
Right now my fwd hatch is at Atkins & Hoyle in Canada for a full refurb.  They should be able to help.  Brian was very accommodating, his contact info below.  I tried a gasket replacement from West Marine and it was a little too big in diameter.

Brian Atkins
Atkins & Hoyle LTD
180 Kimmetts side rd
Napanee Ontario Canada K7R3L2
Ph. (613) 354 1919
Fx. (416) 596 8989

Don Kern
/Fireball,/ C&C35 Mk2
Bristol RI

On 2/12/2022 1:51 PM, Bob Mann via CnC-List wrote:
The foam gasket on my C&C35 mk I's forward hatch is coming apart. Can anyone 
suggest where I can find a replacement?  Nothing I've seen at hardware stores even 
comes close to what is already there.

Bob Mann

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