Re: Create NSStrings from a mapped NSData object - safe?

2008-05-13 Thread Michael Vannorsdel
On May 13, 2008, at 12:38 AM, Daniel Vollmer wrote: Salutations! I'm parsing a rather large text-file (usually >20MB) and in doing so I'm iterating over its lines with [String getParagraphStart]. I've found a rather noticeable speed-up in the parsing operation if I create the string i

Re: NSURL urlWithString return nil

2008-05-13 Thread Dex Morgan
– stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: – stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: wp Thank you it works fine (and thanks to everyone who replied)___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests

Re: PDFView query

2008-05-13 Thread Dex Morgan
Il giorno 12/mag/08, alle ore 08:20, Amrit Majumdar ha scritto: Hi All, I am working with a PDFView. We have the option to display the document as single page continuous and two pages continuous. Is there a way wherein we can display more than two pages continuous such as a three page c

NSComboBox Pop-Up like behavior for custom NSWindow

2008-05-13 Thread Gert Andreas
Hi, I'm currently working on a NSSearchField with an "attached" borderless NSWindow (using NSBorderlessWIndowMask and NSFloatingWindowLevel) that has a NSTableView to display the results from the search field. All works fine so far except hiding the results window when clicking e.a. on th

Re: Getting Pixel Data From CIImage

2008-05-13 Thread Nikolai Hellwig
Hi, If you are using Leopard (10.5), you could do something like this: CIImage* imageBlurred = . NSBitmapImageRep* bitmap = [[[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithCIImage: imageBlurred] autorelease]; // Getting pixels data // this returns a pointer to the pixel data [bitmap bitmapData] rega

Re: Getting Pixel Data From CIImage

2008-05-13 Thread Michael Vannorsdel
You can also create a CGBitmapContext (with CGBitmapContextCreate) and create a CIContext from that (with +[CIContext contextWithCGContext:options:]) and draw to the CIContext. It will draw the pixels into the bitmap. This will work for Tiger and Leopard. On May 13, 2008, at 1:51 AM, N

Re: list open application windows

2008-05-13 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas
Le 13 mai 08 à 08:01, Jens Alfke a écrit : On 12 May '08, at 8:15 PM, Ben Lowndes wrote: I'm a cocoa newbie, so I may be missing something obvious here: I'd like to get a list of open windows for all currently running applications. Nothing personal, but people seem to ask this question her

Re: "Controller Cannot Be nil" on binding NSTextField

2008-05-13 Thread Bill Cheeseman
on 2008-05-13 12:06 AM, Johnny Lundy at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > I still have to do the crazy > > self.hoursString = [[NSNumber numberWithInt: self.hours] stringValue]; > > To get a string from an int for the textField to bind to. If I bind it > to the model deadline.hours, which is a scalar i

Re: Core data model, bindings advice.

2008-05-13 Thread Steven Hamilton
I think I haven't explained myself properly. I already have the bindings worked out much as you have below however I can't achieve the functionality I'm after using the standard method. If my transaction entity has; memo (string) date (date) amount (NSNumber) fromAccount (reverse of debit) t

WWDC 2008 Sessions PDF Generator

2008-05-13 Thread Johannes Fahrenkrug
Hi, I'm a regular reader but not a too regular poster here. Well, I think it's time to give something back :) It's not much, but here we go: Attending WWDC is great, but I need to print the available sessions. Just looking at them online is not enough, I need to have a piece of paper to actually c

Re: "Controller Cannot Be nil" on binding NSTextField

2008-05-13 Thread Graham Cox
On 13 May 2008, at 2:06 pm, Johnny Lundy wrote: It works now, but I still have to do the crazy self.hoursString = [[NSNumber numberWithInt: self.hours] stringValue]; Or you could just do: self.hoursString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", self.hours]; G. __

NSDictionaryController with NSTableView and sorting of numeric data

2008-05-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello list I have bound an NSDictionaryController to an NSTableView. The keys in my bound dictionary are numeric strings 1... n The dictionary keys and values display okay but the sorting of the key column is not numeric but alphabetic. The value column sorts fine for objects of type NSNumber.

How to deal with property and Undo?

2008-05-13 Thread Laurent Cerveau
When reading through the doc for Document based application the advice is to implement undo by making setter invoking prepareInvocationWithTarget. Is there a way to have this done "automatically" with properties. For now it looks to me like I have to remove all @synthetize directive and r

how to change the rect of an edit text in each cell on an NSTableView?

2008-05-13 Thread Norio
I really need your help. I try to make a view which is like a table view, and which has a text edit area when focus comes to the view. And the editing area must change its frame depending on the column. The editing area moves to the next, previous, above, and below cell when user types tab or retur

"Controller Cannot Be nil" on binding NSTextField

2008-05-13 Thread Johnny Lundy
Thanks Bill and Graham. D'oh! I've got dozens of stringWithFormat calls in my main app and this never occurred to me. I was thinking that somehow an NSTextField would take a number and convert it itself. This will let me merge all three components of the time into one string with separato

Re: Create NSStrings from a mapped NSData object - safe?

2008-05-13 Thread Jens Alfke
On 12 May '08, at 11:38 PM, Daniel Vollmer wrote: I'm parsing a rather large text-file (usually >20MB) and in doing so I'm iterating over its lines with [String getParagraphStart]. I've found a rather noticeable speed-up in the parsing operation if I create the string in question from

Re: Create NSStrings from a mapped NSData object - safe?

2008-05-13 Thread Jens Alfke
On 13 May '08, at 12:15 AM, Michael Vannorsdel wrote: Basically there's no guarantee you'll get the same data that was in the file when you first mapped it if something else modifies or destroys it while it's mapped. You're correct about modifications, but not about deletions. An open fi

Re: How to deal with property and Undo?

2008-05-13 Thread Mike Abdullah
In which case you need to set up KVO of the properties in a controller object of some kind and use that to register the undos. Of course, Core Data does this all automatically :) On 13 May 2008, at 13:47, Laurent Cerveau wrote: When reading through the doc for Document based application the

Re: list open application windows

2008-05-13 Thread Jens Alfke
On 12 May '08, at 11:13 PM, Ben Lowndes wrote: Yes, exactly: I'm working on a window management utility (or I'm trying to...). This might not be a good introductory Cocoa project. My hunch is that doing anything interesting with/to the windows will become either difficult or impossible [

Remote Contol Wrapper

2008-05-13 Thread Yvan BARTHÉLEMY
Hi, I am a Cocoa developer currently coding a user interface using a custom IR Remote extending the functionalities of Apple one. My company have a partnership with a remote maker, and we asked them to make a remote using Apple Remote IR codes, plus some custom ones. Unfortunately, we hav

Re: list open application windows

2008-05-13 Thread John Clayton
Hi Ben, Take a look at the new Leopard only CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo method. Its probably what you are looking for and is able to provide a list of windows in z-order, including rect position (screen relative of course), pid, title etc. You cant modify windows using this API, but you'

Re: Create NSStrings from a mapped NSData object - safe?

2008-05-13 Thread Douglas Davidson
On May 13, 2008, at 8:08 AM, Jens Alfke wrote: While we're on the topic, it's worth noting that memory-mapping files on removable or network filesystems can be dangerous. If you read/write a mapped memory location, and the kernel has to page it in, but the file's filesystem is no longer ac

Rotating a CATextLayer

2008-05-13 Thread william van braam
Rotating a text layer to any angle with CATransform3DMakeRotation in a transaction goes fine, unless you stop rotating at 135 or 315 degrees clockwise from the vertical normal. In those two cases bounds.size.width and bounds.size.height appear to exchange values, so that the string gets cli

Re: @property question

2008-05-13 Thread Craig Hopson
No, not using bindings, but good point & yes, the param type was a typo. While everything 'seems' to be working now, the info that I got in the debugger when I was seeing problems looked suspiciously like the state of things when an object has been released but is then referenced. I need to

NSAlert beeping

2008-05-13 Thread Dale Jensen
I've got a situation where an alert, attached as a sheet, just beeps when it's called (instead of displaying and interacting with the user.) I'm about 99.99% certain that this is being caused by a sheet that comes up prior to the alert (not at the same time -- the previous sheet is long go

Fullscreen on secondary displays

2008-05-13 Thread Dennis Munsie
Hello everyone, I have an app right now that I've added a fullscreen mode to. RIght now it works for fullscreen when I go to fullscreen on the main display. If I attempt to do this on the secondary display, I get a blank screen. I think one problem is probably the way I am identifying which scr

Changing NSPrintPanel UI in 10.5

2008-05-13 Thread Rimas
Hello, I am interested in adding additional button to the NSPrintPanel dialog at the very bottom line. Between ( PDF v ) and ( Cancel ). Is that possible under Leopard? Custom accessory view is not suitable for me. Even topics from "Extending Printing Dialogs" does not help, because they does not

OT: Looking for Cocoa contractor for project

2008-05-13 Thread Kris Thom White
Our company needs a specific small Cocoa app developed that is a teleprompter/sound recorder for doing voiceovers. I posted on but not getting much reaction and a macslash posting mentioned listing here. We're looking for bids for the project now, and anyone interested can cont

Re: list open application windows

2008-05-13 Thread Ken Thomases
On May 13, 2008, at 1:13 AM, Ben Lowndes wrote: [...] the solution seems to lie in using the accessability API or an input manager. Is that correct? Please, please, please _don't_ write an input manager. They are a gross hack, using mechanisms that (as I understand it) Apple is planning o

Re: Changing NSPrintPanel UI in 10.5

2008-05-13 Thread David Duncan
On May 13, 2008, at 10:23 AM, Rimas wrote: I am interested in adding additional button to the NSPrintPanel dialog at the very bottom line. Between ( PDF v ) and ( Cancel ). Is that possible under Leopard? There no simple way to do this, and I would highly discourage trying to do so. Custo

Re: Changing NSPrintPanel UI in 10.5

2008-05-13 Thread Rimas
Thank you for reply. > What are you trying to accomplish? Basicaly I am trying to merge "Page setup" and "Print" dialogs. That is easy by using NSPrintPanel's setOptions. But I want to keep "Page setup" functionality also. I mean, I want to be able to change paper size for example, without printi

Re: Changing NSPrintPanel UI in 10.5

2008-05-13 Thread David Duncan
On May 13, 2008, at 11:52 AM, Rimas wrote: What are you trying to accomplish? Basicaly I am trying to merge "Page setup" and "Print" dialogs. That is easy by using NSPrintPanel's setOptions. But I want to keep "Page setup" functionality also. I mean, I want to be able to change paper size for e

Re: Changing NSPrintPanel UI in 10.5

2008-05-13 Thread Rimas
You are right. And that works very well. Except one thing. After changing paper size in Print dialog I have two options - to press Cancel (and revert changes I have made) or to press Print and save new options + print document. I want only to change paper size and save that information for later pr

re: CoreData and "conflictList" error during save

2008-05-13 Thread Ben Trumbull
At 10:44 AM -0700 5/12/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, I'm using core-data in a program of mine. It uses two context where one of these is used in a second thread to perform saving operation. Sometimes at the end of all operations when I perform a save operation on my main context I receive

Xcode-like window menu?

2008-05-13 Thread Gerd Knops
I have a document based application with multiple windows per document, using window controllers. I was hoping that the window menu would magically group windows belonging to the same document together, similar to what Xcode does. But apparently that is not the case. Am I missing something,

re: Core data model, bindings advice.

2008-05-13 Thread Ben Trumbull
I must admit the bindings for this are really playing with my head. I struggled quite immensely getting the selection from the treecontroller and in the end it started working without me fully understanding why. I have further complications to come as I have the decide whether the transaction am

Re: Changing NSPrintPanel UI in 10.5

2008-05-13 Thread David Duncan
On May 13, 2008, at 12:05 PM, Rimas wrote: You are right. And that works very well. Except one thing. After changing paper size in Print dialog I have two options - to press Cancel (and revert changes I have made) or to press Print and save new options + print document. I want only to change pap

Re: Create NSStrings from a mapped NSData object - safe?

2008-05-13 Thread Daniel Vollmer
On May 13, 2008, at 17:00, Jens Alfke wrote: On 12 May '08, at 11:38 PM, Daniel Vollmer wrote: I'm parsing a rather large text-file (usually >20MB) and in doing so I'm iterating over its lines with [String getParagraphStart]. I've found a rather noticeable speed-up in the parsing op

Re: Changing NSPrintPanel UI in 10.5

2008-05-13 Thread Rimas
> If you want that functionality, then we recommend that you have a separate > Page Setup menu item to invoke that dialog as this is the standard Mac OS X > behavior and what users will expect. Ok. I will think about that one more time. Thank you for response. By the way, as I understand, there i

Re: Changing NSPrintPanel UI in 10.5

2008-05-13 Thread David Duncan
On May 13, 2008, at 1:04 PM, Rimas wrote: If you want that functionality, then we recommend that you have a separate Page Setup menu item to invoke that dialog as this is the standard Mac OS X behavior and what users will expect. Ok. I will think about that one more time. Thank you for res

Re: Fullscreen on secondary displays

2008-05-13 Thread Ricky Sharp
On May 13, 2008, at 12:11 PM, Dennis Munsie wrote: I have an app right now that I've added a fullscreen mode to. RIght now it works for fullscreen when I go to fullscreen on the main display. If I attempt to do this on the secondary display, I get a blank screen. I think one problem is proba

Re: Fullscreen on secondary displays

2008-05-13 Thread Dennis Munsie
In this case, what I am trying to accomplish is something along the lines of how Keynote and Powerpoint behave. I only want to take over one display, most likely connected up to a projector. But, I also occasionally want to have it in a window. I'm not expecting any controls to work -- this is s

Re: Fullscreen on secondary displays

2008-05-13 Thread John Stiles
None of this really refutes what Ricky posted. You are just lucky that it works in the one-display case. It really isn't designed to work, and on some configurations, it just won't. Is there anything preventing you from following Ricky's advice? Dennis Munsie wrote: In this case, what I am tr

Re: Fullscreen on secondary displays

2008-05-13 Thread dan sinclair
I was playing a bit with Cocoa and full screen and I wrote a quick blog entry about it: I'm not sure if it's the correct way, or the best way, but it does seem to work for me (although I believe it will limit the OS version you can run unde

NSSearchField in menu item weirdness

2008-05-13 Thread Jim Turner
I have a custom NSView that contains static text and a NSSearchField, it's your run-of-the-mill attempt to provide live search in a menu, a la the Apple help menu. My issue is that while I can get the cursor into the search field, if I type something other than standard text (arrow keys, home, end

Re: Fullscreen on secondary displays

2008-05-13 Thread Dennis Munsie
Other than me wanting to avoid re-writing my view drawing code? :) I will probably look into doing this -- of the unanswered questions that I have is will I be able to toggle (relatively) easily between a full-screen context and a windowed context? Do I need to completely throw out my NS* drawin

Re: Fullscreen on secondary displays

2008-05-13 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas
Switch to fullscreen in a couple of line and without capturing display ('uiView' is your custom view with custom drawing code): SetSystemUIMode(kUIModeAllSuppressed, kUIOptionAutoShowMenuBar); NSScreen *screen = [[uiView window] screen]; NSWindow *window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWith

Re: NSSearchField in menu item weirdness

2008-05-13 Thread Peter Ammon
On May 13, 2008, at 2:32 PM, Jim Turner wrote: This never gets called unless I actually click in the search field. My custom NSView has this as it's implementation of viewDidMoveToWindow to move the cursor into the field: -(void) viewDidMoveToWindow { [[self window] makeFirstResponder

Re: NSSearchField in menu item weirdness

2008-05-13 Thread Peter Ammon
On May 13, 2008, at 4:22 PM, Peter Ammon wrote: On May 13, 2008, at 2:32 PM, Jim Turner wrote: This never gets called unless I actually click in the search field. My custom NSView has this as it's implementation of viewDidMoveToWindow to move the cursor into the field: -(void) viewDidMoveT

Re: Create NSStrings from a mapped NSData object - safe?

2008-05-13 Thread Jens Alfke
On 13 May '08, at 12:55 PM, Daniel Vollmer wrote: It sounds like you're creating a single NSString containing the entire contents of the file, then? Yes. Is that something I shouldn't do? I mean, I feel a tiny bit silly creating such huge strings but I didn't find a nice alternative (e.g

Re: Anybody using Pantomime or mail-core framework?

2008-05-13 Thread Jens Alfke
On 13 May '08, at 4:35 PM, Matt Burnett wrote: Its not hard to enable HTTP authentication. It's also not hard to eavesdrop on the HTTP session using tcpdump, or to debug or disassemble the app to recover the password. In other words, putting a shared secret into an application distributed

Re: How to deal with property and Undo?

2008-05-13 Thread Graham Cox
This is quite straightforward - it's covered by Aaron Hillegasse in his excellent book. I use this technique and it works beautifully. I've also wrapped up the common functionality into a class that "undoable observables" can derive from, and once I had that, each class that wants undo just

Re: @property question

2008-05-13 Thread Roland King
Can someone expand on this a little more please and fill in some blanks about why the first version isn't KVO compliant and what it is about the second one which makes KVO work? That second piece of code [ [ self mutableArrayValueForKey:@"fieldArray" ] addObjectInFoo ]; is not perhaps the f

Re: Anybody using Pantomime or mail-core framework?

2008-05-13 Thread Jens Alfke
On 13 May '08, at 5:40 PM, Matt Burnett wrote: Now your talking about hackers instead of spammers. There's not really a difference nowadays, since most spam is sent from pwned servers/PCs. It is hard to sniff a HTTP session, you have to penetrate your victim's network enough to be able

Re: Cocoa coding style (was Re: Did I reinvent the wheel?)

2008-05-13 Thread Scott Ribe
> So I think that having to write your own Cocoa object graph management > and persistence framework is a realistic and necessary evil Agreed. Also because of the wide variety of usage pattersn and design trade-offs. -- Scott Ribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] (303) 722-0567 voic

Re: Xcode eats 100% CPU and more while typing

2008-05-13 Thread William Squires
What about dtrace on Leopard? Isn't it supposed to let you view several aspects of program performance simultaneously, including a stack trace? Maybe if you could tie where it consumes the CPU cycles with the stack trace, it'll reveal a pattern? Just a thought. On May 9, 2008, at 2:18 PM, L

Passing argument with different width due to prototype: warning

2008-05-13 Thread R.L. Grigg
Im using Xcode 3.0 and building a Foundation Tool (debug, PPC). The base SDK path is $(DEVELOPER_SDK_DIR)/MacOSX10.5.sdk and Ive included Foundation.framework in the project under "External Frameworks and Libraries". There is a line of my code that is giving me a warning I cant' douse: #

Re: Passing argument with different width due to prototype: warning

2008-05-13 Thread Nick Zitzmann
On May 13, 2008, at 7:10 PM, R.L. Grigg wrote: There is a line of my code that is giving me a warning I cant' douse: #import . . . NSSocketPort *socketPort=[[NSSocketPort alloc] initWithTCPPort:1234]; . . . warning: passing argument 1 of 'initWithTCPPort:' with different width due to p

Re: Passing argument with different width due to prototype: warning

2008-05-13 Thread Jack Repenning
On May 13, 2008, at 6:10 PM, R.L. Grigg wrote: NSSocketPort *socketPort=[[NSSocketPort alloc] initWithTCPPort:1234]; . . . warning: passing argument 1 of 'initWithTCPPort:' with different width due to prototype I checked the NSPort header file for the NSSocketPort method prototype, /Dev

Re: Xcode-like window menu?

2008-05-13 Thread John Joyce
Gerd, What XCode probably does, is simply switch documents, rather than switching windows. But yes, you probably need to programmatically interact with your NSDocument, NSDocumentController, NSWindowController objects. remember the hierarchy NSDocumentController > NSDocument (multiple distinc

Re: Passing argument with different width due to prototype: warning

2008-05-13 Thread R.L. Grigg
On May 13, 2008, at 6:27 PM, Jack Repenning wrote: On May 13, 2008, at 6:10 PM, R.L. Grigg wrote: NSSocketPort *socketPort=[[NSSocketPort alloc] initWithTCPPort:1234]; . . . warning: passing argument 1 of 'initWithTCPPort:' with different width due to prototype I checked the NSPort header

Re: Passing argument with different width due to prototype: warning

2008-05-13 Thread Christopher Nebel
On May 13, 2008, at 6:10 PM, R.L. Grigg wrote: Im using Xcode 3.0 and building a Foundation Tool (debug, PPC). The base SDK path is $(DEVELOPER_SDK_DIR)/MacOSX10.5.sdk and Ive included Foundation.framework in the project under "External Frameworks and Libraries". There is a line of my cod

Re: Passing argument with different width due to prototype: warning

2008-05-13 Thread R.L. Grigg
On May 13, 2008, at 6:41 PM, Christopher Nebel wrote: On May 13, 2008, at 6:10 PM, R.L. Grigg wrote: Im using Xcode 3.0 and building a Foundation Tool (debug, PPC). The base SDK path is $(DEVELOPER_SDK_DIR)/MacOSX10.5.sdk and Ive included Foundation.framework in the project under "External

openURL is not applied to POST-argument of local html file in leopard.

2008-05-13 Thread Doo-Hyun Jang
hi~ all! because of security, we can't use GET method ( remain of browser history ) I make temp file like this, ( after 5 sec, it's deleted.) and call like this, [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:bridgeFile]]; it's well done in tiger, but leopard is not. I fou

Re: @property question

2008-05-13 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 8:41 PM, Roland King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Can someone expand on this a little more please and fill in some blanks > about why the first version isn't KVO compliant and what it is about the > second one which makes KVO work? KVO requires that you use the supplied -mu

Re: list open application windows

2008-05-13 Thread Henry McGilton (Starbase)
On May 12, 2008, at 11:01 PM, Jens Alfke wrote: On 12 May '08, at 8:15 PM, Ben Lowndes wrote: I'm a cocoa newbie, so I may be missing something obvious here: I'd like to get a list of open windows for all currently running applications. Nothing personal, but people seem to ask this questio

Re: @property question

2008-05-13 Thread Chris Hanson
On May 13, 2008, at 5:41 PM, Roland King wrote: Can someone expand on this a little more please and fill in some blanks about why the first version isn't KVO compliant and what it is about the second one which makes KVO work? That second piece of code [ [ self mutableArrayValueForKey:@"

Re: Fullscreen on secondary displays

2008-05-13 Thread Dennis Munsie
This code worked for me -- with one change: the NSRect from [screen frame] has the offset set to it's relative location to the main display. This is what was throwing me off the entire time :) By setting the offset to 0,0 I was able to get a visible full screen window. BTW -- not that it matters

Save as and Open conditional code samples? tutorials?

2008-05-13 Thread John Joyce
Does anybody have any code samples or tutorials on opening/saving documents with conditional handling for different file types? Conceptually, handling the content is not a problem. The thing I'm not sure about is how to hook up a document-based app to handle additional file types but with the

Re: Create NSStrings from a mapped NSData object - safe?

2008-05-13 Thread Michael Vannorsdel
I actually tested this a month back and not all operations/programs respect link counts nor does the system appear to enforce them. For instance an rm -f will destroy the file regardless of link count, as well as some obscure APIs. After the file was removed the mapping program crashed wh

Re: Create NSStrings from a mapped NSData object - safe?

2008-05-13 Thread Michael Vannorsdel
Also I should add, I've yet to find a way to protect a file from editing or deletion on OS X that can't just be ignored by something else. Things like flock appear to be optionally supported and not globally enforced. As long as a way exists to get around any kind of file lock there's no

Weird crash in sendEvent - right click vs control click

2008-05-13 Thread Brett Powley
Hi, I'm having a rather weird crash in a Cocoa application. If I control- click on a window, my application crashes instantly. If I right click, it doesn't (and indeed my rightMouse method is eventually called as I want it to be). I've tried enabling zombies, but that doesn't catch anyth

Re: Save as and Open conditional code samples? tutorials?

2008-05-13 Thread Omar Qazi
John: Check this out: /apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40003382 Hope that helps. The developer documentation is your friend :) Omar Qazi Hello, Galaxy! 1.310.294.1593 On May 13, 2008, at 8:56 PM, John Joyce

Re: Weird crash in sendEvent - right click vs control click

2008-05-13 Thread Andrew Merenbach
Hi, Brett, Is it possible that you have any haxies, or any Input Managers, of any sort installed? Logitech Control Center, for instance, or perhaps APE? That's the only thing that I could think of that might be yielding such a crash. Cheers, Andrew On May 13, 2008, at 9:21 PM,

how to create PLIST file

2008-05-13 Thread Shashi Kumar
Hi All, I am newb in quartz. when we right-click on .qtz file open with PLIST editor we get PLIST file, which lists its all nodes and properties. And I wanted to convert PLIST file to .qtz file programmatically. (I don't wanna use quartz composer to do this.) My final aim to create

Re: Create NSStrings from a mapped NSData object - safe?

2008-05-13 Thread Michael Vannorsdel
I suggest reading in the entire file into your NSData with initWithContentsOfFile: if there's a significant chance of file modification. I know this sounds like a huge memory usage but this way you can know your data is static and the system is designed to handle high memory usage programs

Re: Xcode eats 100% CPU and more while typing

2008-05-13 Thread Wade Tregaskis
In any case, I'll definitely be filing a radar next time it happens. Problem is, it's next to impossible get a repro the problem given the number of variables (environment, SCM, project, the file itself, and whatever UI actions/history that led up to that point), so we come back to the str

Re: Weird crash in sendEvent - right click vs control click

2008-05-13 Thread Brett Powley
Hi Andrew, I did think about that. I've poked around in Contextual Menu Items and Input Methods folders and can't find anything there. I don't have LCC installed, and I avoid installing anything that uses APE. I have just had a quick check and can't see any evidence that APE has been ins

Re: Xcode eats 100% CPU and more while typing

2008-05-13 Thread Wade Tregaskis
For more information you can read up on Time Profiling in the Shark user manual, and specifically Windowed Time Facility (WTF). Somewhere along the way someone ate my links. Thanks a lot, anonymous gremlin. :) Time Profiling:

Re: how to create PLIST file

2008-05-13 Thread Brett Powley
I don't know specifically about the .qtz file, but you can create a plist programmatically from an NSDictionary rather trivially using the writeToFile:atomically: method. Cheers, Brett ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Pleas

Re: openURL is not applied to POST-argument of local html file in leopard.

2008-05-13 Thread Jens Alfke
If you want to POST a form, don't create a temporary file to make Safari do it! Just use NSURLConnection to send the request yourself. —Jens smime.p7s Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (

Re: Create NSStrings from a mapped NSData object - safe?

2008-05-13 Thread Jens Alfke
On 13 May '08, at 9:39 PM, Michael Vannorsdel wrote: If there's some pages of your data you haven't touched in a while the system will swap those out and use the physical pages for something that needs them. Yes, but it's less efficient than a mapped file, which doesn't have to be swappe

Re: Create NSStrings from a mapped NSData object - safe?

2008-05-13 Thread Jens Alfke
On 13 May '08, at 8:57 PM, Michael Vannorsdel wrote: I actually tested this a month back and not all operations/programs respect link counts nor does the system appear to enforce them. For instance an rm -f will destroy the file regardless of link count, as well as some obscure APIs. Aft

Multi-window document app: How to only show the "main window" when opening

2008-05-13 Thread Markus Spoettl
Hello, I have an NSDocument based application with multiple NSWindowControllers that visualize different aspects of the document. One is the "main" view and this is the only one that should be visible by default. The question is how does one do that? When I create all window controllers

Combo Box Problem (when using data source)

2008-05-13 Thread Adil Saleem
Hi, If a combo box is using a Data Source, then how do i programatically get the number of items in that combo box ? If i use [self numberOfItemsInComboBox:myComboBox], it says *** -[NSComboBoxCell objectValueOfSelectedItem] should not be called when usesDataSource is set to YES My question is,

Re: Create NSStrings from a mapped NSData object - safe?

2008-05-13 Thread Michael Vannorsdel
Obviously this is less efficient than mapping which is why mapping is still around. But it's kinda the only other option when mapping and FS operations won't protect your mapped file. My point was that the program and system will still run under heavy memory consumption, albeit slowly. J

how to update the view of NSPrintOperation ?

2008-05-13 Thread debin lei
Hi all: I have two questions, pls help me 1. When i implement printing with cocoa, an NSPrintOperation object is created to control the print operation (see the NSPrintOperation class description for details). NSPrintOperation * printOp = [NSPrintOperation printOperationWithView:viewToPrint printI

Re: openURL is not applied to POST-argument of local html file in leopard.

2008-05-13 Thread Doo-Hyun Jang
thank you! Jens. sorry, I can't found example of "don't create a temporary file". but, I can found "Re: Open safari and send post variables" : it's using temporary file. ( it's not work in leopard, because of POST'argument is not