On 7/30/22 15:45, Matthew Rich wrote:

I am trying a different time integration approach using the generalized alpha method rather then reposing with a velocity variable. I am also switching to the BC handled by affine constraints.

I am not sure why the wave wont move through the mesh. I just see the BC at the edge which quickly fades out in the tutorial.

Any hints or nudges would be appreciated code attached.

Matthew -- I think you're asking too much of us as well of yourself. In essence, your question reads
  I started with code X which I know works. Then I made substantial changes
  A, B, and C and the code is no longer working. Any help?
That's too many things at once one would have to check. Go back to the original code and make one change at a time, then test. Make another check and test. Go on like this. If you work along this strategy, you know which change broke the functionality, and you can focus on these changes in trying to figure out where the bug is.

If, in addition, you use version control (via git or subversion or any other tool), you should commit every working version and you can always go back to that. You can also clearly identify what changes you have made and list the concrete lines where the newly introduced bug must be.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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