(def dict                                                       
  {:key `(str "obj isn't defined in this scope" (:blah ~'obj))})     
(defmacro my-macro [obj & args]                       
  `(print ~(:key dict) ~@args)) 

(macroexpand '(my-macro {:blah "thingy"} "test string"))  

I have a need to inline arbitrary code, but that code needs to know about 
some things in the context of the macro. In the minimal example, you can 
see that I need to get the key :blah from some symbol obj, in this context 
one :key might be one set of code, another :key in a list of dicts might 
have a completely different bit of code. I want to avoid using functions 
here, because despite the simple appearance, calling functions will bee 
horrible and messy. Is there any way to accomplish this? 

The above example appears to give me what I need, but obj isn't in scope. 
I've tried something like the following, but it still isn't correct

(def dict                                                       
  {:key `(str "obj isn't defined in this scope" (:blah ~'obj))})  

(defmacro my-macro [my-obj & args]                       
  `(let [obj my-obj]
      (print ~(:key dict) ~@args))

(macroexpand '(my-macro {:blah "thingy"} "test string"))  

If it can be done, how. If not, please let me know your thoughts on how to 
best accomplish what I need. 

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