Thank you for your reply, Eugene. I will check the environment variables and
see if that helps.
I am also working in a Linux system, but through the CCP4i2 interface. What has
perplexed me about the extract is that the mmCIF file is created, and the
program reports an Rfree as well as Rwork in
under linux environment my pdb_extract_sf from the CCP4 installation
doesn’t work from command line due to the next error:
Error, can not get file(data_template.cif). Please set PDB_EXTRACT
I had created PDB_EXTRACT and pointed it to CCP4 home folder (actual sh
command in bold)
Hello list,
I've been trying to deposit several structures using CCP4 7.0.061 and finding
an error with PDB_extract that I can't seem to overcome. Specifically, the
generated reflection.cif file doesn't include the freeR set (confirmed with the
deposition program at RCSB and by visual inspecti