Re: Why isn't a docstring allowed for defrecord?

2013-11-01 Thread Cedric Greevey
(Point. x y) is resolved as if "Point." was a special form. Nothing Lisp-2 about it. :) On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Mars0i wrote: > OK, I get it now. By using Point. I'm ... temporarily descending into the > Java world, on top of which Clojure is built. > > By using ->Point I remain in t

Re: road map for clojure?

2013-11-01 Thread Cedric Greevey
Who else is amused to find that gmail offers to make you an appointment in your calendar for even something as distant as "15 years from now"? On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Alex Miller wrote: > Hi Julius, > > Clojure is (always) under dev. The issue and commit pipeline is bursty due > to the

Re: Any interest in Compojure/Ring screencasts?

2013-11-01 Thread Josh Kamau
I am interested. Thanks. Josh On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 3:57 AM, Tilak Thapa wrote: > +1, @James, i'm in. > > > On Wednesday, October 30, 2013 4:32:18 AM UTC+5:45, Russell Whitaker wrote: > >> I, for one, would happily pay (my employer's) money for such a thing. >> >> R >> >> On Tue, Oct 29, 2013

Re: [ANN] cljs-start with batteries included

2013-11-01 Thread Shantanu Kumar
Hi Mimmo, I think it is a really nice project, but I was not able to run it successfully: $ lein new cljs-start foo Failed to resolve version for cljs-start:lein-template:jar:RELEASE: Could not find metadata cljs-start:lein-template/maven-metadata.xml in local (/home/shantanukumar/.m2/reposito

Re: Any interest in Compojure/Ring screencasts?

2013-11-01 Thread Nando Breiter
Yes. Aria Media Sagl Via Rompada 40 6987 Caslano Switzerland +41 (0)91 600 9601 +41 (0)76 303 4477 cell skype: ariamedia On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 9:19 AM, Josh Kamau wrote: > I am interested. > > Thanks. > Josh > > > On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 3:57 AM, Tilak Thapa wrote: > >> +1, @James, i'm in.

Re: [ClojureScript] [ANN] cljs-start with batteries included

2013-11-01 Thread Mimmo Cosenza
Yeah, yestarday I forgot to publish the release 0.0.1. Sorry about that. I did it this morning. Now it should works. Could you confirm me please? Thanks so much. Mimmo p.s. In the next release I think I'm going to add both :crossovers and :clix in such a way to have a complete starting setu

Re: [ClojureScript] [ANN] cljs-start with batteries included

2013-11-01 Thread Shantanu Kumar
On Friday, 1 November 2013 15:45:01 UTC+5:30, Magomimmo wrote: > > Yeah, > yestarday I forgot to publish the release 0.0.1. Sorry about that. I did > it this morning. > > Now it should works. > > Could you confirm me please? > It works now. Thanks! Shantanu -- -- You received this message

Re: [ClojureScript] [ANN] cljs-start with batteries included

2013-11-01 Thread Mimmo Cosenza
thanks Shantanu! Let me know if you find ant issue. I started commenting both profiles.clj and project.clj to try to explain what each setting is used for. IMHO there is a big open issue regarding lein-cljsbuild: As pointed to me by David Nolen, you need to fill the leaning :source-paths with

Re: [ClojureScript] [ANN] cljs-start with batteries included

2013-11-01 Thread Deniz Kurucu
Hi, It doesn't work for me : lein new cljs-start battery-cljs Retrieving cljs-start/lein-template/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/lein-template-0.0.1-20131101.074510-2.pom from clojars Retrieving cljs-start/lein-template/0.0.1/lein-template-0.0.1.pom from clojars Retrieving cljs-start/lein-template/0.1.0-SNAPSHO

[ANN] repetition-hunter 1.0.0

2013-11-01 Thread mynomoto
I released repetition-hunter v1.0.0 - repetition-hunter is a library to find repetitions in your code. It works in multiple namespaces and gives you the repeated code and it's location on file. You can sort the repetitions by complexity or number of

Re: Potential improvement to select-keys ?

2013-11-01 Thread Andy Fingerhut
Looks like a reasonable enhancement to me. I have filed ticket CLJ-1287 with a proposed patch for it: No guarantees when or if it will get into Clojure. You can modify your own local copy of select-keys (or even alter-var-root its definition) if y

Cursive IntelliJ working on multiple Leiningen projects & require - refer :as not working

2013-11-01 Thread Niels van Klaveren
The release notes mention that working on multiple Leiningen projects has been improved, but how to get it working ? I wondered if there's a preferred way to work on multiple Leiningen projects, so changes in one are reflected in the other. - Leiningen has the option to work with the checkouts d

Re: [ClojureScript] [ANN] cljs-start with batteries included

2013-11-01 Thread Mimmo Cosenza
It seems that you're using the SNAPSHOT version instead of the release one. Probably this has been caused by the fact that yesterday night I forgot to publish the 0.0.1 as a release (I did it this morning). Could you please try the following: rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/cljs-start and try again?

Re: Cursive IntelliJ working on multiple Leiningen projects & require - refer :as not working

2013-11-01 Thread Niels van Klaveren
I don't think it's the way to do it, because the checkouts /src directory gets unmarked when the project is loaded anew after an IntelliJ restart. On Friday, November 1, 2013 4:44:49 PM UTC+1, Niels van Klaveren wrote: > > The release notes mention that working on multiple Leiningen projects has

Re: .length vs. count for string length

2013-11-01 Thread vrakade
On Thursday, October 31, 2013 10:37:33 PM UTC-5, Mikera wrote: > > OTOH, count is much more generic since it can handle arbitrary sequences > etc. Also count doesn't require type hints. You should definitely prefer > count when writing most high level code. > Yes, I'd prefer count in higher le

[ANN] Clojure 1.6.0-alpha1 release

2013-11-01 Thread Alex Miller
Clojure 1.6.0-alpha1 is now available. Try it via - Download: - Leiningen: [org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0-alpha1"] A list of tickets included is below. Please note that CLJ-1252 introduces a breaking change such that keywords beginnin

Re: Potential improvement to select-keys ?

2013-11-01 Thread Alex Miller
I'm not sure I agree with the intent of the patch (as I can certainly imagine times when I'd want a pure map from select-keys, not one that has the characteristics of the source map). Also, due to empty not being supported on records (yet - separate ticket for that), I think this breaks select-

Re: Request for help optimising a Clojure program

2013-11-01 Thread Alex Miller
Has anyone created a design page on dev.clojure for this yet? On Thursday, October 31, 2013 9:19:23 AM UTC-5, Andy Fingerhut wrote: > > Just a follow up after a fair amount of thinking and experimentation has > been done on this problem. > > Mark Engelberg has a very nice document describing th

Functions using locks are slowed even when locks are never taken

2013-11-01 Thread Michael Blume (ns perf-test (:use (criterium core)) (:gen-class)) (def o (Object.)) (defn foo [x] (if (> x 0) (inc x) (do (monitor-enter o) (let [res (dec x)] (monitor-exit 0) res (defn bar [x] (if (> x 0) (inc x)

Re: .length vs. count for string length

2013-11-01 Thread Sean Corfield
This thread made me run a quick audit of our code and we had about a dozen calls to .length, a dozen calls to .substring, and a handful of calls to .replace - of which a few were in truly performance sensitive code (doing Unicode-related processing across large strings, so they had lots of other Ja

Re: Functions using locks are slowed even when locks are never taken

2013-11-01 Thread Michael Blume
Since 1.6 alpha is out, I reran the tests with that -- basically the same results. On Friday, November 1, 2013 11:34:15 AM UTC-7, Michael Blume wrote: > > > > (ns perf-test > (:use (criterium core)) > (:gen-class)) > > (def o (Object.)) > > (defn foo

Re: Potential improvement to select-keys ?

2013-11-01 Thread Mark Engelberg
On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 11:20 AM, Alex Miller wrote: > I'm not sure I agree with the intent of the patch (as I can certainly > imagine times when I'd want a pure map from select-keys, not one that has > the characteristics of the source map). > I'm sure it's possible to imagine both needs, but if

Re: Potential improvement to select-keys ?

2013-11-01 Thread Cedric Greevey
I agree with Engelberg, except that records need to be treated specially. Select-keys (and empty) on a record preserving the type but omitting one of the record's predefined keys would make no sense, so I'd argue that records have to give rise to normal (unsorted) maps when these are used on them.

Running Leiningen inside Jenkins CI server

2013-11-01 Thread Simon Brooke
I've installed Jenkins 1.537 on Debian 6, using Tomcat 6 as a servlet container; brief note about the installation here: Now, I'm trying to get it to run Leiningen and currently it isn't working. What I'm getting is

Scala interop (or, aliasing imported Java classes)

2013-11-01 Thread Mark
At work, we're primarily a Scala shop, but I've been writing some small Clojure utilities to handle quick tasks here and there (stuff I'd written in Python previously). I was hoping to make use of some of the Scala libraries we'd already written, but I ran into an Java/Scala interop problem tha

Re: Scala interop (or, aliasing imported Java classes)

2013-11-01 Thread Cedric Greevey
I vote for adding :as to import. I've personally thought of other situations where this could be useful. Being able to alias a (Java) package might be useful too: (import '((java.util.concurrent :as juc) LinkedBlockingQueue ReadWriteLock)) (def my-queue (juc/LinkedBlockingQueue.)) Most useful w

Re: Scala interop (or, aliasing imported Java classes)

2013-11-01 Thread PlĂ­nio Balduino
+1 On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 6:49 PM, Cedric Greevey wrote: > I vote for adding :as to import. I've personally thought of other > situations where this could be useful. > > Being able to alias a (Java) package might be useful too: > > (import '((java.util.concurrent :as juc) LinkedBlockingQueue >

Re: Potential improvement to select-keys ?

2013-11-01 Thread Michael Gardner
On Nov 1, 2013, at 14:18 , Mark Engelberg wrote: > I'm sure it's possible to imagine both needs, but if you have have a > sorted-map, and you do a select-keys, don't you think the "principle of least > surprise" is for it to stay a sorted-map? I'm not sure about that, given how map and similar

Re: Cursive IntelliJ working on multiple Leiningen projects & require - refer :as not working

2013-11-01 Thread Colin Fleming
Right, this is still a little messy - this is actually something I'll be working on this week. I fixed up the existing support which wouldn't allow multiple modules at all (or at least would throw exceptions when Aether couldn't resolve the dependencies), but it's still not smart about adding one m

Re: Scala interop (or, aliasing imported Java classes)

2013-11-01 Thread Michael Blume
I ran into this problem using inner-class enums and wound up writing a macro to generate aliases for me. You could do something similar: (defmacro def-class-alias "Make name reference class (def-class-alias class-name (class-name foo) ->

Re: Potential improvement to select-keys ?

2013-11-01 Thread Alex Miller
I think about it as extracting a subset, and I don't particularly expect the subset container to have the properties of the original container - similar to keys or vals (and different from filter). Neither of these perspectives is right or wrong, but the presence of more than one leads me to be

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.6.0-alpha1 release

2013-11-01 Thread Sean Corfield
Thanx Alex. Are these release notes kept somewhere in the Github repo? I looked at but that's still 1.5.1 and couldn't see any obvious new document for 1.6 Alpha 1...? Sean On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Alex Miller wrote: > Clojure 1.6.0-alpha1 is now available. > > Try it via > -

Re: Cursive IntelliJ working on multiple Leiningen projects & require - refer :as not working

2013-11-01 Thread Colin Fleming
BTW as a workaround you can import the dependency as a module in your project (File->Import Module...), and manually add a dependency on that module to your main project (Project Structure->Modules->{your_module}->Dependencies. That will allow symbols to be resolved from one project to the other an

Re: Potential improvement to select-keys ?

2013-11-01 Thread Mark Engelberg
Having select-keys on records returning regular maps is *not* inconsistent with preserving the "type" of map in the sense of sorted-map, priority-map, etc. Here's why: If you think of select-keys as dissoc'ing all the irrelevant keys, that would preserve the type of sorted-map, priority-map, but

Re: Running Leiningen inside Jenkins CI server

2013-11-01 Thread Jason Bennett
Assuming you installed this plugin: you need to configure it. Make sure that lein is installed in a place that Jenkins can get to. You should probably log into the box, su to jenkins, and run the lein install procedure. Then, go to t

Re: Potential improvement to select-keys ?

2013-11-01 Thread Alex Miller
On Friday, November 1, 2013 5:57:08 PM UTC-5, puzzler wrote: > > Having select-keys on records returning regular maps is *not* inconsistent > with preserving the "type" of map in the sense of sorted-map, priority-map, > etc. > > Here's why: > > If you think of select-keys as dissoc'ing all the

Re: Potential improvement to select-keys ?

2013-11-01 Thread Mark Engelberg
One other point: Sometimes people use sorted maps and array maps specifically for scenarios in which the keys are not hashable and therefore hash maps would not apply. Dumping the contents into a regular map in such cases doesn't make much sense. -- -- You received this message because you are

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.6.0-alpha1 release

2013-11-01 Thread Alex Miller
Those are the updates (so far) that will go into Stu H released before they were added. :) But that is where they will go. On Friday, November 1, 2013 5:38:49 PM UTC-5, Sean Corfield wrote: > > Thanx Alex. Are these release notes kept somewhere in the Github repo? > I looked at ch

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.6.0-alpha1 release

2013-11-01 Thread Sean Corfield
Thanx. Just wanted to check I wasn't looking in the wrong place. On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 5:02 PM, Alex Miller wrote: > Those are the updates (so far) that will go into Stu H released > before they were added. :) But that is where they will go. > > > On Friday, November 1, 2013 5:38:49

Re: Potential improvement to select-keys ?

2013-11-01 Thread Mark Engelberg
On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 4:59 PM, Alex Miller wrote: > I think of it as creating a new map and filling it with entries from any > keys in the specified set that exist in the map (which is essentially what > it does now). My bias is purely that I'm used to and comfortable with that > behavior. > Ou

Re: Running Leiningen inside Jenkins CI server

2013-11-01 Thread Simon Brooke
Thank you, that answer was correct and complete in every detail. Very grateful! On Friday, 1 November 2013, Jason Bennett wrote: > Assuming you installed this plugin: > you need to > configure it. > > Make sure that lein is installed i

Re: Resources for learning techniques for isolating pure functions

2013-11-01 Thread Ben Brinckerhoff
Thanks for the links to the talks. I enjoyed them. In particular, in "Thinking in Data", Stuart discussed a way to isolate side effects: ;; Bad (defn complex-process [state] (let [result (computation state)] (if (condition? result) (launch-missile) (erase-hard-drive ;; Bet

Re: Any interest in Compojure/Ring screencasts?

2013-11-01 Thread John Jackaman
+1 On Tuesday, October 29, 2013 5:39:05 PM UTC-5, James Reeves wrote: > > I'm considering putting together a screencast, or a series of screencasts, > based on my Functional Web > Architecture talk. > The base presentation would be improved,

.NET's 101 LINQ Examples ported to Clojure

2013-11-01 Thread Demis Bellot
Hi Group! I've just published a port of C#'s 101 LINQ examples into Clojure at: Hopefully it will serve as a good learning resource for others wanting to learn Clojure. I've tried to translate the examples to idiomatic Clojure but as I'm just s