Hi Holm,

I use some of those PROMs, but shipping from Germany may make it not so good.

And, of course, if they are already programmed then they are worthless - at least to me! I tkae it there are no extra numbers stamped over the Harris part numbers? They are probably not burned if so.

How may chips have you got - perhaps just send me a photo perhaps?

I am interested!

Thanks for posting,

John :-#)#

On 2024-08-12 2:02 a.m., Holm Tiffe via cctalk wrote:

in my stash of IC's Ive found a small box containing some Harris TTL
Proms 75xx and 76xx.
Interestingly the print is up right when the pin 1 is on the left side.
I think they are pulled somewhere, otherwise they look linke new..even
the pins aren't strongly rectangular..they are spread a little to the

I don't know what todo with them. If someone recognizes the numbers
printed on them and think that he want those chips, I'll ship them
worldwide for just the shipping costs.

Drop me a mail, otherwise the will enter the dumpster in a week.


                 John's Jukes Ltd.
7 - 3979 Marine Way, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5J 5E3
Call (604)872-5757 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games)
 "Old pinballers never die, they just flip out"

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