Hi folks

Clojurists Together <https://www.clojuriststogether.org> is about to award
another round of funding to support open source Clojure projects. *Applications
<https://www.clojuriststogether.org/open-source/> close on Tuesday 28th

Clojurists Together is an organisation, dedicated to funding and supporting
open source software, infrastructure, and documentation that is important
to the Clojure and ClojureScript community.

*We plan to fund three projects at $3,000 USD/month for 3 months ($9,000
USD total).*

Previously we have supported projects
<https://www.clojuriststogether.org/projects/> like Neanderthal, Aleph,
Fireplace, cljdoc, Shadow CLJS, CIDER, Figwheel, clj-http and several more.

We encourage open source maintainers to apply
<https://www.clojuriststogether.org/open-source/> for funding, especially
if you work on one of the projects or areas that our members highlighted in
the survey.

If you work at a company that uses Clojure, talk to your engineering
manager about supporting Clojurists Together. We've been able to support
projects thanks to the generosity of our developer and company members
<https://www.clojuriststogether.org/members/>. The more support we have,
the more that we can do to improve things for the entire Clojure community.

Thanks, Daniel.

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