It fits around your boom and i used as preventer downwind the keep the
boom from lifting / unintentional jibing. The rollers go up on either
side of the sail and you attache a line from the shackle to the rail.
On 8/1/2018 3:32 PM, T Smyth via CnC-List wrote:
I’m trying to determi
I also am of the convention of none of the overboards that have
plastic/rubber inboard should be grounded. When I first got the boat in
1980 we were eating zincs, one every other month. I read an article at
the time that basically said that if you have a copper base paint you
were setting up
Yes, but what would John Brown Herreshoff say when he saw the design?
Don Kern
Fireball C&C 35mk2
Docent Herreshoff Museum
On 8/23/2018 5:17 PM, Russ & Melody via CnC-List wrote:
I agree that good designers and builders are committed to do what they
believe is right.
But you might be a we
Very interested in racing sails. Just blew out two older heavy air
sails. Can you provide the sail dimensions
Don Kern
Fireball 12708
C&C 35MK2
On 8/26/2018 9:42 AM, Rod Stright via CnC-List wrote:
A variety of racing and cruising sails that will fit C&C 33 – 35’
1.Doyle crui
/Fireball /has been owned by my family since 1980. Has had four
generations on her in offshore races and is still racing successfully.
Third owners.
Best regards,
Don Kern
Fireball - 12708
1974 C&C 35 Mk2
Bristol, RI 02809
On 9/27/2018 8:50 AM, Jack Fitzgerald via CnC-List wrote:
Being retired, and having a rainy day I put together a spread sheet
(attached) from the replies to Jack's request. Please let me know by
email, if you want to be removed or want to make corrections to the
list. Rhis is a shorten list that does not include the second and third
boats that folks
Was in your neck of the woods for the J80 Nationals at Beverly YC. Left
on Sunday with my son, made it to Cuttyhunk in two hours under spinnaker
(hit 11.7 kts on a wave front, fastest we have ever seen), got the
spinnaker off and reached over to Sakonnet - 2hrs. Then up to Bristol in
This is an update to the spread sheet (attached) from the replies to
Jack's request, in which I have added emails addresses.
Please let me know by email, if you want to make corrections to the list.
Best regards,
Don Kern
Fireball - 12708
1974 C&C 35 Mk2
Bristol, RI 02809
C&C ownership shor
lie Paal via CnC-List wrote:
couple items:
- Pasadena is in CA (L.A. county)
- I owned a C&C25 before, did not see it. Maybe the info did not yet make the
On Thu, 10/4/18, Don Kern via CnC-List wrote:
Subject: Stus-List Up
The nationality rules are slowing changing. For 2021 in New Zealand the
rules dictate:
Twenty percent or three crew, whichever is higher, must be citizens of
the country of the competing yacht club. The remainder of the crew can
be made up of residents of the challenging yacht club’s country
Hull Numbers (HIN)
All boats manufactured or imported on or after November 1, 1972 must
bear a HIN. The HIN is a 12 character serial number that uniquely
identifies your boat. The HIN has an important safety purpose. It
enables manufacturers to clearly identify for boat owners the boats
Last year the voltage regulator on the alternator died, apparently
causing a voltage spike. Fried two new batteries and my instrument
cluster, radio survived. My usual practice was to charge both batteries
at the same time when engine is running. When under sail run the
electronics off one ba
It is a Left coast boat, thus aliens
On 9/26/2019 11:57 PM, Jim Watts via CnC-List wrote:
Sounds very much like a lightning strike. I assume you'd know if you'd
been hit.
Or aliens.
Jim Watts
Paradigm Shift
C&C 35 Mk III
Victoria, BC
On Thu, 26 Sep 2019 at 14:16, John Irvin via CnC-List
A year ago, on a whim, I started collecting the C&C data which had the
years of ownership of a boat. I got quite a few responses (about 100)
and sent out the results. Since then I have been tracking the forum
members and their boats and have been trying to update as new info comes
Shawn and Dennis
On Fireball (C&C 35 Mk2) I have two sets of tracks. The aft set runs
from approximately the fwd cockpit main winch, 6" inboard of the toerail
at a slight inboard angle to the second set which run parallel to the
deck house to the aft lower shroud about 2" outboard from the on-
Same here in RI 64 degrees, wind 20+ kts, only difference my boat is
sitting in my side yard.
Don Kern
Fireball C&C 35 Mk2
Bristol RI
On 1/11/2020 5:10 PM, Joe Della Barba via CnC-List wrote:
Today was a GREAT day for sailing, 20+ from the south so we had flat
water and great wind. We
My 1974 C&C 35 Mk2 still has the original three burner pressure alcohol
stove with oven, which is very tired and needs replacement. I believe a
previous owner of Callisto had the boat modified for Propane, since
propane stoves are not listed as an option on 1974 C&C 35 price list - I
The list of C&C 36-37s was too big and bounced, I will send it to you
Don Kern
Fireball C&C 35 Mk2
Bristol RI
On 2/21/2020 3:26 PM, Charlie Nelson via CnC-List wrote:
Hey Don
I am interested in reviewing your list of C&Cs. Do you have a link to
it or other way for me to
About five years ago a bird decided to build a nest in my mast when it
was down for winter storage. The only problem I had (besides about 1/2
bushel of straw/twigs dropping out) was that the lines made good nest
lining causing me to replace all internal halyards except the main. Did
Don Kern
Fireball, C&C35 Mk2
Bristol RI
On 3/11/2020 1:00 PM, Don Kern via CnC-List wrote:
About five years ago a bird decided to build a nest in my mast when it
was down for winter storage. The only problem I had (besides about
1/2 bushel of straw/twigs dropping out) was
I use a PYI system and have not had a water leakage at the shaft. The
water I get in the bilge is coming down the mast, because I mounted a
hard vang as low as possible to the cabin top. Mistake because found it
almost impossible to seal. However the seal I use does limit that
problem until
Attached is pictures of my emerg tiller. Thanks for reminding me about
it, since it is rarely pulled out of the port cockpit locker. The
bolt/nut is corroded and needs to be cleaned up so it can be tightened
on the post. Let me know if you need dimensions.
Don Kern
Fireball C&C 35 M
a Pomeranian will work better - real cute and portable
On 4/9/2020 6:01 PM, dwight veinot via CnC-List wrote:
Best bet get a lovable dog like a miniature Yorkie and go out in public.
If you cant do it maybe the puppy will. Mans best friend
On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 4:19 PM Will Ger
My list for those C&C 36ft are fairly large. I will send you a couple
of messages of what I have. Let me know if you need more data for your
any corrections/update are always appreciated
Don Kern
/Fireball/ C&C 35 Mk2
Bristol RI
C&C 37 list 03-2020 sec 2.xlsx
I use this method on my boat and on the J30 crew on Wed night beer cans.
Just loosen the collar holding the xdcr until the threads disengage,
rotate the xdcr 180, push down and tighten collar. No water in the boat.
Don Kern
/Fireball /C&C 35 Mk2
Bristol RI
On 4/13/2020 11:56 AM, David
-----Original Message-
From: Don Kern via CnC-List
To: Charlie Nelson via CNC-List ; T Smyth via
Cc: Don Kern
Sent: Fri, Apr 10, 2020 4:23 pm
Subject: Stus-List C&C 37part 2
My list for those C&C 36ft are fairly large. I will send you a couple
of m
I have been running a list of of C&C owners for a couple of years that
started out as to their experience and how long they had their boat. It
has expanded thru multiple sources to over 2300 C&Cs. For all the C&C
35 there are 375 boats and 196 C&C 35 Mk3s contained on the list. I
I have been running a list of of C&C owners for a couple of years that
started out as to their experience and how long they had their boat. It
has expanded thru multiple sources to over 2300 C&Cs. For all the C&C
38 there are 235 boats and 50 C&C 38 Mk2s contained on the list. Any
Yes, As a frequent contributor, how could I miss you ??
Don Kern
/Fireball/ C&C 35 Mk2
Bristol, RI
Present BoatOwner
Data Age Year Type Hull # Registration Name Former Name Sail #
Berthed /
Home Port Years own Bought Last First e-mail City State/Prov
Yacht Club
I have one of those earlier C&C 35 Mk2 ('74 #255) and have _not_ tried
to attach the bulkheads to the overhead. She does work in heavy air.
Two years ago the original outboard holding tank failed, which I had to
remove by dismantling the head's bulkheads and cabinetry. I replaced
It does not appear that the owner of /Blue Pearl/ is active on the CnC
list. The info below is old data from the USCG and original C&C
C&C 37/40+cb sd Hull #59 HIN ZCC37059B090 USCG #962323 /Blue Pearl
/ Former names /Lagniappe, Trinity/ Sail # 73452 Reg. Hom
Looking at the HIN that is a 1974 C&C35 Mk*2*
Don Kern
/Fireball /C&C35 Mk2
Bristol RI
On 6/30/2020 6:54 PM, Dennis C. via CnC-List wrote:
Was it Touché? :)
I saw it last week but thought it was a 34.
If anybody wants me to look at it for parts, let me know. I deal with
Mike at Southern C
I've never seen a Mk2 with the star/ sword. Mine #255 does not.
Don Kern
/Fireball /C&C35 Mk2
Bristol RI
On 7/1/2020 12:10 PM, dwight veinot via CnC-List wrote:
My 35 MkII hull number 242 does not have the star and dagger.
On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 11:26 AM Dennis C. via CnC-List
The 35 Mk2 does have a cove strip, just no star / sword. The cove
strip ends about eight inches aft of the in-hull running light which I
think was unique to this vintage C&Cs
Don Kern
/Fireball/ C&C35 Mk2
Bristol RI
On 7/1/2020 10:30 AM, JohnKelly Cuthbertson via CnC-List wro
No manufactures plate on # 255
Don Kern
/Fireball/ C&C35 Mk2
Bristol RI
On 7/1/2020 2:37 PM, david--- via CnC-List wrote:
Hull 35-2 #207 has a manufacturers plate at the forward end of the
cockpit well, as well as the USCG HIN on the transom. It was built in
David Kelly
Baraka C&C 35-
Do you have a number scribed on the top St'bd of your transom, such as
CCY30/xxxmm/73? The /xxx/ will be the hull number and the /mm/ is the
month built.
Don Kern
/Fireball/, C&C35 Mk2
Bristol RI
On 7/15/2020 9:13 AM, Joel Delamirande via CnC-List wrote:
Human age I was just wonde
A lot depends on how tender your boat is. Fireball is a C&C 35 Mk2, a
fairly stiff boat, which sees a lot of racing and has a good sail
selection ( #1 150, #2 138, #3 120, #4 85) cut for Narraganset Bay
(average 15+ kts wind most every afternoon, except August .
For cruising, when the wind pu
I replaced my old Martec model 778, Dia and pitch 12 X 5, 2 blade
folding in 2008 with a Martec Mk III Eliptec 2-blade folding,
non-geared. However I do not believe Martec is in production any
longer. One of the big concern at the time was drag when racing and
hull clearance. It was my unders
You should not be gathering water in that area. Since you are the limber
holes (a drain hole through a boat frame, designed to prevent water from
accumulating against one side of the frame, and allowing it to drain
toward the bilge (Wikipedia)) is blocked. You should have a series of
I race quite a bit (more than I cruise) and I have not used the reaching
strut in years, though it carried below on the shelf above the v-berth.
We use both a sheet and a guy attached to each clue. The sheet is lead
to a turning blocks at the aft most opening on the toe rail, the guy is
With all this discussion of the cockpit drains I went out to my boat
(C&C35 MkII, which spends winter in my side yard) to check the layout
and take some measurements. The two scupper valves are 9" from the
centerline (18" apart) and are approx. 20" below the waterline. The
cockpit deck (floor
To avoid being trapped we have attached a length of shockcord to the
back side of the latch so it hangs down into the locker. It is a
straight section going to a loop. The straight section's end has a
small diameter copper pipe that has been crimped flat (using a vice in
my workshop)
Same here. The aft cockpit valves were removed and the aft scuppers
were T'ed to the forward valves. When I was getting the bottom of the
boat ready for paint I could make out the where they had been. It was
most likely done at the factory as /Fireball/ was campaigned by C&C in
Have a C&C35 Mk2 that we cruise and race in all the different weather
that we have in New England ( Spring and Fall 15+kts, late July/early
Aug light air). One of he great things about her for cruising is that
I have a 145 cruising roller furl headsail that we use alone (no main)
Here is a link to the prototype sailing on Narragansett Bay. Boats being
built here in Bristol
Don Kern
Fireball 12708
Bristol RI
On 1/27/2019 5:08 PM, dwight veinot via CnC-List wrote:
Have you folks checke
I bet that is similar to what was said 1900's when the America Cup boats
went to cross cut sails and the Marconi rig. Then again when they went
from the 12 meters to the IACC boats, never mind the foiling cats. "just
saying" own Fireball for 39 years
Don Kern
Docent, Herreshoff Marine Museum
Very sorry to hear that. Give me a yell if you are interested in
crewing in some of the races or just a day sail.
Don Kern
Fireball, 12708 C&C35 Mk2
Bristol, RI
On 1/30/2019 4:23 PM, Gary Russell via CnC-List wrote:
I am very sad to report that Kaylarah is for sale. Life's
Like Morgan I race my boat, so we fold the genoas after each race, a
least once per week, maybe two genoas per race. The mainsail is furled
on the boom and covered. The spinnakers are rubber banded and then care
fully stuffed into a spinnaker turtle.
Fireball C&C 35 II
On 3/8/2019
Do the same on Fireball where we launch Genoas out of a long zip bag
that is secured to the toe rail. We pull the zipper forward to open the
bag and attach the tack and head (led thru the pre-feed and onto the the
twin foil). Pull the zipper back on aft end of bag which is laid between
, or anything
that goes overboard intentionally during a race, banned by Rule 55 of RRS?
That's what I have read and been told.
Bill Walker
C&C 36
Pentwater, Mi
Bill Walker
On Saturday, March 9, 2019 Don Kern
Morgan, I have heard this also, but I believe it depends on the unique
characteristics of the boat/mast. Fireball a C&C 35 Mk 2 has taken some
pretty powerful unintentional jibes and spinnaker unloading and loading
while racing. The 35 Mk2 really has a telephone pole for a mast and in
these c
When I am out for a cruise I will use my roller furl only - upwind,
reaching and downwind. A lot less hassle and i am not worried about
someone losing their head to the boom or fingers to the main traveler.
The roller furl is 140% and most importantly the helm is balanced going
If you are racing under PHRF it is best to check the rating instructions
for your region. Below are the regions I race in:
In PHRF-NB (Narragansett Bay) the instruction states:
R6) Rig modifications such as, but not limited to:
b. spinn
Thursday 3/28/19 9 AM - 7 PM
Friday 3/29/19 9 AM - 7 PM
Saturday 3/30/19 9 AM - 6 PM
Sunday 3/31/19 10 AM - 3 PM
Don Kern
Fireball C&C35 Mk2
Bristol, RI
On 3/21/2019 5:39 PM, Edd Schillay via CnC-
Also have a C&C 35 Mk2 with not quite the number of holes in the
overhead. Last year I tidied up the the cabin by painting all the
larger 4 - 8" covers white, since they had yellowed with age. Also
bought a bag of 50 plastic hole plugs, 3/4" opening from dangoodbuy on
ebay, which wer
Just went outside to look at Fireball's prop /shaft. She is close to
the original arrangement that came from the factory with the Atomic (now
rebuilt 2x). She has newer replacement Martec 2 bladed folding prop
that is 1 5/8" aft of the strut with a radius that meets the recommended
Do what Dennis said get the AWL grip card and match the color. Awl grip
has more than one red. Fireball is red and after wiping out a bell
buoy in the fog (GPS can be very accurate) the person who did AWL grip
got the wrong red and had to re-apply the red.
Don Kern
Fireball C&C 35 Mk2
No wonder you have green water on the deck. Your boat is sitting in
green water !
Don Kern
Fireball C&C 35 Mk2
Bristol RI
Thanks everyone for supporting this list with your contributions. Each and
every one is greatly appreciated.
FWIW - I just went out to my side yard and checked were Fireballs stops
are set. Interestingly they are set at 65 deg., a lot more than I
expected since her rudder is two inches longer in girth than a standard
C&C 35 Mk2.
Don Kern
Fireball, C&C35 MK2
Bristol, RI
On 4/23/2019 9:12 AM, Chuck
al travel?
Dennis C.
Touche' 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA
On Tue, Apr 23, 2019, 9:09 AM Don Kern via CnC-List>> wrote:
FWIW - I just went out to my side yard and checked were Fireballs
stops are set. Interestingly they are set at 65 deg., a lot more
Same on my C&C, ahead of the rudder. Always assume it was for the same
reason David gave.
Don Kern
Fireball C&C35 MK2
Bristol, RI
On 4/26/2019 12:04 PM, David Risch via CnC-List wrote:
I have one just head of the rudder...keeps lines from jamming in the
space between hull and rudder. Nev
Fireball carries four head sails when racing each has a cut and weight
appropriate to the apparent wind: light #1 150% (3-12 kts), #2 135%
(12-20 kts), #3 120%(18-28 kts) and #4 85% (survival). The main has
only two reefs, the lower reef points are placed between where a 1st and
2nd ree
sider PHRF
rules/ penalties and speak to sailmakers (plenty of those on
Narragansett Bay).
Don Kern
/Fireball /C&C 35 Mk2
Bristol RI
On 6/20/2019 9:47 PM, Pete Shelquist wrote:
I’m curious how many have and use a Jib-Top? Worth it?
*From:*CnC-List *On Behalf Of *Don
Kern via CnC-List
Yes, the traveler is still on the aft edge of the bridgedeck. Of note,
I still have not added traveler tackle system (blocks/jam cleats)
because of trying to figure out how to remove the old traveler to get
new cars mounted. Instead we rig a line to the traveler/mainsheet
shackle and
I usually make it to Block Is about three times a year and stay at
Payne's Dock. Most of the time for racing when New Harbor is crowded
and moorings hard to find. Payne's has fuel, water, elec., showers
(25cents), bar with live music, and a snack bar. Boats are mostly tied
up stern-to and may
On 6/27/2019 10:16 AM, Randy Stafford via CnC-List wrote:
Hello Listers, I’d like to conduct a little survey about racing,
tapping into the broad experience, geography, and boat diversity
represented on this list. What prompted this is a discussion in my
club about ratings, which expanded into
I have always attributed the slight difference in apparent performance
between Port and Stb'd tacks to be the difference of water flow around
the keel. On my C&C 35 Mk2 the paddle for speed is on the port side aft
of the leading edge of the keel. The mast head is centered and the mast
is plumb
another donation.
Don Kern
/Fireball/, C&C35 Mk2
Brisyol, RI
On 8/9/2021 2:50 PM, John Christopher via CnC-List wrote:
Hey There,
I have made a donation.
On Aug 9, 2021, at 11:28 AM, JohnKelly Cuthbertson via CnC-List
I have the next binder ready for your evening reading at
Concur wish Josh. Racing the halyards are drop straight down the
companionway, less chance of tangle. Cruising they are coiled and
placed over their winches..
Don Kern
C&C35 Mk2
/Fireball,/ 12708
Bristol, RI
On 8/14/2021 6:33 PM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List wrote:
All the cabin top lines just
Your getting good answers, however you did not tell us your boat model
our type of spinnaker you have (Symmetrical or Asymmetrical). Both will
make a difference. Ed advice of not sailing to the laylines but keeping
to middle is best for the reasons he stated. Especially if your C&C was
It appears to be correct HIN, given the hull numbers that immediately
proceeding and following your Boat. I believe '74 was the forth year of
production fr the 30s.
1974C&C 30 MK1 267
1974C&C 30 MK1 281
The highest number I tracked for a 30mk1 is hull #801 in 1981, Then
they commenced the 30 Mk2s in 1981 the starting over from #1.
Don Kern
/Fireball/, C&C35 Mk2
Bristol, RI
On 10/7/2021 10:07 PM, andrew macLean via CnC-List wrote:
Thanks Randy!
If #1 was 1971 and #79 was 1972 C&C cou
PM, Joel Delamirande via CnC-List
Don do u need my HIN
On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 7:02 PM Don Kern via CnC-List>> wrote:
It appears to be correct HIN, given the hull numbers that
immediately proceeding and following your Boat. I belie
Let me assume that your boat is similar in performance to my 35 Mk2 and
the wind / currents are similar to what we have in New England. That
said I hardly ever worry about sailing to the laylines. First, hardly
ever is the leeward mark set dead downwind and there should be a
7:02 PM Don Kern via CnC-List>> wrote:
It appears to be correct HIN, given the hull numbers that
immediately proceeding and following your Boat. I believe
'74 was the forth year of production fr the 30s.
I have a C&C 35 Mk2 that has the older Raymarine ST4000 autopilot which
is being used at its upper limits. It does Ok up to about 20kts on
Narra Bay, Buzzards Bay and Long Island Sound. Have never engaged it
above 29 kts. The only problem I have had is the the three plastic "U"
minor typo! Fat fingers!! - should have been 20 kts not 29.
On 10/22/2021 2:51 PM, Don Kern via CnC-List wrote:
I have a C&C 35 Mk2 that has the older Raymarine ST4000 autopilot
which is being used at its upper limits. It does Ok up to about 20kts
on Narra Bay, Buzzards
I use the same paint on my 35 Mk2. Applied two light coats of CSC with
a paint sprayer every year (just under a gallon) with the same results
that you saw. I do paint the bronze prop shaft and Martec folding
prop., but get some barnacles on the shaft and some near hub of prop,
none on
Had a problem with Paypal, when I confirm it says I am missing phone
number and when I return there is no phone number entry field.
Don Kern
On 1/14/2022 12:35 PM, Stu via CnC-List wrote:
Finally – here is the link to order the C&C Cutting Boards --
That will take some time to work it out. What I have to do is go to
each PHRF region and pull up the last couple of years PHRF rating
records and sort on the C&Cs. During the winter a lot of the northern
regions do maintenance/update their records so are not always
available. I w
Right now my fwd hatch is at Atkins & Hoyle in Canada for a full
refurb. They should be able to help. Brian was very accommodating, his
contact info below. I tried a gasket replacement from West Marine and
it was a little too big in diameter.
Brian Atkins
Atkins & Hoyle LTD
180 Kimme
I have had no problems with CnC-List emails. Android phone or tablet
and computer (Thunderbird email ap).
Don Kern
On 3/7/2022 1:51 PM, Stu via CnC-List wrote:
Folks I have tried and tried to find the problem. The IT group that
maintains our list program assure me it is not the pro
Agree it is an amazing painting. I saw it when it was at the New
Bedford Whaling museum. I wonder where it will go next?
Don Kern
On 3/8/2022 3:46 PM, CHARLES SCHEAFFER via CnC-List wrote:
FYI, Mystic Seaport in Connecticut is losing an amazing exhibit March
27th. It is the pictoral
Well after 20 years of making the March pilgrimage to Waterford, it
looks like It won't be doing it any more. Always seemed to come home
with twice what was on my buying list.
Don Kern
/Fireball/, C&C35 MK2
Bristol, RI
I guess you have the Knack
Don Kern
/Fireball/, C&C35 Mk2
Bristol, RI
Aerospace Eng.
On 3/20/2022 10:52 AM, Jeffrey A. Laman via CnC-List wrote:
I couldn't let this note pass as I believe, as an engineer myself,
there is some misunderstanding pr
Defender sale has started. Not like it has been in the past. Very
little savings over their every day Defender pricing and the UPS
shipping - ouch. Almost cheaper to go to local West Marine, who will be
seeing more of my business
Don Kern
/Fireball,/ C&C35 Mk2
Bristol, RI
I have been collecting data on the C&C for quite a few years and have
run into the problem of what Portsmouth RI actually built due to the
apparent use of both ZCC and CCY for Hull No. The 38s are one of the
problems with the Landfalls and Mk-2s. I originally was under the
impression t
ll number is:
When I look it up online it tells me the boat was made in Aug. 1985
but not where it was made.
Thanks so much!
On Sat, Jun 25, 2022, 2:14 PM Don Kern via CnC-List
I have been collecting data on the C&C for quite a few years and
You may consider coming up to Bristol for the 4th of July parade. It is
a big deal in RI. The harbor will be crowded early from the fireworks
the night before and will be impossible to travel by car.
Have a good time in New England.
Don Kern
/Fireball/, C&C 35 Mk2
Bristol, RI
On 6/2
Chuck, What size is the jib that you are using the barberhauler rig
on? I can't figure how that would work on a genoa with a an LP greater
than 135%.
Don Kern
/Fireball,/ C&C 35 Mk2
Bristol, RI
On 10/31/2022 2:01 PM, CHARLES SCHEAFFER via CnC-List wrote:
Haven't figured how to rig a prevent
Isn't your collar restrained by collar brackets on either side of the
and thru bolted to the mast just below the cabin headliner? These
brackets transfer the load to the mast and not to cabin top.
Don Kern
Fireball, C&C35 Mk2
Bristol, RI
On 10/31/2022 3:54 PM, Dennis C. via CnC-List
I have raced at night and use a combination of wind instruments,
masthead wind indicator and a red LED flashlight with zoom to look at
the lower two genoa telltales. Also feel of the helm and boat tells me
when I am getting into trouble. Being an East Coast boat my mast head
wind ins
I have a C&C 35-2 with approx. the same fore triangle. The boat has
Barient 28s (aft) as primaries and Barient 26s as secondaries (fwd on
cockpit coaming). In light to moderate there is no problem with the
secondaries being used for spin guys and sheets and for doing headsail
I found a lot of humor in your description in that I pulled a similar
stunt with a Naval Academy 44 yawl racing from Biloxi to Isla Mujeres
Mexico. Just NW of Cuba (1967), hit by a squall at oh-dark-thirty,
spreaders in water, cut spin halyard. In that race, the only time we
had sign
My C&C 35 Mk2 carries for racing #1 (155% '22), #2 (137% '07), #2
reacher (129% '95), #3 (110% '19), and #4 (85% '18). I usually push my
sails for 20 yrs - (the older #1 '02 vintage still decent, but not good
enuf for racing. For cruising have a furling #2 (137% '98) which I just
For the last 20 years, every March, about four of us locals, use to make
an annual pilgrimage to Defender and if needed would do a 5 min. run to
Jamestown Dist. With cut backs at Defender and the closing of
Jamestown's walk in store, those days are gone.
Chuck, I have found Hamilton's prices f
I guess I am a hard core "club" racer who buys racing sails when the
current sail becomes too deformed for racing, de-laminates or not enuf
of remains after it blew out. I have not replaced a sail that was
younger then 20 yrs old. In fact my Hood Vectron mainsail is twenty
years old and still
Same here - Ordered a gallon of bottom paint from Defender late
yesterday evening, it was delivered today by 3:00 pm. Defender had the
best price i could find.
Don Kern
/Fireball,/ C&C35 Mk2
Bristol, RI
On 3/30/2023 3:00 PM, Mike Rose via CnC-List wrote:
I ordered my bottom paint @ 9
Can't answer for a '71 C&C 35, but my '74 Mk2 has a Edson. When I talk
to them for a repair kit they had no record/data sheet for the mk2's
instillation. But, the tag on inside of pedestal said it was a Edson.
Don Kern
/Fireball,/ C&C35 Mk2
Bristol, RI
On 4/27/2023 10:08 AM, Bob Man
Wish I could join the race, but Fireball did not make it into the water
this year due to the COVID-19 rules imposed by RI, since most of my crew
is from out of state. We will be back in the water next year and
looking forward to Off Soundings. Also will put the Vineyard race on
our sch
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