I'm trying to redirect the input i receive from a BufferedInputStream
to the repl. I'm trying something like this:

(defmacro with-thread [nm & body]
 `(let [thread# (Thread. (fn [] (do ~...@body)))]
    (if ~nm (.setName thread# ~nm))
    (.start thread#)

(defn redirect-stream [nm stream function]
  (with-thread nm
    (loop [the-char nil]
      (if (and the-char (not (= the-char -1))) (jprint (char the-
      (let [value (function stream the-char)]
        (if (not value)
          (recur (.read stream)
            (and (> (.available stream) 0)
              (.read stream))
However, this raises the CPU to about 50 percent. This is due to the
infinite recursion, I'm assuming? So, if i get rid of the (> available
stream 0) everything runs fine except for one thing: i can't kill the
thread when i want to. Instead, i have to wait until it actually reads
a  char from the stream before my function can check to see if i want
to close the thread. If i attempt to go (.stop threadObject) it simply
doesn't stop the thread returned by read-stream. How should i go about

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