ctual number of active
> Java Threads could be kept reasonably low (e.g. maybe 2 times the number of
> physical CPU cores), whereas the number of parallel tasks the work is
> divided into could be limited only by memory for storing the tasks scheduled
> for future execution.
On Tuesday, October 11, 2011 3:55:09 AM UTC+2, Lee wrote:
> Does your pmap-pool permit nesting? (That is, does it permit passing
> pmap-pool a function which itself calls pmap-pool?). If so then that would
> be a reason to prefer it over my pmapall.
I expect it would be possible to nest it
I made an alternative implementation using a thread pool and a queue, based
on the example at
In short, your pmapall and the pool-based implementation (below) both give
perfect scaling on my 4/8-core system (Intel i7 920 and HT).
Both giv
On Aug 9, 8:25 am, limux wrote:
> what's the meaning of
> #^Server in the defn and let?
> (defn #^Server run-jetty
> (let [#^Server s (create-server (dissoc options :configurator))]
It's a type hint. In the defn it specifies the type of the return
value, in the let it gives the type of the
On Aug 7, 4:46 pm, Dave wrote:
> (execute (str "/../pdb_to_xyzr " pdb-file " > /..")))
> Here it seemed to run (the above error isn't shown) but nothing
> happened and the REPL become unresponsive again.
I think the issue is that Runtime.exec doesn't start a shell, just a
subprocess, so thi
On Aug 7, 7:27 am, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> (defn to-env
> [env-vars-map]
> (->> env-vars-map
> (map #(str (name (key %)) "=" (val %)))
> into-array))
> And an invocation:
> user=> (to-env {:PATH "/bin:/usr/bin" :HOME "/Users/mb" :foo "bar"})
> #
> user=> (seq *1)
> ("PATH=/bin:/
On Aug 7, 2:02 pm, Stuart Halloway wrote:
> > No. We want to collect more information and do more comparisons before
> > moving away from the recommended Java buffering.
Maybe this comparison can be of interest?
On Aug 7, 5:06 am, j-g-faustus wrote:
> I don't think there's a direct way to create a String array
> in Clojure
Correction - there is: (into-array String ["a" "b"])
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Groups "Cl
On Aug 6, 11:50 pm, Dave wrote:
> I get the error:
> Cannot run program "pdb_to_xyzr": error=2, No such file or directory
> [Thrown class java.io.IOException]
You may have a path problem.
Try running "env" in the same fashion - I get a very basic path (just
"/bin" and "/usr/bin") and none of
You can safely ignore them.
What you are seeing is the startup log for the web/application server,
and it complains about the server log configuration.
But there's nothing there that stops the labrepl from working or that
you need to do anything about.
On Jul 24, 6:58 am, Victor S wr
On Jul 24, 8:53 am, Mark Triggs wrote:
> I cheated and used 'every?' :)
I was apparently too late. Oh well :)
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Note that posts from new memb
On Jul 23, 11:27 pm, ".Bill Smith" wrote:
> (filter #(and (f %) (g %) (h %)) my-list)
Here's another one, just to add to the collection:
(defn andp [& fns]
(fn [& args]
(every? #(apply % args) fns)))
(filter (andp f g h) my-list)
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On Jul 20, 10:15 am, Laurent PETIT wrote:
> Oh, maybe I understand: by "partial drafts", you mean "pseudo-code",
> directly written in clojure, is it this ?
It could be pseudo-code or partial implementations or code that is
more or less complete but won't compile because the functions or libs
On Jul 20, 9:02 pm, Laurent PETIT wrote:
> Yeah. But again, please (I've asked this before, nobody answered), what do
> you precisely mean by "reload all in current REPL": a reload at the
> namespace level ? Or really *only* reloading the vars you carefully and
> manually sent to the REPL over tim
I haven't tried CCW, but I am happy with Enclojure 6.8. (In 6.9 the
file navigator which lists the functions and vars in the file doesn't
work yet, and the navigator is perhaps 50% of the value I derive from
an IDE.)
> Am 19.07.2010 um 20:50 schrieb Laurent PETIT:
> > If you work from the files, t
On 17 Jul, 22:43, Isaac Hodes wrote:
> It's just a shame, it seems to me, that there is such a nice way to
> represent the procedure in Python or even C, yet Clojure (or any Lisp
> really) struggles to idiomatically answer this question of
> convolution.
I'll have to disagree with the conclusion.
On Jul 13, 8:37 pm, Paul Moore wrote:
> Can I suggest omitting the "Table of contents" sidebar when printing?
> I've not tried printing the document to see how it looks, but removing
> the sidebar would be an essential starting point...
Why would anyone want to print it?
I occasionally print lon
On 13 Jul, 01:28, j-g-faustus wrote:
> On Jul 13, 12:25 am, j-g-faustus wrote:
> > I made my own cheat sheet for private use over the past month or so,
> > core functions only. It's at the 80% stage, I don't expect it will
> > ever be 100%, bu
On Jul 13, 12:25 am, j-g-faustus wrote:
> I made my own cheat sheet for private use over the past month or so,
> core functions only. It's at the 80% stage, I don't expect it will
> ever be 100%, but I have found it useful:
> http://faustus.webatu.com/clj-quick-ref.html
The site looks very nice, I especially like the "find real world
examples" functionality and the fact that it collects documentation
for common non-core libraries as well.
I made my own cheat sheet for private use over the past month or so,
core functions only. It's at the 80% stage, I don't expec
On Jul 9, 8:14 pm, James Reeves wrote:
> Ruby and Rubygems has been using single-segment namespaces for years,
> with no major problems. I don't think name clashes are a problem in
> practise, because projects tend to have original names.
It works up to a point. It is claimed that university-leve
On Jul 9, 5:58 am, Mike Meyer wrote:
> The other non- project requirement (a page linking the project to the domain
> name) is pretty much contrary to the quote from the Java specification.
By my reading, they are talking about something different - the
"groupId" which identifies the project i
On Jul 8, 5:21 am, Mike Meyer wrote:
> You're overlooking that one of the major benefits of Clojure is that
> it interoperates with other JVM languages. So any idiom it uses needs
> to have some assurance that it won't clash with an idiom used by those
> other languages.
It's a good point.
> Tha
On Jul 7, 7:55 pm, James Reeves wrote:
> For the purposes of this discussion, let us assume that "foo" is a
> suitably unique library name, and it is highly unlikely there exist
> any other libraries with the same name.
It sounds like Clojure doesn't have an idiom for namespace names yet,
so I gu
On Jul 2, 7:41 pm, Mike Meyer wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Jul 2010 22:19:56 -0400
> It depends on what you're benchmarking. If the loop time ... is
> on the order of the same size as the standard deviation, then it can
> fool you into falsely concluding that there's no statistically
> significant differenc
On Jul 2, 3:44 am, Mike Meyer wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Jul 2010 11:27:09 -0700 (PDT)
> j-g-faustus wrote:
> > Criterium, a benchmarking library for Clojure, seems pretty good:
> The author responded here.
I noticed, my reply was sent an hour earlier. I'm still on modera
On Jul 1, 7:51 pm, Peter Schuller wrote:
> > Is anyone using anything more sophisticated than clojure.core/time for
> > benchmarking clojure code?
Criterium, a benchmarking library for Clojure, seems pretty good:
Based on ideas in this article:
On Jul 1, 4:49 pm, Paul Moore wrote:
> (My biggest concern about an uberjar is that I end up with each app
> having a separate bundled copy of all its dependencies. That makes
> version management a huge pain - imagine a bugfix release of
> clojure.jar - but is otherwise not an unreasonable option
On Jul 1, 5:42 pm, Greg wrote:
> Ooo... sorry for the side-question, but I noticed that your code doesn't seem
> to use coercions for primitives and uses type-hints instead.
> I was just asking the other day on #clojure why Clojure had coercion
> functions at all and why type hints didn't work
On Jul 1, 6:24 pm, "Heinz N. Gies" wrote:
> One reason here is that clojures literals as 1 2 and 3 you use for array
> indexes are longs, the aget methods want int's
Agreed. If we can take the profiling snapshot I linked to at face
value, the boxing and casting adds up to ~40% of the CPU time.
apart from the dotimes
loop counter all numeric operations are done internally in a single
mutable deftype instance, but it is still very good - in this scenario
there was close to zero overhead from using Clojure.
On Jul 1, 4:29 pm, Nicolas Oury wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 2:27 AM,
a significant chunk of the CPU time:
>From a practical standpoint I guess it means that deftype is the way
to go if you want fast numbers today.
In this case even the immutable deftype was faster than mutable Java
OK, I'll try again. Thanks.
On Jun 30, 6:14 pm, David Nolen wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 10:19 AM, j-g-faustus
> wrote:
> > Tried the equiv branch briefly: The "1.1 style" version is ~4%
> > quicker, but still ~4x slower t
0, 5:20 pm, Nicolas Oury wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 3:19 PM, j-g-faustus
> wrote:
> > The number of calls to Double.valueOf(double) seems to suggest that it
> > is called only on aset, not on aget, though I can't think of any
> > reason how that
nction and primitives cannot cross function boundaries?
That would explain the relative slowness of arrays.
Here is a test case http://gist.github.com/458669
And a profiler screenshot
15% CPU time goes to Double.valu
On Jun 29, 8:05 pm, j-g-faustus wrote:
> Definterface and defprotocol, on the other hand
Correction: definterface and deftype.
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* 1.2 implementation:
I haven't tried the new numeric branches, there seems to be a
sufficient number of people with opinions on those already :)
But I can add the observation that
Well, it gives a baseline to compare 1.2 improvements against. In
terms of speed, convenience or readability.
On Jun 28, 8:02 pm, Aaron Cohen wrote:
> Doing these tests on clojure 1.1, while self-enlightening, is kind of
> missing the point.
You received this message because you are subscrib
efinterface and deftype look promising, I'll try them out when I have
finished the 1.1 version.
Thanks for feedback,
> On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 6:56 PM, j-g-faustus
> wrote:
> > On profiling I have a bunch of intCast(Object) and doubleCast(double)
> > totaling ~9%
Possibly of interest here, although I've only tested it using Clojure
I just did an implementation of the n-body problem from
The fastest code I've managed so far is here:
> 1. Have you written, or are you writing, a web application that uses
> Clojure? What does it do?
Recently started writing a webapp to display financial data, along the
lines of Google finance. Although somewhat less ambitious :).
> 2. Which libraries or frameworks are you using? Which versions?
OK. Thanks for the help to both of you.
On 13 Jun, 21:27, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 13.06.2010 um 19:50 schrieb Heinz N. Gies:
> > comment just is a function that says 'don't evaluate the stuff in here, it
> > still needs to be correct clojure code you can either use:
I get an exception whenever I put a colon in a multiline comment:
TODO: x y z
=> #
Is this a Clojure bug? Or related to Enclojure on NetBeans? Or some
sort of hidden feature in comments?
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Thanks for responses and links.
It looks like I can't comment on those threads without signing up as a
Clojure contributor (by postal mail, even) which is a bit more
commitment than I'd like right now, so I'll post my comments here
I disagree with Stuart Sierra in the "need" proposal tha
just started looking at Clojure, and it looks promising as a modern-
day Lisp for practical use.
I saw this presentation on Clojure: http://clojure.blip.tv/ and I
wholeheartedly agree with the design principles. Unified access to all
kinds of collections (list, array, struct, hash) is somethi
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