On Jul 1, 7:51 pm, Peter Schuller <peter.schul...@infidyne.com> wrote:
> > Is anyone using anything more sophisticated than clojure.core/time for
> > benchmarking clojure code?

Criterium, a benchmarking library for Clojure, seems pretty good:

Based on ideas in this article:

The stackoverflow question where I found it, thanks to Michal Marczyk:

Getting *accurate* results can be hard, even with a benchmarking
library. Criterium runs the code 60 times and does statistical
analysis on the results, but I can still get variations above +/-10%
from run to run in the REPL.

I think benchmarking works best when
* starting a new run each time - i.e. from the command line, a "clean
slate" JVM
* having something that runs long enough to stabilize the JVM -
Criterium wants 1 min or more total runtime.
* running it more than once and checking that results are tolerably
* looking for differences in orders of magnitude rather than a couple
of percent more or less.

I suppose the good news is that differences in orders of magnitude (1x
vs 10x vs 100x) tend to stand out and do not need anything
particularly scientific apart from running it long enough a few times.

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