On Fri, 2008-10-24 at 23:59 -0400, Michael Williams wrote:
> I noticed that the Java reference bot does not listen to the color parameter
> of genmove. It alternates colors regardless of what is specified.
Yes, it's hacked together. I meant to come back to it later to clean up
stuff like that.
It rarely plays anything other that E5, was E6 a fluke?The other
numbers look correct to me.
I haven't posted the Vala version yet, but I bet it would be even easier
to port from it, since Vala is heavily based on C#. I thought it was
pretty easy to port from Java to Vala except that I spent
Porting the Java version to C# was really easy. Here are the numbers for 0.5
komi and 100 playouts:
genmove b
= E6
(took 136 seconds)
= 111061901
= 0.523573
computer-go mailing list
I noticed that the Java reference bot does not listen to the color parameter of
genmove. It alternates colors regardless of what is specified.
Don Dailey wrote:
On Mon, 2008-10-13 at 23:21 -0400, Joshua Shriver wrote:
Is the source available would be neat to see.
Yes, get it here: http:/
On Oct 24, 2008, at 11:09 PM, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Jason,
That's great! Thanks.
Did you test for basic conformance based on the numbers I reported
earlier for black score and average nodes per game?
No. I probably should have...
I will check it out later if I can get
Hi Jason,
That's great! Thanks.
Did you test for basic conformance based on the numbers I reported
earlier for black score and average nodes per game?
I will check it out later if I can get D installed and run the big
self-test too. Can you send me a statically compiled linux binary?
- D
On Sat, 2008-10-18 at 09:26 -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
> I have two versions of the reference bot. A C and a Java version.
I've ported the Java position.d to D2 and added a basic wrapper around
it. Here are performance numbers on my laptop
javabot runs in 132 seconds for 1,000,000 simulations
On Fri, 2008-10-24 at 20:56 -0200, Mark Boon wrote:
> Hi Don,
> I fixed another bug and now I get an average game-length of 111.05,
> which seems to be closer again to what you have. A million
> simulations now takes about 35 seconds.
Is it a kind of bug that others might make? I wan
Hi Don,
I fixed another bug and now I get an average game-length of 111.05,
which seems to be closer again to what you have. A million
simulations now takes about 35 seconds.
I'm now running a twogtp test against your ref-bot. After 1,000 games
my bot has a winning percentage of 4
For those of you who use windows, I highly recommend tortoise cvs
and tortoise svn, which map access to whichever repository you prefer
into an incredibly useful and intuitive interface piggybacked on windows
computer-go mailing list
For those of you who use windows, I highly recommend tortoise cvs
and tortoise svn, which map access to whichever repository you prefer
into an incredibly useful and intuitive interface piggybacked on windows
computer-go mailing list
On Fri, 2008-10-24 at 14:27 -0700, Ian Osgood wrote:
> I cannot argue with this. I too have found git to have a steep
> learning curve. Like others, I believe it has been worth it. Also,
> it
> is rather young compared to CVS and Subversion, and it is still
> coming to maturity.
I only use a
Strange. I had tried that same update-site before but got an error. At
another site I found very complicated instructions, which seemed to
involve a plugin based on files a year old. And it didn't work with my
Eclipse installation.
Now I tried the update-site again, just to make sure I didn't over
On Oct 24, 2008, at 1:58 PM, Mark Boon wrote:
Well, the reason for moving off Subversion (potentially) was that I
found it too slow to have my repository online. I can use mirroring,
which may be the best option for now, but if possible I'd prefer it to
be set up so that others can make changes
Well, the reason for moving off Subversion (potentially) was that I
found it too slow to have my repository online. I can use mirroring,
which may be the best option for now, but if possible I'd prefer it to
be set up so that others can make changes as well.
The only Eclipse plugin I found for git
The usual questions: what versions of things were you trying, config
logs, what responses you got from the support mailing lists and IRC,
etc. Did you look at these pages for advice?
* http://www.jgit.org/
* http://git.or.cz/gitwiki/EclipsePlugin
Our shop does cross platform Eclips
I would figure that given the popularity of both Eclipse and git, the problems
connecting the two easily, similar to the way Eclipse and Subversion connect,
will be solved sooner rather than later. And once they are, it won't be too
difficult to transition from whatever you choose to use
On 24-okt-08, at 16:15, Zach Wegner wrote:
Use git anyways ;) I don't use an IDE, but git works great for me from
the command line. After I realized that "git" in pkgsrc was actually
GNU Interactive Tools and not git, it took me just a few minutes to
set up. The basic commands are really easy t
After some more tinkering, I put two new versions of Go Rules in Haskell
on my go page at
The simpler one is annotated with the 10 articles of the rules, while
the fancier one is parametrized by board topology (like templates in C++).
Yesterday, I discovered a
On Oct 24, 2008, at 1:07 PM, Nick Wedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jason
House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
On Oct 24, 2008, at 11:23 AM, "Erik van der Werf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 4:57 PM, Robert Jasiek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
If you are interested, search for "git versus bazaar" or "mercurial
versus git" or whatever for any pair of mercurial, git, and bazaar on
google. For my purposes, it really didn't matter too much which one I
used so I used the first thing that worked. Git has a reputation for
being very fast and
On Fri, 2008-10-24 at 16:03 -0200, Mark Boon wrote:
> Due to several recommendations from this list I decided to take a
> look at git.
> After wasting a few hours trying to get the Eclipse plugin to work I
> decided to give up. I might give it a look again when it comes with a
> reliable i
On Fri, 2008-10-24 at 19:40 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> After reading up a bit on this issue, I didn't find a clear positive
> consensus in this list about a preferred ruleset for computer-go,
> human-computer-go, real life go and go servers.
> (I did find a negative consensus about the curre
Use git anyways ;) I don't use an IDE, but git works great for me from
the command line. After I realized that "git" in pkgsrc was actually
GNU Interactive Tools and not git, it took me just a few minutes to
set up. The basic commands are really easy to learn, especially if you
are familiar with CV
mercurial or bazaar.
I use bazaar myself. It took me 5 minutes to figure out how to do the
very basics, which so far has been enough for me. I think both have
eclipse plugins, but I haven't used them.
- George
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 2:03 PM, Mark Boon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Due to sever
Due to several recommendations from this list I decided to take a
look at git.
After wasting a few hours trying to get the Eclipse plugin to work I
decided to give up. I might give it a look again when it comes with a
reliable installer / update-link.
Any other ideas?
I can keep using Su
After reading up a bit on this issue, I didn't find a clear positive consensus
in this list about a preferred ruleset for computer-go, human-computer-go, real
life go and go servers.
(I did find a negative consensus about the current Japanese rules, though)
I'm curious if there exists a positiv
Is your "unpopular invention" equivalent to situational superko?
You underestimate my creativity! :)
Test the "fixed ko rule" by applying it to some shapes. Here is the most
basic application:
. # O .
# O . O
. # O .
. # O .
# O 1 O
. # O .
. # O
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jason House
On Oct 24, 2008, at 11:23 AM, "Erik van der Werf"
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 4:57 PM, Robert Jasiek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
In my opinion the goal of a ko rule is to pr
Erik van der Werf wrote:
I guess more people would like it if triple-kos and other non-abusive
long cycles would lead to a tie.
For that purpose one can use different rules:
- 2 or 3 play rule (applies to basic ko and sending-2-returning-1)
- pass lifts 2-move cycle ko ban rule
- long-cycle-ti
On Oct 24, 2008, at 11:23 AM, "Erik van der Werf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 4:57 PM, Robert Jasiek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
In my opinion the goal of a ko rule is to prevent games from not
All restriction rules (about suicide,
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 4:57 PM, Robert Jasiek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In my opinion the goal of a ko rule is to prevent games from not ending.
> All restriction rules (about suicide, cyclic repetition, successions of
> passes) contribute to that goal. Ko rules
Thank you for clearing this up.
One more question: Is your "unpopular invention" equivalent to situational
(after some reading I think that means that a position may not be repeated with
the same player to move)
Van: [EMAIL PROTECTED] namens Robe
In my opinion the goal of a ko rule is to prevent games from not ending.
All restriction rules (about suicide, cyclic repetition, successions of
passes) contribute to that goal. Ko rules do so by restricting cycles,
succession of pass rules do so to avoid very long en
In my opinion the goal of a ko rule is to prevent games from not ending.
1: If one player can force a game to an end even when the other player aims at
not ending the game, then the rule is good enough.
In my previous example I would consider it an undesired side effect of a ko
rule that white
Is it correct to end games by 2 consecutive passes?
It is correct to end games according to the used rules. Different rules
use different numbers of passes, meanings of passes, or procedures
assiated with passes. Some examples of numers of passes in actually used
I'm glad we agree on this :)
Your previous respons suggests that this issue has been debated before on this
list, so I'll probably be able to find references about this issue.
I wouldn't want to restart a debate here about positional superko :)
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 11:47 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Please correct me if I'm wrong, but are you saying that white is alive with
> TT-rules (=Tromp-Taylor?) or other rulesets with positional superko if black
> has not enough eyes left to fill as ko threats?
> If that's true, I wou
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but are you saying that white is alive with
TT-rules (=Tromp-Taylor?) or other rulesets with positional superko if black
has not enough eyes left to fill as ko threats?
If that's true, I would be disgusted if positional superko would ever be
accepted as a rule in
Hi Dave,
This is a well-known problem with overly simplified rulesets.
TT-advocates don't care about the rare anomalies.
Did you notice that under positional superko you cannot take back the
ko after *any* number of consecutive passes? This is yet another
reason why in some cases filling an eye o
I know white is dead, but what matters is that the controller does not know.
The only way for the controller to know that white is dead is by requiring
black to capture white before ending the game.
And when 2 passes end the game, black is unable to do that. So the controller
will have to assume
Wrong assertion: "all stones left on the board when the game ends are
considered alive."
The result has nothing to do with how many "pass". The white is dead when
the game is finished.
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 4:02 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry, I made a small mistake in my
Sorry, I made a small mistake in my example.
The komi should be 3.5 so white wins by 0.5 if 2 passes end the game.
Verzonden: vr 24-10-2008 10:00
Aan: computer-go
Onderwerp: Ending games by two passes
Is it correct to end
Is it correct to end games by 2 consecutive passes?
When I learned go 20 years ago I was taught that 3 consecutive passes are
required to end a game of go.
In practice 2 passes are sufficient in nearly all cases, but sometimes 2 passes
is not enough.
Suppose we have this position in a 5x5 game
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