the hard work you put into this effort.
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 562-2131 local 448
My Blog:
The College of New Caledonia, Visi
I feel for you. I use the source to install and un-install. I assume this
is the reason I'm not having the problems some others have described.
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 562-2131 local 448
My Blog:
>>will cause
>>the sun to expand to the point the earth is totally torched.
>>Sure, it won't
>>happen in our lifetime, but what about the children?
>>Gary V
>OMG, what have I done. I must consult my ancient book of spells recovered
>Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 562-2131 local 448
My Blog:
>Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit
Kevin W. Gagel
dated notice? I see the -exp did I get the source
to soon or something?
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 562-2131 local 5448
My Blog:
My File share:
ave not seen Avast catch one yet. The only time I see
McAfee catch them is about a week after a "new" virus appears and then the
ones it catches are always the ones that slipped in before any vendor had
I am more "secure" BECAUSE of ClamAV.
Web services for Linux with
> a free DVD software kit from IBM. Click Now!
> ___
> Clamav-users mailing list
> ---
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How/Where do I report false positives?
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
(250) 561-5848 local 448
(250) 562-2131 local 448
The College of New Caledonia, Visit us at
Virus scanning is done
- Original Message Follows -
From: Damian Menscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] False positives
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 14:53:47 -0500 (CDT)
> On Wed, 7 Apr 2004, Kevin W. Gagel wrote:
> > How/Where do I report false posit
Currently that is all I'm familiar with. I'm in the process of
understanding SUSE better as we are switching from RH to SUSE. Only due to being
a novell shope and its aquasition of SUSE.
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
(250) 561-5848 loc
; Take an Oracle 10g class now, and we'll give you the exam FREE.
> ___
> Clamav-users mailing list
l 29 2003 test.bz2
-rw-r--r--1 clamav clamav 67 May 1 17:33 test.msc
-rw-r--r--1 clamav clamav246 Jul 29 2003 test.rar
-rw-r--r--1 clamav clamav196 Jul 29 2003
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
(250) 561-5848
ArchiveMaxRecursion 5
ArchiveMaxFiles 1000
ArchiveMaxCompressionRatio 200
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
(250) 561-5848 local 448
(250) 562-2131 local 448
owever, as it would
> run as the user executing the command.
> Ryan Moore
And the light goes on! Thanks Ryan. Makes perfect sense. I forgot I set clamd to
run as nobody...
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
(250) 561-5848 loc
n I run it in the script.
Any ideas? Pointers?
I'm confused because the docs say it will return a "1" which it does if I run
them from the command line, just not in a script.
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
(250) 561-5848 local 448
- Original Message Follows -
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 22:27:23 +0100
> On Thu, 2004-07-22 at 22:01, Kevin W. Gagel wrote:
> > I'm confused because the docs say it will return a "1" which it does if I
> > run them from the command line, just not in a script.
excellent job of providing an
opensource alternative to high priced slow updates and poor
service "paid for" packages. I bet they are more than
qualified to gradually add scanning for any threat. All the
framework is in place for them to add it so in my view "why
gt; ___________
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 561-5848 local 448
builder: diego)
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 561-5848 local 448
The College of New Caledonia, Visit us at
Thats a logwatch issue, please take it to the logwatch list.
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 561-5848 local 448
The College of New Caledonia, Visi
e clamd run as the same
user as my script. Check what user your MIMEDefang is
running as.
Kevin W. Gagel
Postmaster for
College of New Caledonia
(250) 562-2131 loc. 448
(250) 561-5848 loc
> [Attachment: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 561-5848 local 448
> On 6/6/2005 5:54 PM +0200, Kevin W. Gagel wrote:
> > Tomasz,
> >
> > The best defence against such childish behaviour is to
> > consider the source and not bother to respond.
> >
> > You're above such childish behaviour, the child is not.
> &g
> This is the first thread I have created about this problem
Your a year behind... You might want to fix the clock on
your comptuer.
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 561-5848 local
Can you bypass the proxy to see if thats the problem?
- Original Message -
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 10:52:28 -0500
>Connecting via
>ERROR: Verification: Broken or not a CVD file
>Trying again in 5 secs...
>>I've already tried a couple of restarts to no avail.
I'm seeing the same thing here. My uvscan sees sober but
since I restarted the server this morning at 10am there have
been zero detections of anything from clamd at all. Only
seven detections from uvscan over the same time peri
, we're detecting other viruses and worms - but
>Worm.Sober.U is slipping through in large quantities. I can
>stop it elsewhere, but would rather have ClamAV handle it
>like it should.
Same here Pete. I'm just confirming what your seeing...
Kevin W.
sers cannot tell the
difference between a real virus and a broken one. Even when
the dialog box is telling them. I find it easier to rid the
system of them right upfront rather than put up with users
crying that their system is infected.
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Admi
nks to eye and ms sites with
more info, I don't see any av references though.
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 562-2131 local 448
My B
ature updates.
>Similarly, the clamav program checks for updates to itself
>periodically... as far as I can tell, once clamav is installed... it
>looks after itself... no human intervention required. :-)
Except setting up freshclam to run at regular intervals.
report because there is no info for me to
give on it. I'll try again when 90 goes beyound RC1.
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 562-2131 local 448
My Blog:
right, I didn't. I'll have another go at it later today. Thanks for
pointing that out.
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 562-2131 local 448
My Blog:
or postfix. Postfix already supports it
through its generic access interface. I use that interface to call a simple
script which launches clamc and then uvscan. It works extremely well for
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 562-2131 local 448
My Blog:
you shouldn't
block them if the reverse doesn't match. The RFC's state that a host MUST
have a reverse DNS and allow for it to NOT match...
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 562-2131 local 448
r Stay where
you are?
Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 562-2131 local 448
My Blog:
The College of New Caledonia, Visit us at
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