Tiago Antão wrote:
> Again, the point here is to be able to construct method names (full
> call signatures, really) on runtime.
> I am lost. As in newbie clueless :(

As others have suggested you need to use either Java's reflection or 
Clojure's eval.  Here's some examples:

Using reflection:

   (let [obj "some string"
         method (.getDeclaredMethod (class obj) "substring"
                                    (into-array Class [Integer/TYPE]))]
     (.invoke method obj (to-array [2])))

   => "me string"

If you want to know more about what you can do with reflection, consult: 

Using eval (which will also work for dynamically calling Clojure functions):

   (let [obj "some string"
         fname ".substring"]
     (eval (list (symbol fname) obj 2)))

   => "me string"

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