> From: CuriousMarc > Needless to say, you'd only boot to this Windows 98 for retro-computing > purposes.
BTW, are you indicating that Win 98SE _in general_ should only be used for retro-computing, or only Win 98SE _in the particular configration you described_ should only be used that way? Because, if the latter, I happily use Win 98SE on most of my machines, for the vast majority of my work! Of course, I don't need to run the latest and greatest uSloth bloatware^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H applications, so they fact that they probably won't run on the older Windows (What a shock! You don't think they would by any chance want to encourage people to pay them a large pile of dineros for the latest and 'greatest' version of their OS, do you?) is not a problem for me. The biggest issue, actually, for me, is that the latest Adobe Reader which will run under Win 98SE is 6.0, and that doesn't support some of the latest PDF's (in particular, encrypted ones). Noel