I haven't used lein-package but I am surprised it doesn't handle this case.
This issue I think describes a similar use case, perhaps it helps you?
`lein deploy` has a long form which accepts arbitrary filenames:
$ lein help deploy
Deploy jar and pom to remote repository.
The target repository will be looked up in :repositories in project.clj:
:repositories [["snapshots" "https://internal.repo/snapshots"]
["releases" "https://internal.repo/releases"]
["alternate" "https://other.server/repo"]]
If you don't provide a repository name to deploy to, either "snapshots" or
"releases" will be used depending on your project's current version. You may
provide a repository URL instead of a name.
See `lein help deploying` under "Authentication" for instructions on
how to configure your credentials so you are not prompted on each
You can also deploy arbitrary artifacts from disk:
$ lein deploy myrepo com.blueant/fancypants 1.0.1 fancypants.jar pom.xml
While this works with any arbitrary files on disk, downstream projects will
be able to depend on jars that are deployed without a pom.
Arguments: ([] [repository] [repository identifier version & files])
So as an extra step after a normal deploy you can do:
lein deploy myrepo com.blueant/fancypants 1.0.1 fancypants-1.0.1-app.jar
This would add this jar as-is to the correct directory in myrepo.
On Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 1:05:39 PM UTC-5, henrik42 wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an uberjar that I want to deploy to clojars. Part of
> building the uberjar is building the "standard" lib-jar of the
> same project.
> Now I'd like to release/deploy both with the same group/artefactid to
> clojars. The uberjar should get the :classifier "app".
> So after that people could lein depend on the lib-jar and can download
> the "app" via browser/wget/etc.
> I've tried different things (e.g. lein-package) with no luck.
> The problem is that deploying them "one at a time" re-deploys pom.xml and
> that fails.
> So deployen two jars must be aware of this and deploy pom.xml only once.
> Any idea?
> -- Henrik
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