Hi global team,

The meeting below happened in person on Saturday. Notes were collected via
whiteboard. If you want more information about anything below, just ask.

- Jimmy Kaplowitz

----- Forwarded message from Clint Adams <sch...@debian.org> -----

From: Clint Adams <sch...@debian.org>
To: DebConf10-Localteam List <debconf10-localt...@lists.debconf.org>
Subject: [Debconf10-localteam] March 13 localteam meeting notes
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2010 01:24:30 +0000

Our collaborative notes / faux minutes:

- introductions
- no new volunteers

- reports from teams
  - talks
    - call for papers is on the wiki.  also some related pages describing terms 
related to this week and page for ideas
    - most importantly, we are trying to get more than just talks: debates, art 
installations, workshops, other interesting contributions ...
    - brainstorming page is for both proposing things, and going there to look 
ideas for you to _give_ someone else's idea of a talk.
    - see various emails to the lists
    - invited one speaker (Eben Moglen) and he also wanted SFLC to be involved 
(which we want too)
    - platinum sponsors have bought the ability to present a sponsored free 
software talk
    - various penta things need to be done (drop down list needs to be changed) 
    - some global people will help with things like selecting talks
    - What address to be used to reach the talk team?  list or not?  something 
with minimal transparency is desired: ta...@dc.org ..  If you reply to 
something from here, reply and CC ta...@dc.org.  Redirect questions to the 
broader list if they apply there.
    - When is the deadline?  (sponsorship deadline is april 15th but that 
doesn't have to be it)
    - discussion of talk selection date: May 15? May 20? deadline for 
submissions: April 15? May 1?
    - tentative decision: may 1 for submissions deadline
    - talk selection retreat idea
    - second CfP?
    - where to send to / who sends it from/what return address?  send from 
  - Sponsorship
    - if we don't get money we will eat ramen noodles (but not high-quality 
ramen noodles) for a week
    - corporate stuff is ongoing, many former sponsors have been mailed.
    - We could use some government contacts.  Who knows gov contacts whom can 
get things?  Biella has some ideas.  But in the US government funding is much 
less than other countries.
    - Once you get some big names, it's easier to go after smaller sponsors.
    - there is money at columbia for things students are involved in.  That is 
a possible funding source, if you can get something involved that benefits the 
    - Biella will contact ACM at NYU.
    - If you want to get _your_ company to sponsor, contact pablo and he can 
give you information about it.  There are lots of ideas here (not listed in the 
    - Other universities might sponsor?
    - Follow-up from DC9 - still trying to send out thank-yous
    - Postpone decision of sponsorship decision timeline until next meeting
    - Next meeting at: target to the weekends after the sponsorship deadline 
(April 15th)
    - Reconfirmation deadline and it's interactions with the various forms of 
sponsorship.  DECIDED: June 1st is reconfirmation deadline.
    - Deciding reconfirmation dates is hard.  See below for a decided timeline
  - T-shirts
    - what about an option to buy a t-shirt without sponsorship on it?  Best to 
not annoy sponsors, we could say "everyone gets shirts with sponsors, you can 
buy one without sponsorship if you want".
  - Day trip
    - What day?  Friday is coney island fireworks.
    - Coney island game+fireworks (fireworks at 2100 or 2130)?  (What if this 
was the conference dinner instead?)  Combine coney island and the formal dinner 
    - Rain contingency plan?
    - The only reservation is that Friday isn't in the middle of the week
    - Group baseball tickets need three weeks notice and you get lots of nice 
    - Coney island (D 125th -> Stillwell is accessible) 
    - DECIDED: daytrip Wednesday, Coney island plan.
    - Should plan a DebianNYC event to Coney Island to test it out and make 
plans and all.
- Food
  - We can use the cafeteria to serve our own food (we can't use our own stuff 
  - What breakfast options are there around the morning?  What other locations 
around are there?
- Registration stuff
  - discussion: We need a category that caters more towards corporate people 
whom don't 
  - Sell something like SFLC membership with registration, to make prof 
attendees feel good?  Other things to make prof registration above and beyond 
actual cost more attractive.  
- Next meeting agenda
  - Check in with groups who report back
  - Discussion about the food

- Timeline:
  - March 17 - Registration reminder email
  - April 15 - registration for sponsorship
  - April 17 - Event submission reminder
  - April 17 - bursary committee decides who gets sponsorship money (first pass)
  - may 1  - Talk submission deadline
  - may 20 - Talk committee says "yes or no to talks"
           - Reconfirmation reminder mail
  - June 1 - Reconfirmation deadline
  - June 15- Publish schedule
           - Preliminary housing assignments (shown to attendees)
  - July 1 - Housing numbers confirmed
  - July 9 - Send housing numbers to CUHousing

Debconf10-localteam mailing list

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