-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
From: Eric Smith
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2016 1:16 AM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: PDP-11/03, LSI-11 KEV11-C CIS option
On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 2:32 PM, Henk Gooijen
are yo looking for the 11/03 CPU board, or is th
At 08:10 PM 1/30/2016, Eric Christopherson wrote:
>A few months ago I was interested in resurrecting an old ThinkPad ...
I have a couple of old Thinkpads running 98SE.
Dale H. Cook, Roanoke/Lynchburg, VA
Osborne 1 / Kaypro 4-84 / Kaypro 1 / Amstrad PPC-640
2016-01-16 17:42 GMT+01:00 Chuck Guzis :
> On 01/16/2016 03:02 AM, Mattis Lind wrote:
>> Try this for your Inmac disk (I used to buy cables and such from
> them--Inmac blue):
> Bake the disk first.
> Get yourself some cyclomethicone (D5 lubricant) and coat both the front
> and back of the
On 1/31/2016 8:30 AM, Dale H. Cook wrote:
At 08:10 PM 1/30/2016, Eric Christopherson wrote:
A few months ago I was interested in resurrecting an old ThinkPad ...
I have a couple of old Thinkpads running 98SE.
Dale H. Cook, Roanoke/Lynchburg, VA
Osborne 1 / Kaypro 4-84 / Kaypro 1 / Amstrad PPC
> From: CuriousMarc
> Needless to say, you'd only boot to this Windows 98 for retro-computing
> purposes.
BTW, are you indicating that Win 98SE _in general_ should only be used for
retro-computing, or only Win 98SE _in the particular configration you
described_ should only be used tha
On Fri, 15 Jan 2016, martin.heppe...@dlr.de wrote:
> I have got a HP 9000/217 machine with a standard video card. This card
> has a monochrome composite output (resolution is as low as about
> 512x400, but I might replace it with a higher resolution card). A
> small 9" HP monitor that I used fo
On 01/30/2016 12:10 PM, Curious Marc wrote:
I am 0 for 3 in having IE 6.0 work on my Win98 machines. Just can't
connect to the internet anymore when I do this. Connectivity returns
when I downgrade to 5.5. But others do report having success with 6.0
on Win98, so I'm not sure what's wrong with me
On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 05:16:18PM -0700, Eric Smith wrote:
>On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 2:32 PM, Henk Gooijen wrote:
>> are yo looking for the 11/03 CPU board, or is the
>> CIS "QIL" chip enough? QIL=Quad In Line , I made that up
>> as the CIS chip I am thinking of si 40 "double" DIL.
>> ISTR I hav
At 10:30 AM 1/31/2016, Douglas Taylor wrote:
>I worry about the old disk drives ...
I have spare IDE drives for my 98SE laptops.
Dale H. Cook, Roanoke/Lynchburg, VA
Osborne 1 / Kaypro 4-84 / Kaypro 1 / Amstrad PPC-640
On 01/31/2016 08:19 AM, Noel Chiappa wrote:
The biggest issue, actually, for me, is that the latest Adobe Reader which
will run under Win 98SE is 6.0, and that doesn't support some of the latest
PDF's (in particular, encrypted ones).
There are API add-ons to 98SE that improve the potential for
On 01/31/2016 07:30 AM, Douglas Taylor wrote:
I worry about the old disk drives, what are the pitfalls of using a
CF to IDE adapter with DOS? Win98? Win3.1?
If you're not using a "special" 8-bit card, such as the XTIDE, there
really is little downside to using a CF drive, as Windows 8x doe
On 01/31/2016 06:47 AM, Mattis Lind wrote:
I guess that my daughters will have more use for it than I, but I
doubt that they find a bottle marked "Deoxit D5" very appealing to
use in their hair.
Deoxit D5? Is that cyclomethicone?
Another place other than shampoos and lotions that you'll find
On Sat, 1/30/16, Eric Smith wrote:
> Does anyone have a PDP-11/03 or LSI-11 with the KEV11-C CIS
> (Commercial Instruction Set) option? It may have also been known as
> DIS (Dibol Instruction Set). It apparently consists of two microcode
> ROM chips (MICROMs), 23-004B5 and 23-005B5.
It tur
> Deoxit D5? Is that cyclomethicone?
Oops. It was what came up when I searched for "D5 lubricant". I tried to
check the contents but it looked very secret.
Maybe "Deoxit D5" is the wrong stuff. Anyway the good thing is that the
disk read very well.
> --Chuck
On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 12:51 PM, Brian L. Stuart
> I'll be glad to loan them to you for the good of the community and history.
That would be great, thanks! I'll email you my contact information.
Could you please post the markings of the other 40-pin chips as well,
and/or a photograph?
On 01/31/2016 11:54 AM, Mattis Lind wrote:
Oops. It was what came up when I searched for "D5 lubricant". I tried
to check the contents but it looked very secret.
Maybe "Deoxit D5" is the wrong stuff. Anyway the good thing is that
the disk read very well.
I think you were just plain lucky. Ac
Spend the extra few dollars (or what your currency is) and pack it in a
very strong box. I've actually
had EPROMs show up cracked in half
On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 1:24 AM, Henk Gooijen
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht- From: Eric Smith
> Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2016 1:16 AM
> To:
On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 2:24 AM, Henk Gooijen wrote:
> OK, if nobody in the USA steps up, I will check where I have
> stored that little box. At least, I am pretty sure I have that chip.
> I can do that this week. Insured shipping would not cost much
> is it is tiny enough to be shipped in a "bubb
On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 11:38 AM, John Wilson wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 05:16:18PM -0700, Eric Smith wrote:
>>Just looking for the CIS chip(s), and just to borrow long enough to
>>dump the microcode.
> This is the first I'm hearing that there was a CIS micROM option for
> the LSI-11[/2].
Come one come all!
Its the day of reckoning.
I finally have some storage on loan from a company called Funsoft!
Hopefully by the end of the night I will have Linux installed and a
portal to the internet to which people can connect and play on it!
-Connor Krukosky
On Sun, 31 Jan 2016, Noel Chiappa wrote:
> From: CuriousMarc
> Needless to say, you'd only boot to this Windows 98 for retro-computing
> purposes.
BTW, are you indicating that Win 98SE _in general_ should only be used
for retro-computing, or only Win 98SE _in the particular configration
On Sun, 31 Jan 2016, Pete Lancashire wrote:
On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 1:24 AM, Henk Gooijen wrote:
OK, if nobody in the USA steps up, I will check where I have stored
that little box. At least, I am pretty sure I have that chip. I can do
that this week. Insured shipping would not cost much is i
I've been messing around with my PDP11/83 and a Microvax, both
in BA23 boxes here.
These fans make too much noise for my home office area, and I cannot
possibly need the original airflow. Even with the internal jumper set
for 10V to power the 12V rated fan motor, these are still noisy. It's
Very surprised no one took any guesses at what PDP-11 boxes were in those
But in any case, a listmember has stepped forward to go investigate onsite
and perhaps claim them.
Just received an email from someone who has a PDP-11/04 with "Floppy Disk"
looking for a good home.
The machine is located in Switzerland. Please email me off-list if
I'm in NZ and would definitely take an interest; one pic showed cables that
somewhat resemble RP02 type...?
On Jan 29, 2016 9:11 AM, "Jay West" wrote:
> DEC Gear available. Unlike most dec gear, I must admit that I can't
> identify
> exactly what this is. Several racks, I was guessing AFT o
On 01/31/2016 08:42 PM, Mark G. Thomas wrote:
Does anyone have any suggestions for figuring out how much airflow I
actually need, and achieving it with either stock fans at further reduced
voltage, or some kind of replacements? I don't need an accurate solution,
or something with complicated comp
On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 03:52:57PM -0700, Eric Smith wrote:
>I think the KEV11-C is not full CIS, but rather a subset. It's usually
>described as DIBOL Instruction Set (DIS).
OK the DIS part is hazily familiar, but still, neat!
>> I have the QIL CIS micROM for the LSI-11/23, and I too have been m
I'm looking for a bunch of OS patches necessary to get Firefox 2 running under
Solaris 8 on my Sun Ultra 60. The patch mirror I used previously appears to
have dumped the Sun patches in 2014, and the only up to date references I've
seen to Sun patches now appear to be locked behind an Oracle cu$
On 01/31/2016 06:05 PM, Connor Krukosky via vcf-midatlantic wrote:
Come one come all!
Its the day of reckoning.
I finally have some storage on loan from a company called Funsoft!
Hopefully by the end of the night I will have Linux installed and a portal to
the internet
to which people can connec
On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 08:48:57PM -0600, Jay West wrote:
> Very surprised no one took any guesses at what PDP-11 boxes were in those
> pictures.
:-) I was about to, but realised that I had very little to add.
Just that the green color indicates "lab" equipment, which would mean
A/D converter
On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 06:51:52PM -, Robert Jarratt wrote:
> What kind of VAX 4000? Not that I am likely to make the trip, unfortunately
> :-(
A 4000/300, the first 4000 QBus machine I believe. And the only one that
doesn't have a separate memory bus.
(I wouldn't be surprised if I'm wron
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