I'm not really a vim user, but I just tried this out as I was curious to
see what vimclojure was like. It sounds like the nailgun server can't
find clojure.jar, try checking the classpath you're using to launch the
server. I get the exact same error if I set a bad classpath on purpose.
After further investigation, I've determined that it is silently
catching an exception in autoload/vimclojure.vim in
vimclojure#InitBuffer() around line 668.
Commenting out the try/catch/endtry lines gives me the error:
"~/devel/xlsmerge/src/xlsmerge/gui.clj" 186L, 6430C
Error detected while proc
ah thanks for the clarification, makes perfect sense, didn't notice
On Oct 20, 1:25 am, Alex Osborne wrote:
> Dmitri wrote:
> > I notice that certain sequence operations such as concat and cons will
> > not retain the original type of sequence, for example if you combine
> > two vecto
Oops, looks like the end of my message got cut off. Appended below.
Alex Osborne wrote:
> Dmitri wrote:
> > I notice that certain sequence operations such as concat and cons will
> > not retain the original type of sequence, for example if you combine
> > two vectors together a list will be
Because most materials on Clojure are only at introduction level, I
think a "Clojure Cookbook" which provides solutions to many many small
real world problems would definitely be a best seller.
For most programming languages, I only need 2 books: an introduction
one and a cookbook one.
On Oct 2
Dmitri wrote:
> I notice that certain sequence operations such as concat and cons will
> not retain the original type of sequence, for example if you combine
> two vectors together a list will be returned:
> user=> (concat [1 2] [3 4])
> (1 2 3 4)
> is this intentional behavior, and wo
I notice that certain sequence operations such as concat and cons will
not retain the original type of sequence, for example if you combine
two vectors together a list will be returned:
user=> (concat [1 2] [3 4])
(1 2 3 4)
is this intentional behavior, and would it not be more consistent for
Gorsal wrote:
> I'm trying to redirect the input i receive from a BufferedInputStream
> to the repl. I'm trying something like this:
> (defmacro with-thread [nm & body]
> `(let [thread# (Thread. (fn [] (do ~...@body)))]
> (if ~nm (.setName thread# ~nm))
> (.start thread#)
> thread#
oh, and jprint is basically equivalent to print
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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To post to this group, send email to clojure@googlegroups.com
Note that posts from new members are modera
I'm trying to redirect the input i receive from a BufferedInputStream
to the repl. I'm trying something like this:
(defmacro with-thread [nm & body]
`(let [thread# (Thread. (fn [] (do ~...@body)))]
(if ~nm (.setName thread# ~nm))
(.start thread#)
(defn redirect-stream [nm
I'm trying to redirect the input i receive from a BufferedInputStream
to the repl. I'm trying something like this:
(defmacro with-thread [nm & body]
`(let [thread# (Thread. (fn [] (do ~...@body)))]
(if ~nm (.setName thread# ~nm))
(.start thread#)
(defn redirect-stream [nm
I've installed the latest VimClojure. I've added to my .vimrc:
let g:clj_want_gorilla = 1
let vimclojure#NailgunClient = ".../path/to/ng"
au BufRead,Bufnewfile *.clj setfiletype clojure
au BufRead,Bufnewfile *.clj setl lisp
The ng client is executable. Yet when I open a .clj file, echo
If the thing you want to index by is not unique, you could do...
something like:
(def m (atom (sorted-map)))
(def rm (atom (sorted-map)))
(defn add
[k v]
(swap! m assoc k v)
(swap! rm assoc v (conj (get @rm v []) k)))
(add 1 "bbb")
(add 2 "ccc")
(add 3 "aaa")
(add 4 "aaa")
; @rm is now {
Alex Osborne wrote:
> nchubrich wrote:
>> I need to make a data structure for a query such as "find everything
>> that is priced $3.27 - $6.12" (and perhaps sum up the total revenue
>> for all items in that price range).
> That's one of the things sorted maps are for:
> (let [objects-by-
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 4:05 PM, Danny Woods wrote:
> The only thing that I can see that would speed up set-flags would be to not
> take the length of the vector on every iteration: I suspect that may involve
> a traversal of the vector every time it's called.
With an abstract list/seq that wo
nchubrich wrote:
> I need to make a data structure for a query such as "find everything
> that is priced $3.27 - $6.12" (and perhaps sum up the total revenue
> for all items in that price range).
That's one of the things sorted maps are for:
(let [objects-by-price (sorted-map 0.50 :cookie, 5.0
Having this as something like "view javadoc" ctrl-q for java would be good.
Also pulling out doc strings and the like would be cool here too (not sure
if La Clojure already does this or not).
On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Wilson MacGyver wrote:
> Inline it, in essence so you can toggle betwe
Would it be possible to use a hash-map with the prices as the keys and
vectors of items as your values? That way you get efficient access to your
values if you know the price and aren't paying for the empty space.
On Oct 19, 2009 7:23 PM, "nchubrich" wrote:
I need to make a data structure for a
Two simple approaches:
1. Use a sorted, random-access data structure. A vector will suffice.
Store your data in this. This is good if your data doesn't change much.
Find the extremes of a range by binary search and linear walking. If
that's too slow, build a metaindex, which is simply a prec
Inline it, in essence so you can toggle between viewing the code in
macro form, or the expanded version.
Basically the ability to be able to do (macroexpand) on the fly within
the IDE
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 5:40 PM, Ilya Sergey wrote:
> Wilson,
> Do you mean the ability to `view' the macros d
I need to make a data structure for a query such as "find everything
that is priced $3.27 - $6.12" (and perhaps sum up the total revenue
for all items in that price range). The naive way would be to make an
array with one slot for each increment in the entire range, and have
each slot pointing to
i don't know what the best solution for everybody is, but the super
silent treatment seems like the worst, but that's just me :-}
> Perhaps you're suggesting the agents should automatically catch all
> their own exceptions and then throw them to stderr. What if you want to
> handle them? For de
Raoul Duke wrote:
> apparently one has to manually write ones agents to log the exceptions
> out to stderr or stdout? i guess my personal principle of least
> surprise implementation would have been to at least spit out the first
> exception once.
The problem is where do you throw the exceptions?
> If any exceptions are thrown by an action function, no nested
> dispatches will occur, and the exception will be cached in the Agent
> itself. When an Agent has errors cached, any subsequent interactions
> will immediately throw an exception, until the agent's errors are
> cleared. Agent errors
If any exceptions are thrown by an action function, no nested
dispatches will occur, and the exception will be cached in the Agent
itself. When an Agent has errors cached, any subsequent interactions
will immediately throw an exception, until the agent's errors are
cleared. Agent errors can be exa
it seems like when i'm running agent stuff via load-file etc. in the
repl, exceptions in fns the agent runs don't appear to be logged
anywhere, they are seemingly silently swallowed. personally i find
that frustrating. is there some way to make them always verbose / spit
out to stdout? or
The issue tracker for La Clojure plugin is now located here:
Do you mean the ability to `view' the macros definition without navigating
to it, or to `inline' it in place?
2009/10/19 Mark Derricutt
> Where should we raise ticke
Since the plugin uses embedded compiler to build classes, I'm not sure that
this will be working. Unlike Scala plugin, where the compiler is normally
taken from libraries, attached to the module, in the case of Clojure, we
decided to stick with fixed compiler. But an ability to use a custom
Thanks everyone! This seems so obvious now that I look at it.
On Oct 19, 10:55 am, Siddhartha Reddy wrote:
> The arguments 'n' and 'e' to the calls to findFib on lines 7 and 8 are
> enclosed in parens, causing them to be treated as lists. Clojure expects the
> first element in a list to be a fun
Strangely, I'm not seeing my own emails turn up in this list...
Anyways, after re-reading what I sent, it only partially applies :-)
The obvious (deliberate, of course) mistake with my vector-of was that I
didn't return the vector that I'd built up! So set-flags was, of course,
rather fast in
2009/10/19 Peregrine :
> Hey I am new to Clojure and I am doing some Project Euler problems to
> help me get started with the language. I've run into a issue I cannot
> seem to get past. I have this code:
> (defn findFib
> "Find the sum of all the even-valued terms in the sequence which
Am 19.10.2009 um 01:34 schrieb Dmitry Kakurin:
> This is in line with what I was thinking for my own custom filter
> function.
> Now how would you modify it if the same record can be both "sales" and
> "upgrade" at the same time?
> I.e. if filters are not mutually exclusive.
I'd define a hel
So, I just upgraded my machine to a Macbook Pro, and am reinstalling
I'm thinking about using Slime with Aquamacs. Does anyone have a link to a
tutorial getting Slime up and running w/ Aquamacs?
You received this message because yo
On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 8:28 AM, Christophe Grand wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Manuel Woelker
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> after digging around a bit in the clojure code, trying to get the
>> compile to work, I found out that classes used by the compiled code
>> actually cla
Put the path to the Java JDK bin directory in the Windows environment
variable named PATH:
e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_15\bin
Create a Windows environment variable named JAVA_HOME containing the path to
the Java JDK:
e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_15
2009/10/17 vi
This reminds me, is there anything in contrib that works like Scheme's
build-vector which works like:
(build-vector n f) produces (vec (map f (range n))), i.e., [(f 0) (f
1) (f 2) ... (f (dec n))] ?
It would be great if someone's already tested a few variations of this
fairly useful function to
The arguments 'n' and 'e' to the calls to findFib on lines 7 and 8 are
enclosed in parens, causing them to be treated as lists. Clojure expects the
first element in a list to be a function and is therefore trying to cast it
to an IFn which of course fails.
I think this is what you are looking for:
On Oct 19, 5:52 pm, Peregrine wrote:
> Hey I am new to Clojure and I am doing some Project Euler problems to
> help me get started with the language. I've run into a issue I cannot
> seem to get past. I have this code:
> (defn findFib
> "Find the sum of all the even-valued terms in the
2009/10/19 Christophe Grand
> Hi,
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 7:59 AM, harto
> wrote:
>> I've just started learning Clojure, so I'm trying to figure out the
>> correct way of doing things. I've been trying to create and 'modify' a
>> large vector for an online programming exercise, but I'm run
Hey I am new to Clojure and I am doing some Project Euler problems to
help me get started with the language. I've run into a issue I cannot
seem to get past. I have this code:
(defn findFib
"Find the sum of all the even-valued terms in the sequence which do
not exceed four million."
2009/10/19 Danny Woods
> harto wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've just started learning Clojure, so I'm trying to figure out the
> > correct way of doing things. I've been trying to create and 'modify' a
> > large vector for an online programming exercise, but I'm running into
> > some performance
>> two more coming.
>> one is clojure in action, published by manning, written by Amit Rathore
>> the other is definitive guide to clojure by Luke VanderHart
>> http://www.apress.com/book/view/1430272317
> There are two manning books coming out I believe. One by Amit and the
> other b
I'm using Programming Clojure in a grad course and doing a short
Clojure unit in a senior programming languages course at Calif State
Univ Long Beach.
On Oct 19, 2:19 am, Andreas Wenger
> At the Technische Universität München (Germany), I know of two courses
> where Clojure was at least
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 7:59 AM, harto wrote:
> I've just started learning Clojure, so I'm trying to figure out the
> correct way of doing things. I've been trying to create and 'modify' a
> large vector for an online programming exercise, but I'm running into
> some performance issues.
> A
harto wrote:
> Hello,
> I've just started learning Clojure, so I'm trying to figure out the
> correct way of doing things. I've been trying to create and 'modify' a
> large vector for an online programming exercise, but I'm running into
> some performance issues.
> Any general tips would be ap
I've just started learning Clojure, so I'm trying to figure out the
correct way of doing things. I've been trying to create and 'modify' a
large vector for an online programming exercise, but I'm running into
some performance issues.
Any general tips would be appreciated!
Firstly, I'm cr
Am 19.10.2009 um 06:39 schrieb Gorsal:
> So now that the future is working, I'm attempting to print from an
> actual java thread. Like this
> (defmacro with-thread [nm & body]
> `(let [thread# (Thread. #(fn [] (do ~...@body)))]
> ~@(if nm `((.setName thread# ~nm)))
> (.start thread
Gorsal wrote:
> All right, so this is probably way off topic, but what software was
> used to create the clojure cheat sheet?
> http://clojure.org/cheatsheet
> I really like the format and would like to make one for my own
> utilities so that I can actually remember what general utility
> function
The reduce-by approach (while cool) would not work for me because I
need to run multiple queries on the results.
- Dmitry
On Oct 18, 10:54 am, Alex Osborne wrote:
> Alex Osborne wrote:
> > If the three output lists themselves are too large, I'd just explicitly
> > sum your units with reduce:
Thanks Meikel,
This is in line with what I was thinking for my own custom filter
Now how would you modify it if the same record can be both "sales" and
"upgrade" at the same time?
I.e. if filters are not mutually exclusive.
- Dmitry
On Oct 18, 8:12 am, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> Hi,
At the Technische Universität München (Germany), I know of two courses
where Clojure was at least mentioned.
This year there was an "advanced Java" seminar with one talk about
Clojure ( http://www2.in.tum.de/hp/Main?nid=59 ).
Next year there is a "programming models and code generation" seminar
Good point about the thread pools.
I would have preferred to do it in a more platform neutral way but yep
that looks like a good solution :-)
Thanks Christophe!
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On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 6:27 AM, mbrodersen wrote:
> I don't know SWT well enough to answer that. I am new to the JVM
> platform (after 20+ years of writing native C++ code).
> However, the question is not SWT specific. There will be other cases
> (for example OpenGL) where something like
53 matches
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