>We are using the default values, more or less, for the
>scanning options in our clamav-milter/clamd installation
>and thus DetectBrokenExecutables was disabled by default.
>Any opinions regarding the DetectBrokenExecutables option?
>Could we or should we enable it? And if so, why is it
>disabled by default?

Disabled by default because it is harmless and cannot infect
anything. Some AV companies like to "detect" them as a
"virus" because it ups their detection amount. I doubt that
ClamAV is concerned about it.

I have mine enabled, because my users cannot tell the
difference between a real virus and a broken one. Even when
the dialog box is telling them. I find it easier to rid the
system of them right upfront rather than put up with users
crying that their system is infected.

Kevin W. Gagel
Network Administrator
Information Technology Services
(250) 562-2131 local 448
My Blog:

The College of New Caledonia, Visit us at http://www.cnc.bc.ca
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