Re: Correct use of NSViewController

2008-03-20 Thread Cathy Shive
I would do it exactly like you described. Seems to me that your instincts are pretty much on the mark. In your case, the window controller could take care of creating that first main split view, but I would do it in the first level of the view controller controller tree for logical consi

Fwd: [Ann]: GNUstep Renaissance 0.9.0

2008-03-20 Thread Lars Sonchocky-Helldorf
FYI, This is an alternative to using Interface Builder for GUI creation Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail: Von: "Nicola Pero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Datum: 19. März 2008 20:37:40 MEZ An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Betreff:

Re: Where's the buffer overrun?

2008-03-20 Thread Hamish Allan
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 4:56 AM, Jens Alfke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > The ...noCopy family of methods are really just suggestions. They > don't guarantee that the Foundation object will use that block of > memory for its internal storage, only that it'll take ownership of the > block and fr

NSNoCellMask differences in Leopard vs. Tiger

2008-03-20 Thread Ben Lachman
On Tiger one could set up borderless, momentary light "square button" with an icon and call setHighLightsBy: with NSNoCellMask and you'd get a nice darkening on the non-transparent parts when the user pressed the button. However these same buttons on Leopard don't change at all during a us

Re: Correct use of NSViewController

2008-03-20 Thread Cathy Shive
Jonathan, I just wanted to say one more thing. I was re-reading what you had written and I see the problem you're having with setting up the frame for that first split view. The problem isn't just the set up of your view controllers and the order of creating/adding views, you're also dea

Web Core Service and SSL problem

2008-03-20 Thread Lokesha M.
Hi All I have been using WebServicesCore framework to perform web service operations with SSL enabled server/client communications. I have read various mailing lists and came to know that a Server certificate must be installed in the client machine inorder to make the WebserviceCore work. So

Re: Web Core Service and SSL problem

2008-03-20 Thread Dominik Pich
Is the WebServicesCore framework gives provision to use the self assigned certificates or expired certificates just like Security framework? Is there any way to disable validation of the certificates?Or is there any other solution available? To my knowledge not without dropping down to CFNetw

Re: NSURLConnection failing [SOLVED]

2008-03-20 Thread Antonio Nunes
On Feb 26, 2008, at 9:14 PM, Nir Soffer wrote: Turns out garbage collection was doing me in. When the NSURLConnection object was hanging out waiting for a response, it would get collected. To work around this, after creating the NSURLConnection object I just stick it in a NSMutableSet. When t

Cannot remove an observer

2008-03-20 Thread Steve Steinitz
Hello, I have what, in WebObjects, we used to call a master-slave display. I show a list of specific Products based on the selected Product Model, hereafter referred to as the 'Model'. So when a user picks a certain Model of sunglasses in the master list, she sees all the different size/colo

Job Opportunity: Box Services hiring a full-time Cocoa User Interface Developer, New York City

2008-03-20 Thread Marc Van Olmen
By list etiquette rules, please any responses to this e-mail, should be addressed directly and only to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Boxwork, the digital division of Box Services LLC, is responsible for research, software development, and digital photography capture. We are looking to ex

Re: Correct use of NSViewController

2008-03-20 Thread Jonathan Dann
Hi Cathy, Thanks again for your advice. I've got it working now and I'm almost back I where I was before refactoring, I'm now running into a bindings problem. Before using the view controllers I had put 2 tree controllers in my window controller's nib, 2 outline views were then bound to

[JOB]: Cocoa Developer with OpenGL Experience

2008-03-20 Thread Michael Paluszek
Please send any responses directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (don't reply to the list) -- Princeton Satellite Systems, located in Princeton, New Jersey, is looking for a software engineer to work on its VisualCommander produc

Re: Setting Web Proxy programmatically

2008-03-20 Thread parag vibhute
I am glad to say that I am able to write the code which can set all four keys releated to PAC file URL. As suggested, I used System Configuration framework. But I think System Configuartion framework (& scutil command) only accesses the dynamic store. I went through PDFs but not found useful info t

Re: Correct use of NSViewController

2008-03-20 Thread Cathy Shive
Yeah, the document. The window controller and document have a relationship, but this isn't true for the view controllers and the document. Again, this is part of NSViewController's ambiguous role in this whole architecture. I don't really know how this *should* be dealt with. It seems

Custom Shaped Buttons

2008-03-20 Thread ADIL SALEEM
Hi, I need guidance for a problem. I want to make custom shaped buttons (based on images) in my GUI. By assigning image and alternate image in IB it displays the image but the shape of the button is not exactly as the image. I want to make the button of exact shape as that of the image. For tha

Re: Setting Web Proxy programmatically

2008-03-20 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas
Le 20 mars 08 à 13:26, parag vibhute a écrit : I am glad to say that I am able to write the code which can set all four keys releated to PAC file URL. As suggested, I used System Configuration framework. But I think System Configuartion framework (& scutil command) only accesses the dynami

Shared itunes movies on cocoa app

2008-03-20 Thread Andrea Maschio
___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at) Help/Unsubscribe/Update your Subscription:

memcpy strange behavior

2008-03-20 Thread Nick Rogers
Hi I'm using memcpy to copy a file's sector to my struct. But its skipping one UInt16 in between and copying the next value in the struct's corresponding field. I've checked the read sector and its correctly read. My struct is also in order. Listing: memcpy(&myStruct, sector, sizeof(myStruct)

Re: disabling NSButton?

2008-03-20 Thread Kevin Dixon
Yes, the text is still black/bold, not gray. -Kevin > That style of button does not have disabled art for its bezel. > Disabled should be shown in the content, text or images. > > Check iCal. When the current day is selected, the Today button at the > top left is disabled, but this is only shown

[JOB] Junior Software Engineer

2008-03-20 Thread Alastair Houghton
Hi all, **Per list policy**, please send all correspondence relating to this message to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> We are looking for a Cocoa software developer to help with the development, testing and support of our disk utility products and other future products (which are not necessarily di

Re: Custom Shaped Buttons

2008-03-20 Thread Jeff LaMarche
For custom drawing like you want, you will have to override both NSButton and NSButtonCell, and you have to specify the new NSButtonCell class by overriding the cellClass method inyour NSButton's subclass. You'll actually do your drawing in the drawWithFrame: method. It is not a simple pro

Re: memcpy strange behavior

2008-03-20 Thread Sherm Pendley
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 9:25 AM, Nick Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi > I'm using memcpy to copy a file's sector to my struct. > But its skipping one UInt16 in between and copying the next value in > the struct's corresponding field. > I've checked the read sector and its correctly read. My

Re: Custom Shaped Buttons

2008-03-20 Thread David Adalsteinsson
I would recommend that you create your own button type, not based on NSButton, and handle everything in the mouseDown event. while (1) { [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate date]]; theEvent = [theWindow nex

Re: Setting Web Proxy programmatically

2008-03-20 Thread parag vibhute
Hi Jean Yes my tool is running enough privileges. As I said, my tool is successfully updating dynamic store which require root authentication. But I am not successful in updating persistant store. Thanks, Palav On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 6:31 PM, Jean-Daniel Dupas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > L

Re: memcpy strange behavior

2008-03-20 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Mar 20, 2008, at 6:48 AM, Sherm Pendley wrote: On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 9:25 AM, Nick Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi I'm using memcpy to copy a file's sector to my struct. But its skipping one UInt16 in between and copying the next value in the struct's corresponding field. I've checke

Re: Using C++ classes from Objective C

2008-03-20 Thread Rob Napier
On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 4:12 PM, Jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi. > > I am just starting to learn Cocoa and would like to use standard C++ > classes from my Objective C/C++ classes. You really don't. You think you do (probably because you know C++), but then you enter the crazy messed up

Re: NSToolbar not enabled

2008-03-20 Thread Rob Napier
Read carefully through your toolbar:itemForItemIdentifier:willBeInsertedIntoToolbar: method. You have copy and paste errors at the very least. A little careful code inspection and possibly stepping through this with a debugger should reveal your issues. -Rob On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 4:09 PM, Linco

Re: Custom Shaped Buttons

2008-03-20 Thread Erik Buck
If all you want is a custom shape button, subclass NSButton and override a few methods, -hitTest:. Use whatever image you want. Then implemen

CILinearGradient on Leopard

2008-03-20 Thread Chris Meyer
I read the tech note for 10.5 describing changes to CILinearGradient and how "for applications compiled on Mac OS X v10.4, these filters continue to behave on Mac OS X v10.5 as they did previously." Trying to interpret this imprecise statement, I read it as "for applications compiled against the 10

Re: Where's the buffer overrun?

2008-03-20 Thread Michael Ash
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 2:58 AM, Jean-Daniel Dupas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Le 20 mars 08 à 06:26, Michael Ash a écrit : > > > On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 12:56 AM, Jens Alfke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > wrote: > >> It's never a good idea to > >> make assumptions about where a Foundation object

Re: memcpy strange behavior

2008-03-20 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas
Le 20 mars 08 à 16:04, Dave Carrigan a écrit : On Mar 20, 2008, at 6:48 AM, Sherm Pendley wrote: On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 9:25 AM, Nick Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi I'm using memcpy to copy a file's sector to my struct. But its skipping one UInt16 in between and copying the next va

Unloading Launch Daemon app using Cocoa Application

2008-03-20 Thread JanakiRam
Hi All, I'm implementing the cocoa application using objective-c. Now my requirement is to restart my launchd daemon service. I've tried using authorization services to perform the previlaged unload of daemon , but didn't succeed in this. Please help me to solve this.T

Re: Using C++ classes from Objective C

2008-03-20 Thread John Stiles
Without starting a religious war, I have to disagree with this. ObjC++ is probably a bad idea if you are a novice programmer in general, but I think it also has some really good things going for it, and having written huge amounts of ObjC++ code, I think it's perfectly straightforward to use.

Re: dataCellForTableColumn method

2008-03-20 Thread Hans Hansen
Well I found a work around using preparedCellAtColumn:row: and then calling selectWithFrame directly... ...but there has got to be a better way! :D On Mar 19, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Hans Hansen wrote: Anyone know how best to use multiple NSTextCell subclasses, in a table/outline column? When I

Re: Using C++ classes from Objective C

2008-03-20 Thread Jeremy
Thanks for the input guys, I really appreciate the help. I do have a lot of C++ code that I would like to use and put behind a Cocoa front end, so I think that using Objective C++ classes as wrapper classes around my C++ classes is the route I would like to take. Anyone have an example of s

Re: Using C++ classes from Objective C

2008-03-20 Thread John Stiles
Wow. That is a really awesome trick there. Props to you!! I wish Boost was easier to split apart so I didn't need to drag around 40MB of headers for just one feature… Chris Meyer wrote: Don't listen to these C++ naysayers... we use it all the time very successfully. An easy way of reference

Re: Using C++ classes from Objective C

2008-03-20 Thread Chris Meyer
An easy way of reference counting using Obj-C++ is to use the boost libraries with boost::intrusive_ptr and these definitions: // file.h namespace boost { void intrusive_ptr_add_ref( id object ); void intrusive_ptr_release( id object ); } // file.m namespace boost { void intru

NSFileHandle and sockets

2008-03-20 Thread Jeff LaMarche
Thanks to help from several people on the list, I got NSFileHandle working with remote sockets, and wrote a category on NSFileHandle to make it easier to use it that way. Since it would not have been possible to write this without the help of several people on this list, I thought I'd make

Re: Using C++ classes from Objective C

2008-03-20 Thread Rob Napier
Say you have a C++ object called MyObject in the namespace myapp that you want to access through your ObjC. What I tend to do is create an ObjC++ object called MyObjectWrapper that owns a myapp::MyObject and presents a pure ObjC interface to its methods. Users of MyObjectWrapper don't have to inclu

Re: Using C++ classes from Objective C

2008-03-20 Thread Christopher Nebel
On Mar 20, 2008, at 10:32 AM, Rob Napier wrote: Say you have a C++ object called MyObject in the namespace myapp that you want to access through your ObjC. What I tend to do is create an ObjC++ object called MyObjectWrapper that owns a myapp::MyObject and presents a pure ObjC interface to i

Re: Using C++ classes from Objective C

2008-03-20 Thread Clark Cox
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 11:33 AM, Christopher Nebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Mar 20, 2008, at 10:32 AM, Rob Napier wrote: > > > Say you have a C++ object called MyObject in the namespace myapp > > that you want to access through your ObjC. What I tend to do is > > create an ObjC++ object

Re: Using C++ classes from Objective C

2008-03-20 Thread Jeremy
Thanks everyone! Using a void* for the member variable of my wrapper class did the trick and I now have my Objective C code calling my C++ code! What is the best way to pass strings from my Objective C code to my C+ + code though? I started looking at the unichar definition and the methods on

Animation when adding view. Where should view come from, NIB or programmatic?

2008-03-20 Thread David
I think this is a basic question.In interface builder you can specify animations which occur when adding a view. Question is, where does the view typical come from? It seems desirable to be able to design a potentially complex view in IB, obtain a reference to it and use it for animations. Or is it

extract text from image

2008-03-20 Thread C Sandeep
Greetings, Im trying to extract text from an Image. Are there any apple blessed class(es) that can help me achieve this ? Thanks. - Sandeep ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments

Re: Using C++ classes from Objective C

2008-03-20 Thread Jeff LaMarche
What about the UTF8String method? It replaces the old lossyCString method and should give you a pointer to a c string Sent from my iPhone On Mar 20, 2008, at 3:34 PM, Jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Thanks everyone! Using a void* for the member variable of my wrapper class did the trick

Re: Using C++ classes from Objective C

2008-03-20 Thread Rob Napier
Yep, stringWithUTF8String/UTF8String works well for std:string. I recommend creating NSStringForStdString() and StdStringForNSString() utility functions, and possibly an NSString category to add -stdStringValue. -Rob On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 4:05 PM, Jeff LaMarche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Wha

yearly NSDraggingInfo -draggedImage question (BEWARE!)

2008-03-20 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
I implemented a dragging destination, and only get nil from [sender draggedImage]. Why? thanks, -natevw p.s. IMPORTANT NOTE! No one has lived to answer this question:

Re: NSAffineTransform & bezier path line widths

2008-03-20 Thread Shamyl Zakariya
So, I managed to solve it on my own. The trouble is I was resizing the image and then using compositeAtPoint:, when I should have been using drawInRect: fromRect: ( which is better, anyway ) For some reason using the former approach left some odd transform in the drawing context during a

Re: Leopard NSTableView Cell and single click editing

2008-03-20 Thread john chen
Hi Corbin, In my application, the table has several columns, some of them is editable, some not. I defined a handleDoubleClick method when user double clicks on a non-editable column. In Tiger, it works fine. When double click on a editable column, it will start to editing. But in Leopard, not m

Re: yearly NSDraggingInfo -draggedImage question (BEWARE!)

2008-03-20 Thread Sherm Pendley
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 5:19 PM, Nathan Vander Wilt < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I implemented a dragging destination, and only get nil from [sender > draggedImage]. Why? My car wouldn't start this morning. Why not? sherm-- ___ Cocoa-dev mailing lis

Re: yearly NSDraggingInfo -draggedImage question (BEWARE!)

2008-03-20 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
[sending to the list this time, I might maybe someday eventually get used to the reply-to policy here.] On Mar 20, 2008, at 3:00 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote: On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 5:19 PM, Nathan Vander Wilt <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: I implemented a dragging destination, and only get nil fro

Re: extract text from image

2008-03-20 Thread C Sandeep
Hi, Thanks. Are there any open source OCR libraries for objc ? - Sandeep On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 6:09 PM, Andrew Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 20 Mar 08, at 13:09, C Sandeep wrote: > > Im trying to extract text from an Image. Are there any apple blessed > > class(es) that can help me

Re: Correct use of NSViewController

2008-03-20 Thread Paul Szego
On 21/03/2008, at 12:35 AM, Jonathan Dann wrote: Hi Cathy, Thanks again for your advice. I've got it working now and I'm almost back I where I was before refactoring, I'm now running into a bindings problem. Before using the view controllers I had put 2 tree controllers in my window

Re: yearly NSDraggingInfo -draggedImage question (BEWARE!)

2008-03-20 Thread Dave Hersey
Do you get anything different if you print the object as a pointer (%p)? Printing it as an int value is... weird. Try: printf("Dragged Image: %p\n", (void *)[sender draggedImage]); or NSLog(@"Dragged Image: %@", [[sender draggedImage] description]); I dunno, it may still be nil, but t

Simple messages problem

2008-03-20 Thread K. Darcy Otto
So, I seem to be having a problem with the following code, and I think I've traced it to how the messages are nested; but I cannot seem to solve it. Consider the following code, which works without warnings (self.sequent is an NSArray): DeductionLine *dl1 = [self.sequent objectAtIn

Re: yearly NSDraggingInfo -draggedImage question (BEWARE!)

2008-03-20 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
On Mar 20, 2008, at 3:31 PM, Dave Hersey wrote: Do you get anything different if you print the object as a pointer (%p)? Printing it as an int value is... weird. Try: printf("Dragged Image: %p\n", (void *)[sender draggedImage]); That's a useful format I'd either forgotten or never known, t

doubleValue (for an NSString)

2008-03-20 Thread Boyd Collier
According to Apple's documents, the selector doubleValue returns 0.0 if the instance of an NSString that is the receiver "doesn’t begin with a valid text representation of a floating-point number." Is there a simple way to distinguish between the string 0.0, which shouldn't be considered

Re: Simple messages problem

2008-03-20 Thread Quincey Morris
On Mar 20, 2008, at 15:25, K. Darcy Otto wrote: So, I seem to be having a problem with the following code, and I think I've traced it to how the messages are nested; but I cannot seem to solve it. Consider the following code, which works without warnings (self.sequent is an NSArray):

Re: doubleValue (for an NSString)

2008-03-20 Thread Quincey Morris
On Mar 20, 2008, at 16:13, Boyd Collier wrote: According to Apple's documents, the selector doubleValue returns 0.0 if the instance of an NSString that is the receiver "doesn’t begin with a valid text representation of a floating-point number." Is there a simple way to distinguish betwee

Re: doubleValue (for an NSString)

2008-03-20 Thread Dave Hersey
Setting up NSScanner for this is trivial, if I'm understanding the question... double doubleValue; NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString: stringToCheck]; if ([scanner scanDouble: &doubleValue]) { // doubleValue has your double's value. } else

Re: doubleValue (for an NSString)

2008-03-20 Thread Alastair Houghton
On 20 Mar 2008, at 23:26, Quincey Morris wrote: On Mar 20, 2008, at 16:13, Boyd Collier wrote: According to Apple's documents, the selector doubleValue returns 0.0 if the instance of an NSString that is the receiver "doesn’t begin with a valid text representation of a floating-point num

Re: doubleValue (for an NSString)

2008-03-20 Thread John Stiles
You could always do this float value; if (1 == sscanf([myString UTF8String], "%f", &value)) { // the string was a valid float } else { // it wasn't } For integer, replace "float" with "int" and "%f" with "%d". Localization concerns still apply in theory but in practice there are few loca

Re: doubleValue (for an NSString)

2008-03-20 Thread Alastair Houghton
On 20 Mar 2008, at 23:38, John Stiles wrote: Localization concerns still apply in theory but in practice there are few locales which don't use standard numeric characters. Actually, well, I don't know if sscanf knows about using "," for the decimal separator in Europe or not. As long as y

Re: Best Way To Lookup From a Huge Table

2008-03-20 Thread E. Wing
You really should profile to find your bottlenecks, especially when the STL is concerned. My personal experience has been that gcc poorly optimizes STL code automatically for you and you must go in and profile to eliminate the real bottlenecks. A real world case I dealt with a couple years back, w

Creating custom sheets

2008-03-20 Thread Kevin Dixon
I want to create a custom sheet that displays a bit of text, a progress bar and an abort button. The Apple docs say use interface builder to make the UI for the sheet, but what should I add to my NIB, a window, panel, or custom view? Thanks -Kevin ___

Re: Simple messages problem

2008-03-20 Thread K. Darcy Otto
Thanks for your help; that change did clear up the warning. I want to make sure I understand your explanation though: How is [self.sequent objectAtIndex:lineCount-1] of type "id" as opposed to of type "DeductionLine" (since self.sequent is an NSArray of DeductionLine objects)? Is it that

Re: Simple messages problem

2008-03-20 Thread Jack Repenning
On Mar 20, 2008, at 6:32 PM, K. Darcy Otto wrote: Thanks for your help; that change did clear up the warning. I want to make sure I understand your explanation though: All these questions have the same answer. In Objective-C, you can arrange for your messages to go to objects (types) that

Re: Using C++ classes from Objective C

2008-03-20 Thread Scott Thompson
On Mar 20, 2008, at 2:34 PM, Jeremy wrote: Thanks everyone! Using a void* for the member variable of my wrapper class did the trick and I now have my Objective C code calling my C++ code! What is the best way to pass strings from my Objective C code to my C ++ code though? I started lookin

sheet appears as normal window?

2008-03-20 Thread Kevin Dixon
I couldn't find any documentation on how to create a custom sheet's view, so I did it as a Panel. I have the panel as an outlet of my primary window controller. I then call beginSheet, as shown here [NSApp beginSheet: uiAnalysisResultsSheet modalFo

Re: sheet appears as normal window?

2008-03-20 Thread Andrew Merenbach
Hi, Kevin, Is [self window] defined at the time that you make the -beginSheet:... call that you described to us? If the -window method returns nil or NULL at that time, then you will see, I believe, the behavior that you describe. You can test this with a call to NSLog(). Cheers,

Re: sheet appears as normal window?

2008-03-20 Thread Dave Hersey
You probably forgot to connect your window controller's "window" outlet in Interface Builder, so [self window] is nil. If the window for the sheet is nil, you get a window instead. If it's not that, make sure you're not doing this until after awakeFromNib, so that, again, the window outlet

Nested Enum Error

2008-03-20 Thread K. Darcy Otto
I've been trying to add some human-readable error codes to my classes using enum, but have been running into some difficulties when I add a different enum of the same name to a different class. Here is what I have so far in my DeductionLine class (and I think it will suffice just to show t

Re: Nested Enum Error

2008-03-20 Thread Andrew Merenbach
Hi, there, I'm afraid that I can't offer the solution that you desire, but I might suggest using class-specific error-code names, as Apple does with notifications, constants, and such. enum Error{ KDODeductionLineNoError = 0, KDODeductionLineDependencyExistError = 1,

Re: Nested Enum Error

2008-03-20 Thread B.J. Buchalter
Obj-C Classes do not form a namespace like they do in C++. Both enum Error are in the global scope. That is the source of your problem... Best regards, B.J Buchalter On Mar 20, 2008, at 11:31 PM, K. Darcy Otto wrote: I've been trying to add some human-readable error codes to my classes u

Debugging an input manager that refuses to load

2008-03-20 Thread Michael Ash
I have a user who can't use my program because it won't load. It loads into Safari by using an input manager, but it simply doesn't show up. I've placed logging statements in my input manager principal class's +load method and they don't appear for this user, so it's clear that the bundle isn't loa

Re: Nested Enum Error

2008-03-20 Thread Dave Hersey
Yeah, there are problems with doing it that way. I'd do something like: typedef enum DeductionLineErrors { e_DL_NoError = 0, // no err e_DL_LineNumberExistsError = 1, // blah e_DL_WTFError = 2

[Mini Announce] Leopard style tabs that need your help

2008-03-20 Thread Jesse Grosjean
I'm trying to create a simple clone of the tab view that's used by Terminal and Safari in Leopard. In many ways my code is a worse PSMTabBarControl. But it does have some advantages, the code is much smaller and is only focused on recreating leopard style tabs. Anyway if this interests you

Re: [Mini Announce] Leopard style tabs that need your help

2008-03-20 Thread Seth Willits
On Mar 20, 2008, at 9:33 PM, Jesse Grosjean wrote: I'm trying to create a simple clone of the tab view that's used by Terminal and Safari in Leopard. You say on your page that PSMTabBarControl doesn't have this style, but it does. It's the exact same tabs. Only the window background has c

Re: Best Way To Lookup From a Huge Table

2008-03-20 Thread Michael Ash
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 7:58 PM, E. Wing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > You really should profile to find your bottlenecks, especially when > the STL is concerned. My personal experience has been that gcc poorly > optimizes STL code automatically for you and you must go in and > profile to elimina

Re: sheet appears as normal window?

2008-03-20 Thread Kevin Dixon
> You probably forgot to connect your window controller's "window" > outlet in Interface Builder, so [self window] is nil. If the window > for the sheet is nil, you get a window instead. Yes, this was it, I wasn't aware of that, I assumed window was a method that got the associated window, ala Win3