Hi folks

Clojurists Together is an organisation dedicated to funding critical open
source Clojure projects. We fund projects on a 3-month cycle. Funding
varies based on member support, but in our current cycle we were able to
fund clj-http and Figwheel $1800USD/mo each for three months. Both projects
have made amazing progress, you can read more about them in our Feb
<http://clojuriststogether.org/news/february-2018-monthly-update/> and March
<http://clojuriststogether.org/news/march-2018-monthly-update/> updates.

We're gearing up for our next cycle and are soliciting proposals from the
Clojure/ClojureScript community. We recently surveyed
<https://clojuriststogether.org/news/q2-2018-survey-results/> our members
to see what they wanted us to fund. The main areas they were focused on
were documentation, build tooling, and libraries. *If you maintain a
Clojure project that is important to some or all of the Clojure community
please apply <https://clojuriststogether.org/open-source/> for our second
funding round.*

*If you run or manage a company that relies on the Clojure open source
ecosystem, we'd encourage you to consider joining as a company member
<https://clojuriststogether.org/news/>. *We've had a great response from
individual developers, but only a handful of companies have joined as
sponsors. A very special thanks to all of our members
<https://clojuriststogether.org/members/>, we couldn't do any of this
without your support.

Let us know if you have any questions/concerns, either here or at

Thanks, Daniel.

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