
under linux environment my pdb_extract_sf from the CCP4 installation
doesn’t work from command line due to the next error:

Error, can not get file(data_template.cif). Please set PDB_EXTRACT

I had created PDB_EXTRACT and pointed it to CCP4 home folder (actual sh
command in bold):


After that pdb_extract works well:

$*pdb_extract_sf -idat gbnirno2.mtz -o refine.cif*

*Converting gbnirno2.mtz to the mmCIF format...*

*Warning: No wavelength value was found in SF file. A dot is added to cif

*The output file name:  refine.cif*

Refine.cif now contains _refln.status. I guess this column for free
reflections contain “f” mark. Am I right?

ср, 22 авг. 2018 г. в 0:28, Kate Hoffmann <khoffm...@callutheran.edu>:

> Hello list,
> I've been trying to deposit several structures using CCP4 7.0.061 and
> finding an error with PDB_extract that I can't seem to overcome.
> Specifically, the generated reflection.cif file doesn't include the freeR
> set (confirmed with the deposition program at RCSB and by visual inspection
> of the file). I have successfully been using an assigned freeR set in
> refmac and  PDB_redo/validation, but I can't seem to get it attached in
> mmCIF. Has anyone run into this and solved it? Should I be preparing files
> from a different subfolder or job?  I have updated CCP4 and also tried
> running PDB_extract on the webserver, but no luck. Your guidance is most
> welcome.
> Thanks in advance.
> -Kate
> Katherine M. Hoffmann, Ph.D.
> John L. Stauffer Professor of Analytical Chemistry
> California Lutheran University
> 60 West Olsen Road, #3700
> Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
> 805-493-3916
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Eugene Osipov
Junior Research Scientist
Laboratory of Enzyme Engineering
Research Center of Biotechnology
Russian Academy of Sciences
Leninsky pr. 33, 119071 Moscow, Russia
e-mail: e.m.osi...@gmail.com


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