Auto-answer..he-he... > I'm trying to compile a standalone Windows-32 console application > using 'readline' with cygwin's 'i686-w64-mingw32-gcc' crosscompiler. > > I have a bug: readline repeates every input line to STDOUT on > Windows-32 application (running from the CMD.EXE, outside a Cygwin)
'readline' library requires terminal-specific functions like tputs()/tgetnum() e.t.c. and should be linked with old-good 'libtermcap' (not provides with Cygwin now) or with more recent curses library i.e. 'ncurses' or 'pdcurses'. On the Cygwin's 'i686-w64-mingw32-gcc' crosscompiler 'libreadline' depends on the 'ncurses' which has special support for Win32 console 'terminal'. To enable Win32 console support set a TERM environment: set TERM=#win32console (yes! with # character) -- -=AV=- -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: