I just got my Altos ACS-8000 hard disk controller repaired yesterday and was
able to connect the Gesswein MFM emulator and format it, run through the
read/write tests, and copy some files onto it. Now I'd like to install MP/M II,
but it seems there's no archive sites anywhere that have copies of
On Aug 7, 2017, at 12:04 PM, dwight via cctalk wrote:
> I've not seen any photos posted yet.
I've been posting pictures of things I brought home from VCFWest as I tinker
with them to Twitter. I haven't even been posting my stuff to
RetroBattlestations! Don't want to stop and organize my thoug
I got Kermit working on my JAIR 8080 which powers my IMSAI! It wasn't as simple
as I expected, turned out I had a small hardware problem which Josh Bensadon
helped me fix. I've posted my changes to Kermit along with a LASM compatible
cross-assembler, source and tools are available here:
I acquired a Dataspeed Conductor floppy controller about a month ago in order
to install it in my IMSAI with the JAIR 8080 so I could hook up some 8" floppy
drives. Fortunately it came with a manual, schematics, and an example BIOS for
CP/M 1.4. I've been fighting with it for quite a while thoug
On Nov 13, 2019, at 5:07 PM, Fred Cisin via cctalk
> What do you need to do to use an acoustic modem with a cellphone?
> You can get a "retro" handset for a cellphone, that will fit the rubber cups,
> but, will it work?
Follow me on
On Nov 15, 2019, at 1:54 PM, alan--- via cctalk wrote:
> MCU should set receive line coding to 8,N,1. When in command mode, you don't
> care about parity
Actually it's in command mode that you *do* care about parity, which is why I
added the parity detection in the first place. Without the
On Dec 4, 2019, at 12:07 PM, Grant Taylor via cctalk
> What sort of connection speeds are you getting?
> What codec(s) are you using? ulaw / alaw / something else?
Follow me on twitter: @FozzTexx
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On Jul 18, 2018, at 10:21 AM, Paul Berger via cctalk
> I would think that any interpreted BASIC would do this or for that matter any
> interpreted language except maybe for APL
You'd think so but many BASIC dialects don't fully tokenize. Many leave in all
the extra spaces the user