Re: Radio buttons as table views

2016-04-27 Thread lorenzo
pr 25, 2016, at 12:33 , Lorenzo Thurman wrote: >> >> I'll have to manually manage the select/unselect. > > Not necessarily. It’s possible to bind the value of the checkboxes to a Bool > property of your ‘objectValue’ object. > > All you need is for this to be a


2008-05-22 Thread Lorenzo
Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at) Help/Unsubscr

NSMailDelivery deliverMessage Deprecated

2008-05-22 Thread Lorenzo
Hi,I have just seen that the API [NSMailDelivery deliverMessage:... As been deprecated in Leopard. Is anyone know about a replacement? I know that I can still use it, but you know, just in case... Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: DirWatch

2008-05-22 Thread Lorenzo
and I know that there are 2 new files. Well, one file is totally copied and the other one could be still in copying. Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > From: Jens Alfke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 16:35:01 -0700 > To: Lorenzo <[EMAIL PROT

Re: DirWatch

2008-05-23 Thread Lorenzo
Thank you so much Ken, I would like to use the BSD/POSIX file access routines. May you give me a pointer? Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > From: Ken Thomases <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 23:42:00 -0500 > To: Lorenzo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >

NSTimer and NSLock

2008-07-13 Thread Lorenzo
ted I have to delete an object and prevent to work with a null pointer. Any suggestion? Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the

QCView openGLContext

2008-03-13 Thread Lorenzo
s work on Tiger too? Any workaround? Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at coco

Re: QCView openGLContext

2008-03-13 Thread Lorenzo
Thank you Sam, Your code looks promising. One question, should the renderView be a simple NSView, a QCView or an NSOpenGLView? If not a QCView, should I fire a timer each 1/60 sec in order to render with renderAtTime into the NSView or OpenGLView? Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: QCView openGLContext

2008-03-14 Thread Lorenzo
Actually I have adopted the solution posted by Sam, here in the list. I render the qc composition into an openGLView using a timer. It works well. I still get some garbage when resizing this view, but I hope to fix it soon with the reshape and update APIs. Thanks for your support. Best Regards --

Re: QCView openGLContext

2008-03-14 Thread Lorenzo
Context:[m1stGLView openGLContext]]; [self setOpenGLContext:aContext]; [aContext setView:self]; I get a new context for each new openGLView, I suppose. Do you think it is right? P.S. I didn't know you were from the DTS Animation and Printing. Great! Best Regards -- L

Leopard on PPC

2008-03-26 Thread Lorenzo
ARCHS = ppc i386 VALID_ARCHS = ppc64 ppc7400 ppc970 i386 x86_64 ppc SDKROOT = $(DEVELOPER_SDK_DIR)/MacOSX10.4u.sdk MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.4 GCC_MODEL_TUNING = G4 GCC_FAST_OBJC_DISPATCH = YES Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROT

Re: Leopard on PPC

2008-03-26 Thread Lorenzo
: 0x r27: 0xb144 r28: 0x r29: 0xffdfc030 r30: 0xa058476c r31: 0x91ef32ec cr: 0x24044422 xer: 0x2000lr: 0x91ef334c ctr: 0x92f66970 vrsave: 0x Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-dev

Re: Leopard on PPC

2008-03-26 Thread Lorenzo
NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: (id) kCFBooleanTrue,(id) kCGImageSourceShouldCache, (id) kCFBooleanTrue,(id) kCGImageSourceShouldAllowFloat, NULL]; Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > From: Laurent Cerveau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Date: Wed, 26

NSShadow on a raster image

2008-04-05 Thread Lorenzo
As I understand, NSShadow works on vectorial paths only. If so, how can I apply a shadow to a raster image with alpha? The image has an irregular border with a half-a-transparence. On Photoshop of course this can be done. Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: NSShadow on a raster image

2008-04-05 Thread Lorenzo
You are right, it worked even with images. Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > From: Jean-Daniel Dupas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Date: Sat, 05 Apr 2008 15:06:22 +0200 > To: Lorenzo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Cc: > Subject: Re:

Image Processing

2008-04-06 Thread Lorenzo
s the original imageSize at 72 dpi or the original imageSize at 240 dpi? Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contac

mouseDown on NSScrollView

2008-04-09 Thread Lorenzo
I have subsclassed a NSScrollView and overrided the mouseDown: method. Then I create the MYScrollView programmatically and add it to the window's contentView. I can quite see it but when I click on it, the method mouseDown: gets never invoked. What do I miss? Best Regards -- Lorenzo

Multiple NSViews

2008-04-11 Thread Lorenzo
iew". Each view reports information about each object on the screen. What's the best way to do that? Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests

dataWithPDFInsideRect doesn't clip

2008-04-12 Thread Lorenzo
{600, 400}} mFromRect {{0, 0}, {1500, 1000}} The strange thing is that on the screen I get the right result while dataWithPDFInsideRect gives me the wrong result. Do I miss something? Should I specify to clip myView someway? Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL

dataWithPDFInsideRect doesn't clip

2008-04-18 Thread Lorenzo
uld I do to print my superview as WYSYWYG? Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at coco

Cannot find an icon

2008-04-21 Thread Lorenzo
sfully. Also, there is no trace now on my project about icnabcd, nor spotlight finds anything. Any idea??? Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or

One pixel width. One.

2008-04-25 Thread Lorenzo
mScaleFactor to always 1. Same result. And I even tried to always set bounds Origin and bounds Size to (int) values. Same result. What do I miss? Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (

Re: One pixel width. One.

2008-04-25 Thread Lorenzo
:0.01 / scale]; And it worked at any scale. Can't guess why! With 0.001 I don't see any line. Strange story, it works with zero, with 0.01/1.33 and it doesn't work with 0.001 / 1.33. Any idea? Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > From: Joe Goh <[EMAIL PROTE

Re: Leopard on PPC

2008-04-28 Thread Lorenzo
ppKit 0x946c03d8 NSApplicationMain + 332 27 com.myapp.myapp 0x29dc 0x1000 + 6620 28 com.myapp.myapp 0x26e0 0x1000 + 5856 Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > From: Clark Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Date: Thu, 27

Re: Leopard on PPC

2008-04-28 Thread Lorenzo
-- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > From: Nick Zitzmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 01:34:46 -0600 > To: Lorenzo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Cc: > Subject: Re: Leopard on PPC > > > On Apr 28, 2008, at 1:31 AM, Lorenzo w

Working with svg

2008-05-04 Thread lorenzo
Hi, I'm using web-kit for loading an svg map in my application, I want to store the map data in memory for redisplay with some mods (like changing the colors at given population data etc.). I'm thinking to trasform svg data in xml plain data and managing an nsxmldocument for storing changes

Re: QCView

2008-02-26 Thread Lorenzo
replying. Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > From: David Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 09:57:09 -0800 > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Cc: > Subject: Re: QCView > > On Feb 26, 2008, at 7:03 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wr

QTMovieView and glView crash

2008-02-27 Thread Lorenzo
uffer conflict with the QTMovieView methods? Any idea? Best Regards -- Lorenzo email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderato

CoreData error after moving to Xcode 5

2013-11-15 Thread lorenzo
I'm returning to a project after having upgraded to Xcode 5 a couple of weeks ago and I'm getting this error: "iCloud sync fails with “CoreData: Ubiquity: Invalid option: the value for NSPersistentStoreUbiquitousContentNameKey should not contain periods" I never saw this in later versions of Xcod

Re: Automatically resize parent view when subviews resize

2014-04-14 Thread lorenzo
On 2014-04-14 09:28, Fritz Anderson wrote: On 13 Apr 2014, at 11:01 PM, Lorenzo Thurman wrote: I have an NSView with two subviews (A & B) placed horizontally with respect to each other. The subviews can take a variable number of uniformly sized subviews. I’ve placed these constraint

Re: Automatically resize parent view when subviews resize

2014-04-14 Thread lorenzo
On 2014-04-14 12:39, Kyle Sluder wrote: On Mon, Apr 14, 2014, at 10:20 AM, lorenzo wrote: On 2014-04-14 09:28, Fritz Anderson wrote: > > What constraints are you putting on the subviews you add dynamically to > A and B? The subviews, a subclass of NSView, are made up of three views, a

Auto layout and re-sizing subviews.

2014-05-06 Thread lorenzo
I posted this on SO, but got no answers, so I'm trying here and mabe I can get some help.: I have a window into which I horizontally add two subviews. Into each subview, I place a variable number of subviews made up of a vertical slider, a text field rotated 90 degrees and placed to the left o

Re: Cocoa-dev Digest, Vol 14, Issue 7

2017-01-04 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
> On Jan 4, 2017, at 2:00 PM, wrote: > > Hi all > I would like to get your experience of using tableViewSelectionDidChange > notification of NSTableView. I have 2 table using in my application. When I > click first table row, it is selected and row shown as blu

NSStatusItem launches twice when checking launch at login

2014-10-31 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I have an NSStatusItem app that I’ve had to migrate to a sandboxed app for release in the MAS. In its preferences window, there is a checkbox for “Launch at login”. If I launch the app with no preferences set (i.e. defaults delete my.bundle.identifier, rm ~/Library/Container/my.bundleIdentifier)

NSMenuItem's selectors messages not sent

2009-08-31 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I have two applications, both NSStatusItems. Upon upgrading to Snow Leopard (from 10.5), I've found that none of the messages associated with the menu items are called. As near as I can tell, the messages are never dispatched, at least the breakpoints in the methods are never hit. I can't find anyt

Re: NSMenuItem's selectors messages not sent

2009-09-01 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
et(delegate) is valid, etc. I guess I'll have to keep looking until I find out what's going on. Thanks for the reply. On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 6:44 PM, Steven Degutis wrote: > Lorenzo, > My first guess would be that you must have turned on garbage collection at > some point, and h

Intercept tap on URL in UITextView

2009-10-14 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I have text in a UITextView which *may* contain a URL. I would like to intercept any tap on the URL and display the html page in an UIWebView in my app. Can anyone point me to some sample code that does this? Or is it even possible?Thanks! -- "My break-dancing days are over, but there's always th

Enabling keyboard shortcuts in nswindow

2009-11-16 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I have an NSStatusItem where I am using an NSWindow as it's About Box. When displayed, I can close the window via a mouse click, but not with the cmd w shortcut. I've looked In Apple documents about this, but the documentation assumes a document based app where this action is tied to the fi

Re: Re: Why I can't see my localized nib?

2010-05-17 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
Sorry for the late reply.. I will try it today, but something weird is that I did a fresh new test project and didn't work either. Just a stab in dark, but does your Language and Text setup match the localization?For example, you have a French localization (fr_FR), but are you setup fo

Re: Setting focus on NSSearchField...

2010-07-09 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
-It's better now and the menu stays after a --slight flickering In case no one has responded to the flickering issue yet (on 10.5?). It may be a known bug. You'll have to disable screen updates just before the call that causes the flickering. And re-enable it just after. I think the macros

Re: Sending email with attachments

2011-02-01 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
reate a new > message, attach a file and then allow the user to address it and send. That > should not be too difficult, I should think. Is an Automator action the way > to go? Can someone help me out? > > Thanks > > > HI Lorenzo,

Re: Sending email with attachments

2011-02-01 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
Thanks for the reply. I'll likely go this route for now and just exclude support for all clients. On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 4:33 PM, Tim Schröder wrote: > Lorenzo, > > at least with Thunderbird I have found it impossible to communicate with > from a Cocoa app. Ma

Re: NSSearchfield help

2011-02-10 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
On Feb 10, 2011, at 8:55 AM, Dave Reed wrote: > > On Feb 9, 2011, at 9:44 PM, wrote: > >> I have a NSTableView populated by an NSArrayController. Above the table, I >> have an NSToolbar, to which I would like add the ability to search. I have >> found a couple of exa

Binding to an NSMutableArray

2011-02-15 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I have an object, Student, that contains firstName and lastName as instance variables. Student also contains an NSMutableArray of infraction objects that contains NSString's for the infraction name, location, punishment and an NSDate. I want to bind these infraction objects to the columns of an NST

Re: Binding to an NSMutableArray

2011-02-15 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
On Feb 15, 2011, at 10:42 PM, "Stephen J. Butler" wrote: > On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 10:37 PM, Lorenzo Thurman > wrote: >> I have an object, Student, that contains firstName and lastName as instance >> variables. Student also contains an NSMutableArray of infract

Re: Binding to an NSMutableArray

2011-02-16 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 12:23 AM, Stephen J. Butler <> wrote: > On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 12:05 AM, Stephen J. Butler > wrote: > > It works, I just wrote up an example. But unfortunately my > > universities file storage is crapping out and I can't share it at the > > moment

Binding multiple NSTableView and NSPopupButton to an NSArrayControler

2011-04-29 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I have an NSTableView column bound to an NSArrayController which itself is bound to an NSMutableArray. The mutable array resides in a different XIB. The data is displayed as expected, but when I remove an item, although it does disappear from the table, the change is not written to disk when the ap

Re: Binding multiple NSTableView and NSPopupButton to an NSArrayControler

2011-05-02 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 3:18 PM, Quincey Morris wrote: > Your description of the problem is a bit fuzzy. Let me nitpick at your > description -- it may be that if you straighten out your terminology you'll > solve your problem: > > On Apr 29, 2011, at 12:56, Lorenzo Thurman

Re: Binding multiple NSTableView and NSPopupButton to an NSArrayControler

2011-05-03 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Quincey Morris wrote: > On May 2, 2011, at 12:47, wrote: > > > anotherItemController > > Content Array > > Bind to: MyAppsClass (added an NSObject from palette and set its class to > MyAppsClass) > > Controller Key: myMutableArray > > If this i

iPhone and GC

2009-12-21 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
Why can't iPhone apps use GC? Is it resources? Performance? Some combination of the two or other reasons altogether? Just curious, thanks. --"My break-dancing days are over, but there's always the funky chicken" The Full Monty ___ Cocoa-dev mailing l

Re: iPhone: validate a NSString for US zipcode

2010-01-07 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
> > > I've been googling but haven't seen yet how to best validate a 5-digit > zipcode for use in the US (without using a webservice). > > I have the NSString, I just need to validate it. I know zero RegExp, is > there a formatter I can use? > > > I actually ran into a similar issue with one of my

Re: Instruments and over released objects

2009-06-09 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
--"My break-dancing days are over, but there's always the funky chicken" The Full Monty On Jun 9, 2009, at 5:28 PM, Dave Keck wrote: Personally, I've found zombies to be perfect in tracking down over-releases. Check out 'NSZombieEnabled'. I did have that enabled. Apologies for not putting

NSColorWell and bindings

2009-06-10 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I've just added an NSColorWell to my application. I bound it to my NSUserDefaultsController with a controller key of values, model key path values and a value transformer of NSUnarchiveFromData. When I run my program and click on the color well, I get this error in the console: Assertion fail

Re: NSColorWell and bindings

2009-06-10 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
> > Am 10.06.2009 um 18:13 schrieb Lorenzo Thurman: > > I've just added an NSColorWell to my application. I bound it to my >> NSUserDefaultsController with a controller key of values, model key path >> values and a value transformer of NSUnarchiveFromData. When I run m

Re: Cocoa-dev Digest, Vol 6, Issue 855

2009-06-10 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
> > > > Conceptual/DrawColor/Tasks/StoringNSColorInDefaults.html > "My break-dancing days are over, but there's always the funky chicken" --The Full Monty Thanks, this page helped. ___ Cocoa-dev mailing l

Re: NSColorWell and bindings

2009-06-13 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
The link to storing NSColor in defaults was helpful. It reinforced what I thought I already knew, but it appears that real problem was storing a system color, [NSColor selectedMenuItemColor], instead of a color constant such as [NSColor blueColor]. I created a simple project just to help troublesho

Base SDK and deployment target Q

2009-06-27 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I have a program which needs to run under 10.4, but I used a method that is only defined for 10.5. No biggie, it was easy enough to replace it with something that works for 10.4. The problem is that I didn't find this out until I ran the app under 10.4. My apps deployment target is set to 10.4,

Re: Base SDK and deployment target Q

2009-06-27 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
be to set the SDK to > 10.4 temporarily and see what errors you get. You can then make sure you're > doing the appropriate runtime checks. > > steve > > > > On Jun 27, 2009, at 6:34 PM, Lorenzo Thurman wrote: > > I have a program which needs to run under 10.4, bu

NSTimer firedate randomly changes

2010-11-17 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I use two NSTimers in my app. One runs a "mini" data fetch at regular intervals. I use another to run a "full" data fetch every 4 hours. The problem I'm running into is that while the mini fetch runs as scheduled, the full fetch never runs. I put some NSLog statements in the code to output the fire

Keeping data in sync across Mac and iPhone

2010-11-24 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I have a customer request to sync application preferences between Macs and iPhone. The user may not have a MobileMe account, so Sync Services is not an option (or is it?). The user data would be stored in a plist on both platforms and I'm trying to find the best way to keep those in sync. Any and a

Networking and sleep

2012-04-11 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
before my app attempts to connect. So I added a sleepForInterval:10 to make my app wait a bit before connecting. This seems to work just fine, but question is: Is there a more elegant way to handle this? TIA Lorenzo Thurman

Re: Networking and sleep

2012-04-12 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
On Apr 12, 2012, at 9:33 AM, Fritz Anderson wrote: > On 10 Apr 2012, at 4:41 PM, Lorenzo Thurman wrote: > >> I have an app which attempts to make an internet connection after receiving >> an NSWorkspaceDidWake notification. Most of the time, the connection fails

Re: NSDateFormatter problem

2012-04-24 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
On Apr 20, 2012, at 9:32 AM, Keary Suska wrote: > On Apr 20, 2012, at 6:08 AM, Lorenzo Thurman wrote: > >> On Apr 19, 2012, at 10:18 PM, Keary Suska wrote: >> >>> >>> Perhaps this excerpt from the API doc is key: "Do not use these constants >&g

Re: NSDateFormatter problem

2012-04-24 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
On Apr 20, 2012, at 9:32 AM, Keary Suska wrote: > On Apr 20, 2012, at 6:08 AM, Lorenzo Thurman wrote: > >> On Apr 19, 2012, at 10:18 PM, Keary Suska wrote: >> >>> >>> Perhaps this excerpt from the API doc is key: "Do not use these constants >&g

Re: NSDateFormatter problem

2012-04-24 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
> AppleICUDateFormatStrings, and AppleICUTimeFormatStrings. > > Charles > [formatter setFormatterBehavior:NSDateFormatterBehavior10_4] this fixed it. Thanks for the help "Yes Virginia, there is a Chaminade" --unknown Lorenzo Thurman

Re: NSDateFormatter problem

2012-04-24 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
> AppleICUDateFormatStrings, and AppleICUTimeFormatStrings. > > Charles > [formatter setFormatterBehavior:NSDateFormatterBehavior "Yes Virginia, there is a Chaminade" --unknown Lorenzo Thurman ___ Cocoa-dev mai

Re: NSDateFormatter problem

2012-04-24 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
"My Break-Dancing days are over, but there's always the Funky Chicken" -- The Full Monty On Apr 20, 2012, at 3:47 PM, Keary Suska wrote: > > On Apr 20, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Lorenzo Thurman wrote: > >> I agree. This should not happen, but here is my original code

NSTimezone and offset

2013-09-04 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
Im working with NSTimezone and I need to get the current timezone offset, but I'm finding this more difficult than I think it should be. I thought it might just be the way I'm looking at things, but I don't think so. If create an NSTimezone object and then send that object a daylightSavingTim

Re: NSTimezone and offset

2013-09-05 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
referential rather than GMT referential. > > Sent from my iPhone > > On 2013/09/05, at 13:21, Lorenzo Thurman wrote: > >> Im working with NSTimezone and I need to get the current timezone offset, >> but I'm finding this more difficult than I think it should be.

NSTableViews, NSArraycontrollers and table selection question

2008-03-07 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I have two NSTableviews each bound to their own NSArrayControllers. The tables site side by side in a window and are populated simultaneously. That works all well and good. The problem I have is that the first row in each table is selected, but grayed out and clicking on those rows does not fire a

Reformatting percent string to two decimal places

2008-04-08 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I have the string representation of a percentage value, that goes to 6 places beyond the decimal point. Something like this: 64.123456%. I want to round that to 2 places and keep the percent sign at the end e.g. 64.12% and return it as an NSString. I was playing around with NSNumberFormatter (in co

Tips to deploy applications to multiple Mac OS X versions

2008-04-09 Thread Lorenzo Bevilacqua
if I don't use it, will my application perform worse on Leopard? - Is there a way to differentiate part of code by platform? I remember I saw in some files lines like this #if MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET == MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 #endif is this correct? Thanks, Lor

Binding NSButton enabled state

2008-04-19 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I have two NSTableViews, tableA and tableB, each managed by separate NSArrayControllers. When a selection is made in either table, an instance variable is set. I want to have an NSButton's enabled state to 'YES' whenever the instance variable is set. I've tried binding the button to the instance va

Re: Binding NSButton enabled state

2008-04-20 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 11:55 PM, Chris Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Apr 19, 2008, at 11:08 AM, Lorenzo Thurman wrote: > > I have two NSTableViews, tableA and tableB, each managed by separate > > NSArrayControllers. When a selection is made in either table, an >

Re: Binding NSButton enabled state

2008-04-21 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
in; charset="US-ASCII" > > on 4/20/08 11:47 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] purportedly said: > > > On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 11:55 PM, Chris Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > >> On Apr 19, 2008, at 11:08 AM, Lorenzo Thurman wrote: > >>

Re: Binding NSButton enabled state

2008-04-21 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
in; charset="US-ASCII" > > on 4/20/08 11:47 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] purportedly said: > > > On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 11:55 PM, Chris Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > >> On Apr 19, 2008, at 11:08 AM, Lorenzo Thurman wrote: > >>

Proper way to revert with NSUserDefaultsController

2008-04-21 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I've run into some trouble using revert with NSUserDefaultsController: It doesn't work. My settings do not revert to their previous settings. I'm working on a prefs window and what I want to have happen is if a user clicks the cancel button, any changes made are reverted to their previous setting.

Sheet window as firstResponder

2008-04-25 Thread Lorenzo Bevilacqua
dal windows) How should I proceed? Thanks, Lorenzo Bevilacqua___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at)lists.appl

Tiger bug on NSXMLParser?

2008-04-28 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I'm using NSXMLParser to read an XML document from a server via initiWithContentsOfURL. This works just fine under Leopard. I can read and parse the data just fine, but under Tiger, I get an empty document error: NSXMLParserErrorDomain = 4 (Empty document). There are several posts in the archives a

Re: Tiger bug on NSXMLParser?

2008-04-28 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 8:57 PM, Jens Alfke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On 28 Apr '08, at 6:42 PM, Lorenzo Thurman wrote: > > NSString* urlString = [str stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: > > NSUTF8StringEncoding]; > > > > You shouldn'

Re: Tiger bug on NSXMLParser?

2008-04-29 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
Have you tried loading the data first, and then parsing it? Does the data > > look reasonable, i.e. can you convert it to an NSString using the expected > > encoding? > > > I tried loading the XML into an NSString using initWithContentsOfURL:encoding:error using Latin1 encoding. Under Leopard, the

Re: Tiger bug on NSXMLParser?

2008-04-29 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 7:36 PM, Jens Alfke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On 29 Apr '08, at 6:27 AM, Lorenzo Thurman wrote: > > I tried loading the XML into an NSString using > > initWithContentsOfURL:encoding:error using Latin1 encoding. Under Leopard, > >

Re: Messaging framework

2008-12-25 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
> I've heard good things about pantomime though haven't used it myself > (and I understand it has a few gotchas related to international > characters). > It might also be worth looking into solutions accessible via the > scripting bridge as my experience has been that languages such as > Python of

Bindings problem

2008-02-21 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I've been using bindings for user preferences, but now I've gotten a little more into the whole kvc/kvo thing, but have run into a problem:I have two array controllers. Each bound to my controller (not an nscontroller, just my main class), with a model key path pointing to arrays that are populate

Auto center within a custom NSView

2014-03-01 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I have to add a variable number of NSSliders to a custom view, (although, probably no more than eight). I’d like these items centered within the view, but am unsure how to achieve this. I know I could probably “do the math” and just calculate the position of each as its added, but I thought I wo

Re: Auto center within a custom NSView

2014-03-01 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
Thanks, I should have known that. On Mar 1, 2014, at 11:55 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote: > On Sat, Mar 1, 2014, at 09:19 PM, Lorenzo Thurman wrote: >> I have to add a variable number of NSSliders to a custom view, (although, >> probably no more than eight). I’d like these items cent

Automatically resize parent view when subviews resize

2014-04-13 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I have an NSView with two subviews (A & B) placed horizontally with respect to each other. The subviews can take a variable number of uniformly sized subviews. I’ve placed these constraints on subviews A & B, (all done in IB): (They should both have the same height) Top space to container Bottom

Re: Auto layout and re-sizing subviews.

2014-05-06 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
On May 6, 2014, at 5:31 PM, Daniel Höpfl wrote: > Hi, > > On 06.05.2014 23:32, lorenzo wrote: >> I posted this on SO, but got no answers, so I'm trying here and mabe I >> can get some help.: >> >> I have a window into which I horizontally add two sub