Re: cygwin mingw crosscompiler / readline bug

2020-01-06 Thread Alexander Voropay
Auto-answer..he-he... > I'm trying to compile a standalone Windows-32 console application > using 'readline' with cygwin's 'i686-w64-mingw32-gcc' crosscompiler. > > I have a bug: readline repeates every input line to STDOUT on > Windows-32 application (running from the CMD.EXE, outside a Cygwin)

cygwin mingw crosscompiler / readline bug

2019-10-28 Thread Alexander Voropay
Hi! I'm trying to compile a standalone Windows-32 console application using 'readline' with cygwin's 'i686-w64-mingw32-gcc' crosscompiler. I have a bug: readline repeates every input line to STDOUT on Windows-32 application (running from the CMD.EXE, outside a Cygwin) == C:\TEMP\readline>readl e

mingw64-i686-SDL2 / Upgrade to SDL2 v2.0.10 ?

2019-10-01 Thread Alexander Voropay
Hi! Is it possible to upgrade "official" SDL2 for mingw64-i686-SDL2 ? The current version is SDL 2.0.10 cygcheck -c ... mingw64-i686-SDL2 2.0.7-1 OK See a -- -=AV=- -- Problem reports:

Bugreport: openldap 2.4.48-1 ldapsearch coredump

2019-09-04 Thread Alexander Voropay
Hi! Ildapsearch coredumps on (semi) complicated filter on MS AD LDAP (Filtered request to find all non-blocked users w/o e-mail address). (I've changed our domain name and output, sorry, DN is in UNICODE) === $ ldapsearch -H ldaps:// -x -W -D "User.NM@office.local" -b "dc=of