Re: Method overloading & proxy method

2009-05-05 Thread Alex Osborne
On Mar 23, 9:55 am, ronen wrote: > [... what] I actually need is a way of overriding specific methods (like the > visit > (MethodDeclaration n, A arg) and not all of them. I keep running into this problem again and again myself, so I thought I might post some notes. The short of it: doing anyt

Re: Unable to use contrib

2009-10-06 Thread Alex Osborne
vishy wrote: > user=> (require 'clojure.contrib.math) > nil > user=> (lcm 4 5) > java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: lcm in this context > (NO_SOURCE_FILE:2) The problem is that "require" only loads the math library, it doesn't "refer" to it. This means that you have to qualify lcm w

Re: Basic questions

2009-10-08 Thread Alex Osborne
vishy wrote: > How can I find out all the namespaces in a library like > clojure.contrib. I assume you mean doing this at the REPL or OS shell. I don't know how to do it for non-loaded libs, aside from manually walking the classpath, but (all-ns) might be what you want for loaded namespaces.

Re: Duplicated keys in maps

2009-10-11 Thread Alex Osborne
On Oct 12, 11:55 am, Angel Java Lopez wrote: > I just discovered that maps support duplicated keys: > What is the rationale behind this behaviour? No, maps don't support duplicate keys. What you're seeing is due to an implementation detail in how array-maps are created from literals. You'll not

Re: Unable to resolve var

2009-10-11 Thread Alex Osborne
gL wrote: > The solution only works with a var name that equals to a Clojure name > (here "max"). That's because (binding) only works with a var that already exists, it doesn't create a new one. To create your own var (instead of abusing a clojure core one) just use "with-local-vars" instead o

Re: JVM Language Summit talk on state, identity, time

2009-10-16 Thread Alex Osborne
Garth Sheldon-Coulson wrote: > In his blog post Rich mentioned his JVM Language Summit talk > on state, identity, value, time, etc. > > Does anyone know if audio or video was recorded, or (if Rich is reading > this) if there are more comprehensive notes to be gotten? The conclusion of it is her

Re: difference between into & concat

2009-10-18 Thread Alex Osborne
DemAS wrote: > I'm just wondering if there is any difference between 'into' and > 'concat' ? There are actually more differences than similarities in my opinion. For starters, 'concat' can take more than 2 arguments: (concat [1 2] [3 4] [5 6]) => (1 2 3 4 5 6) 'into' returns whatever col

Re: Best way to run multiple filters on the same [lazy] collection?

2009-10-18 Thread Alex Osborne
Meikel Brandmeyer wrote: > Maybe you can do: > > (reduce (fn [[sales upgrades demo :as v] data] >(cond > (is-sales? data) [(conj sales data) upgrades demo] > (is-upgrade? data) [sales (conj upgrades data) demo] > (is-demo? data)[sales upgra

Re: Best way to run multiple filters on the same [lazy] collection?

2009-10-18 Thread Alex Osborne
Alex Osborne wrote: > If the three output lists themselves are too large, I'd just explicitly > sum your units with reduce: > > (reduce > (fn [counts data] > (let [type (record-type data)] > (assoc counts type (+ (units data) >

Re: ANN: Clojure live-repl

2009-10-18 Thread Alex Osborne
David Powell wrote: > It uses the Java Attach API to let you connect a Clojure REPL to any running > Java or Clojure process, without them requiring any special startup. Exceedingly cool! > It probably requires a Sun 1.6 JDK. And currently the startup script is a > batch file, so if anyone ca

Re: Best way to run multiple filters on the same [lazy] collection?

2009-10-18 Thread Alex Osborne
Dmitry Kakurin wrote: > I actually like your "tag them then group them" approach. > But what if the same record can have multiple tags? > E.g. :sales and :upgrades? > Hmmm. the first way that occurred to me is just make your tagging function return a set: (defn record-types [x] (disj #{(w

Re: Using synchronized keyword

2009-10-18 Thread Alex Osborne
Gorsal wrote: > I was wondering how to used the java keyword synchronized in clojure? Java: synchronized(foo) { ... } Clojure: (locking foo ...) --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Googl

Re: Printing to *out* in another thread

2009-10-18 Thread Alex Osborne
mbrodersen wrote: >> Using atoms is not a good idea. Unless you don't mind if the same >> message is sometimes printed more than once. Atoms are implemented >> using spin locks with automatic retry. > > Hmmm...unless add-watch => observer is called only once. Looking in clojure/lang/

Re: agents swallowing exceptions?

2009-10-19 Thread Alex Osborne
Raoul Duke wrote: > apparently one has to manually write ones agents to log the exceptions > out to stderr or stdout? i guess my personal principle of least > surprise implementation would have been to at least spit out the first > exception once. The problem is where do you throw the exceptions?

Re: data structures for efficient range queries

2009-10-19 Thread Alex Osborne
nchubrich wrote: > I need to make a data structure for a query such as "find everything > that is priced $3.27 - $6.12" (and perhaps sum up the total revenue > for all items in that price range). That's one of the things sorted maps are for: (let [objects-by-price (sorted-map 0.50 :cookie, 5.0

Re: data structures for efficient range queries

2009-10-19 Thread Alex Osborne
Alex Osborne wrote: > nchubrich wrote: >> I need to make a data structure for a query such as "find everything >> that is priced $3.27 - $6.12" (and perhaps sum up the total revenue >> for all items in that price range). > > > That's one of the thin

Re: Redirecting Output

2009-10-19 Thread Alex Osborne
Gorsal wrote: > I'm trying to redirect the input i receive from a BufferedInputStream > to the repl. I'm trying something like this: > > (defmacro with-thread [nm & body] > `(let [thread# (Thread. (fn [] (do ~...@body)))] > (if ~nm (.setName thread# ~nm)) > (.start thread#) > thread#

Re: sequence manipulation question

2009-10-19 Thread Alex Osborne
Dmitri wrote: > I notice that certain sequence operations such as concat and cons will > not retain the original type of sequence, for example if you combine > two vectors together a list will be returned: > > user=> (concat [1 2] [3 4]) > (1 2 3 4) > > is this intentional behavior, and wo

Re: sequence manipulation question

2009-10-19 Thread Alex Osborne
Oops, looks like the end of my message got cut off. Appended below. Alex Osborne wrote: > Dmitri wrote: > > I notice that certain sequence operations such as concat and cons will > > not retain the original type of sequence, for example if you combine > > two vectors to

Re: b:vimclojure_namespace does not exist

2009-10-19 Thread Alex Osborne
I'm not really a vim user, but I just tried this out as I was curious to see what vimclojure was like. It sounds like the nailgun server can't find clojure.jar, try checking the classpath you're using to launch the server. I get the exact same error if I set a bad classpath on purpose. eyeri

Re: Redirecting Output

2009-10-20 Thread Alex Osborne
John Harrop wrote: > On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 12:07 AM, Alex Osborne <>> wrote: > > Gorsal wrote: > > However, this raises the CPU to about 50 percent. This is due to the > > infinite recursion, I'm assuming? > >

Re: Best way to run multiple filters on the same [lazy] collection?

2009-10-20 Thread Alex Osborne
Dmitry Kakurin wrote: > Thanks Alex, this is a VERY elegant solution. Hehe. I think I got a bit carried away generalising mine, but I found it interesting. :-) I think your way or Meikal's juxt (which is really neat, I didn't know about juxt) is much better for this specific problem. I gues

Re: Best way to run multiple filters on the same [lazy] collection?

2009-10-20 Thread Alex Osborne
Dmitry Kakurin wrote: >> Stylistic: you should not put the closing parens on dedicated lines. >> They are normally collected on the last line. While this is only a >> style issue, you should get used to it, since 99.9% of all code at in >> the wild will use that style... > > I've read it many tim

Re: Private multimethods possible?

2009-10-22 Thread Alex Osborne
samppi wrote: > Are private multis possible? I notice that clojure.contrib.def does > not have a defmulti-, which doesn't bode well, but it's still worth a > question at the mailing list. Yes, you can make any symbol private. If you look at the definition of defn- you'll see all it does is set

Re: Private multimethods possible?

2009-10-22 Thread Alex Osborne
> So you could do the same when defining a multimethod, just give the > name (symbol) of the method the metadata ":private" with the value > "true": > > (defmulti #{:private true} my-multi my-dispatch) I'm having a bad day for typos, the example should of course be: (defmulti #^{:private true}

Re: Private multimethods possible?

2009-10-22 Thread Alex Osborne
John Harrop wrote: > I think we need some notion of semi-private as well. It would be ignored > by :use and by automation like tab-completion of symbols, doc > generation, and the like (except it would show in tab-completion inside > of its namespace) but would not actually be illegal to invoke

Re: invoking macros from Java

2009-10-27 Thread Alex Osborne
Jeff Brown wrote: > I can invoke a function using Java code that looks something like this... > > Reader reader = new FileReader("clj/demo.clj"); > Compiler.load(reader); > Var var = RT.var("demo", "add_numbers"); > Object result = var.invoke(4, 7); > System.out.println("Result: " + result); >

Re: Infinite sequences hang sets and maps

2009-10-28 Thread Alex Osborne
John Harrop wrote: > Probably the seq .hashCode should consider only the first N elements > for some maximum N and if two longer (or even infinite) sequences > collide so be it. I strongly disagree. Choosing some arbitrary magic cutoff point just seems cause for trouble and much confusion. Put

Re: Constructing Java Interop calls

2009-10-28 Thread Alex Osborne
Tiago Antão wrote: > Again, the point here is to be able to construct method names (full > call signatures, really) on runtime. > > I am lost. As in newbie clueless :( As others have suggested you need to use either Java's reflection or Clojure's eval. Here's some examples: Using reflection:

Re: cannot cast error java char-array to java string

2009-10-28 Thread Alex Osborne
Chick Corea wrote: > What is wrong with this code? I want to instantiate a Java String > from a Java character-array. > But I want it to be fast, hence the need to cast per the "warn on > reflection" message. > > user=> (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) > true > user=> (new String #^

Re: ANN: Clojure live-repl

2009-10-28 Thread Alex Osborne
David Powell wrote: > >> Under Linux I had to fix the paths in to include the >> build folder: >> >> java -cp "$LIVEREPL_HOME/build/*:$JDK_HOME/lib/tools.jar" >> net.djpowell.liverepl.client.Main "$CLOJURE_JAR" >> "$LIVEREPL_HOME/build/liverepl-agent.jar" >> "$LIVEREPL_HOME/build/

Re: Java 7, nio, and createFile

2009-10-28 Thread Alex Osborne
youngblood.carl wrote: > When I try and call createFile from clojure: > (.createFile path) > > I get an exception that there is no field named createFile. If I remember correctly variable argument Java methods, which is what that "..." syntax means: abstract Path createFile(FileAttribute...

Re: Infinite sequences hang sets and maps

2009-10-29 Thread Alex Osborne
John Harrop wrote: > On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 9:35 PM, Alex Osborne wrote: > > Choosing some arbitrary magic cutoff point just > seems cause for trouble and much confusion. > > For the specific case of hashCode, no; identical values must have > identical hashes but

Re: Newcomer's question about Clojure's compatibility with common lisp

2009-10-29 Thread Alex Osborne
Daniel Simms wrote: > On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 4:34 PM, Rayne wrote: >> but I would highly recommend that you just pull it from the github >> repository. > > Especially if you're going to use clojure-contrib ...or is there some > "release" of contrib synch'd to clojure releases that I missed > so

Re: How to make lazy seq from socket input?

2009-10-30 Thread Alex Osborne
timc wrote: > I think I know how to do fileLines, but not socketLines. (Each > received packet should contain one line as it would have been written > to a file, I think). Something like this? (use ' (read-lines (.getInputStream socket)) > My problem is not how to

Re: Implementation of zipmap

2009-10-30 Thread Alex Osborne
John Harrop wrote: > Was something wrong with this?: > > (defn my-zipmap > "Returns a map with the keys mapped to the corresponding vals." > [keys vals] > (into {} (map vec (partition 2 (interleave keys vals) > > :) One reason might be that the original zipmap is 5-10 times faster for

Re: Implementation of zipmap

2009-10-30 Thread Alex Osborne
Chouser wrote: > On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Alex Osborne wrote: >> John Harrop wrote: >>> Was something wrong with this?: >>> >>> (defn my-zipmap >>> "Returns a map with the keys mapped to the corresponding vals." >>> [

Re: idiom questions

2009-10-30 Thread Alex Osborne
Chick Corea wrote: > Is everything in Clojure immutable? Most things. Clojure tries very hard to be thread-safe by default. > how does one modify the value of 'x' ? > > (let [x nil] (def x true)) One does not, at least not in a let-binding. If you really want a lexical variable you

Re: idiom questions

2009-10-30 Thread Alex Osborne
Alex Osborne wrote: > Chick Corea wrote: >> If I understand correctly, the "(binding ...)" macro specifically >> applies to >> "Variables", one of Clojure's STM types, thus has dynamic, thead-local >> scope. Is that right? In which case, it ma

Re: can I make this faster (and leaner) ?

2009-10-30 Thread Alex Osborne
Chick Corea wrote: > The corresponding Java code (w/ the hash-insert omitted in the clojure > version) > runs in 5.5sec and uses 290MB. > > This code runs (which omits the hash-insert) runs in 17.8sec and uses > 353MB. > > I thought that I added all of the casts and "warn-on-reflections" that >

Re: Infinite sequences hang sets and maps

2009-10-31 Thread Alex Osborne
Luke VanderHart wrote: > On Oct 29, 4:01 am, Mark Engelberg wrote: >> I see your point that hashCode could be made to work on infinite >> sequences, but since hashing is almost always a prelude to testing for >> equality, I'm hard pressed to think of an example of why you'd want to >> be able to

Re: update-proxy doc - what is "this" ?

2009-11-01 Thread Alex Osborne
msappler wrote: > user=> (doc update-proxy) > > It says:"the first arg corresponding to this" > > What is meant with "this"? "this" means the proxy object itself (like the "this" keyword in Java). --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are s

Re: clojure parser

2009-11-01 Thread Alex Osborne
nchubrich wrote: > Is there any way to access the clojure parser, i.e. something that > gives you all the elements contained in an expression? I.E. (parse (+ > 1 2)) would give you something like [:list [[:symbol +] [:literal 1] > [:literal 2]]]. Do you mean the reader? user=> (read-string "(+

Re: A couple questions about the language

2009-11-01 Thread Alex Osborne
Andrew wrote: > 1. Can I have compile time evaluation forms like in Lisp? For example, > I want to obtain current namespace during macro expansion, or make > Java imports in compile time. Is it possible? Unless I'm misunderstanding what you want, sure. Just access *ns* or (import 'whatever) in

Re: Generalizing -> & ->>

2009-11-02 Thread Alex Osborne
Sean Devlin wrote: > This is slightly unrealted, but how does one pronounce ->, ->> and the > like? Is this documented? The doc-strings usually give you a nice hint. I usually use "thread" for -> and "thread last" for ->>. The actual symbols I think of as "arrow" and "double arrow". Then -?

Re: Running out of memory when using loop/recur and destructuring

2009-11-02 Thread Alex Osborne
Paul Mooser wrote: > Good job tracking down that diff -- upon looking at it, unfortunately, > I obviously don't understand the underlying issue being fixed (the > inter-binding dependencies) because the "old code" basically matches > what I would think would be the way to avoid introducing this in

Re: Adding meta data to a function (from a macro)

2009-11-07 Thread Alex Osborne
Stefan Arentz wrote: > > I'm trying to do this: > > (defmacro my-defn [name & body] >`(defn- #^{ :foo-tag "blah" } ~name [] > ~...@body)) > > The idea is that foo will be defined and that {:foo-tag "blah"} is > added to its meta-data. > > But that does not seem to work: Try this:

Re: Functions and vars and meta-data

2009-11-07 Thread Alex Osborne
Stefan Arentz wrote: > I must admin that I don't fully understand the difference between foo > and #'foo. That is probably why I'm making this beginner mistake :-) The difference takes some explanation. So without further ado... Functions and Metadata: in Vivacious Gory Detail ==

Re: equivalent to Haskell's group function

2009-11-08 Thread Alex Osborne
Wilson MacGyver wrote: > Does Clojure have a function like Haskell's group? > > In Haskell, > Input: group [1,2,2,1,1,1,2,2,2,1] > Output: [[1],[2,2],[1,1,1],[2,2,2],[1]] (use 'clojure.contrib.seq-utils) (partition-by identity [1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1]) => ((1) (2 2) (1 1 1) (2 2 2) (1)) --~--~---

Re: Consistency of the API

2009-11-09 Thread Alex Osborne
Mark Engelberg wrote: > 2009/11/9 Tiago Antão : >> What is the rationale for even? and contains? having different >> behaviors for the exact same error (ie, one throws the other works >> fine and just returns false on a type error)? > I imagine the rationale is efficiency. Here's the function

Re: How to convert java Complex type to Clojure type?

2009-11-09 Thread Alex Osborne
Michael Jaaka wrote: > How to convert HashMap to Clojure map, sorted-map, > tree-map > > How far I'm able only to do it with > > (let [a (HashMap. { "abc" "def"}) ] >(zipmap (keys a) (vals a))) > > Note that HashMap. { ... } is here only as example, cause in fact it > is a result from J

Re: Understanding Clojure Closures

2009-11-11 Thread Alex Osborne
mbrodersen wrote: > In this simple recursive expression: > > (def t (fn [x] (if (zero? x) 0 (+ x (t (dec x)) > > The fn special form is evaluated within a context where t is not yet > bound. > > t is only bound AFTER fn has captured its environment. > > In other words, the closure captured

Re: How to print without spaces?

2009-11-11 Thread Alex Osborne
John Ky wrote: > How to I print without spaces? (println (str "a" "b" "c")) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patie

Re: How to write a macro

2009-11-11 Thread Alex Osborne
John Ky wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm looking for a way to write a defkw macro so that (defkw ABSENT) > expands to > (def ABSENT (kw "ABSENT" :ABSENT )). > Just use `(...) as a template and use ~ to unescape, like so: (defmacro defkw [sym] `(def ~sym (kw ~(str sym) ~(keyword sym (defkw ANSE

Re: How to write a macro

2009-11-11 Thread Alex Osborne
John Ky wrote: > I had to ~(keyword (str sym)) instead of ~(keyword sym), but now it > works well. Hmm, odd. Must have changed since Clojure 1.0. (keyword 'some-symbol) works for me on the "new" branch. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" gr

Re: clojure event handling

2009-11-11 Thread Alex Osborne
nchubrich wrote: > I'm curious what the best idiomatic way of handling events is (e.g. > receiving a series of messages and dispatching functions on the basis > of the messages). One could use the 'experimental' add-watch(er) > functions. But it might also be nice to do something stream-oriented,

Re: Datatypes and Protocols - early experience program

2009-11-13 Thread Alex Osborne
Mark Engelberg wrote: > Protocols: > > I don't understand whether there's any way to provide a partial > implementation or default implementation of a given > protocol/interface, and I believe this to be an important issue. > > For example, a protocol for < and > that provides a default > impleme

Re: local constants in functions or static locals/Hilbert curve in clojure (no images:)

2009-11-15 Thread Alex Osborne
ajuc wrote: > I would like to somehow hide the global hilbert-map into my function, > but I can't see how to do that. > > Is this possible? I know that I can just inert literal into my let, > but that degrades performance, when function is called many times. > > I would like to have something lik

Re: local constants in functions or static locals/Hilbert curve in clojure (no images:)

2009-11-15 Thread Alex Osborne
John Harrop wrote: > On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 7:32 PM, Alex Osborne <>> wrote: > > ajuc wrote: > > I would like to somehow hide the global hilbert-map into my function, > > but I can't see how to do that. > > Cloj

Re: Proposal: Extend behavior of hash-map

2009-11-17 Thread Alex Osborne
Sean Devlin wrote: > Hey everyone, > I was working with an object that implements java.util.Map today, and > I had to turn it into a Clojure map. > > > > I cam up with this utility fn > > (defn read-map > "Designed to turn a java.util.

Re: Proposal: Extend behavior of hash-map

2009-11-17 Thread Alex Osborne
Sean Devlin wrote: > Okay golfers. Is there a better way to do this? > > (defn put-all! > [java-map clj-map] > (do > (doseq [entry clj-map] > (.put java-map (key entry) (val entry))) > java-map)) > > user=>(put-all (java.util.HashMap. ) {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}) > # > > I already

Re: Proposal: Extend behavior of hash-map

2009-11-17 Thread Alex Osborne
Alex Osborne wrote: > Sean Devlin wrote: >> Okay golfers. Is there a better way to do this? >> >> (defn put-all! >> [java-map clj-map] >> (do >> (doseq [entry clj-map] >> (.put java-map (key entry) (val entry))) >> java-map

Re: Stack overflow while processing XML

2009-11-18 Thread Alex Osborne
mkrajnak wrote: > I am processing a very large xml file, 13MB, using clojure.xml.parse > and with clojure 1.0.0. clojure.xml.parse loads the whole document into memory at once so it's only really suitable for small (at most a megabyte or two) XML documents. Have a

[ANN] Clojars - a Clojure community jar repository

2009-11-19 Thread Alex Osborne
I've been working on an easy to use open source community repository to complement Leiningen in making building and dependency management easier for Clojure projects. It's inspired by the fantastic website that the Ruby community uses. The repository is in th

Re: [ANN] Clojars - a Clojure community jar repository

2009-11-19 Thread Alex Osborne
Alex Osborne wrote: > But if even that's too long and complicated for you I wrote a Leiningen > plugin which makes it just: > > lein push Looks like JSch library that the lein-clojars plugin uses doesn't work with ssh-keygen's DSA keys and I overlooked adding passp

Re: [ANN] Clojars - a Clojure community jar repository

2009-11-19 Thread Alex Osborne
Laurent PETIT wrote: > Hello, > > Just an idea out of my head : could it be possible for the pom.xml to be > included in the jar, in the META-INF/ directory ? > > This would even further simplify the process, wouldn't it ? :) That's a great idea! Can't believe it didn't occur to me. :-) I loo

Re: leiningen - a Clojure build tool

2009-11-19 Thread Alex Osborne
meb wrote: > Was the name Leiningen inspired by the Esquire short story "Leiningen > vs. Ants"? That would be a brilliantly obscure way to challenge the > predominance of ant. Or did you have another reference in mind. From the Leiningen README: "Leiningen!" he shouted. "You're insane! They're

Re: positions

2009-11-19 Thread Alex Osborne
ajuc wrote: > On 20 Lis, 01:49, nchubrich wrote: >> While we're on the topic, where is something like (subtract [1 2 3 3 4 >> 4 5 6] evens) -> (1 3 3 5)? Doesn't seem to be in seq-utils or API. >> Seems like there should be a parallel "multiset" library for colls, to >> clojure.set. (I guess the

Re: positions

2009-11-19 Thread Alex Osborne
John Harrop wrote: > On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Sean Devlin > wrote: > > That's why there are two separate functions do do what you suggest > > user=>(interleave [1 2 3 4] [1 2 3 4]) > (1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4) > > user=> (concat [1 2 3 4] [1 2 3 4

Re: positions

2009-11-19 Thread Alex Osborne
John Harrop wrote: > This is just (sort (concat [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] [3 2 7])) though. > > > I think he also wants the original order of the first input coll to be > preserved, though. Sort wouldn't do that. Hmmm.. that's a pretty weird set of requirements. Usually a multiset/bag is unordered

Re: Weird Java Interop Behaviour

2009-11-20 Thread Alex Osborne
Matt Brown wrote: > Why does (. System getProperty "java.version") work when > (. (identity System) getProperty "java.version") does not work, given > that > (identity System) should be the same as System ? It's because the . special form treats class names specially. In Java there's unfortunat

Re: One place where interop needs improvement

2009-11-21 Thread Alex Osborne
John Harrop wrote: > 1: Improvements to the ns macro, such as described in a previous thread. > Particularly I'd like to see > > (:import package class class class) > > work. This fits with normal Clojure syntax. Right now it wants an extra > pair of parentheses, does not accept a vector(!), a

Re: One place where interop needs improvement

2009-11-21 Thread Alex Osborne
John Harrop wrote: > On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 9:03 PM, Alex Osborne > (:import package1 class class class) (:import package2 class class) > > > I am. Especially since the latter already works. > > Alternatively, force (or at least allow!) square brackets, like > els

Re: leiningen - a Clojure build tool

2009-11-22 Thread Alex Osborne
bOR_ wrote: > What is the normal way to let Leiningen know about local jars? I am > using brics automaton in one of my projects, and that jar is only > downloadable after confirming the bsd licence ( > automaton/), so I have it locally on my disk, but it isn't in clojars > or mv

Improving Clojure startup time with -Xbootclasspath

2009-11-22 Thread Alex Osborne
We were discussing Clojure startup time (in the context of Leiningen) and Phil Hagelberg asked some JRuby people about startup time. They suggested using -Xbootclasspath. Check this out: % time (echo | java -client -cp clojure.jar clojure.main) 0.84s user 0.04s system 96% cpu 0.908 total % ti

Re: leiningen - a Clojure build tool

2009-11-23 Thread Alex Osborne
Krukow writes: > On Nov 18, 8:29 am, Phil Hagelberg wrote: >> I'm pleased to announce the initial release of Leiningen. >> >> Leiningen is a build tool for Clojure designed to not set your hair on fire. > > I really like it so far - particularly the combination of lein and > clojars! > > I'm not

Re: Functions and vars and meta-data

2009-11-27 Thread Alex Osborne
Stefan Kamphausen writes: > On Nov 8, 3:46 am, Alex Osborne wrote: > As far as the documentation says, Vars can't have metadata: > > "Symbols and collections support metadata," -- > > "Symbols, Lists, Vector, Sets and Maps can

Re: combining vimclojure, classpaths and leiningen

2009-11-27 Thread Alex Osborne
bOR_ writes: > I think I cannot escape spelling out the ~/.m2/paths to clojure.jar > and clojure-contrib.jar in vimclojures' file, but is > there any way I can get start the nailgun server from my projects' > directory and it just takes ./lib as its classpath? java -cp 'src:clas

Re: Functions and vars and meta-data

2009-11-27 Thread Alex Osborne
Stefan Kamphausen writes: >> I don't think the documentation is *wrong* per se, it just only seems to >> cover the immutable types. > > Which is kind of wrong, isn't it? I strongly believe that this should > be changed. Indeed. > While I understand that the mutating functions will not apply to

Re: Functions and vars and meta-data

2009-11-27 Thread Alex Osborne
Stefan Kamphausen writes: >>   (meta '#^{a 1} greet) > > To be honest, I think it looks even worse. There is some reader macro > which by happy accident works in a certain way together with the other > read syntax. No, I don't think it should work. I agree this is ugly and unintuitive and I wo

Re: 'cheap' embedded dbs?

2009-11-30 Thread Alex Osborne
Raoul Duke wrote: > what do people use for doing in-memory simple dbs? like, do people > just use persistent maps, or do they go out and use derby or > something? > Sean Devlin's suggested a contrib library which adds a bunch of functions for working with maps. Have a look at this thread on the

Re: Leiningen Run ?

2009-11-30 Thread Alex Osborne
Hi David, David Nolen wrote: > So my Java ignorance once again rears it's ugly head. It turns out > that JNI dynamic libs can't really be part of a .jar. I can't say I know much about JNI but I've used some libraries like SQLiteJDBC and Qt Jambi which bundle the native libraries in the jar, so th

Re: clojars and licences

2009-12-01 Thread Alex Osborne
bOR_ writes: > How in clojars do I attach a licence to the jar? I'm about to > redistribute a BSD-licensed jarfile to clojars, but I'm not sure how I > can make sure that the licence also gets redistributed. Are these > things embedded in jar files by default? I think it's quite common to put th

Re: clojars and licences

2009-12-01 Thread Alex Osborne
bOR_ writes: > How in clojars do I attach a licence to the jar? I'm about to > redistribute a BSD-licensed jarfile to clojars, but I'm not sure how I > can make sure that the licence also gets redistributed. Are these > things embedded in jar files by default? > > (the jar in question is automato

Re: Clojure as a first programming language?

2009-12-01 Thread Alex Osborne
I think it's hard for anyone experienced in subject to give a recommendation on how to get started, as there's just so much knowledge you always assume. Maybe if you've tried teaching programming using a variety of languages you can. I'm a little younger than the C64 guys, I first taught mysel

Re: Modeling a relation: maps or vectors, one ref or many refs

2009-12-04 Thread Alex Osborne
samppi writes: > I want to create a little Clojure library that creates cached > relational systems in the style of Ben Moseley's "Out of the Tar > Pit" (, which is > something that I think would serve me better than just nested maps for > someth

Re: Hooks library. (Is this clojure-y?)

2009-12-06 Thread Alex Osborne
Allen Rohner writes: > I started playing with the idea of a hooks library for Clojure, > similar to Emacs hooks. > > You can see the code at > > Does this library have the Tao of Clojure? > > If hooks aren't a clojure-y way of doing things, what is? Have you seen Ja

Re: how 'bout a debug-repl?

2009-12-09 Thread Alex Osborne
George Jahad writes: > Every time I stick a println into some Clojure code to debug it, I > think to myself, "This is Lisp! I should be able to insert a repl > here!" > > The problem is of course that Clojure's eval function doesn't know > about the surrounding lexical scope. So I started asking

Re: zipper for JSON data?

2009-12-12 Thread Alex Osborne
Paul_B_Hansen writes: > I tried to simply get a zipper working for nested > maps but I didn't succeed. My attempt is below: > > (defn map-zip [root] > (zip/zipper map? > seq > (fn [node children] (with-meta (hash-map children) (meta > node))) > root))

Re: zipper for JSON data?

2009-12-12 Thread Alex Osborne
"Alex Osborne" writes: > (-> (map-zip {:foo {:bar {:baz 2}}}) > zip/down > zip/down > (zip/insert-right [:greeting "Hello!"]) > zip/down > (zip/edit (val-editor inc)) > zip/root) > > ;; => [:root {:foo {:greeting &qu

Re: boolean-array in clojure

2009-12-12 Thread Alex Osborne
Michael Wood writes: > I don't think boolean-array exists in 1.0. Try this instead: > > user=> (into-array Boolean [true true false true]) > # > > although that gives you an array of Booleans instead of booleans. (into-array Boolean/TYPE [true false]) ;; => # -- You received this message beca

Re: Boggle solver

2009-12-14 Thread Alex Osborne
james writes: > Using the -Xprof switch seems to indicate java.lang.Character.hashCode > is called a lot and i guess that's to do with the nested maps that > represent the trie. > > Using jvisualvm doesn't help much either as it's not giving me a call > graph. > Just self counts for each function

Re: Clojure analysis

2009-12-17 Thread Alex Osborne
Santhosh G R writes: >> > Clojure is a multi-paradigm language >> no it's not, and it's most certainty not an OOP >> language: > > I hear about this everywhere. Is Clojure not a multi-paradigm language > because that is the rationale for the language? For me - It supp

Re: mapmap

2009-12-17 Thread Alex Osborne
Avital Oliver writes: > My experience is that you should only use filter/map if you either have a > pre-existing function or you want to use a _very_ short closure (using #()). > For any other case the code becomes unmanageable and then I feel that using > for > is the wiser choice. I agree, bu

Re: Parenthesis Inference

2009-12-18 Thread Alex Osborne
Martin Coxall writes: > My question is this: why can't we introduce a simple and importantly, > optional 'off-side rule' (much simpler than Haskell's) that allows the > reader to infer many of the parentheses? If you haven't seen them before, check out sweet expressions. This guy has put a lot

Re: leiningen with latest clojure

2009-12-18 Thread Alex Osborne
defn writes: > On Dec 18, 7:00 am, Andrea Tortorella wrote: >> I'd like to ask how to use leiningen with the latest clojure >> development new branch, is this possible? > This will pull down 1.1.0-master-SNAPSHOT per the settings in > project.clj which is as new as Dec. 18th, 16:00 at the time o

Re: Parenthesis Inference

2009-12-18 Thread Alex Osborne
Anniepoo writes: > What's hostile to most programmers is that Clojure demands a lot more > thinking per line of code. I remember when OO came in, and then when > design patterns came in - each decreased the amount of thinking about > code and increased the amount of typing. *shudder* Yes, this

Re: new fn: juxt - Theory & application

2009-12-18 Thread Alex Osborne
Just tossing up some non-juxt alternatives for comparison's sake, so we can see where it is an improvement. Sean Devlin writes: > Notice that juxt creates a closure. The most straightforward case is > to *predictably* access multiple values from a map. > > user=>(def test-map {:a "1" :b "2" :c

Re: Maven2 repo URL required for Clojure 1.1 RC

2009-12-19 Thread Alex Osborne
Shantanu Kumar writes: > Could anybody please give me a Clojure 1.1 Maven2 repo URL? It's not > there on Maven central repo yet, and (surprise!) doesn't > seem to have it either. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goog

Re: Parenthesis Inference

2009-12-19 Thread Alex Osborne
Martin Coxall writes: > I trust the many, many more people that have rejected Lisp for its > hostile syntax and delusions of importance than the statistically > insignificant minority who have actually stuck with it. Sometimes people are just looking for excuse to criticize. Before it was cons

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