Cc: Matthew L. Wolford
Subject: Re: Stus-List Re-routing cockpit drain lines
I’ve often wondered if that configuration is a good or bad idea. Seems to me
that the cockpit may not drain as well when heeled over a lot because the
thru-hull on the other side will be high
, 2017 12:22 PM
Cc: Lee Rosenbaum
Subject: Re: Stus-List Re-routing cockpit drain lines
On our 33 MK2, the cockpit drain lines are cross routed to through hulls
(port/starboard hull beneath cockpit.
This way when the boat is heeled over water can not come up the
the boat is heeled over water can not come up the drain line.
1985 33 MK2
Kenosha, WI
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2017 07:48:46 -0400
From: David Paine
Subject: Re: Stus-List Re-routing cockpit drain lines
Hi Barbara,
I have a 33-1 with the same
; From: David Paine
> To:
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Re-routing cockpit drain lines
> Hi Barbara,
> I have a 33-1 with the same configuration. I don't see any need to change
> it as It works well for draining small amounts of water. However, when
Hi Barbara,
I have a 33-1 with the same configuration. I don't see any need to change
it as It works well for draining small amounts of water. However, when
you need to empty the cockpit in a hurry, say when its been filled after
being pooped by a breaking wave, you need more drain cross-sectio
On my '76 33-1, the cockpit drains into thru hulls with inline ball valves in a
y configuration below the cockpit floor and then straight down thru the hull,
well beneath the waterline. It appears from line drawings that this is the only
practical configuration. If the drains were rerouted to ei