There is a C&C 35 mk I available for sale in Detroit area, Spirit. The seller
is motivated to move to his next boat. Contact Cameron Lawrence
Bob MannThanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the
costs involved. If you want to show your
I'm fairly new to flying a spinnaker. I did it last weekend in a race and I
believe I overstood the mark as we were sailing 110 AW before the gybe and 85
AW heading directly to the mark.
How does one determine when to gybe?
BobThanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to he
> a waypoint well past the windward mark. Let's assume the race committee
> > sets a good W/L course with the windward mark directly upwind of the start.
> > Let's say the wind is from 000 and the windward mark is set at 000 for a 2
> > mile leg. Enter a waypoint i
> Muir Caileag
> C&C 30 549
> Armdale Yacht Club
> On 2021-10-06 12:02 p.m., Bob Mann via CnC-List wrote:
> > > I'm fairly new to flying a spinnaker. I did it last
> weekend in a race and I believe I overstood
> >
> >
> > Hope this helps.
> > Jeff Nelson
> > Muir Caileag
> > C&C 30 549
> > Armdale Yacht Club
> >
> > On 2021-10-06
use any of those course numbers, they will
> remain constant, whereas the bearing to the mark will constantly change
> as you get further from the rhumbline (dead down wind).
> Cheers,
>Jeff Nelson
>Muir Caileag
>C&C30 - 549
I sent my old ones from the masthead to Garhauer and they duplicated them for
me. About $65 each, several years ago.
> On 11/09/2021 2:58 PM Rod Stright via CnC-List
> wrote:
> I am looking for some 2” sheaves for the end of my boom (4). I believe
> the old ones were Delrin
Don't do it. Spend the few bucks and set it up right. That little ring won't
be able to take the pressure of a whisker pole. I don't know what that ring
could be used for, other than maybe holding a preventer that isn't deployed.
> On 11/18/2021 9:27 AM Bruce Whitmore via CnC-List
I was going to put another instrument display at the helm of my 35 mk I, but
realized a chartplotter was only a couple hundred more so went that route.
Any suggestions on how to mount it to my Edson pedestal so I can rotate it
sideways, for easy viewing from the coaming? I rarely steer from be
> Marek
> 1994 C270 Legato
> Ottawa ON
> -Original Message-
> From: Bob Mann via CnC-List
> Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2021 8:21 PM
> To: Stus-List
> Cc: Bob Mann
> Subject: Stus-List mounting chart plotter at helm
> I was goin
> > at the computer on the chart table or SeaIQ/Navionics on my iPad.
> > > If I rotated the helm plotter sideways I think the mainsheet
> > > would get it.
> > >
> > > Joe Della Barba
> > > Coquina
> > > 73 C&C 35
My area now uses midwest PHRF:
Bob Mann
C&C35 mk I, hull #85
> On 02/02/2022 12:29 PM Jeff Nelson via CnC-List wrote:
> East coast Canada should all be here:
> Search on C&C and select all
This one came through as a normal message on my laptop (which is all I use)
whereas a bunch lately have come in as attachments.
Bob Mann
> On 02/02/2022 8:24 PM John Read via CnC-List wrote:
> All messages of late on my cell have messages as normal text. On my laptop
> the messages ar
The foam gasket on my C&C35 mk I's forward hatch is coming apart. Can anyone
suggest where I can find a replacement? Nothing I've seen at hardware stores
even comes close to what is already there.
Bob Mann
I checked McMaster-Carr and what they have comes in 10,20, 50 or 100 foot
lengths, so less of an issue now.
> On 02/13/2022 11:05 AM Bill Coleman via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Um. I guess you give it away?
> Bill Coleman
> Entrada, Erie PA
> >
> > The only downside is wh
hahaha, the original thread was about my '71, which doesn't have glass. It's
more of an original hatch cover made from fiberglass that covers a 2" tall lip
all around the opening.
> On 02/19/2022 9:10 PM Andy Frame via CnC-List wrote:
> Was this thread about a gasket to re-bed the
I believe the problem is on the sending end. I only use comcast website to
read my email on my laptop. Some are recently coming as attachments in html
and some as direct messages as they always have.
> On 03/07/2022 4:44 PM Stu via CnC-List wrote:
> I don't think the link and ema
This email that you just sent came to me as an html attachment.
> On 03/07/2022 4:54 PM Dennis C. via CnC-List wrote:
> I looked at the last 7-8 emails on this issue. I'm not having any issues
> with them on my laptop using web based gmail.
> However, I looked at the same emails
I went with used Lewmar 44's. Something in the 42-48 range should work just
C&C35 mk I
> On 03/28/2022 5:47 PM Dean McNeill via CnC-List wrote:
> Probably asked a lot before, but anyone know what winch would be a good
> replacement for Barient 25? I’m wanting t
Everything I know about butyl tape comes from this site:
But I see a note there that the store is currently closed.
> On 04/24/2022 5:54 PM CHARLES SCHEAFFER via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Anyone know where to order Bed-It butyl tape? Everythin
My speed/depth/temp thru-hull is now showing dashes instead of values. It's
the airmar DST800 that came with my B&G displays. Can these be repaired or am
I SOL? Is there a number/email for B&G? The local, official installer isn't
worth crap so even though only ~25 months old probably not cov
lean and tight too. Something is
> probably loose.
> Chuck S
> > > On 04/26/2022 7:34 AM Bob Mann via CnC-List
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > My speed/depth/temp thru-hull is now showing dashes instead of
> > values. It's the
> > 35 Mk III Thirsty
> > Rose City YC
> > Portland, OR
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 4:34 AM Bob Mann via CnC-List
> > > wrote:
> >
> > > >
Do away with the sacrificial altogether! I bought a jib sock for my 35 in
December 2017 for $580 from a small, local sailmaker. A few tears in it but
still going strong!
Bob Mann
> On 06/20/2022 9:45 PM Neil Andersen via CnC-List
> wrote:
> I had a “stick on” sacrifici
get a box larger than the winch and cut a hole in the bottom that is same size as winch base. Put towels in bottom of box so nothing bounces. Not you can safely take the winch apart and properly clean and grease.
On 07/13/2022 2:34 PM Matthew via CnC-List wrote:
yes, defective joker valve
On 08/30/2022 6:36 AM StrightR--- via CnC-List wrote:
Has anyone experienced water back flowing through the head despite dry bowl left in the closed position? Raritan head. Assume it could be a defecti
On my 35 mk I, I have a 4:1 and another 4:1 tweaker/fine tune adjustment.
Bob Mann
> On 10/23/2022 3:25 PM Joe Della Barba via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Great advice!
> I think I will grab the 6:1 sheet and the 4:1 can go back to being a
> preventer. If I really wanted
bed it comes in custom labeled cardboard packaging so it's not rebranded
Bob Mann
Cc35 mk I
On 10/25/2022 7:05 PM Joe Della Barba via CnC-List wrote:
I cut out a larger
What is the plate called at the base of the mast that one attaches turning
blocks to? I need to add one to my 35-1. Does it attach to the mast, deck, or
deck collar? I'd prefer not to add more holes to the deck.
Bob Mann
35-1 hull #85
Yes, like those! Thank you
> On 10/31/2022 1:53 PM Jeff Nelson via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Like these:
> On 2022-10-31 14:31, Bob Mann via CnC-List wrote:
e attached to the collar, the collar will be pulled
> upward.
> Dennis C.
> Touche' 35-1 #83
> Mandeville, LA
> On Mon, Oct 31, 2022, 12:31 PM Bob Mann via CnC-List
> > wrote:
> > > W
You should also consider covering it yourself, like this: Dress Up the Steering
Wheel - Good Old Boat
I bought a 1000' spool of round braided polyester to do mine, learned how to
tie the turks-head and other knots, and did it as a winter proje
I'm in the process of getting quotes for my '71 C&C35. One company will insure
the hull to agreed value but not the rigging unless I get a rigging inspection.
Bob Mann
Detroit, MI
> On 01/03/2023 10:43 AM ALAN BERGEN via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Spars and rigging are usually d
unless you're going far and need a tow, it sounds like you've got your
situations covered. I've used them once, when I couldn't start the engine
after a race. Of course, I was all of 1.5 miles off shore :(
I'm now doing longer races, including Port Huron to Mackinac. A tow from
my 35 mk I has an exit point at the same location but there's nothing there,
just a rounded hole. lt works ok for me for the topping lift.
> On 01/16/2023 2:28 PM Matt Wolford via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Comments below.
> From: andrew--- via CnC-List
> Se
At one time I virtually met one of the earliest owners of my boat and I'm
hoping they're on this list. I have a 1971 C&C35 mk I, hull number 85, and
sail number 14032. I bought her from Grand Bend, Ontario, Canada, but I
believe that owner purchased her from Bay City, Michigan, USA, where she
If the vessel is/was USCG documented then you can request an “Abstract of
> Title” from the USCG.
> -
> Paul E.
> 1981 C&C Landfall 38
> S/V Johanna Rose
> Fort Walton Beach, FL
For about $700 I had a jib sock made. I use it rather than having a sacrificial
added to every sail. Takes 10 minutes longer to head out and to pack up at the
> On 03/01/2023 9:23 AM Steve Mallett via CnC-List
> wrote:
> For my 32 jib, replacing the dacron UV strip wa
my sock has a cinch line on the outside. I also wrap a spinnaker halyard
around it when I'm not there to keep it from beating up the sail.
> On 03/02/2023 11:10 AM Matt Wolford via CnC-List
> wrote:
> FWIW, my local sailmaker told me that socks beat up the sails when the
I paid $5400 two years ago in Detroit for a lt/med 155 for my 35 mk I.
> On 03/18/2023 9:54 AM CHARLES SCHEAFFER via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Sail costs: A new light air genoa was quoted at $5200 for my 36 footer,
> so I decided instead to have repairs made to my old sails. The
I did this on my 35-1 (called Mystic). I used Garhauer too but this one: Deck
Organizer 30-DO-QBI | Garhauer (
. I chose a location about even with th
Does anyone know the pedestal brand C&C used in 1971 (35 mk I)? I've been
talking with Edson and he doesn't believe it's one of theirs.
BobPlease show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and help
me pay the associated bills. Make a contribution at:
7;s a pic of it removed and stripped for painting.
> --
> Dennis C.
> Touche' 35-1 #83
> Mandevill
> --
> Dennis C.
> Touche' 35-1 #83
> Mandeville, LA
> On Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 9:08 AM Bob Mann via CnC-List
> mailto:cnc-list@
My 35 mk I has a board that covers the stove/oven, and can be slid out of the
way to use the stove. The bottom of it is covered with what looks like
aluminum foil, that is peeling off. What is this and how do I replace it?
14032, DetroitPlease show your appreciation for this list and
I have an Origo 3000 now, but it's missing the pot holders. Anyone have the
3000 or 1500 (single burner) and can take measurements of the holders for me?
I'm making my own but would like them to be similar to the Origo ones.
> On 05/17/2023 12:08 PM Dennis C. via CnC-List
> wrote:
On my C&C35 mark I, I replaced the primary winches with Lewmar 42's. I used to
sail/race with a 170 but now our class has limited the largest sail to 155. 62
yo and still occasionally single-hand in races.
Letting the jib/genoa backwind so the wind is pushing the bow into the turn
before rel
Here in Michigan it's time to winterize our boats until April. For those who
store their boat with the mast up, do you leave shroud tension alone or do you
loosen the shrouds for the winter?
Bob Mann
MysticPlease show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and help
me pay th
What's the best way to show pictures of what we're talking about? Is there a
place to post them, separate from the list? Can pictures be attached to posts?
Bob Mann
'71 C&C 35 mk IThanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the
costs involved. If you want
Hi Juliano,
that's not too bad. Many boats get similar cracks. They occur where the keel
is joined to the hull. You definitely want to clean it up and fill in the
divots. You'll get many responses on this topic so I'll let others chime in.
> On 01/21/2021 9:47 PM Juliano Franz via C
My '71 C&C 35 mk I does not have any deck tracks. In my area we used to race
with 167% genoa, which I used snatch blocks on the toe rail for. When I went
down to a 155%, I still used the toe rail. However, the clew comes down just
aft of a stantion and gets caught on the lifeline; I already s
an Bergen
> 35 Mk III Thirsty
> Rose City YC
> Portland, OR
> On Sat, Jan 23, 2021 at 7:17 PM Bob Mann via CnC-List <
> > wrote:
> > > My '71 C&C 35 mk I does not have any d
I purchased something similar to this:
but for a LOT less money, about the cost of a bosun's chair. Mine has the
climbing harness, a sewn strap that connects hands to feet, a pair of petzel
ascenders and possibly a carabiner or two.
The frog system is the m
> On Sat, Jan 23, 2021 at 7:17 PM Bob Mann via CnC-List <
> > wrote:
> > > My '71 C&C 35 mk I does not have any deck tracks. In my
> area we used to race with 167% geno
Perusing some old data on my computer, I (Re) found this site:
Bob Mann
s/v Mystic
C&C 35 mk I
Great Lakes Yacht Club
> On 01/24/2021 9:03 PM Doug Mountjoy via CnC-List
> wrote:
> I have mast steps, makes going aloft very easy.
Hi Glen,
I installed an automatic pump in my boat a couple years ago. I ran 1" (I
think) black hose aft, under the engine, and out the stern. I didn't put it in
the deepest part of the bilge. When it stops cycling there's always some water
that flows back.
Bob Mann
Detroit, MI
I've thought about something like this for the interior of my 35. Ought to
last forever down below.
> On 01/25/2021 4:36 PM George Cone via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Bruno,
> I offer this as a thought, I purchased some of this material as a test,
I made lazy jacks for my Catalina 27. I had cleats on the mast at boom height
(from PO) on both sides so after the sail was dropped and strapped, I pulled
the lazy jacks forward and covered the main with un-altered cover.
I no longer have pictures but will attempt to describe.
My lazy jacks we
I second use of Bedit.
Bob Mann
> On 01/28/2021 11:52 AM Bill Coleman via CnC-List
> wrote:
> There are a few, but BedIt is a good one.
> Bill Coleman
> Entrada, Erie, PA
> From: Blair Clark
The Detroit area OD fleet of 35 mk I's is allowing asails (A3 specifically)
this year for the first time ever, but they must be flown from the tack or
spinnaker pole. Does anyone know of any videos showing asails flown from a
spinnaker pole? I'd especially like to see one being gybed. I've fl
p, THAT is why I
> really want a top-down furler!
> Bill Coleman
> Entrada, Erie, PA
> From: Bob Mann via CnC-List []
> Sent: Thursday,
then bring it over and gybe the main
> Joel
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 7:42 PM Bob Mann via CnC-List <
> > wrote:
> > > No sock.
> >
> > The boa > wrote:
> > > Bob
> >
> > I’ve never used the pole like that. I was thinking you would leave
> > it in place like a sprit.
> >
> > On Thu, Jan 28,
ia CnC-List <
> > wrote:
> > > Bob
> >
> > I’ve never used the pole like that. I was thinking you would leave
> > it in place like a sprit.
> >
> > O
1 at 8:10 PM Joel Aronson via CnC-List <
> > > wrote:
> >
> > > > > Bob
> > >
> > > I’ve never used the pole like that. I was thinki
Depends on whether you want the slides/slugs to drop down past the opening or
not. My cover fits much nicer when the mainsail drops down another 4-6 inches,
so I have the gates on mine; I used to have the stop.
I attempted to make my own using a flooring carpet strip. It worked for a week
I was just pointed to this site for a description of the process. Sounds
pretty easy to gybe, for those who already do a full spinnaker.
> On 01/30/2021 1:13 PM Charlie Nelson via CnC-List
> wrote:
> I act
Video tape all starts from the committee boat and use these for review. Always
surprising how far from the line boats are at the start, especially in the
middle of the line.
Our local group (multiple clubs in one organization) implemented golf-style
handicapping last year. We call it Delta cla
I was able to replace my jib masthead sheaves by sending them to Garhauer in
California. They made new ones and shipped them out. Perfect fit. I still
have wire-to-rope for my main halyard. That'll be next, as soon as I figure
out how to change the exit block at the mast base.
Bob Mann
Interesting discussion!
On Lake St Clair our 35 mk I OD fleet sailed with 167 as #1. This year we're
going to 155 as largest headsail but I can still use 167 on Wednesday races ,
(rating is 132). We see winds from 0 to 20 true but mostly race in 8-12
Bob Mann
s/v Mystic
> On 02/09/2021 3
There is also a &C owners page on MeWe. People from all groups keep directing
me here.
> On 02/12/2021 6:03 PM ALAN BERGEN via CnC-List
> wrote:
> There is a "C&C Sailboat Owners Group" on Facebook.
> Alan Bergen
> 35 Mk III Thirsty
> Rose City YC
I get each email individually, no digest.
Bob Mann
Just checking – is anybody receiving digest emails with or without any problems.
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the
costs involved. If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to
I understand about putting on non-skid, but isn't the complete deck painted
first using the non-skid paint, prior to taping off and painting as non-skid?
Or is the deck painted completely with one paint, taped off and non-skid
painted using a different paint?
> On 02/25/2021 7:57 PM Pe
Q3 No. If both pumps are running simultaneously you probably won't have enough
capacity in the primary hose to handle both.
> On 02/26/2021 11:42 AM David Knecht via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Practical Sailor had an article recently about bilge pumps and I have
> three
I spilled epoxy on my cabin sole last year and it left an ugly stain. What
kind of paint does one use to repaint the floor? Or, I've even thought about
using teak-look carpeting (like this
Check all intakes. Sprinkle a powder around aft as water will leave traces and
allow you to track it. This works best for areas other than the shaft.
> On 03/02/2021 10:56 AM Peter Cowenhoven via CnC-List
> wrote:
> It's a mystery so far but I know it's salt and I
Matthew, you probably want to have a short, dedicated gybing tack line. Attach
it prior to the gybe (I'm thinking "inside" of pole). Gybe pole and pre-set
it, then gybe sail. When done, remove temporary tack line.
At least that's how I hope it will work. I've never done it but will find out
Sheets need to be long enough to extend from clew of deployed sail, around
forestay, back to turning block and up to sailing position, couple times around
winch, and enough to hold onto plus some.
General guidelines are twice boat length.
Bob Mann
> On 03/08/2021 7:56 PM Chuck Saur via CnC
our class of 35-1's in Detroit is going to poling out asymm sails this year.
It's meant primarily for long legs where gybing shouldn't happen for a long
time. The pole will be kept down low, just above the pulpit. Using the pole
keeps the tack on (near) the centerline of the boat.
The one advantage to having an ATN-type tacker or pole setup is that it brings
the tack closer to the centerline, which gets more sail out from behind the
main. It should give you more speed.
Both inside gybe and outside gybe are done outside the forestay. Inside gybe
has lazy sheet pass betw
When stepping the mast, how tight should the forestay be?
Bob Mann
71' 35 mk IThanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the
costs involved. If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to
send contribution --
7;m doing.
> On 03/15/2021 5:09 PM David Knecht via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Hi Bob- Forestay tension is set primarily by backstay tension, so there
> is no “tension setting”. AFAIK Dave
> > > On Mar 15, 2021, at 3:07 P
I just heard about them from a shipmate, at least I think it's the same
If you ever get your sails they will be great but significant issues in getting
the product. Check them out on line and via Better Business Bureau.
> On 03/15/2021 9:59 PM John and Maryann Read vi
I've emailed shipmate to find out exact name of company. I don't want to
badmouth a good company so hold my comment from previous email until I get
> On 03/15/2021 11:03 PM Bob Mann via CnC-List
> wrote:
> I just heard about
I heard back from my shipmate and the loft he heard/found bad things about was
Peak Sails, not Precision.
My apologies to Precision sails for mistaking them.
BobThanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the
costs involved. If you want to show your support to th
I'm using comcast email and I get about 2-3 emails from the list in spam folder
every day. Sometimes it's only one response from a topic with multiple
Bob Mann
> On 03/19/2021 10:42 AM Allen Miles via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Same here, just checked
C&C35 mk I should go for $10-25,000, depending on condition and extras. We have
two fleets of them, in Detroit and Sarnia, totaling 20ish.
Mystic, '71 35 mk 1
> On 03/23/2021 11:35 AM Joe Della Barba via CnC-List
> wrote:
> We are going to put an offer in. They a
Put a small blade screwdriver against it and tap with a hammer. The plug
should split and most of it will pop out. You'll have to buy replacement teak
plugs for when you put it back together.
> On 03/28/2021 3:30 PM General Gao via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Hi, my C&C
I would think so. My new A3 for my 35 mk I has a luff of 45
> On 04/01/2021 10:27 AM John Conklin via CnC-List
> wrote:
> David,
> I assume this may work on My C&C 37 ?
> Thanks
> John Conklin
> > > On Apr 1, 2021, at 10:11 AM, D
related topic: My cockpit floor mounted whale pump gave out today. Is there a
specific model to look for parts? Is there a model number on the pump itself?
I'll be at the boat tomorrow so can look around.
35 mk I
> On 04/10/2021 12:37 PM Bruce Whitmore via CnC-List
> wrote:
Handrail is probably epoxied onto deck. Have you tried sliding a putty knife
beneath each section?
> On 04/13/2021 5:07 PM General Gao via CnC-List
> wrote:
> mine is wood external handrail. In the picture in this link, the hole in
> the middle is where in the cabin ha
For my 35 mk I I got them replaced by Garhauer.
> On 04/15/2021 4:11 PM Shawn Wright via CnC-List
> wrote:
> Has anyone found a source for replacement masthead sheaves? 3.5" OD, 3"
> pulley diameter, 5/8" width, 1/2" bore. Originals are aluminum with a bronze
> bus
I just did this on my 35-1. I taped a cutout of two layers of corrugated
cardboard inside the opening, from the inside. I fiberglassed over the outside
with 8 layers of epoxied glass. When setup, I removed the inner-most one layer
of carboard and did it again. When setup, I covered both side
Absolutely. I have a 35-1 so very similar to your boat. I'm on the American
side, by the 9 mile tower (I know you can see it on clear days -- I have from
Belle River).
Waves are frequently 1-2 ft except for chop from powerboats or freighter wakes.
Bob Mann
'71 35-1
> On 04/21/2021
My aft wedge (I only used four) slipped last season and cracked my liner. So
last week I filled the partner all around with formula 27, sanded, then painted
over it. I don't have any gap inside the partner, at least this year. Boat is
now in the water and mast is up but not properly sealed. Sp
Please modify the subject line when changing the subject of your messages.
What either of these two (below) has to do with Rub rail gouge repair is beyond
me. Personally, I'm more concerned when the original discussion is not
something I'm interested in (and don't read the thread) but it changes
I believe aft shrouds are for when running, so a little slack upwind is fine,
maybe moving an inch or so. Forward lowers, almost no slack; uppers, no slack.
Check the mast to see that it's still straight.
Bob Mann
> On 06/01/2021 9:49 AM WILLIAM WALKER via CnC-List
> wrote:
If it's too tall in the hoist, wouldn't it also be too large for a 33? Actual
luff length would be better to post.
> On 06/15/2021 2:54 PM John and Maryann Read via CnC-List
> wrote:
> HI Jim
> Tried attaching tack to deck and not the furler? –
Is it possible to find build or delivery dates for specific models? I have 35
mk I, hull #85.
> On 06/21/2021 5:37 PM colin binkley via CnC-List
> wrote:
> JKC, Thank You for the binder post!!
> I own C&C 40c #3 ketch rig and am always on the look out for he
> can start the list …. We’ll I guess maybe we should also find the last of
> each model……. And it’s not even cold outside …..
> Motion Designs Limited
> 647 990 7752
> > > On Jun 21, 2021, at 5:47 PM, Bob Mann via CnC-
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