Looking for old OAK keyboard/control switch...

2022-04-29 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
I've been hunting for a few years for these switches and was thinking that perhaps folks here may have seen them or even have some they wish to part with...I've hit all the surplus sites, and poured over old copies of old Radio Master Parts Catalogue/Encyclopedias - have 7 of those, from 1971 g

Re: Looking for old OAK keyboard/control switch...

2022-04-29 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
Link to image of switch: https://www.flippers.com/images/Misc/OAK_Pushbutton_Switch-1973.jpg Thanks, John :-#)# On 2022/04/29 2:14 p.m., John Robertson via cctalk wrote: I've been hunting for a few years for these switches and was thinking that perhaps folks here may have seen them or

Re: cleaning up edge connectors

2022-04-30 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2022/04/30 4:28 p.m., dwight via cctalk wrote: Yep. I didn't know it was now made by someone else. Also look at McMaster-Carr. You might get a better price. Dwight I've used Dow Corning #4 electrical grease for a couple of decades. It really helps preventing corrosion and reduces heating o

Re: Different font for second 1 on commodore 1571 drives (and others)

2022-05-05 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2022/05/05 10:26 a.m., Toby Thain via cctalk wrote: On 2022-05-05 1:03 p.m., John Herron via cctalk wrote: Someone at work pointed this out and I've never really thought about it. Is anyone here aware of the decision or reason to use a different 1 character for the last 1 vs the first 1?

Re: Replacement for a DEC 7474 Chip

2022-05-14 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2022/05/14 10:11 a.m., Rob Jarratt via cctalk wrote: Hello, I have found a bad DEC 7474 chip on my M7133 board. Clearly it is a 7474 D flip flop. The problem is I don't know which modern series would be the best one to replace it with. I am sure I have seen a list somewhere of modern equivale

Re: OT: mail provider recommendation

2022-06-10 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch! What did you think would happen with large free email hosts? They round up all the clients and then do what they like with them. Google mines emails for data. I use a private (paid) service via my web site host. I’ve been using it since around 1996.

Re: Retire cctech

2022-07-13 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2022/07/13 3:00 p.m., Dennis Boone via cctalk wrote: Folks, I've belatedly realized that it's going to be a bit of a headache to implement the old cctalk/cctech crossposting duality under the new version of mailman. I seem to recall a discussion about retiring the cctech list and just contin

[cctalk] Re: 7485 chip history??? (Solid State Music SB-1)

2022-09-20 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
Ben, I buy lots of stuff from eBay US sellers and most are willing to check/fix shipping costs. If not then I use a drop-box service where the item is shipped to Oregon, and then reshipped to me for a not too horrible cost. Lastly, I’ll be back at my shop in Burnaby in a couple of days and can

[cctalk] Re: 7485 chip history??? (Solid State Music SB-1)

2022-09-22 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2022/09/19 9:51 p.m., ben via cctalk wrote: On 2022-09-19 10:18 p.m., Tom Hunter via cctalk wrote: There are a few US based Ebay sellers of the 74L85. Tom But most ebay sellers, from the USA seem to sell a item for $6.00 and $75 shipping to Canada. China $2 and $3 shipping. With Covid all

[cctalk] Re: Shipping help in Brunswick, GA

2022-11-06 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2022/11/06 8:37 p.m., John H. Reinhardt via cctalk wrote: So, I screwed up and in my excitement to find a DEC BA123 chassis (and MVII parts) I bid on an Ebay auction where there is no shipping and it's "Local Pickup Only".  The problem is that I'm near Fort Worth TX and the MVII/BA123 is in

[cctalk] Re: Identifying a Failed Diode in a Rainbow H7842 Power Supply

2022-11-27 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2022/11/27 1:21 a.m., Rob Jarratt via cctalk wrote: I have done a little more probing around. I have found that the 7812 regulator that drives Vstart on sheet 1 of Tony Duell’s schematic is shorted, so I will have to replace this too. I have not found anything else that looks obviously susp

[cctalk] NOS Tapes 3 X 3M DC 600A 60MB Cartridges (1991)...(speaking of tapes)

2023-03-08 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
Anyone interested in 3 tapes - has Olympics logo - still in original wrapping? Ether pick up at my shop or pay for postage and handling... John :-#)# -- John's Jukes Ltd. 7 - 3979 Marine Way, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5J 5E3 Call (604)872-5757 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games)

[cctalk] Re: Looking for EPROMs

2023-03-27 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2023/03/27 2:10 p.m., Mark Linimon via cctalk wrote: On 03/27/2023 5:38 PM GMT rescue via cctalk wrote: have a number of 2764, 27256, have some 27128 I think too Myself as well, probably down to 1702s. Right now with some current money trouble they are looking like assets :-/ mcl I'm loo

[cctalk] Re: HP9825A for sale

2023-04-17 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2023/04/17 9:12 a.m., Sellam Abraham via cctalk wrote: My initial reaction is that $2,000 seems a "bit" optimistic. That being said, I'm surprised to see (on eBay's Terapeak) a couple of these sold within the past year for around $1,100. Sellam One sold on eBay for $2492USD...Apr 6, 2023:

[cctalk] Schematics for Lear Siegler ADM31?

2023-04-17 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
I've checked bitsavers.org (Al does a great job!), and a number of forums, but no luck finding schematics for my ADM31 that I am trying to resurrect. The power supply has issues and I need to identify a blown out resistor - the switching supply is a Boschert model 1001 date code 7943 Revision J

[cctalk] Re: Schematics for Lear Siegler ADM31?

2023-04-18 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
that covers the 1001 SMPS very neatly:* http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/boschert/Boschert_OL25_Single-Stage_Power_Supply_Maintenance_Manual_May79.pdf and it was buried on bitsavers - where I went before bothering the list! Thanks folks! John :-#)# On Tue, Apr 18, 2023 at 12:20 AM John Robertson via

[cctalk] Re: flipchip cleaning and pin corrosion inhibition

2023-04-23 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2023/04/23 10:00 a.m., Paul Koning via cctalk wrote: On Apr 23, 2023, at 12:54 PM, Fritz Mueller via cctalk wrote: Hi folks, I’ve been picking my way through a PDP-8/L restoration lately. I’ve found that everything in the machine is covered with a uniform layer of dark “soot” (enough

[cctalk] Re: Schematics for Lear Siegler ADM31?

2023-04-23 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2023/04/18 8:48 p.m., Tony Duell via cctalk wrote: On Wed, Apr 19, 2023 at 2:37 AM Tom Hunter via cctalk wrote: ... or four $20 power transistors to protect a 10 cent fuse like on the DEC VR-14 display. In general the transistor(s) will fail short-circuit, thus taking out the fuse too. Som

[cctalk] Re: Schematics for Lear Siegler ADM31?

2023-04-23 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2023/04/23 3:16 p.m., Glen Slick via cctalk wrote: On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 3:10 PM John Robertson via cctalk wrote: Oh, I am missing two key caps for the ADM31, anyone have spares? Not sure what is printed on them at this point, but any caps would be better than missing ones to start

[cctalk] Re: Recovering floppies attacked by mould

2023-05-25 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2023/05/25 5:11 p.m., Sellam Abraham via cctalk wrote: Tom, You may save yourself some time with this nifty contraption ==> https://www.ebay.com/itm/303620862566 It's a floppy disk cleaning apparatus. You place the floppy disk into the frame, apply your cleaning solution and cloth to the in

[cctalk] Re: Don Lancaster has passed away at 83

2023-07-01 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2023/07/01 1:10 p.m., Sellam Abraham via cctalk wrote: Don Lancaster passed away on June 7. https://gilaherald.com/obituary-for-don-lancaster/ I hope his website is well preserved: https://tinaja.com/ Sellam web.archive.org has many copies archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20230

[cctalk] ROM data for Lear Siegler ADM31?

2023-08-03 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
I sold my Lear Siegler ADM31 recently and the new owner (Ian) has found that one of the ROMs failed before he could archive it - or it was defective to start with. So my question to the list is - does anyone have the ROM codes (there are three of them) archived? I don't think Ian is a member

[cctalk] Re: ROM data for Lear Siegler ADM31?

2023-08-03 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
Hi Peter, Thanks, I'll check with Ian if he tried those or not... John :-#)# On 2023/08/03 11:58 a.m., Peter Ekstrom wrote: Hi John, Would these be what you are looking for? https://bitsavers.org/pdf/learSiegler/ADM_31/firmware/ -Peter On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 2:47 PM John Robertso

[cctalk] Re: Free to good home HP 7510a Photo Plotter - UK

2023-11-16 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
Location? On 2023/11/16 2:24 a.m., Dave Wade G4UGM via cctalk wrote: Folks, Trying to reduce the weight in my loft and I would like to donate my HP Photoplotter to a good home. . Photos of the plotter and some sample plots are on my OneDrive here:- https://1drv.ms/f/s!Ag4BJfE5B3ongs

[cctalk] Re: PDP 11/34 or 11/04 front panel question

2023-12-19 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2023/12/19 4:26 a.m., Tom Hunter via cctalk wrote: I just realised that I never followed up on this. After some research and a few phone calls to manufacturer support lines I settled on SikaBond SprayFix as the glue. ... The front panel has now been re-assembled and is fully functional and

[cctalk] Re: FYI: Hobbes OS/2 Archive logs off permanently in April

2024-01-10 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2024/01/10 10:56 a.m., Dennis Boone via cctalk wrote: > According to a warning on the site: "After many years of service, > hobbes.nmsu.edu will be decommissioned and will no longer be > available. You the user are responsible for downloading any of the > files found in this archive if

[cctalk] Looking for 1970s OAK keyboard switches...

2024-01-24 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
I've been hunting for a while now for OAK PCB mount keyboard switches that I can't find a part number for. I've attached a product listing for the switch that shows it pretty well. DPST-NO preferred. Only $0.40 in the early '70s! Any quantity considered... Thanks! John :-#)# --

[cctalk] Re: Looking for (WTB:) 1970s OAK keyboard switches...

2024-01-24 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2024/01/24 12:52 p.m., John Robertson via cctalk wrote: I've been hunting for a while now for OAK PCB mount keyboard switches that I can't find a part number for. I've attached a product listing for the switch that shows it pretty well. DPST-NO preferred. Only $0.40 in the e

[cctalk] Re: Looking for 1970s OAK keyboard switches...

2024-01-25 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2024/01/25 6:28 a.m., Paul Koning wrote: On Jan 24, 2024, at 3:52 PM, John Robertson via cctalk wrote: I've been hunting for a while now for OAK PCB mount keyboard switches that I can't find a part number for. I've attached a product listing for the switch that shows

[cctalk] Re: FW: Re: ADM3a screen rot.

2024-01-29 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2024/01/29 12:45 p.m., William Sudbrink via cctalk wrote: Sellam Abraham wrote: I think you were fine. That's how you discharge them anyway. You were just missing the grounding wire :) Yes, I have one set up for just that purpose. Wire clamped to the shaft with an alligator at the othe

[cctalk] Re: typical IC kits on Amazon and elsewhere

2024-03-31 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2024/03/30 7:53 p.m., Glen Slick via cctalk wrote: On Sat, Mar 30, 2024 at 5:11 PM Jonathan Chapman via cctalk wrote: Standard TTL 74XXX is drying up rather quickly. Futurlec still has some TTL but 7404s are all gone. Even LS is hard to find. Ours comes from Mouser, between two part #s they

[cctalk] Re: Double Density 3.5" Floppy Disks

2024-04-30 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2024/04/30 10:08 a.m., Anders Nelson via cctalk wrote: Having grown up with 1.44MB 3.5" floppies, I have a question: is it possible to use a 1.44MB disk and just format it as a 720K disk? =] -- Anders Nelson www.andersknelson.com As I recall you had to bulk erase the old diskette and then y

[cctalk] Re: IBM 360

2024-05-03 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2024/04/09 7:53 p.m., Murray McCullough via cctalk wrote: I had not realized the IBM 360 was 60 yrs. old this month. I worked on such a computer in the late 60s in Toronto. What one could do with 8 Kbytes of ram was remarkable! Happy computing Murray 🙂 One of my early summer jobs as a teen

[cctalk] Re: Lunar Lander, bug

2024-06-17 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2024/06/17 12:26 p.m., Ethan Dicks via cctalk wrote: On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 1:53 PM Mike Katz via cctalk wrote: I remember running this program at school in the mid 1970's. This runs on 4K Focal '69 without the extended functions enabled. So it should run on a 4K PDP-8/L. ... It was ava

[cctalk] NeXT computer system...

2024-07-16 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
I'm just starting to clean up a NeXT system that a friend has had in storage for decades... I assume the thing has a battery somewhere - I just hope it isn't Ni-Cad! This is the original cube, monitor, keyboard (& mouse?), printer, assorted cables, and a SCSI secondary hard drive box. So far t

[cctalk] Re: NeXT computer system...

2024-07-16 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2024/07/16 6:28 a.m., Paul Koning wrote: On Jul 16, 2024, at 9:05 AM, John Robertson via cctalk wrote: I'm just starting to clean up a NeXT system that a friend has had in storage for decades... I assume the thing has a battery somewhere - I just hope it isn't Ni-Cad! At t

[cctalk] Re: NeXT computer system...

2024-07-16 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
in my friend's basement... John ;-#)# On Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 11:38 AM John Robertson via cctalk wrote: On 2024/07/16 6:28 a.m., Paul Koning wrote: >> On Jul 16, 2024, at 9:05 AM, John Robertson via cctalk wrote: >> >> I'm just starting to cle

[cctalk] Re: Estate Planning was: Re: Auction houses vs ebay

2024-07-17 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2024/07/17 11:26 a.m., Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote: Having just updated my Advance Directives document before going under the knife and saw, I thought a bit about the subject of estate planning. My Lovely Wife, were she to become a Lovely Widow has enough trouble dealing with day-to-day task

[cctalk] Re: Relay computers

2024-07-22 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2024/07/22 12:16 a.m., Tom Hunter via cctalk wrote: Recently people repeatedly mentioned relay computers. There is a very nice 8-bit relay computer implementation by Joe Allen. The computer looks and feels like the microprocessor trainer boards of the 70s. The CPU is implemented in 83 relays.

[cctalk] Re: Harris TTL Proms..

2024-08-12 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
Hi Holm, I use some of those PROMs, but shipping from Germany may make it not so good. And, of course, if they are already programmed then they are worthless - at least to me! I tkae it there are no extra numbers stamped over the Harris part numbers? They are probably not burned if so. How

[cctalk] Re: Harris TTL Proms..

2024-08-13 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2024-08-13 6:02 a.m., Holm Tiffe via cctalk wrote: ..after a closer look, the proms are don't even Harris..that's something lieke a "-B" on them.. Regards, Holm Those look pre-programmed to me, the stamped label is often crooked and all are backwards from how everyone else stamps their chi

[cctalk] Re: What's the going rate for 80286?

2024-09-18 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2024-09-18 7:54 a.m., Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote: Electronics Goldmine has them for $19.95 https://theelectronicgoldmine.com/products/g28288 -- Grumpy Ol' Fred ci...@xenosoft.com Unicorn isn't much better: www.unicornelectronics.com 8 <#> 🔗 https://www.unicornelectronics.com/IC/80

[cctalk] Re: very old UNIXes software, contact at typewritten?

2024-12-12 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
Archive.org or bitsavers.org? John :-#)# On 2024-12-12 5:51 p.m., jfsebastian--- via cctalk wrote: Hello I have been doing a several years effort to save (very) old software for posterity, researchers, students. Mostly early 90s UNIXes, SunOS, Solaris, DG-UX, HP-UX, AIX, DEC-UNIX, some VMS s

[cctalk] TMS9981A - CPU needed...

2025-01-22 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
Hi Folks! Anyone have one or more of the old TI CPUs? The usual suspects don't stock it (Unicorn, Abra, Jameco...). I have a customers game board in where the CPU was backwards and previously destroyed... In case anyone is curious the game was from Japan - Universal's COSMIC GUERILLA. This

[cctalk] Re: TMS9981A - CPU needed...

2025-01-24 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
an't find the eBay seller tvsat_electronic on eBay.pl at this time - perhaps he has none listed at this time? Other than China (likely fakes) all the other TMS9981JDL on ebay.pl are rather expensive for this old arcade game. John :-#)# On 1/22/25 18:16, John Robertson via cctalk wrote: Hi Folks!

[cctalk] Re: How enough is Enough? Was Re: Re: AI? Really?

2025-01-28 Thread John Robertson via cctalk
On 2025-01-28 1:58 p.m., Kevin Anderson via cctalk wrote: I prefer to use the Daily Digest mode. Then you can quickly glance at the topics and decide whether it is worth reading any particular messages. The pain comes when you may want to contribute something, as then you need to reconstruct