > bitten by the bug that pr
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:16:03PM -0400, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote:
> So far that's two votes for canario and two for purple, not counting my
> opinions. One of the purple votes was for the video team. Are you ok with
> canario for the regular and purple for the v-t?
I've just se
://whiteboard.debian.net/dc10banners.txt (s/txt/wb/ to edit)
That page will continue to evolve as we work on banner prep. In order to keep
this email self-contained, I'm pasting below the current version of it.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
Shots of the banner behind the speaker in the
wnside as the above item, but would make them more likely
to continue as recurring sponsors.
* Offer silver sponsors a special opportunity to pay $X,000 more (where X might
be something like 2) to get added to the talk-room banners and video feeds.
* Something else that you suggest.
I just got a quote for the t-shirts, and it's almost exactly what we estimated
in the budget. I will continue working with valessio to get him the logos for
the design, and we seem on track to receive the t-shirts either during debcamp
or before depending on various factors.
This is definitely not worth doing if our budget ends up unable to afford it.
Unless, that is, people want to do it with personal funds; I might be
interested in chipping in toward that if enough others do.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
o request and receive some money from Debian
if we want to pay for most or all of the travel sponsorship requested by Group
See you on Monday!
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
P.S. - According to the notes I brought home with me from Spain, I've managed
to lose not more than €20 of the
A couple of status updates on my action items from this email:
On Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 08:21:19PM -0400, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote:
> ** ACTION: ** No later than Tuesday, I or Michael Schultheiss will have
> contacted WRL and, unless they are slow to respond, gotten exact price
> de
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