Apologies for this late follow up. I discovered that when I opened the fill cap
on the port side, the tanks would *slowly* equalize. I blew out the vents on
both sides, but this did not seem to improve anything. At least I now can get
the water distributed and then shut off a tank when full.
Fist time bottom painting my 37. I bought the paint but now thinking 2 gallons
isn’t enough for two coats. Pettit Trinidad (hard) label says theoretical
coverage is 450 ft²/gallon.
The 37 is 28’ at the waterline.
2 gallons more than enough or not enough?
Thanks to all of the subscribers that c
n non-racing application with a foam roller it has been
> sufficient. And this is on the full keel version.
> Best,
> Dave Godwin
> 1982 C&C 37 - Ronin
> 1998 Mast & Mallet Thomas Point 34 - Katana
> Reedville, VA
> On Aug 26, 2021, at 6:41 PM, Peter McMin
We’ve been sailing this summer with two exhausted composite headsails (110&125)
purchased with our 37, Sirius.
The leeches on both sails reveal a tortured past with the babystay. With a new
Precision tiradial 120 coming over winter, we’re practicing tacks with no
babystay contact, backwinding
Great thoughts all. I use our hydraulic backstay to much greater effect. I’m
going to tie the baby back and watch the results on the main, which likely was
cut for that lower fwd tension. We sail in the Salish, so heavy air is
relatively shortlived, but some recent passages with blasts to 30 mak
Martin De Young, with my boat in Boat Haven this month, I spotted your boat in
its restored glory. What a magnificent paint job👍
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the
costs involved. If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to
send contr
Hi all,
I have an ‘85 37 with what I think are the original plastic screw caps in the
tank fill holes. I’d like to replace these with metal (chromed bronze?) caps.
Any suggestions for a source?
Pete McMinn
S/V Sirius
Port Madison, Wa
Don't forget to show your appreciation and help pay the bil
Hi Alan,
Sorry for the 10 year old thread response here. I have the same
question—Replacement caps for RC deck fitting. Did you ever find a source?
Don't forget to show your appreciation and help pay the bills. Make a
contribution at:
Thanks for your help.
Hey all,
I have the original Barient 28s as primaries on my ‘85 37’ and with regular
maintenance, they’re still working well and looking ok. Within a year, I’ll be
acquiring a pair of B 26s of the same vintage that may need some work but hey,
free winches:)
I’d like to use the 26s as secondar
Sirius will be in PL on the night of 6/3 along with the rest of the PMYC
gang doing our Fal Joslin race. May we could check out the progress on
Calypso then.
On Sun, May 28, 2023 at 2:10 PM Martin DeYoung via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> I was hoping to take Calypso
Bill Coleman wrote:
> Got more info in on the composting heads. (just in case anyone is
> interested.)
> Interesting, but I don't see one in my future. Just hypothesizing, but I see
> only the most environmentally rabid women (and maybe men) accepting this
> concept.
> << http://www.svsarah.com/
Over the winter, I rebuilt the Barient 2-sp 28s that were original on my
‘85 37. Only had to replace the springs. Pawls appeared to have been
replaced a few years ago but showed minimal wear; the gears and bearings
were well greased by previous owners and in good shape. I’d say maintenance
On this relatively recent thread, I see the idea I have for mounting a
horizontal windless on a custom shelf under the locker hatch . Edd, how did
your project work out? Lessons learned? I see earlier comment on this from
Martin DeYoung and others.
On my ‘85 37, I’m thinking of mounting heavy 7
Really nice setup, Tom. The handle holder is a nice touch. The early 37 is
equipped with an access panel in the locker bulkhead which, without a lot more
more work, doesn’t allow space for that type of mounting. Looks like good
straight drop to the bottom of the cavity.
Thanks to all of the subs
Risking another topic in tandem with my windlass question. Don’t think they’re
easily confused, but we can try;)
When we purchased Sirius in October, the wood wedges at the deck mast hole were
all low and fairly tight. Now, after a few sails and seasonal changes (not sure
that matters), they ha
Thank you all for the quick replies. I have no leak issues around the deck
opening, observed after some heavy rain this winter. The wedges also appear to
be in good shape—just loose. Perhaps I’m hearing from above they may be too
small or the wrong shape? Charles, I’ll ping you for what to look
As I install our new Wallas heater, I’m thinking of removing the original Red
Dot that was wire cut by the PO—may need a new fan. At one point, I think it
leaked coolant into the settee cavity. Cleaned up the spill and tightened hoses
after we got the boat. I realize this heater offers steady “f
Same question for me (37). The previous owner did wonderful prep and
taping, but coverage is thin. I’ll probably put on another coat of Kiwi.
On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 4:10 PM cenelson via CnC-List
> My deck is mostly covered with non-skid Kiwi-Grip which I had a applied by
> a loc
A question for those of us with aluminum toe rails. I’d like to find a solution
for midship cleating for docking/departing and springline placement. I’m
currently securing a line around a stanchion mount, which seems strong, but I’d
like to find a cleat that mounts to the toe rail. Haven’t seen
I neglected checking archived discussion on the subject. Others have noted
different options. It occurs to me a rail attached cleat attached could
pose a problem with snagging sheets, etc. Going to experiment with soft
shackle--easy to adjust and no wear on the metal.
On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 7:27
> Lady in Red
> Bay Shore, NY
> -Original Message-
> From: Peter McMinn via CnC-List
> To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> Cc: petemcm...@gmail.com
> Sent: Wed, Mar 10, 2021 2:27 am
> Subject: Stus-List midship cleats on aluminum rail?
> A question for those of us with aluminu
Good to know the soft shackle works well--just built a few for the purpose.
And good idea on the rubberized carabiner (Sirius topsides also painted).
Peter McMinn
On Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 10:01 AM Dennis C. via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Ric
Hey all,
As I prepare to mount a new windlass on my ‘85 37, I intend to install a new
AGM 12v on the centerline just aft of the holding tank. There is plenty of room
here for a battery platform and accessibility is fair. I’ve done my homework on
voltage drop, cable size, etc. but if you have sp
Got the message—have decided to use the house bank and run 1/0 as low as low as
I can up to the windlass.
Thanks all.
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the
costs involved. If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to
send contribution -
My other boat is a Laser that I race year-round in a fleet with dudes well
into their 70s--please don't tell me going to the dark side is inevitable.
Peter McMinn
On Sun, Mar 21, 2021 at 8:49 AM Graham Collins via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> geeze,
I have a 30gal water tank under both settees. The valves for each are set to
open flow. However, the pump seems to draw only from the starboard side. I’d
assumed that with both valves open, the tanks would equalize, but the stbd tank
empties and the pump goes dry, while the port tank remains ful
Thanks for the replies. I looked under the floorboards today for a manifold or
something regulating flow from/to either tank. Plumbing is all tight but only T
connectors, no valve. I opened P/S tubes and both showed positive flow, though
port side seemed slower. I then went to the port tank and
gt; *From:* Adam Hayden via CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list@cnc-list.com]
> *Sent:* Monday, March 22, 2021 7:14 AM
> *To:* Stus-List
> *Cc:* petemcm...@gmail.com; Adam Hayden
> *Subject:* Stus-List Re: water tanks interconnected, or not?
> Peter
> Very interesti
Trying to understand how the emergency tiller works on my 37. As others have
noted on their 35II, the access aft of the pedestal is less than ideal, if not
dangerous. Any workarounds or mods I should consider?
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the
costs i
year I decided to check it out and
> document it. I have pics but its too much of a pain to post pics on here
> using google drive. Happy to send them along if anyone would like to see
> the emergency tiller system, really works nice, and I could see steering
> with this in a pin
I just removed the adhesive port of call on my transom. Adding to what's
been suggested, I found a plastic razor blade to be far less of a hazard to
my topside paint.
Peter McMinn
On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 12:53 PM Josh Muckley via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> w
SEW Clean
This is a non-toxic descaler that fr us has proven its weight In gold.
Living aboard during this project must be interesting.
On Mon, May 3, 2021 at 9:33 AM Doug Mountjoy via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Good Morning All,
> I am in the process of replacing my Stainless
Thanks for posting this, David. I hope this boat finds the right set of hands
to give her another half century.
In testing to see the cockpit engine access and wondering how many older C&Cs
have this. Have thought many times I’d like to add one to my 85 37. Then I
shudder at the possible leaka
My 85 37 has the traditional cowl vents on the dorade boxes. Jib sheet caught
one and tossed it in the drink yesterday, motivating me to upgrade to a low
profile vent that will fit the 7” space. Nicro and Marinco make a nice mini
solar vent that will fit, but I think these are designed for direc
Thx Richard. That makes the best sense and it’s way cheaper;)
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the
costs involved. If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to
send contribution -- https://www.paypal.me/stumurray Thanks - Stu
I discovered water via failed bedding at the starboard chain plate had been
draining into the cavity behind the settee bulkhead where the
plate/nuts are accessible. It's all glassed but the trapped water sloshed
during sailing and saturated the unsealed plywood edges of the access port.
Excellent suggestions, thank you! I have a roll of Bed-it tape on the way
(https://shop.sailboatowners.com/prod.php?55717) and a call out among sailing
buddies for a good moisture meter. Forgot about using alcohol for moisture
abatement, I’ll get on that today.
Nathan, how deep do you cut that
Dennis, this is super description complete with part numbers. Thanks!
Interested to hear any updates on your diy assembly.
The Navtec on my 37 doesn’t leak fluid, but may be low or time to change.
Recovery after each pump is slow.
Peter McMinn
On Sun, Jan 7, 2024
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