(def dict
{:key `(str "obj isn't defined in this scope" (:blah ~'obj))})
(defmacro my-macro [obj & args]
(def dict
{:key `(str "obj isn't defined in this scope" (:blah ~'obj))})
(defmacro my-macro [obj & args]
`(print ~(:key dict) ~@args))
(macroexpand '(my-macro {:blah "thingy"} "test string"))
I have a n
I haven't used lein-package but I am surprised it doesn't handle this case.
This issue I think describes a similar use case, perhaps it helps you?
`lein deploy` has a long form which accepts arbitrary filenames:
$ lein help deploy
Deploy jar
I'm doing this in shadow-cljs deploying a normal jar and one with aot. I'm
not exactly sure how you'd do that for an uberjar though.
On Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 7:05:39 PM UTC+1, henrik42 wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an ube
I have an uberjar that I want to deploy to clojars. Part of
building the uberjar is building the "standard" lib-jar of the
same project.
Now I'd like to release/deploy both with the same group/artefactid to
clojars. The uberjar should get the :classifier "app".
So after that people could lei
jira/patch welcome...
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