Had to give away my Minc system with 2 RLO2 drives and 2 RK03 drives but it did go to a good home. Have a couple of 11/23 systems left but have been in storeage long enough that can't fire them up without first totally going over power supplies as large electrolytics don't age well. My wife is after me to get rid of "old stuff" but it's the most fun to use and easiest to repair. May have to placate her by getting rid of my collection of 80x86 PC's which can now be easily replaced by Propeller systems for data acquisition applications.

On 8/5/2019 6:51 PM, Boris Gimbarzevsky via cctalk wrote:
A mere 579 miles from Kamloops. Unfortunately have to talk to my wife who thinks I have too many computers even though I've given away bulk of my DEC stuff. Never got a chance to play around on Alpha as it came out during my Mac days.

Now why could it not be a nice little PDP 11.

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