
I'm trying to compile a standalone Windows-32 console application
using 'readline' with cygwin's  'i686-w64-mingw32-gcc' crosscompiler.

I have a bug: readline repeates every input line to STDOUT on
Windows-32 application (running from the CMD.EXE, outside a Cygwin)
enter a string> sadsad
You entered: sadsad
enter a string> aa  asd
aa  asd
You entered: aa  asd
enter a string> ^D

Note the CMD command prompt. All needed DLLs are transferred to the application
28.10.2019  16:53    <DIR>          .
28.10.2019  16:53    <DIR>          ..
26.12.2018  05:42            94 208 libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll
05.12.2017  12:18           411 648 libncursesw6.dll
12.01.2017  05:52           180 224 libreadline7.dll
05.01.2019  17:09            48 659 libwinpthread-1.dll
28.10.2019  10:53               313 readl.c
28.10.2019  16:53           159 266 readl.exe

This program behaves _differently_ on the Cygwin terminal being
compiles with 'gcc'
$ ./readl.exe
enter a string> sadsad
You entered: sadsad
enter a string> aa asd
You entered: aa asd
enter a string>

My application:

int main(){
char* line;
while (1) {
   line = readline("enter a string> ");
   if(line != NULL) {
       printf("You entered: %s\n", line);

Command line to compile under 'mingw' crosscompiler:
$ i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -o readl readl.c -lreadline

Command line for Cygwin:
$ gcc -o readl readl.c -lreadline

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