You could use BigInteger, which was created to work around double's
rounding issues - among other things.

(- 12.305M 12.3049M)

On 12/10/10 18:17, cej38 wrote:
> I keep running into this type of problem:
> user=> (- 12.305 12.3049)
> 9.999999999976694E-5
> The computer (probably the JVM) has just lied to me.  Any fourth grade
> student will know that this does not equal 0.0001.  This would be less
> of a problem is the JVM was consistent; if it were consistent then the
> following equality would be true:
> user=> (= 0.0001 (- 12.305 12.3049))
> false
> Now it has lied to me again!
> I need a method to reliably compare two numbers.  My first choice
> would be to have the JVM compute (- 12.305 12.3049) correctly.
> Barring that, I need a way to, without fail, compute the truthfulness
> of the following: =, <, >, <=, >=.

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