Re: Unix tools, Bill Webb, UBC, TRIUMF

2019-03-09 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
I used to work at UBC in Pharmacology in the 1980's and had a few talks with Bill Webb about Unix but, unfortunately, for the data acquisition we were doing Unix was far too slow and I did everything in optimized PDP-11 assembler. Of course, we didn't have a PDP-11/45 like Bill had and had t

Re: Recovering the ROM of an IBM 5100 using OCR (among other things)

2019-06-28 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
That was a very interesting read! The type of thing I could see myself doing over 40 years ago when once I'd come up with a neat idea and either did preliminary coding or hardware design suggesting it would work I'd jump right into it and find optimistic 1 month project timelines stretching


2019-07-12 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Thanks for that link Charles and also thanks to Mark Kahrs for obituary on Roger Abbott. I started out on PDP-8 in 1968 which was the first time I had hands on access to a computer at UofCalgary. Would have loved to have had access to one when I did my MSc in neurophysiology in 1975 but obvio

Re: Alphaservers for free in Athabasca, Alberta

2019-08-05 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
A mere 579 miles from Kamloops. Unfortunately have to talk to my wife who thinks I have too many computers even though I've given away bulk of my DEC stuff. Never got a chance to play around on Alpha as it came out during my Mac days. I have access to 3 ES45s, a DS15, and an RA8000 in a tall

Re: Alphaservers for free in Athabasca, Alberta

2019-08-05 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
well. My wife is after me to get rid of "old stuff" but it's the most fun to use and easiest to repair. May have to placate her by getting rid of my collection of 80x86 PC's which can now be easily replaced by Propeller systems for data acquisition applications. On 8/5/20

Re: I'm sharing a toy

2019-08-08 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Thanks for putting it up. First time I've logged onto old Unix in decades (should try getting my copy of V6 up on simh). Have a couple of RasberryPi's kicking around that just fired up once to play with. Only part that simulation doesn't let you do is to connect up all sorts of lab hardware t

Re: Nuke Redmond!

2019-10-08 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Unfortunately, I have to use Windoze as most medical software is M$ centric. Also, started using VB in about 1991 which allowed me to create windows easily rather than using Hypercard on Mac. As with most M$ programs, they decided to replace a perfectly functional VB6 which allowed one to inc

Re: RSTS emulation in a browser

2019-12-10 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Downloaded files for previous PDP-11 emulator but couldn't get it to run. Link to German site at bottom of your post works fine and Unix runs about same speed that it ran on my 11/34 in 1983. Scary that coding a PDP-11 emulator in an incredibly inefficient scripting language such as Javascrip

Re: Ordering parts onesie twosie (was: One of Bay Area's last Fry's Electronics stores closes)

2020-01-01 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
At 14:15 31-12-19, you wrote: > On Dec 31, 2019, at 13:32, Ali via cctalk wrote: > > I hate having to order 50 capacitors from China every time I need one > I ordered two from Mouser this week. alan One of the things I miss most is no longer having any local electronic suppliers.

Re: State of New Jersey needs COBOL programmers

2020-04-05 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
At 16:12 05-04-20, you wrote: On 4/5/20 6:28 PM, geneb via cctalk wrote: On Sun, 5 Apr 2020, Neil Thompson via cctalk wrote: I'm convinced that Dijksta (and anyone else who came out with similar comments were full of horseshit. In my opinion, it's the ability to translate a real world "thing

Re: State of New Jersey needs COBOL programmers

2020-04-07 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
At 18:25 05-04-20, you wrote: It was thus said that the Great Fred Cisin via cctalk once stated: > >>Edsger Dijksta said, "The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching > >>should, therefore, be regarded as a criminal offense." > > On Sun, 5 Apr 2020, geneb wrote: > >I'm pretty sure he said th

Re: Game Of Life, John H. Conway

2020-04-30 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Seeing that video makes me want to play around with game of life again. Once it came out in October 1970 Sci Am, we were all coding it but not nearly as much fun doing it as a batch FORTRAN job and having to enter cells on punched cards (at least we could run that initial game configuration car

Re: SEL 810A running lunar lander

2020-05-11 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Nice how machines from that era were well made enough to still work. Remember that Lunar Lander game from about 1970. Version I played was written in FOCAL and run on a TSS-8. Should try it out on some kids who think they're great gamers and see how fast they catch on - once we were able to l

Re: Microsoft open sources GWBASIC

2020-05-22 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Thanks for posting the timeline of various Basic interpreters. I wasn't aware that Gates/Allen also wrote Basic for C64. Did download the 8080 Basic source code out of interest, but in early 1980's had very little to do with IBM PC. As was working with PDP-11's at that time, really disliked

Re: Microsoft open sources GWBASIC

2020-05-23 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Thanks for that really detailed review of microprocessor history! A post to save. Will have to doublecheck about the C64 as the first source I found was Wikipedia and usually look for another source to confirm that. Have a book on disassembly of C64 ROMS which came in very helpfull when I was

Re: Microsoft open sources GWBASIC

2020-05-31 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Chuck, your post just reminded me of how I used FORTRAN to interface with my PDP-11 ASM routines when I was doing data acquisition as fast as possible on a MINC system. Perused my FORTRAN code about 6 months ago and had common blocks and a routine which took "arrays" which were essential chu

Re: PC Fortran (Was: Microsoft open sources GWBASIC

2020-06-01 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Had to fire up BasiliskII to find out what kind of Fortran I used on Mac in 1988. Turned out it was Absoft Fortran 2.4 and seemed a bit strange as I recall M$ was written on floppies that I got for it. Did a bit of digging on internet today and, surprisingly, Absoft still exists and continues

Re: BYTE Magazines

2020-06-04 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Will, thanks for that link to Mac books. My Inside MacIntosh books suffered water damage when had a flood in room they were stored and nice to have information as a pdf files. Prefer actual books with my annotations, but now just use virtual Mac running under BasiliskII. Judge how fast compu

RE: BYTE Magazines

2020-06-04 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Just had a look at file in hex editor and first &HDF bytes are 0 and then appears to be some type of image format after that. Suggests that parts recoverable. Boris Gimbarzevsky When I try, it says error, failed to download document. -Original Message- From: cctalk [mailto:cctalk

Re: Ever seen a Cromemco Cyclops in the wild?

2020-06-09 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Funny how wetware memory works. I have that issue of Popular Electronics somewhere in my collection and would have seen the article as I would read it cover to cover after it arrived in mail. While looking at the issue again, remembered reading next article on PLL's so probably read the Cyclop

Re: Ancient transistor ?computer board (Peter Van Peborgh)

2020-06-18 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Remember buying boards like that at electronics surplus places in late 60's but never knew where they came from. Just used them as a cheap source of parts. Also suspect the black boxes are pulse transformers although all of the pulse transformers I pulled off boards were circular. Never thou

Re: Future of cctalk/cctech

2020-06-19 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Agree that current mailing list format is best as simple, low bandwidth and can always post links to images or other large files. I still use Eudora as my email client and have text only emails. Seems to perplex a lot of people I deal with when I can't read their emails, but it seems somewhat

Any interest in "newer" hardware, software?

2020-07-23 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Have been going through my shop and storage room trying to see what can get rid of and wasn't aware of how much old electronics and computers have accumulated over last 50 years. Should note that this process has been at insistance of my wife as a lot of these boxes just got moved whenever I m

RE: Any interest in "newer" hardware, software?

2020-07-25 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
ille and Osoyoos, and you can throw them across the border. -mike -----Original Message- From: cctalk On Behalf Of Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2020 11:36 PM To: Subject: Any interest in "newer" hardware, software? Have been going th

Re: Speed now & then

2018-04-14 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
TAhanks for that link which fits with my measurements (nowhere as detailed) of ones actual ability to do things with "modern" hardware. In the 1980's I was used to being able to measure events with 0.2 microsecond precision using a PDP-11 and my expectation was that the accuracy was only goi

Re: Eudora email client source code released

2018-05-25 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Thanks for doing this. I still use Eudora as my primary mail program and have been doing so since about 1991, first on Mac and then on Windoze. Have started using Thunderbird as easier to configure for new email formats and should probably get up to speed on developments since popmail format

Re: Tektronix PDP-11 Signal Processing System BASIC 1980

2020-09-25 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
This may be unrelated, but seems that a Tektronix disk controller board I found when going through my shop might be related to the graphics terminal. Hadn't found Tektronix section on bitsavers prior to this post and drew a blank searching internet. Manufacturing dates on chips are 1980 and i

Re: HP 3000, APL\3000, the HP 2641A APL Display Station, and stuff.

2020-10-03 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Thanks for putting this out. Not a system I'm familiar with but did play around briefly with APL in 1969 on an IBM 360. Very nice emulator and managed to get it up and running once found an emulated HP graphics terminal. Pleasantly surprised that emulator CPU useage was very small (unlike Ba

Re: Strange magtape anecdote

2020-10-26 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Thanks for that Al. Never thought about humidity and mag tapes as only time I used to backup data to 9 track tapes was in Vancouver where humidity always high. Also used Time Shoppa's and Kevin McGuigan's drives to extract data from those tapes in Vancouver. Doubt I'll be copying any more of

Re: evil thing to ask but I need keystroke logger

2020-11-20 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
If it's a windoze system, modified a bare-bones keylogger about 10 years ago which records all keystrokes (can get time of key_press, key_release) and also monitors all mouse clicks as well as title of window clicked on. Can also record every mouse event which takes up a LOT of disk space. J

Re: Rod Coleman's personal history of founding, building & running SAGE

2021-01-02 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Probably read about this machine in Byte back then but was programming PDP-11's. Was very disappointed in IBM PC as IMO was far inferior to PDP-11 which was was easier to interface to data acquisition hardware and had a much nicer instruction set. Ran into 68000 processor for first time in 1

Re: APL\360

2021-01-15 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Thanks for the link. Coincidentally, recently while going through my ancient Calgary printouts, found a few small APL programs I wrote in 1968 or 1969. There was an APL system being trialed at UofCalgary and a group of us had a chance to play around with it for a few hours. It was very novel

Re: APL\360

2021-02-11 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Counting in binary on ones fingers was something I first ran into at age 11 when found a book on Military Electronics in a surplus store. Everything simplified, but in computer section found binary system explained with using fingers to represent bits. That was something that I used immediate

PDP11 (Qbus) boards available

2021-02-23 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Have been told by my wife that PDP-11 stuff not coming along with us when we're moving and so time to get it off to a good home. All of it is QBus and material in first batch is what I've got at home and will try to get pictures of another 2 systems in storage locker this week. Locker contain

Re: PDP11 (Qbus) boards available

2021-02-23 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Jim, that's the board whose picture is 20210223_173156.jpg Not sure what it is - just remember grabbing any QBus boards at UBC SERF with plans to use them sometime. Boris On 2/23/2021 9:44 PM, Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk wrote: Boris Gimbarzevsky Boris, it looks like a hex high boa

Re: PDP11 (Qbus) boards available

2021-02-23 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Glen Slick picked up my MINC and RLO2's. Have to admit that my PDP-11 days are in the past so can let someone else have the fun. Boris On 2/23/2021 10:05 PM, Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk wrote: Jim, that's the board whose picture is 20210223_173156.jpg Not sure what it is - jus

Re: Any interest in a Floating Point Systems AP-120 array processor?

2021-03-01 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
That appears to be an earlier model of a similar system we had at UBC which could crunch arrays of FP numbers at 10 Mflops. Had it connected to an 11/44 and just recall doing some frantic programming mainly involving using minimal code as had to use memory management to allocate memory pages to

Re: Spelunking the places where files are not

2021-03-05 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Recovering data from disks was a lot easier 30 years ago when most filesystems had contiguous files and it was just a matter of finding file boundaries. Was very glad of this when accidentally wiped first 200 blocks of an RT-11 RK05 and just had to write a FORTRAN program to copy blocks of dat

Re: who collects modems?

2021-03-17 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Have a bunch of modems as well but first have to get PDP-11 stuff shipped off to those people who want it. Will see if Value Village in Kamloops will still take them. For a while they were a great place to get old electronics like the DAT SCSI drive I picked up for $5 8 years ago. "high spee

Re: PDP-11 SPACEWAR running again!

2021-05-10 Thread Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk
Thanks Mattis - watching an AR11 making that oscilloscope display brings back a lot of memories from my PDP-11 programming days. Had heard of spacewar in 1980, but was more interested in playing around displaying data on screen of a scope. One of my jobs was to clean up electrophysiology da