
I have a C&C 35-2 with approx. the same fore triangle.  The boat has Barient 28s (aft) as primaries and Barient 26s as secondaries (fwd on cockpit coaming).  In light to moderate there is no problem with the secondaries being used for spin guys and sheets and for doing headsail changes. The only con with my setup is that the spin sheet are lead from blocks in the aft most position on the rail to the forward secondaries, thus are kept aft going upwind and in seting up for the spin run have to be rigged over working genoa sheet.  There is no problem with the guys since the come aboard amidship, run inboard under the genoa sheets and dropped down the companionway.  In preparing for a spin run they are just pulled up from the companion way and placed on the secondaries. In heavy air we put the spin sheet on the primary, and keep the guys on the secondaries. In really heavy air we will switch to the primaries for both the spin guy and sheets.

Don kern
C&C35 Mk2, /Fireball/
Bristol, RI

On 2/26/2023 1:16 PM, Peter McMinn via CnC-List wrote:

Hey all,

I have the original Barient 28s as primaries on my ‘85 37’ and with regular maintenance, they’re still working well and looking ok. Within a year, I’ll be acquiring a pair of B 26s of the same vintage that may need some work but hey, free winches:)

I’d like to use the 26s as secondaries for spinnaker and sometimes headsail sheeting/furling. There’s room on the combing, and the angle from a rail block seems workable.

Will this size be suitable for secondary winches? Also, for those who use secondaries, what are the pros and cons from your perspective?

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