ANN: Kibit 0.1.2 is released

2015-04-20 Thread Daniel Compton
ns in this release. You can install kibit by adding [lein-kibit "0.1.2"] to your :plugins vector in your :user profile. More instructions and details are available at -- Daniel Compton. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gr

Re: Clojure needs a web framework with more momentum

2015-05-04 Thread Daniel Compton
The Clojure community has a knack for looking at things and distilling them to their essence. I think the discussion on whether Clojure needs a web framework is another opportunity for that. I don't think Clojure doesn't need a web framework, because Clojure is a programming language and doesn't n

Testing strategies for cljc files

2015-05-05 Thread Daniel Compton
I'm wanting to migrate some files to cljc so a library can be used in Clojure and ClojureScript. I want to be able to run the same test suite against the Clojure and ClojureScript versions. What is the testing story for cljc files? If I made my test files cljc files as well, could I run clojure.te

Re: Multimethod or protocol or...? Clojure design feedback

2015-05-14 Thread Daniel Compton
Alex Miller's recent blog post on this is quite relevant On Fri, 15 May 2015 at 12:00 pm Max Countryman wrote: > I personally prefer multimethods, generally speaking—I think they feel > more idiomatic. Although it does depend on the context of what y

Re: Using :refer 'sparingly'

2015-05-17 Thread Daniel Compton
I'm not sure if this is idiomatic, but I often like to refer any def* functions or macros, and :as alias the rest. I just prefer the visual look of a bare def without a prefix. There's usually only a couple of those in a codebase so it doesn't add too much overhead. On Mon, 18 May 2015 at 4:05 am J

Re: [ANN] Demo of the Holy Grail workflow

2015-05-21 Thread Daniel Compton
Same issues here. I'm guessing there may be some copyrighted material which isn't approved for viewing in some regions? On Fri, 22 May 2015 at 12:30 pm Daniel Szmulewicz <> wrote: > I really don' know what to say. Works fine here. Including from my mobile. > Anyone else

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.7.0-RC1 now available

2015-05-22 Thread Daniel Compton
One of the most significant features of 1.7 are Reader Conditionals. I'm pretty confident after all the discussion that has gone on that we have a good design. However I haven't seen many or any libraries which have gone through the porting process to use Reader Conditionals. I've worked on portin

Re: Project structure when using reader conditionals

2015-05-29 Thread Daniel Compton
When porting a library to reader conditionals, I found that I only needed one source directory for all my cljc and .clj files. Cljsbuild just picks up the ones it needs and leaves the .clj ones. So in some cases it may not be necessary to have a clj/, cljs/, and cljc/ folder, although in applicati

Re: Adding a simple hook to lein build process without writing a plugin

2015-06-01 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi Jonathon Some combination of and may be what you need, though it depends how you want to use the results of `git describe`. On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 7:27 AM Jonathon McK

Handling exceptions with Reader Conditionals

2015-06-02 Thread Daniel Compton
On the Reader Conditionals dev discussion page at one part it talks about exception handling: "Exception handling, catching "all" - see issue below on why this is not a complete solution in either case." I looked further down the page an

Re: Handling exceptions with Reader Conditionals

2015-06-05 Thread Daniel Compton
. On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 10:12 PM Herwig Hochleitner wrote: > 2015-06-02 23:57 GMT+02:00 Daniel Compton > : > >> On the Reader Conditionals >> <> dev >> discussion page at one part it talks about exception ha

Re: Clojure community organisation

2015-06-22 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi Alex Has Cognitect had any further discussion on this/do you have anything to share? Thanks, Daniel. On Monday, May 4, 2015 at 3:04:17 PM UTC+12, Alex Miller wrote: > > Re gsoc, last year Cognitect was a receiving organization for the funds > and distributed them to students for travel to C

Clojars Private/Commercial Repos

2015-06-29 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks I wondered if one possible solution for ensuring Clojars long-term viability and maintenance would be to use it to host private repositories for paying users as well? For many people, the thought of setting up and maintaining Nexus or Archiva isn't an appealing one. I'm aware of the S3 wa

Re: clojure don't support .clj source code file by utf-8.

2015-07-09 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi Alex You'll need to give us some more information about this to help us troubleshoot what's going on. Can you share the file with us? On Fri, 10 Jul 2015 at 3:59 AM Alex Woods wrote: > clojure don't support .clj source code file by utf-8. > it's ok when the .clj source code files by ascii >

ANN: clj-rethinkdb 0.10.1

2015-07-09 Thread Daniel Compton
I'm pleased to announce the release of clj-rethinkdb version 0.10.1, an idiomatic driver for RethinkDB . This release brings a number of new features including: * Explicit, tested support for RethinkDB 2.0, including changefeeds. * U

Re: [ANN] suchwow: a grab-bag library with some twists

2015-07-12 Thread Daniel Compton have also done a heap of work on improving docstrings too. On Mon, 13 Jul 2015 at 9:15 AM Brian Marick wrote: > > > Colin Fleming wrote: > > I just saw this the other day, in particular the better docstrings are > > great. See also Andy Fingerhut's Thalia > >

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.8.0-alpha2

2015-07-19 Thread Daniel Compton
Is this a good candidate area for adding generative tests? It seems like they may have been able to catch this regression. On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 1:40 AM Alex Miller wrote: > Seems like a bug to me. > > > On Sunday, July 19, 2015 at 3:10:37 AM UTC-5, Peter Taoussanis wrote: >> >> Hey Alex, >> >

Re: Paper on Immutable Persistent Data Structures

2015-07-20 Thread Daniel Compton
Jean Niklas L'orange has some posts about it at (there's more throughout his blog if you search). On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 11:44 AM JvJ wrote: > Does anyone know if there exists a paper/web page describing in detail how > each of C

Re: Tool authors: ClojureScript support in tools.namespace?

2015-07-25 Thread Daniel Compton
he dep for two functions. -- Daniel Compton On Sat, 25 Jul 2015 at 2:48 PM Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant <> wrote: > In core.typed I use *parse* and *file* to parse Clojure files and > probably ClojureScript files eventually. > > I resolve the files m

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.8.0-alpha2

2015-07-27 Thread Daniel Compton
I think this is pretty unlikely. While megarefs look very cool, I'm not sure what the benefit to having these directly in Clojure would be over having them in a library. Anecdotally, everyone I have talked to about Clojure's reference types have said that they have never needed to use ref's or age

Re: Rethinkdb problem with clojure

2015-07-29 Thread Daniel Compton
Hemant, it looks like you're using clj-rethinkdb as your driver. Can you open an issue on GitHub and we can help diagnose the issue from there? On Wed, 29 Jul 2015 at 8:36 PM hemant gautam wrote: > Hi All-- > > I am trying to use RethinkDb for the first time. My rethinkDb server > available at so

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.8.0-alpha3

2015-07-29 Thread Daniel Compton
For those wondering like me what "Direct Linking" is, here are a few links I could find. This seems to be a very old possible improvement to Clojure which is being looked at again.!msg/clojure-dev/guT3QBEg5w0/

Re: [ANN] Grimoire: up to date Clojure web docs

2014-07-01 Thread Daniel Compton
What is the status of Clojuredocs? It has lots of good examples and Google juice but is out of date. It would be great if we could update it to 1.6. I'd be happy to help in whatever way is needed. Is this possible/feasible? Daniel. > On 2/07/2014, at 12:22 pm, Francesco Bellomi > wrote: >

Re: map output to string

2014-07-07 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi Glen One thing to keep in mind with lazy sequences is that running them at the REPL will force them to be fully realised, whereas a lazy sequence may not be realised in other contexts. I didn't understand where 'clojure-lazy-seq' is coming from in your question so I'm not sure if that's your is

Re: map output to string

2014-07-08 Thread Daniel Compton
yes, that is exactly my issue. i am trying to get the lazy sequence fully > realized as you say, but it's not happening in the context i put it in. > >> On Monday, July 7, 2014 6:04:00 PM UTC-7, Daniel Compton wrote: >> Hi Glen >> >> One thing to keep in mind

Re: Tools for cleaning namespaces?

2014-07-29 Thread Daniel Compton
There’s also a lein plugin, ns-dep-graph which will generate a graphviz file for your namespace dependencies. Daniel. On Tuesday, 29 July 2014 at 2:38 am, Andy Fingerhut wrote: > You can try Eastwood's :unused-namespaces linter for #2. It is disabl

ANN: Auckland, NZ Clojure Meetup

2014-08-05 Thread Daniel Compton
I'm pleased to re-announce the Auckland Clojure Meetup. After a dormant period it has been restarted. We've had a great couple of nights so far and I realised I hadn't let the list know about it. The goal is to do a mix of practical session so, as well as talks and presentations from speakers. W

Re: how do I clojure.string/replace regex characters? Escaping gives me StringIndexOutOfBoundsException

2014-08-05 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi Larry >From the scheme you described you will run into problems if your field name >actually contains a *. When you go to reconvert the string, it would replace >genuine *'s with $'s that aren't there. Daniel. > On 5/08/2014, at 6:50 pm, Andy Fingerhut wrote: > > Or even more simply, si

Re: [ANN] a new web resource for core.async

2014-09-24 Thread Daniel Compton doesn't load for me in Safari 8.0 (Yosemite), it just sits at "Get going with core.async Please wait, loading page…". It loads fine in Chrome on the same machine, and I couldn't see anything obviously wrong in the console. On 21 September 2014 03:21, Daniel Solano Gómez

Re: [ANN] Amazonica: Clojure client for the entire AWS api

2014-11-20 Thread Daniel Compton
Regarding releases, the lein release function gives you good defaults for releasing Clojure projects, it handles tagging, commit messages, and versioning. has details. -- Daniel > On 21/11/2014, at 1:08 p

Re: [ANN] Amazonica: Clojure client for the entire AWS api

2014-11-22 Thread Daniel Compton
There is already a default release script included with recent versions of Leiningen. To do a release, simply run lein release :major, :minor, or :patch depending on the version bump that you want. -- Daniel > On 23/11/2014, at 1:06 pm, Sam Ritchie wrote: > > If you guys feel strongly, I'm su

Clojurists Together wants to fund you to work on your open source Clojure project from August-October 2020

2020-07-23 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks Clojurists Together is about to award another round of funding to support open source Clojure projects. *Applications close on Tuesday 28th July.* Clojurists Together is an organisation, dedicated to f

Clojurists Together board elections - we want you to stand for election!

2021-03-03 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks Clojurists Together is having board elections to elect four new board members. We'd like you to consider standing for election. Anyone can stand for election, not just Clojurists T

Clojurists Together Open Source Community Survey

2021-03-23 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks Clojurists Together is surveying the open source Clojure community. We want to hear how we can best serve the needs of open source Clojure developers. If you write OSS Clojure, please look at filling out this survey with your thoughts. The more people we can hear from, the better our d

Clojurists Together funding applications are open for Q3 2020

2021-07-23 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks You know the drill, Clojurists Together is funding open source Clojure tools, libraries, and documentation. Applications are open until 6th August, 2021, midnight PST. Our members would like us

Re: [ClojureScript] Re: ANN: ClojureScript 1.9.14, clojure.spec port

2016-06-01 Thread Daniel Compton
Would it be good to change the namespace for spec from cljs.spec to clojure.spec? This will make CLJC files nicer to write as you won’t need to have reader conditionals for requiring cljs.spec in CLJS and clojure.spec in CLJ. It seems like spec is going to be used by lots of projects, so the choic

Re: cljsbuild hangs with foreign-libs using letsencrypt

2016-06-13 Thread Daniel Compton
AFAICT cljsbuild doesn’t do anything special with the :foreign-libs key and passes it straight to the compiler. Can you reproduce this issue against the bare ClojureScript compiler? On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 4:58 AM Elric Erkose wrote: > Recently I switched my local cdn from http to https with let

Re: [ANN] cljsee 0.1.0

2016-06-14 Thread Daniel Compton
Awesome work Alex. If you wanted, you could add a PR to update with your plugin? On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 1:24 AM Herwig Hochleitner wrote: > +1 thanks for releasing that. > > I've been thinking about doing this also as a mave

Re: [ANN] core.async 0.2.382

2016-06-22 Thread Daniel Compton
Bumping this too. What was the context for this change? I don’t see any JIRA tickets linked in the commits with a rationale for why 8 was picked as the thread pool siz

Re: [ANN] core.async 0.2.382

2016-06-22 Thread Daniel Compton
d be good, but it is easy to set this value yourself. On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 9:13 AM Daniel Compton <> wrote: > Bumping this too. What was the context for this change? I don’t see any > JIRA tickets linked in the commits > <https:/

Re: is there a way to use drip to speed up the running of unit tests?

2016-06-26 Thread Daniel Compton
I would recommend looking at bolth . It’s an extremely fast test runner, has nice stacktraces, diffs, e.t.c. On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 6:28 AM Alan Thompson wrote: > I also highly recommend test-refersh! > Alan > > On Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 8:47 AM, Jake McCrary > w

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.9.0-alpha8

2016-06-28 Thread Daniel Compton
I know these were just changed from map-of and coll-of, but the names every and every-kv seem a little confusing. every and every-kv only sample from collections, whereas the name implies that everything in the collection is checked. Additionally, there is an every? in clojure.core which does check

Re: Rationale for `keys` not supporting vectors?

2016-07-10 Thread Daniel Compton
keys is implemented here against the abstract class APersistentMap. That it doesn’t work against vectors is an implementation detail, but I could imagine that the reason it was done this way was a

Re: Is it possible / is support planned to add docstrings to clojure.spec specs?

2016-07-12 Thread Daniel Compton
There’s a ticket for this at if you want to vote/watch/comment. On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 8:07 AM Nils Grunwald wrote: > I would find this very interesting, especially for generating easily > shareable documentation... > > > Nils > > > On Thursday, June

ANN: The REPL, a weekly Clojure/Script newsletter

2016-07-26 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks I’ve started a weekly Clojure and ClojureScript newsletter called The REPL. It covers what’s new (and old) in Clojure, as well as related topics (Lisp, JVM, e.t.c.). You can sign up at, and see a copy of the latest issue here

Re: Obtaining the call graph of a clojure project

2016-07-27 Thread Daniel Compton
This is a slightly adjacent issue, but you can see namespace usage ordering with lein-ns-dep-graph . On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 11:42 AM Gary Fredericks wrote: > I have a very hacky bunch of code here >

Re: Is this behavior of clojure.core/pr a bug?

2016-08-04 Thread Daniel Compton
> Can anyone think of a good reason why pr should *not* throw an exception on > (pr (keyword “foo bar")) > since there’s no way of expressing that keyword as valid EDN? This would break backwards compatibility, something Clojure rarely does. On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 1:16 PM Blake Miller wrote: >

Re: Multi-OS Engine | Intel(R) Software

2016-08-09 Thread Daniel Compton
I had a look at this a few weeks ago, and it seemed like it would only work with Java code, not JVM bytecode? Internal Overview: Multi-OS Engine facilitates Java* support on iOS* through - Auto Java binding generation from ObjectiveC and C header files from existing libraries or 3rd party

Re: Multi-OS Engine | Intel(R) Software

2016-08-09 Thread Daniel Compton
proven wrong :)!topic/robovm/b3jbTcpq1Xo On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 8:09 AM Daniel Compton <> wrote: >

[ANN] new Clojars infrastructure that needs testing

2016-09-20 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks We’re moving the Clojars infrastructure from Linode to the very kind folks at Rackspace. We’re getting close, and have a test server setup at It has a copy of the live database as of a day ago, and is mirroring JARs from the live server. We’ve done testing of what we can

Re: [ANN] new Clojars infrastructure that needs testing

2016-09-21 Thread Daniel Compton
> > Thanks, sounds like a lot of work. Any particular reasons for the switch? > > Yep it was :) One more reason for moving is that we’re not comfortable with Linode’s security. -- — Daniel -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to t

Re: [ClojureScript] [ANN] new Clojars infrastructure that needs testing

2016-09-22 Thread Daniel Compton
: > Should searches for packages give results on ? > > I went to the web page and searched for a couple of packages using search > strings that give results on, but give no results on > > > Andy > > On Tue, Sep 20, 2016

Re: Correcting a docstring mistake in clojure.core/filter

2016-09-25 Thread Daniel Compton
Opening a ticket on, and providing a docstring patch is the standard (and fastest) way to do this. On Sun, Sep 25, 2016 at 1:15 PM Alan Thompson wrote: > Hi Alex - What is the best way to correct a mistake in the docstring for > clojure.core/filter? > > The existing docstring is:

Re: [ClojureScript] [ANN] new Clojars infrastructure that needs testing

2016-09-25 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks We have completed migration of the production server ( from Linode to Rackspace. Everything seems to have transferred across smoothly. Please let us know if you have any issues. Thanks On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 9:26 AM Daniel Compton <>

Re: [ClojureScript] [ANN] new Clojars infrastructure that needs testing

2016-09-25 Thread Daniel Compton
Oh, one more thing, a big thanks to lvh <>, and Rackspace for sponsoring Clojars. We really appreciate it! On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 4:24 PM Daniel Compton <> wrote: > Hi folks > > We have completed migration of the productio

Re: Clojure + ClojureScript + Electron + Om.Next + Boot and ProtoRepl on Atom to co-exist?

2016-10-06 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi Ray We have a ClojureScript + Electron + Re-Frame application that we run. Those three work together quite nicely. I’m not totally clear what it would look like for Clojure + Boot + ProtoRepl to co-exist with the first three? Can you explain what you’re envisioning some more? On Wed, Oct 5, 20

Re: [ANN] Advanced Martian usage

2016-11-13 Thread Daniel Compton
Nice work Oliy. I especially liked the re-frame section as I work at Day8 on re-frame. I liked what you did with the HTTP handler, much cleaner :) On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 1:15 AM Oliver Hine wrote: > Hi Erik, > > One of the philosophies of Martian was that it was not a "closed" system > so that

[ANN] Kibit 0.1.3

2016-11-27 Thread Daniel Compton
Kibit 0.1.3 is out. The headlining feature is that Kibit can now read sets without crashing (thanks to Reid McKenzie). There are some other changes in the release notes also. -- Daniel -- You received this message because you are subscribed

Clojars Mirrors mailing list

2016-12-13 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks >From time to time, Clojars needs to make changes that affect people that mirror or proxy Clojars. Some examples of people affected by these changes would be: - People who run an internal Nexus archive that proxies Clojars - CI companies that run a mirror to cut down on external tr

Re: [ANN] trapperkeeper 1.4.1

2017-01-30 Thread Daniel Compton
The JIRA still looks fairly active. On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 11:22 AM Timothy Washington wrote: > Is trapperkeeper still actively being developed and maintained? I'm having > trouble usin

ANN: clojure-postmark 1.4.0

2017-01-30 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks clojure-postmark is a library for talking to, a transactional email service. I’ve taken over maintenance from Steve Losh, big thanks to him for creating it. It has a new release out with a bunch of small improvements qua

ANN: s3-wagon-private 1.3.0

2017-01-30 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks s3-wagon-private is a Maven wagon that lets you use a private S3 bucket to store your Maven dependencies. 1.3.0 has been released with a long awaited feature thanks to Sheel Choksi : native AWS authenticatio

What’s next for Clojars in 2017?

2017-02-02 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks In 2016, thanks to the generous sponsors on our Bountysource program and open source contributors, Clojars was able to: * Move our hosting from Linode to servers sponsored by Rackspace * Define the server on Rackspace with Ansible so it is easy to rebuild * Validate deploys are correct a

Re: What’s next for Clojars in 2017?

2017-02-06 Thread Daniel Compton
and would be more than willing to help with ansible stuff or potentially anything else. Feel free to contact me directly. - Chad On Thursday, February 2, 2017 at 1:47:00 PM UTC-6, Daniel Compton wrote: Hi folks In 2016, thanks to the generous sponsors on our Bountysource program and op

Re: How to disable (or limit) test.check shrinking

2017-02-08 Thread Daniel Compton
If the 503 is only returned by failures not relating to what you are testing (e.g. load), then one option might be to catch the exception and retry that request? On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 6:48 AM 'Matt Bossenbroek' via Clojure <> wrote: > I'm using test.check to test a live

Users of the Commander Pattern?

2017-03-05 Thread Daniel Compton
At work, we’re looking at using the Commander Pattern for our applications. The reference implementation is in Clojure, but could be written in anything that can read and wri

Re: Handling dependency conflicts

2017-03-16 Thread Daniel Compton
One option to help with this is OSGi which does have support in Clojure. As Stuart alluded to in his message, the cure to dependency conflicts (OSGi) may be worse than the disease. I’d guess that the venn diagram of people using both Clojure and OSGi is prett

Re: How do I just use AOT compiled class files over clj(c) source with a leiningen uberjar?

2017-04-01 Thread Daniel Compton
Zach Tellman talked about making Clojure work better with Proguard in August 2016. I couldn’t find any open JIRA tickets about this though.

ANN: Kibit 0.1.5

2017-05-07 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks Kibit 0.1.5 is out now. Kibit is a static analyzer for Clojure and ClojureScript which looks for patterns of code that could be rewritten more idiomatically. The major new feature is automatic and interactive replacements. You can run

Re: [ANN] huffman-keybindings 0.0.1

2017-05-08 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi Edouard This is very cool, thanks for sharing! On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 3:11 AM Edouard KLEIN wrote: > huffman-keybindings is a small library to balance a 26-ary huffman tree, > typically to associate shorter keybindings to the most often used UI > components. > > The code is here https://gith

Re: regarding writing unit tests in clojure for existing java code

2017-05-28 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi Manas I haven't used it, and it's quite old, but this may help for writing JUnit tests in Clojure: It shows how to add JUnit annotations in Clojure, and how to run those tests with Maven. On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 9:

Re: How to call Clojure from Java?

2017-06-01 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi thelmuth Here's a fully worked example. It calls the Clojure function!. Save it to src/myco/dashed_namespace/app/ package; import; import clojure.lang.IFn; public class Main { public static

defn with inline specs?

2017-06-19 Thread Daniel Compton
Currently I don't think it's possible to include a spec inline with a function definition. If you want to spec a function, it needs to come afterwards in an s/fdef. Is it planned for defn to have an extension to allow inline specs, similar to how pre and postconditions are defined in defn? I think

Re: defn with inline specs?

2017-06-19 Thread Daniel Compton
> We think there is a lot of value in having them independent. I agree that there's value in having them independent, and I'm not suggesting that fdef is taken away, but it seems like there's also value in having the ability to make them inline? It makes the code more concise and readable, and avo

Re: Simultaneous development of a clojure project and an internal util library

2017-07-03 Thread Daniel Compton
By the way, if you do use checkouts with Figwheel, be aware of Currently you need to add the path to the checkout project into your cljsbuild :source-paths. On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 8:16 AM Vitalie Spinu wrote: > > Leningen has checkout dependenci

Re: [ClojureScript] [ANN] Orchestra 2017.07.04-1 (now supporting ClojureScript)

2017-07-09 Thread Daniel Compton
Thanks Jeaye, I'm really happy to see this for CLJS too! Orchestra has been an excellent development time addition to our apps. Checking the :ret specs is very helpful for finding the error in code as close as possible to the problem, rather than further downstream when a further spec fails. On S

Re: bots in closure

2017-07-11 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi Frank is a text parsing library that returns structured data. You might find that useful? On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 1:10 PM Alex Walker wrote: > Hi Frank, > > Chatbot is a bit of a loaded term, so could you please give a bit of > clarification? > >1.

Re: [ClojureScript] [ANN] Orchestra 2017.07.04-1 (now supporting ClojureScript)

2017-07-11 Thread Daniel Compton
> It might be worth including a discussion about when to use this library, and perhaps indicating that using it might not be a best-practice. I'm using it to instrument a running development system as I'm working with it, via an API, REPL, and tests. I've found it handy in all three places for my

Re: Unnamed Types - What Am I Doing Wrong?

2017-07-25 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi Kevin For something like an account, a more idiomatic way to model this in Clojure might be with maps: {:account-name "John Smith" :account-number "125-1290"} or {:account/name "John Smith" :account/number "125-1290"} If you then want to refactor your usage/naming of map keys then you can

[ANN] kibit 0.1.6 - featuring namespaced keyword support!

2017-07-26 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks I'm excited to announce that kibit 0.1.6-beta1 has been released. Kibit is a static analysis tool that looks at your code and suggests ways it could be more idiomatic. In the most recent beta release, Kibit supports reading files with namespaced keyword

Re: Java learning resources for Clojurists?

2017-08-15 Thread Daniel Compton
Eric Normand has a course "JVM Fundamentals for Clojure" which might be useful? On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 2:20 PM Paul Gowder wrote: > Hi there, > > Can anyone recommend decent resources for learning Java for experienced > Clojurists who don't do en

Re: CPU & platform for best compilation performance

2017-08-24 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi Maarten Once is released, that should improve your browser load time somewhat, as you won't need to do empty your cache and do a hard reload. On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 4:27 AM wrote: > Shot in the dark, but dependent namespace compilation may b

Re: CPU & platform for best compilation performance

2017-08-24 Thread Daniel Compton
Ah right, I missed that 0.5.13 was released. I've opened to discuss the caching issue further. On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 8:44 AM Maarten Truyens <> wrote: > Thanks for the response! > > Isn't that change already activ

Re: Deserialization "gadget chain" in clojure

2017-09-07 Thread Daniel Compton
I saw that this issue was fixed in Clojure 1.9-alpha20. It's tracked in If you immediately wrote it off as not affecting you because you never use clojure.inspector, it looks like it also affects APersistentMap which is used by everyone. You still need

Re: How to try/catch Let bindings?

2017-10-02 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi Didier The interceptor pattern is pretty tiny, certainly small enough to copy from project to project if you wanted. You can see re-frame's implementation here: which is only around 100 SLOC. That doesn't handle exceptio

Re: possibly a Clojure question or possibly an AWS question: slow writes to durable-queue

2017-10-11 Thread Daniel Compton
Without more information it's hard to tell, but this looks a like it could be a garbage collection issue. Can you run your test again and add some logging/monitoring to show each garbage collection? If my hunch is right, you'll see garbage collections getting more and more frequent until they take

Re: why java version in 10 times faster?

2017-10-16 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi Mike A few thoughts * In my experience it is not unusual that idiomatic Clojure could be 10x slower than the equivalent Java. * Where did you do your timing on the ref calculation? In the Clojure version it calculates distinct at the end. * How did you do your benchmarking? JVM benchmarking is

ANN: Kibit 0.1.6

2017-11-07 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks Kibit 0.1.6 is out now. There are a few fixes you can see in the release notes, but the big one by far is that Kibit now supports reading namespaced keywords correctly, just in time for Clojure 1.9. This has been an open issue

ANN: Deps Versions - Add badges to spot when your dependencies are out of date

2017-11-13 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks I’m pleased to announce Deps Versions ( Deps Versions is a service that shows you when your dependencies are outdated. You can add badges to your OSS Clojure/ClojureScript GitHub projects that will check if your dependencies are up to date. I hope to add suppor

ANN: Clojurists Together - Funding critical Clojure open source projects

2017-11-13 Thread Daniel Compton
jurists Together Committee <>: Toby Crawley, Bridget Hilyer, Maria Geller, Devin Walters, Daniel Solano Gómez, Larry Staton Jr., Daniel Compton. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post

Re: [core.spec] Stricter map validations?

2017-11-14 Thread Daniel Compton
> I think so too. I'm still finding it hard to come up with a single example of why allowing extra keys to validate would ever be useful even for non-breakage. I can't see how it would break anything. > > I believe the only advantage of allowing extra keys, is to allow partial specs. So say you nev

Re: EPL 2.0

2017-11-21 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi Aspasia Clojars and the Software Freedom Conservancy have been looking at the EPL 2.0 license and the impact of Clojure libraries adopting it, particularly around GPL compatibility. However I suspect that even if all Clojure libraries adopt the GPL compatibility clause, it would still need Cloj

Re: [ANN] Git Deps for Clojure!

2018-01-07 Thread Daniel Compton
> git deps go to .gitlibs. Would you consider not putting them in the root of the user's home directory? All the major OS's (and probably the minor ones too) have dedicated folders to put caches. I've opened with more details on this. -- Daniel On Sun

Re: Comparing and selecting web API libraries

2018-03-12 Thread Daniel Compton
If you're looking at Liberator because of how it lets you write applications that implement much of the HTTP spec then I would suggest also looking at Yada. It was written by Malcolm Sparks (who also contributed to Liberator), and takes HTTP spec compliance very seriously. It gives you a lot of lev

Clojurists Together Q2 2018 Call for Proposals

2018-04-10 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks Clojurists Together is an organisation dedicated to funding critical open source Clojure projects. We fund projects on a 3-month cycle. Funding varies based on member support, but in our current cycle we were able to fund clj-http and Figwheel $1800USD/mo each for three months. Both proje

Re: Clojurists Together Q2 2018 Call for Proposals

2018-04-19 Thread Daniel Compton
rs. Thanks, Daniel. On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 9:16 AM Daniel Compton <> wrote: > Hi folks > > Clojurists Together is an organisation dedicated to funding critical open > source Clojure projects. We fund projects on a 3-month cycle. Funding > varies

Clojurists Together is funding CIDER and ClojureScript from May-July

2018-04-25 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks Clojurists Together is funding Bozhidar Batsov and Mike Fikes $5,400USD each to work on CIDER and ClojureScript (respectively) from May-July. You can read more about the work they're doing at in the announcement . We

Re: [ANN] greenlight 0.1.0 - a integration testing framework

2018-07-01 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi Jeff This looks very cool. Can you describe a little bit more about how/where you would use this vs. other kinds of Clojure testing frameworks? The examples show tests all running within a single process, some using Component to build up a system map. Do you also use this for inter-process inte

Re: What is the minimal Emacs config for practical Clojure development?

2018-07-03 Thread Daniel Compton
Not sure exactly how minimal you're looking for but I like Prelude . It's maintained by Bozhidar Batsov, who also maintains CIDER, so it works well for Clojure development. On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 5:42 PM Łukasz Korecki wrote: > Hi! > > I've recently switched t

Clojurists Together Q3 2018 Call for Proposals (Closes July 20)

2018-07-16 Thread Daniel Compton
Hi folks Clojurists Together is an organisation dedicated to funding critical open source Clojure projects. We fund projects on a 3-month cycle. Funding varies based on member support, but in our previous cycles we have been able to fund clj-http, Figwheel, ClojureScript, and CIDER $1800USD/mo eac

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