Re: Optimizing code : Fun but now paining me

2014-10-13 Thread Baishampayan Ghose
No offence, Ashish, but this code is unreadable, this is horrible. It'll be better if you first learn Clojure before you look for optimizations. ~BG On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 6:40 PM, Ashish Negi wrote: > I am competing in an online competition and the scenario is like this : > I coded with my basi

Re: Optimizing code : Fun but now paining me

2014-10-13 Thread Ashish Negi
Thanks juan I thought that people would prefer the code.. and just wanted to have them glanced at it.. and tell if i am missing something basic. But here is a little list of things i tried : The problem is that of evaluation calculator expressions containig *,/,+,- and (, ) and the grammar for

Re: Programmable drones with Clojure/Java support?

2014-10-13 Thread John Wiseman
Hi, JPH. I'm interested in clojure + drones too. I'll try to describe the relevant parts of the current landscape as I see it. Unless you're writing your own firmware, at the moment most higher level drone programming is done with libraries that communicate with a remote drone, over a comms link

Programmable drones with Clojure/Java support?

2014-10-13 Thread JPH
I watched Carin Meier's great talk last year at OSCon on "The Joy of flying robots with Clojure" (, and seen her work on clj-drone (, and have wanted a hackable drone ever since. I'm now in a position to purchase one,

Re: Diversity (was: State of Clojure 2014 Survey - please contribute!!

2014-10-13 Thread Ashton Kemerling
I'm always very proud to tell other people how much effort the clojure community is putting into this, especially compared to its size. Keep up the good work! -- Ashton On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 5:41 PM, Sean Corfield wrote: > On Oct 13, 2014, at 11:50 AM, Zack Maril wrote: >> I'd like to kn

Re: ANN: State of Clojure 2014 Survey - please contribute!!

2014-10-13 Thread Ashton Kemerling
It would've been nice to have back-stats to tell if efforts like Clojure bridge are having a statistical impact on the communities makeup. That being said, I'm sure the clojure bridge folk have their own internal metrics to guide their actions and measure outcomes, but it would've been nice to

Diversity (was: State of Clojure 2014 Survey - please contribute!!

2014-10-13 Thread Sean Corfield
On Oct 13, 2014, at 11:50 AM, Zack Maril wrote: > I'd like to know if selecting Clojure as my default/main programming language > means that I'll be forced to select from a fairly homogeneous group of > potential coworkers and miss out on the benefits of a diverse working > environment. One of

Re: ANN: State of Clojure 2014 Survey - please contribute!!

2014-10-13 Thread Mars0i
On Monday, October 13, 2014 1:50:13 PM UTC-5, Zack Maril wrote: > > Next year, I would appreciate questions that measure the demographics of > Clojure users be included. Out of the hundreds of people I've heard and > seen talking about using Clojure, the vast majority of them have been white > m

Re: ANN: State of Clojure 2014 Survey - please contribute!!

2014-10-13 Thread Alex Miller
Hey Zack, I don't know that we will include demographic questions in this survey in the future, something to think about. I do not need a poll to see that Clojure developers are predominantly white men, although that's also true of most programming languages and a consequence of larger pervas

Re: ANN: State of Clojure 2014 Survey - please contribute!!

2014-10-13 Thread Alex Miller
I'd be happy to include these for consideration next year. I think on the dev env we have removed some like this because they were not well represented in the results. The landscape for dev envs changes significantly year to year. On Wednesday, October 8, 2014 11:32:53 PM UTC-5, Mars0i wrote: >

Re: Keyword comparison performance

2014-10-13 Thread Alex Miller
Not really chiming in directly on this, but one thing I wanted to note is that getting meaningful performance numbers for keyword-related code is somewhat tricky due to caching and interning. Keywords are cached so new keyword construction is much slower than existing keyword construction (and

Re: uniqueness of hash if computed on different jvms across different machines.

2014-10-13 Thread Alex Miller
I would expect that right now the same version of Clojure would typically give you the same hash for the same data structure across different JVM instances. HOWEVER, I would consider this accidental, not a guarantee. Certainly the hash values may change across Clojure or JDK versions. Additiona

Re: Optimizing code : Fun but now paining me

2014-10-13 Thread juan.facorro
That is a whole lot of code to check and test for optimizations :P How are you identifying the problems in your code that need optimization? Are you doing some kind of profiling or just trying stuff out? If you are not doing it already, I would recommend using VisualVM [1] to get a clearer pict

Re: my Modulo Inverse in clojure Seems to give wrong answer

2014-10-13 Thread Fluid Dynamics
On Monday, October 13, 2014 4:34:16 AM UTC-4, Laurens Van Houtven wrote: > > Hi Ashish, > > > At first sight, this looks like a numerical precision problem. 1e80 is a > floating point type, not an integer type. You may want to try with e.g. > 1000N (note the N; that makes it a bigi

Re: ANN: State of Clojure 2014 Survey - please contribute!!

2014-10-13 Thread Zack Maril
Next year, I would appreciate questions that measure the demographics of Clojure users be included. Out of the hundreds of people I've heard and seen talking about using Clojure, the vast majority of them have been white men. I've thought about it for a few days now and I can only think of three

Re: [ANN] rete4frames, v. 5.2.0 - CLIPS-like expert system shell

2014-10-13 Thread ru
Hello kovasb, I recommend you to have a quick look on this 3 pages: 1. 2. 3. Rete4frames allows to embed this functionallity into Clojure programs. Hope this helps. Sincerely, Ru

Re: Chestnut memory usage

2014-10-13 Thread David Nolen
You can set explicit JVM memory settings. I'm also not convinced that Chestnut's strategy of triggering CLJS compilation on (run) is a good one. In anycase Chestnut's Github Issues is the right place to bring this up. David On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 2:19 PM, gvim wrote: > I've just setup a `lein n

Re: [ANN] rete4frames, v. 5.2.0 - CLIPS-like expert system shell

2014-10-13 Thread kovas boguta
This looks like a cool project. One comment: I don't know what CLIPS or frames are (I've heard of rete once or twice), so its hard for me to understand what rete4frames is or what problem it might solve for me. Might be help to have some very basic explanation of the use cases / advantages of this

Re: Chestnut memory usage

2014-10-13 Thread Andy Fingerhut
You may want to be more explicit about dependencies you've added to your project.clj file, or what the contents of your ~/.lein/profiles.clj file is. (run) an (browser-repl) throw exceptions as being undefined if your ~/.lein/profiles.clj is empty, and project.clj has its default contents. Andy

Chestnut memory usage

2014-10-13 Thread gvim
I've just setup a `lein new chestnut` project and after: $ lein repl (run) (browser-repl) Activity Monitor shows 3 Java processes: main: 953Mb main: 747Mb java: 634Mb Over 2.3Gb RAM just to get a CLJS browser repl? I haven't even added Lighttable into the mix or IntelliJ :( gvim

New Functional Programming Job Opportunities

2014-10-13 Thread Functional Jobs
Here are some functional programming job opportunities that were posted recently: Software Engineer / Developer at Clutch Analytics/ Windhaven Insurance Cheers, Sean Murphy FunctionalJo

Re: uniqueness of hash if computed on different jvms across different machines.

2014-10-13 Thread Mike Fikes
In addition to Andy's caveats, remember that hash code equality doesn't imply object equality. In concrete terms, a = b implies h(a) = h(b), with the useful bit being h(a) ≠ h(b) implies a ≠ b. On Monday, October 13, 2014 2:04:57 AM UTC-4, Sunil Nandihalli wrote: > > Hi, > Is the clojure

Re: Why is my function faster with eval?

2014-10-13 Thread Mathias De Wachter
Very interesting thread! I'm having a similar problem and Michaels approach got me a small speedup (around 15%). When trying Mike's approach on my real data, if fails with IllegalArgumentException Too many arguments to struct constructor clojure. lang.PersistentStructMap.construct (PersistentStr

Re: uniqueness of hash if computed on different jvms across different machines.

2014-10-13 Thread Andy Fingerhut
For immutable values (including hash-maps containing only immutable values), I believe the answer is yes, if you are using the same version of Clojure on the different jvms (at least, I cannot think of any counterexamples in a few minutes of thinking about it, and I have looked at the hash function

Re: Optimizing code : Fun but now paining me

2014-10-13 Thread Ashish Negi
It would be great if you people can help me with the optimization and it may work.. or can just guide me towards resources.. :) Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Not

Re: Optimizing code : Fun but now paining me

2014-10-13 Thread Ashish Negi
It would be great if you people could help me with the optimization .. just few tricks and it may work.. or guide me towards the resources.. On Monday, 13 October 2014 18:40:15 UTC+5:30, Ashish Negi wrote: > > I am competing in an online competition and the scenario is like this : > I coded with

Optimizing code : Fun but now paining me

2014-10-13 Thread Ashish Negi
I am competing in an online competition and the scenario is like this : I coded with my basic knowledge of clojure and got 11 out of 20 testcases and others being timed out and one being runtime error.. I started optimizing my code and read!searchin/clojure/perf

Re: core.async thread behaviour

2014-10-13 Thread Nico Swart
Hi Laurens, I am pretty sure (thread ...) only executes once. To check this I evaluated (dotimes [i 100] (log "foo")) in the REPL and the thread count goes from 23 to 80. On subsequent evaluations of (dotimes [i 100] (log "foo")), the count stays at 78. Thanks Nico. On Monday, October 13

Re: core.async thread behaviour

2014-10-13 Thread Laurens Van Houtven
Hi Nico, Just to rule out the obvious: you’re not recompiling that namespace ever time, right? Because if you call (thread …) a bunch of times, you’re gonna get a bunch of threads :-) cheers lvh On 13 Oct 2014, at 14:21, Nico Swart wrote: > I am experimenting with core.async and I am us

Re: [ANN] rete4frames, v. 5.2.0 - CLIPS-like expert system shell

2014-10-13 Thread Shantanu Kumar
OK, I understand now - will report bugs if I find any, am at a newbie level now. I was confused whether it's an Alpha release, because the subject didn't mention that. Shantanu On Monday, 13 October 2014 17:46:30 UTC+5:30, ru wrote: > > Hi Shantanu, > > 1. I am waiting for bug reports from you,

core.async thread behaviour

2014-10-13 Thread Nico Swart
I am experimenting with core.async and I am using some code from a Tim Baldridge presentation: ; Logging Handler ; (def log-chan (chan)) (thread (loop [] (when-let [v (!! log-chan msg)) (log "foo") If one executes (log "foo") a number of times the thread count of the process inc

Re: [ANN] rete4frames, v. 5.2.0 - CLIPS-like expert system shell

2014-10-13 Thread ru
Hi Shantanu, 1. I am waiting for bug reports from you, guys :) 2. Does this create some problems? -- ru суббота, 11 октября 2014 г., 20:59:43 UTC+4 пользователь ru написал: > > Hello all, > > New version 5.2.0 of rete4frames CLIPS-like expert system shell published > on

Re: my Modulo Inverse in clojure Seems to give wrong answer

2014-10-13 Thread Ashish Negi
Thanks Laurens That solved it. :) On Monday, 13 October 2014 14:04:16 UTC+5:30, Laurens Van Houtven wrote: > > Hi Ashish, > > > At first sight, this looks like a numerical precision problem. 1e80 is a > floating point type, not an integer type. You may want to try with e.g. > 100

Re: my Modulo Inverse in clojure Seems to give wrong answer

2014-10-13 Thread Laurens Van Houtven
Hi Ashish, At first sight, this looks like a numerical precision problem. 1e80 is a floating point type, not an integer type. You may want to try with e.g. 1000N (note the N; that makes it a bigint). I don’t know of any nice syntax for describing extremely large bigints; e.g expone

my Modulo Inverse in clojure Seems to give wrong answer

2014-10-13 Thread Ashish Negi
Hi I am programming in clojure and though the problem of modulo inverse has nothing to do with language i am stuck at this code - (defn EulerDiv [x p] (let [ToMod (+ p 2)] (loop [num 1 toPow (int p) numDouble x] (if (= 0 toPow) num (let [numDouble2 (rem (* numDoubl