----- Original Message Follows -----
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 12:04:39 -0800

> ClamAv is marketed as an antivirus tool.  I think, as you
> say, there is a need for a generic anti-malware tool.  But
> don't call it clamav.

Yes it is, but the day is upon us that virus and spam and
phishing are crossing lines and using the same techniques
(at least in email). There was a day that a virus was a
virus and a worm was just a worm but now both are scanned
for and taken as the same kind of threat by the end user.
Spyware was just an anoyance and now its totaly disruptive,
here it accounts for 25% of all of our service calls at the
helpdesk. It totaly screws up our webmail so any effort to
add scanning for it to an existing scanner is welcomed here.

I think it would be prudent for all anti-virus and all
anti-spam and all anti-phishing products to consider
techniques that would allow them (if they wanted to) to be
consolodated in some fasion to work with or also do what the
others do. 

A huge undertaking and not one that I can lend a hand with
but if you look at the trend then the future is in the
"product" that can help eliminate more threats then just the
one it was designed for. 

If I could use a single package to virus scan, spam scan and
protect my users and company against phishing attacks then I
would gladly use it (provided of course it was reliable).

I think the programers that volunteer their time to the
clamav project have done an excellent job of providing an
opensource alternative to high priced slow updates and poor
service "paid for" packages. I bet they are more than
qualified to gradually add scanning for any threat. All the
framework is in place for them to add it so in my view "why

Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 561-5848 local 448

The College of New Caledonia, Visit us at http://www.cnc.bc.ca
Virus scanning is done on all incoming and outgoing email.

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