Re: [deal.II] Error in step-51 when using 3-dim with adaptivity

2022-03-22 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
t's not the same as a global projection, of course. I suspect that this will not be more accurate than interpolation of boundary values. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@colostate.e

Re: [deal.II] Adaptive mesh refinement and solution transfer

2022-03-25 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
to output the starting vector you have via DataOut to see whether it looks as you expect it to look like. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] 3D soild structure eigen problem

2022-03-29 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
oblem. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at

Re: 与“[deal.II] Installation : MPI + Windows10 + MSVC 2019 building error”相关的私人帖子

2022-03-29 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
to have an implementation that supports it. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at http://www

Re: [deal.II] High-order method & HDF5 exporting

2022-03-30 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
? I'm not sure the former is possible in HDF5 at all. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -

Re: [deal.II] 3D soild structure eigen problem

2022-03-30 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
problem. I think you want to read through the module on vector-valued problems to understand the general philosophy about dealing with vector problems. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@colos

Re: [deal.II] High-order method & HDF5 exporting

2022-03-31 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
tches() with n_subdivisions>1. Take a look at the documentation of that function. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: http://www.math.colos

Re: [deal.II] Error in step-51 when using 3-dim with adaptivity

2022-03-31 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ng to do. Can you explain in more detail? Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II proje

Re: [deal.II] Error in step-51 when using 3-dim with adaptivity

2022-03-31 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
actually matter here). But it can be done, and you might be interested in seeing something like this in practice in this paper: Best W. -- --

Re: [deal.II] MPI: Evaluating several distributed functions on each node

2022-04-01 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
. If you name these functions by a string, you can also just create function objects on each process on-demand, as soon as a request to evaluate it for the first time comes in. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Error in step-51 when using 3-dim with adaptivity

2022-04-01 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ctions are only piecewise polynomial, whenever you integrate terms on these faces you need to use iterated quadrature formulas. QIterated is your friend.) Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Issue using component_wise()

2022-04-05 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
iterative solver does not converge. Both are easy enough to test. If it's the solver, you need to figure out why that is. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@colostat

Re: [deal.II] how to extend step-42 to quasi-static problem

2022-04-05 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ings down into smaller pieces that can be debugged more easily. Simplifying the situation to something for which it is easier to reason about the behavior is a key first step in this process. Best W. -- ---- Wo

Re: [deal.II] Solving block system

2022-04-06 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 4/6/22 02:36, 陈敏 wrote:  solver.solve(system_matrix, solution, system_rhs, PETScWrappers::PreconditionNone()); Can you try to use PreconditionIdentity() instead? Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email

Re: [deal.II] 3D soild structure eigen problem

2022-04-06 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
omething else by hand. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see https://gro

Re: [deal.II] Turn linear mesh into equivalent higher order mesh

2022-04-07 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
the polynomial degree of the finite element, you can of course expect smaller errors on the same mesh. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www:

Re: [deal.II] Turn linear mesh into equivalent higher order mesh

2022-04-07 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
class, and use it everywhere you do integrals. Take a look at step-10 and -11, for example. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www:

Re: [deal.II] Turn linear mesh into equivalent higher order mesh

2022-04-07 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.

Re: [deal.II] DataPostprocessorInputs::CommonInputs< spacedim >::get_cell()

2022-04-10 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
inputs.template get_cell(); Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum op

Re: [deal.II] Issues with step-1 and step-2

2022-04-13 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
if it had. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.deali

Re: [deal.II] Issues with step-1 and step-2

2022-04-14 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ugh that the issue is not visible.) Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II p

Re: [deal.II] simple application of anti-periodic boundary conditions

2022-04-14 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
sdata=DyeuUwE%2BH%2FQKzLAzF9lQhGU%2By4gvef3I%2FYUg%2FklzVJg%3D&reserved=0>. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The dea

Re: [deal.II] Re: project/ interpolate solution from adaptive mesh to uniform mesh

2022-04-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ing: The last argument you pass is a 'const Vector', but the function you are trying to call requires a non-const vector. You can also see this from the documentation of the function you are trying to call. Best W. -- ----

Re: [deal.II] Issues with step-1 and step-2

2022-04-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For

Re: [deal.II] Step 23 - Theta method of time discretization when 2nd order time derivative

2022-04-18 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
an be used for second-order problems without the reformulation to a first-order system? Or whether it can be used for an altogether different equation? Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Issues with step-1 and step-2

2022-04-18 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
in fact straight, and so whenever there is a hanging node along such an edge, the two child edges geometrically cover the parent edge exactly. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Issues with step-1 and step-2

2022-04-18 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ine shown. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum

Re: [deal.II] Issues with step-1 and step-2

2022-04-19 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
, we would gladly accept a patch! Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is

Re: [deal.II] Issue using component_wise()

2022-04-19 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
step-29. Yes, there are a number of functions in namespace DoFTools that you can use to extract the indices of DoFs based on their vector component. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange

Re: [deal.II] Issue using component_wise()

2022-04-19 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
f it. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum opti

Re: [deal.II] simple application of anti-periodic boundary conditions

2022-04-19 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
st W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see ---

Re: [deal.II] AVX and AVX512 instruction detection

2022-04-20 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
IjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=EOmx%2BHKi3VYd8JYSjTHjH0jdv8%2BZJDK0HeZrwYm1Kho%3D&reserved=0>. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] SparseDirectMUMPS before deal.ii 8.3.0

2022-04-22 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
is a universe of parallel execution out there. It can only run with multiple threads in a shared memory space on a single machine. It will definitely not be able to use other machines. Best W. -- Wolfgang Ban

Re: [deal.II] Mark the position in the output result

2022-04-27 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ry id of faces into the vtk file, or (ii) to only output information on cells whose faces have a specific boundary id? Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@colostat

Re: [deal.II] Mark the position in the output result

2022-04-27 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
0> class Yes, for boundary ids, this will do: Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] deal.II and simulation model

2022-05-04 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
hance know if it is plausible to do so? Felix -- can you define what "simulation run" means, and what "triggering a run" would involve? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Accessing and modifying modal properties of a FE_DGQ solution

2022-05-08 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
is a modal element that fits what you want to do. You probably want to look at FE_QHierarchical. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www:

Re: [deal.II] Re: Outputting stress tensor at each quadrature point

2022-05-18 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth

Re: [deal.II] Re: Outputting stress tensor at each quadrature point

2022-05-19 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
something is expensive and you want to do it in parallel, but outputting a couple of numbers for each cell is not expensive. Best WB -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@col

Re: [deal.II] Re: Outputting stress tensor at each quadrature point

2022-05-20 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
different system where it does. Best WB -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is locat

Re: [deal.II] License qs

2022-05-21 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see --- You

Re: [deal.II] Help with modifying step 20; BlockMatrix structure

2022-05-24 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ties (as indicated by the [velocity] extractor on the fe_values object), then the result of that term ends up in the top left block of the matrix. Similarly for the other combinations. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth ema

Re: [deal.II] Different resulting meshes in spatial adaptivity for d::p::d::triangulation and d::triangulation

2022-05-24 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
processes, but I don't think that we want to guarantee that different triangulation classes result in the same numbers of cells. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange..

Re: [deal.II] Some step tutorials break in the current documentation

2022-05-25 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
oved to a new machine, and the version of doxygen there is different. We're working on fixing things! As you mentioned, the current workaround is to use the documentation of an earlier version. Best Wolfgang -- ---

Re: [deal.II] Help with modifying step 20; BlockMatrix structure

2022-05-25 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum

Re: [deal.II] [deal.ii] a small bug on the deal.ii document

2022-06-01 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Wolfgang -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

Re: [deal.II] Space-Time DG method

2022-06-01 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
hods.) Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

Re: [deal.II] [deal.ii] a small bug on the deal.ii document

2022-06-02 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 6/1/22 21:04, 陈敏 wrote: * * The patch has been pushed to my fork "doc/fix_update_flags_h". Chen: You will have to create a "pull request" so we know where to get the changes from! Best Wolfgang -- -

Re: [deal.II] New cmake porject issues

2022-06-02 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
want the source directory to be ~/dealii-9.3.3. That's not what you want. As you found out in your later mail, you want the source directory to be the one you're currently in, that is ".". Best W. -- -

Re: [deal.II] Not getting line numbers on stack trace

2022-06-09 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ram in a debugger. The debugger will stop when you hit an error (just after generating the message above) and you can then call the 'backtrace' command in the debugger to see where you are -- and this will then include line numbers. Best W. -- -

Re: [deal.II] deal.ii installation problem

2022-06-11 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
l Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/for

Re: [deal.II] Dividing up IteratorRange into chunks

2022-06-11 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
d::min(..., total_task_count) That said, there is also this function that already does what you require: Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Ba

Re: [deal.II] Dividing up IteratorRange into chunks

2022-06-13 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
piece of code you're using, and what is the error message? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www:

Re: [deal.II] ALE framework step-46

2022-06-14 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is

Re: [deal.II] Step-77: line search fails

2022-06-14 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
, and it was also reverted a couple of weeks ago on the current development version that will become 9.4.0. So the question is which exact version you are using? Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email

Re: [deal.II] Compilation fails for deal.II when compiling with PETSc+Kokkos

2022-06-16 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
assed this as a flag to cmake? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum o

Re: [deal.II] How to add degrees of freedom to a specified node

2022-06-17 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see https

Re: [deal.II] Interface finite elements

2022-06-20 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
nds to the faces of the other) then that mapping is easy to compute and everything becomes easy. If the two meshes are completely unrelated, and if the interface is curved, then things are difficult. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgan

Re: [deal.II] mesh_generator

2022-06-23 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ng nodes. This isn't worth it, and some of the refinement flags will specifically avoid this kind of thing. You will want to choose flags that allow it. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Deleted move constructors and inability to change objects post-initialization

2022-06-23 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
se is to let the factory function create a std::unique_ptr> which you can move without actually touching the Simulator object. The same applies to FESystem objects. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth

Re: [deal.II] Explicit Instantiation of DoFTools::distribute_cell_to_dof_vector function

2022-06-26 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
/ I wonder if there is a technical reason behind this Not sure, most likely nobody needed it with dimwant to give it a try to add that instantiation? We'd of course accept a patch! Best W. -- Wolfgang Ban

Re: [deal.II] WorkStream::run error for hp iterator

2022-06-27 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
dler::active_cell_iterator or hp::DoFHandler::active_cell_iterator as first argument? Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dealii.

Re: [deal.II] discretization of a analytical function on a second triangulation

2022-07-06 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see ---

Re: [deal.II] shape function gradient at arbitrary points in the element

2022-07-06 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see https

Re: [deal.II] shape function gradient at arbitrary points in the element

2022-07-07 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
'll have to try it out. I suspect that the overall cost is dominated by computing the reference coordinates of an arbitrary point, but I don't know for sure. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth

Re: [deal.II] error while running code dependent on step-44

2022-07-07 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
with that goes beyond what the error message already says? Best WB -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www:

Re: [deal.II] deal.ii-9.4.0 on Apple M1

2022-07-12 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

Re: [deal.II] Mesh coarsening fails on periodic triangulation

2022-07-14 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
you can remove should be removed one by one. This approach makes it so much easier to see what the real problem is. Best W> -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@colostate.

Re: [deal.II] Trilinos::Amesos_Superludist not scaling across multiple nodes

2022-07-14 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
all I can offer. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/

Re: [deal.II] Trilinos::Amesos_Superludist not scaling across multiple nodes

2022-07-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
video lecture on that topic :-) Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.

Re: [deal.II] How to use iterative solver to solve complex value problem?

2022-07-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
2 block system in real/non-complex variables (like in step-29) for which one could come up with block preconditioners and then apply the existing GMRES implementation. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Suggestions for finding local minima on distributed, adaptively-refined meshes

2022-07-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
It might not be worth optimizing it any further. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II

Re: [deal.II] RHS function represented by an interpolation

2022-07-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
product of the two, summed over the quadrature points. Using this scheme, you never need the (expensive) function VectorTools::interpolate_to_different_mesh. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email

Re: [deal.II] RHS function represented by an interpolation

2022-07-18 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
his case VectorTools::interpolate_to_different_mesh has to be used, am I right? Yes. Or some other way to evaluate the solution on one mesh on the quadrature points of another mesh. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Upward connectivities between mesh entities

2022-07-18 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ive you the adjacent cells to a vertex. At the same time, this is not the preferred order of things, and it is not as efficient as looping over cells and then the cells' components. Best W. -- ------

Re: [deal.II] Re: error while installing dealii using candi

2022-07-21 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 7/21/22 06:00, erkin yildiz wrote: ** Can you please suggest me how to use only one or two cores? Please find attached the log file Use the flag -j1 or -j2 on the command line. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth

[deal.II] Re: Why some indices are out of range in the file output by sparsity_pattern.print_gnuplot(outfile)

2022-07-21 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
t. Can you create a small program that illustrates the issue you are facing? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www:

Re: [deal.II] Evaluating a field at a point

2022-07-28 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
est W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum o

Re: [deal.II] Wave front not propagating through mesh modification on step 23, is Affine constraints wiping out my solution?

2022-07-30 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ntify what changes you have made and list the concrete lines where the newly introduced bug must be. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Wave front not propagating through mesh modification on step 23, is Affine constraints wiping out my solution?

2022-07-31 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
sers. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mai

Re: [deal.II] Wave front not propagating through mesh modification on step 23, is Affine constraints wiping out my solution?

2022-08-01 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
rule them out if you actively test their correctness. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II pr

Re: [deal.II] mesh_generator

2022-08-03 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ted a mesh with 40x40x36 cells, for example, then one would generate a 10x10x9 cell mesh and refine it globally twice. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Wave front not propagating through mesh modification on step 23, is Affine constraints wiping out my solution?

2022-08-03 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Wolfgang -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options,

[deal.II] Using the deal.II video lectures for finite element courses

2022-08-04 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
that the rest of the paper -- the course design and assessment sections -- may still be useful to those of you who are or are interested in teaching CS&E courses! Best Wolfgang -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth emai

Re: [deal.II] How to Improve Calculation Accuracy

2022-08-07 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
opic of nonlinear solvers. Specifically for fluid-structure interaction, people have posted a number of links on the mailing list before (specifically Thomas Wick) and I would suggest you search the archives. Best WB -- -

Re: [deal.II] Proper use of fe_values.get_function_values to get values from a vector

2022-08-07 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
r this operation, the weights of the quadrature points do not factor in.) Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at http://ww

Re: [deal.II] fourth-order referential deviatoric tensor Dev_P: why is 'S' used in the definition?

2022-08-08 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
to the way dealii stores and accesses the elements of symmetric tensors? The question is what you apply I or S to. If you apply them to symmetric rank-2 tensors, then they are the same. If you apply them to non-symmetric tensors, then they are not. Best W. -- -

Re: [deal.II] Component dof index

2022-08-09 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
returns the indices of those DoFs that correspond to one or several solution components. Best Wolfgang -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: http

Re: [deal.II] Stiffness Matrix

2022-08-09 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
4. Why is the load vector not symmetrical? In a simple truss with 2 linear elements, why is F(1,2) not equal to F(2,1)?  F(e,n): e is the element number and n is the node number. Why should it? Best W. -- ---- Wo

Re: [deal.II] fourth-order referential deviatoric tensor Dev_P: why is 'S' used in the definition?

2022-08-09 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
efer to someone else with more knowledge about these matters :-( Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is l

Re: [deal.II] Matrix-free DG with h-adaptive mesh refinement

2022-08-09 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
arsening_and_refinement(old_solution); solution.reinit(locally_owned_dofs, MPI_COMM_WORLD); soltrans.interpolate(solution); ``` Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Solving Step-74 by MPI

2022-08-14 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
(and/or talk to me about the process if you're unsure)! Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -

Re: [deal.II] Installation problem using spack

2022-08-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ct? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups

Re: [deal.II] Matrix-free DG with h-adaptive mesh refinement

2022-08-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 8/13/22 11:20, M. Bänsch wrote: *** Caution: EXTERNAL Sender *** On Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 1:06:58 AM UTC+2 Wolfgang Bangerth wrote: It's hard to say what the reason is without having a small test case that shows the issue. Since the issue happens during solution tra

Re: [deal.II] Refine per direction

2022-08-16 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see --- You

Re: [deal.II] get_generalized_support_points() returns only a vector of size 12 ?

2022-08-17 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
your specific case, the two elements that describe the two components have support points at the same location. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Solving Step-74 by MPI

2022-08-17 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
7C&sdata=dZzc08aCivKuCOOuxnaeEr0ZBSnMB3qRzuVUNDTShvY%3D&reserved=0>(estimated_error_square_per_cell.l1_norm(), mpi_communicator)). Yes, something like this. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Re: Iterating over mesh cells in a custom order

2022-08-17 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
to be worked on later. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum option

Re: [deal.II] get the partition of the system matrix A associated with the unconstrained dofs

2022-08-18 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
you are in essence solving a linear system with only the 19x19 matrix. You then copy the 19 DoFs you care about out of the solution vector into an output vector. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Re: MPI, synchronize processes

2022-08-19 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
individual code blocks. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at http

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