On Oct 12, 12:50 pm, David Sletten <da...@bosatsu.net> wrote:
> This discussion may 
> help:http://www.gettingclojure.com/cookbook:numbers#comparing-floats

I originally tried something like float= described in the link, I give
the definition here

(defn float=
  ([x y] (float= x y 0.00001))
  ([x y epsilon]
     (let [scale (if (or (zero? x) (zero? y)) 1 (Math/abs x))]
       (<= (Math/abs (- x y)) (* scale epsilon)))) )

And the truth-table that was given with the function definition:

(float= 0.01 0.0) => false
(float= 0.001 0.0) => false
(float= 0.0001 0.0) => false
(float= 0.00001 0.0) => true

And this works for the problem that I discussed before
user=> (float= 0.0001 (- 12.305 12.3049))

But I can come up with a use case where it fails:

user=> (float= 12.3049 12.305)

The problem is that the IEEE specification does a great job of
comparing floats, but does a crap job of doing simple math on them.

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