Re: ANN: VimClojure v2.1.2 released

2009-08-15 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer
Hi, Am 14.08.2009 um 19:56 schrieb kjellski: And here the great post about how that works in detail: All the kudos to Jonathan Palardy, that changed my work with vim and clojure and I hope it will change yours too. I hope you ar

Re: Transcript of Rich's "Clojure for Lispers" talk uploaded

2009-08-15 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer
Hi, Am 14.08.2009 um 02:56 schrieb fft1976: With type hints, you can get Java (?) code to run EXACTLY the same speed as Java, so Clojure is FAST. I think there is a simple misunderstanding here. I think, what Rich means, is that if you provide type hints, the methods calls on an object work

Re: Adding optimizations to Clojure

2009-08-15 Thread Nicolas Oury
Dear fft1976, On Fri, 2009-08-14 at 17:16 -0700, Jarkko Oranen wrote: > > I don't think spending too much effort on the compiler at this point > is useful. It will eventually be rewritten in Clojure anyway, and Rich > has stated that he is more interested in architectural improvements > rather

Re: Getting .NET Version of Clojure to run

2009-08-15 Thread David Miller
The warnings are given at any point where the compiler is compiling a host expression (CLR interop) and it can't resolve the exact method to call at compile-time. Some of these can't be avoided and are normal. The reflection warnings are because *warn-on-reflection* has been initialized to 'true

Re: Memory leak in vec (and maybe persistent!)?

2009-08-15 Thread Christophe Grand
I wouldn't call this a memory leak: vectors have a bigger memory overhead than before (additional PersistentVector$Node and AtomicReference). On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 2:13 AM, Andy Fingerhut <> wrote: > When I did this, one of the first several lines of output include

Re: Problems with AOT compiled Clojure on Azul

2009-08-15 Thread Krukow
On Aug 14, 6:32 pm, "J. McConnell" wrote: > I ran into this exception recently. In my case the problem was that the > classloader returned by (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread)) > while a gen-classed object was being instantiated was different than the one > returned when a method o

Re: Getting .NET Version of Clojure to run

2009-08-15 Thread Mark
Thanks David, On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 8:36 AM, David Miller wrote: ... > Simple.Console should be avoided at this point. OK. Done - I had no problems with this except that the mention of BootstrapCompile does not appear to

Re: Memory leak in vec (and maybe persistent!)?

2009-08-15 Thread Andy Fingerhut
On Aug 15, 5:44 am, Christophe Grand wrote: > I wouldn't call this a memory leak: vectors have a bigger memory overhead > than before (additional PersistentVector$Node and AtomicReference). > > On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 2:13 AM, Andy Fingerhut < > >> wrote: > > When I

Clojure with maven - how to?

2009-08-15 Thread Dragan Djuric
Hi, I've just tried to use clojure-maven-plugin bit do not know how to start. It does not compile anything. I probably have to configure it but haven't found any examples yet. I've also tried maven-pom, which has an example, but am not sure how to make it discover clj files (in the examples, the

How to have a fast access to a java array of non-primitives?

2009-08-15 Thread Nicolas Oury
Dear all, I try to write a program where I access a java array of non primitive and realize aget is very slow. (6x slower than the same program with clojure vectors instead of java arrays access) I tried a few combinations of type hints but can't manage to prevent mty program to spend most of

Re: How to have a fast access to a java array of non-primitives?

2009-08-15 Thread Jarkko Oranen
Nicolas Oury wrote: > Dear all, > > I try to write a program where I access a java array of non primitive > and realize aget is very slow. > (6x slower than the same program with clojure vectors instead of java > arrays access) > > I tried a few combinations of type hints but can't manage to prev

Re: How to have a fast access to a java array of non-primitives?

2009-08-15 Thread David Nolen
You need to specify the array type. For example the following produces a primitive array of n javax.vecmath.Vector2d elements. (defn #^"[Ljavax.vecmath.Vector2d;" point-array [n] (make-array javax.vecmath.Vector2d n)) It works. If you want to see it in action take a look at:

Re: How to have a fast access to a java array of non-primitives?

2009-08-15 Thread Nicolas Oury
Thank you very much for your answers. The syntax was difficult to guess. Is there a general rule for forming the internal name of types? It seems after a few tests that is is slightly slower (15-20%) than making a final static function: static final A arrayAccess (A [] array, int i) { return arr

Re: How to have a fast access to a java array of non-primitives?

2009-08-15 Thread Andy Fingerhut
On Aug 15, 9:45 am, Nicolas Oury wrote: > Thank you very much for your answers. > The syntax was difficult to guess. > Is there a general rule for forming the internal name of types? > > It seems after a few tests that is is slightly slower (15-20%) than > making a final static function: > > st

"Clojure is FAST"

2009-08-15 Thread fft1976
On Aug 15, 2:00 am, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote: > Hi, > > Am 14.08.2009 um 02:56 schrieb fft1976: > > > With type hints, you can get Java (?) code to run EXACTLY the same > > speed as Java, so Clojure is FAST. > > I think there is a simple misunderstanding here. > > I think, what Rich means, is th

Re: "Clojure is FAST"

2009-08-15 Thread e
to me, an exciting thing about clojure (there are many to pick from) is that you'll have a good chance (from what I understand ... I haven't tried it for this purpose myself, yet) of having correct paralellizable code -- that is, code that gets a speed up due to parallization. Speed Up ==> Fast.

Re: "Clojure is FAST"

2009-08-15 Thread Phil Hagelberg
fft1976 writes: > P.S. The moderators (Chouser) are now censoring my posts, so if you > don't see this message on the list as well, I wrote something they are > trying to suppress. The question you're avoiding is if they're suppressing you because you're too "edgy" or just because you're confro

Re: "Clojure is FAST"

2009-08-15 Thread e
Well, by claiming that clojure is fast, you are making an invitation for people to try it and see. If they report otherwise and back it up, that should be ok. I'm not sure if that's the case, here, but I, for one, have a concern that if we're only aloud to say nice things in here, then people onl

Re: "Clojure is FAST"

2009-08-15 Thread e
oops. /aloud/allowed :) On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:59 PM, e wrote: > Well, by claiming that clojure is fast, you are making an invitation for > people to try it and see. If they report otherwise and back it up, that > should be ok. I'm not sure if that's the case, here, but I, for one, have a

Re: "Clojure is FAST"

2009-08-15 Thread Chouser
On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:34 PM, Phil Hagelberg wrote: > > fft1976 writes: > >> P.S. The moderators (Chouser) are now censoring my posts, so if you >> don't see this message on the list as well, I wrote something they are >> trying to suppress. > > The question you're avoiding is if they're suppr

Re: Parallel garbage collection worthwhile?

2009-08-15 Thread Niels Mayer
Although the "Garbage-First garbage collector" would be quite useful for Clojure, here I confirming that the new "G1" garbabe collector is "still in beta" at least for a "comparative use case" (using velocity/groovy/jPython in Xwiki, but not Clojure). Is anybody having success with theis GC in Cloj

Is there something special about haskell, or could "verifiability announcements" happen for purely functional Clojure programs too?

2009-08-15 Thread Niels Mayer
Executive summary: seems like big announcements of "provably correct software" would be easier to achieve in Java+Clojure than for C/Haskell used in the current "big news" regarding a provably secure kernel. However, give

A funny thing happened on the way to running Clojure

2009-08-15 Thread Waysys
Today I downloaded Clojure version 1.0.0 as a new Clojure user. I prepared a .cmd file to run the program. I copied and pasted in the instructions from the readme file into the .cmd file: java -cp clojure.jar clojure.lang.Repl (This is also the instruction on the "Getting Started" documentatio

Re: clojure success story ... hopefully :-)

2009-08-15 Thread John Harrop
On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 7:18 PM, bradford cross wrote: > Hi Chad, yep, that was me. We do hope to open source some stuff soon. > > First will probably be our wrappers for cascading/hadoop and s3. > > Next might be some core language extensions which might be good in contrib > or some other lib. >

Re: Getting .NET Version of Clojure to run

2009-08-15 Thread David Miller
On Aug 15, 8:44 am, Mark wrote: > Thanks David, > > On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 8:36 AM, David Miller wrote: > ... > > > Done - I had no problems with this except that the mention of > BootstrapCompile does not appear to be correc