2010/10/13 Sunil S Nandihalli
> as a follow up with further clarifications, I would like to mention that
> Variables is already a predefined macro and I don't want have to execute it
> at run-time since it uses mathematica and we cannot distribute mathematica
> to the end user.
> and also pleas
On 13 Okt., 07:55, Sunil S Nandihalli
> I know if is a function and will not be evaluated before the macro expands..
> may be there is a way to wrap it in a macro (since f is already defined
> which I would like to use) and have the macro Variables apply on the result
> of evaluation
I'm still a little confused as to what you're trying to do,
but is this what you're looking for?
(defmacro zzz [form]
(first form))
(defmacro eval-zzz [form]
`(zzz ~(eval form)))
rlm.play-all> (zzz (range 1 2))
rlm.play-all> (macroexpand-1 '(eval-zzz (range 5))
as a follow up with further clarifications, I would like to mention that
Variables is already a predefined macro and I don't want have to execute it
at run-time since it uses mathematica and we cannot distribute mathematica
to the end user.
and also please read my last sentence as
I know f is a f
On Oct 13, 5:31 am, lprefonta...@softaddicts.ca wrote:
> As far a publishing to Clojars, I do not know the policy.
> Uploading various jars maintained by other teams not involved in
> Clojure may "pollute" the repo along the way.
As I understand it, its fine to put jars from other projects on
Hello Everybody,
I think I was not clear about things in my previous email.. I am reposting
simplifying things...
Variables is a macro which works in the following way..
(Variables (+ x (* 2 y))
[x y]
now let us say we have a function
(defn f []
'(+ x (* 2 y)))
now I would like to
Thanks Garth.. That works well .. mathematica->clojure function has been
quiet usefull.
Sorry for the delayed response..
On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 9:54 AM, Garth Sheldon-Coulson wrote:
> Sorry, the Needs call isn't quite right. Do this instead:
> << ClojurianScopes`
> Garth
> On Fri,
Normally the people maintaining the Minim project should publish their
stuff in a maven public repo. There are the ones in control of their
As far a publishing to Clojars, I do not know the policy.
Uploading various jars maintained by other teams not involved in
Clojure may "pollute" the
For each non-clojure jar file you have, you need to create a pom.xml
file using the instructions here,
and scp the pom file and the jar to clojars, then you can include them
in your project.clj.
So if Minim.jar depends on A.jar, B.jar, upload A.jar and
> a) Assuming all the dependencies are published in a maven repo out there:
> If you put all your deps in project.clj, the pom.xml file generated by
> leiningen will reference all of them as dependencies to your own lib.
> You only need to publish your own library and the pom.xml
I'm just replying because I also do this in clojure and my level is
really slow:
--paul wisehart
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Cloj
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 6:41 AM, Moritz Ulrich
> Regarding your error: Maybe you open too many sockets which don't get
> closed and your process runs out of file descriptors.
Yes, I think that's the problem. I found a blurb on the net about how
to expand the range of usable ports for sock
a) Assuming all the dependencies are published in a maven repo out there:
If you put all your deps in project.clj, the pom.xml file generated by
leiningen will reference all of them as dependencies to your own lib.
You only need to publish your own library and the pom.xml to Clojars.
Any chance someone could walk us through how this visibility issue
occurs (where the range-based version of primes consumes numbers
before they are visible). This really looks like a case where side
effects and implementation details are causing what appear to be
strange behaviors, based on multipl
On Tue, 12 Oct 2010 17:44:20 -0400
Brian Hurt wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 3:35 PM, cej38 wrote:
> > The more that I think about it, the more I would rather have a set of
> > equalities that always work. float= was a good try.
Maybe initially, but not later on...
> Floating point is
I want to create a Clojure wrapper for Minim and push to clojars. So I have
a bunch of jar files from Minim as deps and I want to put them on my lib/.
How can I add a non-clojure jar file on my lein project?
Or I need to create a specific lein project for every jar? Like there's a
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 3:35 PM, cej38 wrote:
> The more that I think about it, the more I would rather have a set of
> equalities that always work. float= was a good try.
Every fucking language I've ever worked on has had this problem- "floats are
broken!" And every single one, people
I new the palindrome? function wasn't good in performance, but I
didn't think it would be that bad. The type hinting does improve
performance plus a mid way to compare.
Thanks for pointing that out and the max-key function.
On Oct 12, 4:15 pm, Justin Kramer wrote:
> The 'palindrome?' function can
The 'palindrome?' function can be made much faster. Your version --
which is idiomatic and fine when perf isn't a factor -- turns the test
string into a sequence, reverses it, turns it back into a string, then
checks for full equality with the original. There are faster (if
uglier) ways to check fo
2010/10/12 Stephen C. Gilardi
> That may be related to having compiled code from different versions of
> Clojure trying to mix. Do you know what the deps of rosado.processing are?
> It may help to use clojure and contrib 1.2.0 rather than snapshots.
Thanks Steve. I've pushed a new rosado.proc
So for returns a lazy-seq of the combinations and I am forcing it to
process the values by filtering.
I still tried your approach and nothing changed in processing time.
I changed the for form to filter as it is pairing the combinations, I
didn't think it would make any difference since I ju
> Back to my question: Am I trying to do Java in Clojure? Is there a more
> Lisp-y way to do this?
You can hide the types so your client code is more lispy:
(defn load-page [prov] (.loadPage prov))
(def mp (make-mock-provider)) ... (load-page mp)
(def prov (make-provider)) ...
On Tue, 12 Oct 2010 12:35:24 -0700 (PDT)
cej38 wrote:
> The more that I think about it, the more I would rather have a set of
> equalities that always work. float= was a good try.
Then you can't use floats.
As others have explained, floats are imprecise by nature, being
limited to finite binar
I actually played with this on Saturday morning while waiting for a friend, and
thought it was an interesting problem.
Your example is spending most of its time filtering with palindrome? across all
682695 items generated by all-combs. To see, try:
(defn tony []
(def source "I like racecars t
I suggest you read the article a bit more closely. Here are the details of your
specific case.
The number that you are typing as 12.305 is actually being stored in the
computer as this:
This number is actually this fraction:
The more that I think about it, the more I would rather have a set of
equalities that always work. float= was a good try.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "Clojure" group.
To post to this group, send email to clojure@googlegroups.com
Note that posts fr
Short comment:
I remember Common Lisp has rational numbers (I'm not sure). Any rational
number library for Clojure?
Angel "Java" Lopez
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Luka Stojanovic wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Oct 2010 20:53:16 +0200, cej38 wrote:
On Tue, 12 Oct 2010 20:53:16 +0200, cej38 wrote:
On Oct 12, 12:50 pm, David Sletten wrote:
This discussion may
I originally tried something like float= described in the link, I give
the definition here
(defn float=
Hi, I just started to learn clojure in a more serious way and I am
doing the first level of the greplin challenge.
I made it to work with a short palindrome like the example they give
me, but when it comes to work with the input file, it takes for ever
and I have to stop it.
$ time clj level1.clj
On Oct 12, 12:50 pm, David Sletten wrote:
> This discussion may
> help:http://www.gettingclojure.com/cookbook:numbers#comparing-floats
I originally tried something like float= described in the link, I give
the definition here
(defn float=
([x y] (float= x y 0.1))
([x y epsilon]
If you want to be really precise, most real numbers are an infinite
number of decimals.
If you encode them as a lazy seq of decimals, + - and other ops are doable.
Comparison is semi-decidable only: it terminates only in certain case
(finite number of decimals)
or when the number are different.
Welcome to floating point math.
As an alternative, try using arbitrary-precision numerics:
user=> (- 12.305M 12.3049M)
user=> (type *1)
On Oct 12, 9:17 am, cej38 wrote:
> I keep running into this type of problem:
> user=> (- 12.305 12.3049)
> 9.9976694E-5
Um, I meant BigDecimal, not BigInteger.
On 12/10/10 18:24, Felix H. Dahlke wrote:
> You could use BigInteger, which was created to work around double's
> rounding issues - among other things.
> (- 12.305M 12.3049M)
> 0.0001M
> On 12/10/10 18:17, cej38 wrote:
>> I keep running into this type
The posts and Midje looks pretty interesting, but I'm not sure if I was
able to follow, being new to Clojure. I'll give it another try later :)
Meanwhile, I've adjourned TDD in my project and wrote some code without
it to see if it makes more sense to me that way. I have to say that,
although I di
On Oct 12, 2010, at 8:59 AM, Kyle R. Burton wrote:
> Does Midje integration with the usual test lifecycle for maven and Leiningen?
If you type 'lein test', it'll run the Midje tests, but it doesn't hook into
the reporting system (so you get 0 tests run, 0 failures reported). I want to
see if
Sorry, that should have been
(def primes
(let [primes-from
(fn primes-from
(if (some #(zero? (rem n %))
(take-while #(<= (* % %) n) primes))
(recur (+ n 2))
(lazy-seq (cons n (primes-fro
Also see (rationalize) to simplify my example of using ratios. I
couldn't remember the name of the function off the top of my head, so
I used a hacked-up-by-me version.
On Oct 12, 9:33 am, Alan wrote:
> The JVM has no choice: it must faithfully implement the IEEE floating-
> point spec (http://en
Datatypes that implement a single method can be more simply
represented as ordinary functions, e.g.
(defn real-provider ...)
(defn fake-provider ...)
(defn load-page [provider ...]
(let [foo (provider)]
That being said, you have other options: In clojure.test you can using
`binding` to
This discussion may help:
Have all good days,
David Sletten
On Oct 12, 2010, at 12:17 PM, cej38 wrote:
> I keep running into this type of problem:
> user=> (- 12.305 12.3049)
> 9.9976694E-5
> The computer (probably the
Thank you all for explaining this to me but I still don't understand
clojures behavior in this case,
Try running this code:
(def nums (drop 2 (range)))
(def primes (cons (first nums)
(lazy-seq (->>
(rest nums)
(fn [x]
The JVM has no choice: it must faithfully implement the IEEE floating-
point spec (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754-2008), which
specifies limited precision. By asking it to use floats, you are
demanding that it accept rounding errors. If you want precision, there
are lots of ways to get it; t
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 12:17 PM, cej38 wrote:
> I keep running into this type of problem:
> user=> (- 12.305 12.3049)
> 9.9976694E-5
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Googl
You could use BigInteger, which was created to work around double's
rounding issues - among other things.
(- 12.305M 12.3049M)
On 12/10/10 18:17, cej38 wrote:
> I keep running into this type of problem:
> user=> (- 12.305 12.3049)
> 9.9976694E-5
> The computer (probably the
I keep running into this type of problem:
user=> (- 12.305 12.3049)
The computer (probably the JVM) has just lied to me. Any fourth grade
student will know that this does not equal 0.0001. This would be less
of a problem is the JVM was consistent; if it were consistent then
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 5:43 AM, Saul Hazledine wrote:
> I'm guessing the server has been moved/upgraded but I thought it best
> to check since I couldn't see a notice of this anywhere.
This is correct; Clojars is now hosted on a new machine. Along with
the change of hardware comes the ability fo
On Oct 11, 6:56 pm, Stuart Halloway wrote:
> When a var's definition has a "lazy reference" to itself, as primes does
> below, then your results will be dependent on the lazy/chunky/strict-ness of
> the calls leading to the lazy reference.
While I agree that this sort of reference is probably
On 12 oct, 03:56, Stuart Halloway wrote:
I've tried your definition
> (def primes
> (concat
> [2]
> (let [primes-from
> (fn primes-from
> [n]
> (if (some #(zero? (rem n %))
> (take-while #(<= (* % %) n) primes))
> (recur (+
>> For another point of view: take a look at what Brian Marick's been
>> doing with a framework called Midje to do outside-in TDD. It helps you
>> mock out function dependencies and might get you where you want to go.
>> It's just maturing now but I found his blog posts illuminating.
> I'll be do
I would also recommend using batch-write for this. It's *much* faster.
Regarding your error: Maybe you open too many sockets which don't get
closed and your process runs out of file descriptors.
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 7:13 AM, David Nolen wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 12:45 AM, Mark Engelber
This works for me under Windows 7. I set all forward slashes paths in
my .emacs file like this:
(setq cdt-dir "c:/msysgit/cdt")
(setq cdt-source-path "c:/clj/clojure-1.2.0/src/jvm;c:/clj/
I just got the following error back from ssh/scp when copying
something back to clojars.org:
The RSA host key
I'm recently having problems where leiningen hangs for like 20
secondes after everything is done (I've added print statements to a
custom task, so I'm pretty sure nothing has to be done anymore). I'm
using Mac OS Snow Leopard, but a friend of mine is experiencing the
same with Ubuntu.
Did any
You were right, it was a classpath problem. But since I'm new to
classpaths it took me some time to get it right.
Thanks again, emacs+cdt makes development a lot easier :D
And, in case anyone needs to solve the same problems, these are the
steps to get cdt running for a leiningen-based project:
Hello everybody,
I would like some help in writing a macro which accepts the return value
from mathematica and create a function in clojure which can be called. I am
kind of inexperienced writing macros.. I will try to describe what I have
done (does not work ) and request you all to help me modif
On 11 October 2010 22:39, Phil Hagelberg wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 12:21 PM, Ivan Willig wrote:
>> I often run into this issue where I am follow a Java documentation where
>> they developers fail to explain where they import packages from. In most
>> Java IDE's you can search your classpa
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